Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 147 Yulia regains her life

After settling Lily's matter, Aiwass did not go to school with her.

Anyway, I have used up my leave for today, so why not take a rest with Yulia at home.

When Aiwass was at home, Yulia would hold her stuffed doll from time to time and run over to Aiwass to sleep with him.

Her body was always very hot at that time, and she didn't even need to be held. She just lay next to her like a heater emitting steam. It's fine in the winter, but it's hard on Aiwass in the summer. Aiwass even got a dry mouth and cracked lips from time to time.

But he never rejected Yulia.

Because Aiwass deeply understood that the pain he endured was nothing compared to Yulia. The two have had a deep relationship since they supported each other in the orphanage to this day.

But Aiwass could not share Yulia's pain. Since she was six or seven years old, she has had constant fevers and is almost always in a weak state.

If it were another person, perhaps the soul would wither like a flower. Depression, anxiety, and rage are all minor. It is normal to be unable to bear the pain and get angry at family members, throw things, or even want to commit suicide.

But Yulia never did.

The more painful and melancholy she is, the brighter her soul becomes.

Yulia endured all the pain she suffered and transformed it into a desire for knowledge.

Mathematics, physics, architecture, geology, history, alchemy...

She likes things that give her something to think about. Knowledge that allowed her to experience the profound texture of the entire world without leaving home.

When Aiwass went to visit Yulia in her bedroom, she was either dismantling the appliances that her adoptive father had bought at a high price - at least in Avalon, many appliances were scarce, and families with access to electric lights and phones were few and far between. Not much.

But Yulia, who was only eleven or twelve years old at the time, had successfully disassembled and put back together an electric fan, a radio, a telephone, an electric iron, a gramophone and a camera.

At that time, Aiwass had not yet recovered his past life memories... He often sat next to Yulia and watched her assemble those electrical appliances. Watching the fragments being put back together again in her deft hands, you will marvel at this magic-like skill.

And every time, Yulia would smile slightly. Like an elegant little lady.

A satisfied smile will appear on her delicate little face, and her eyes will shine like gems.

Compared to Yulia, who is so smart that it can be seen with the naked eye, Aiwass deeply feels that his talents are insufficient. When Yulia was in pain, he could do nothing but look at her and whisper comfort.

Later he realized that Yulia did not need comfort. She was strong enough to adjust back on her own... all she needed was company.

So whenever Yulia was in extra pain, Aiwass would stay with her for a night. When Yulia wakes up with a headache, Aiwass will gently squeeze her hand or touch her head, and whisper to her, "I'm here, don't be afraid."

——To this day.

Aiwass sat quietly on the bed, sitting next to Yulia and reading a book. He leaned back on the pillow and tucked his left leg. Holding the spine of the book with his left hand, he gently placed the book on his knees.

On the cover of the book, "Comprehensive Interpretation of the Six Classics" is written in golden iris language.

The room was extremely quiet, with only the occasional sound of turning pages and the almost inaudible sound of Aiwass breathing. The afternoon winter sun shone on the table beside the bed and on Aiwass' head, making Aiwass' hair slightly warm. His platinum soft hair showed a golden outline in the sunlight.

When Yulia woke up, this was what she saw when she opened her eyes.

She opened her eyes wide in confusion.

My head doesn’t hurt anymore…

Even the skin and bones all over the body no longer hurt.

The body is no longer weak, and the hands are no longer unable to hold tightly. Her breathing no longer burned her trachea, her heart no longer felt dull, and she no longer felt breathless. The auditory hallucinations that echoed in my head from time to time also disappeared.

Yulia felt hungry. That was an appetite she almost never had.

Yulia's body is so thin and weak. A large part of the reason is that she has never had an appetite and is even anorexic.

Is this... a healthy body?

At that moment, tears flowed from Yulia's eyes.

Aiwass suddenly heard a slight sob. He immediately closed the book and put it aside, and asked with concern: "What's the matter, Yuri? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?"

Yulia shook her head vigorously, and then threw herself into Aiwass's arms.

The small sobs suddenly became louder, but they were muffled in Aiwass's arms, and only Aiwass could hear them. It was like the grievances that had been accumulated for more than ten years came out all at once.

Lily, who had been sitting quietly on the sofa reading a book, also raised her head and looked at Yulia lovingly.

Only at this moment can we, the Moriarty family, truly realize... It turns out that little Miss Yulia, who seems to know everything and can learn everything, is only a fifteen-year-old girl after all. .

Aiwass felt Yulia's releasing emotion. He relaxed and exhaled.

He hugged Yulia tightly, rested his chin gently on the back of her head, and closed his eyes. He patted Yulia's back as if he were coaxing her to sleep.

After a long time, she finally calmed down.

She silently withdrew from Aiwass's arms, took out her handkerchief and lowered her head to dry her face carefully.

"I'm so happy, brother..."

She made a soft sound, but it was no longer as soft and waxy as before. That light and airy voice was not her own voice, but the patient's sense of weakness caused by her anorexia and weakness.

"It's not because you cured me, but because I can still stay with you. I won't leave you suddenly at a certain moment.

"Really. I had a vague feeling before that that day might not be far away from me..."

He talked about pessimistic topics and discussed his previous death date.

But Yulia's eyes seemed to be shining: "But now, I can finally continue to live... It's great."

For the first time, I was completely away from the shadow of death.

At this moment, Yulia was like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. After struggling to break free from the cocoon shell, he opened his butterfly wings and finally was able to fly.

Her whole face shone with a bright and hopeful light. It made her look so beautiful.

"A fifteen-year-old girl, at the same age as she is, should be able to live a happy and hopeful life as a matter of course."

Aiwass touched her head and said softly: "This is what the world owes you. I took it back for you."

But Yulia didn't respond. She just squinted her eyes like a puppy, lowered her head and rubbed Aiwass' hand carefully.

Finally, Aiwass hugged Yulia again, took a deep breath, and looked up at the sky.

"I'm actually very scared."

Ai Huasan answered calmly: "Because I am actually not sure whether I can seal the demon in your body. I don't know if you can be safe...

"But I also vaguely felt that you might have reached your limit. That ominous premonition made me eager and anxious. I didn't use other people to conduct experiments, so I directly used the first opportunity on You Li on your body.

"Thank you Si Zhu, thank you Snake Father... and also thank Fallen Sky Si. I really succeeded."

This was something he would never dare to say before the ceremony began.

That might damage Yulia's confidence, or it might make him cower - strictly speaking, the experiments he had done were only phantom cards made by extracting phantom power, not sin cards that sealed the beasts of sin.

Now that the Fallen Sky Division has not yet fallen, it is possible that it will fail.

Aiwass simply transcended this fear of failure and completed it with the determination to win.

But now that he has won, he can calmly look back and take stock of his mental journey.

Aiwass sighed: "What scares me is that I saw during the ceremony that you have indeed reached your limit. If you lose control again, you will no longer be able to seal it safely... The Flame-Contrary Butterfly will completely devour your life. After the seal, the lighting technique told me how bad your body was.

"Your body seems to have been turned into an empty shell by the Flame-Contrary Butterfly. It's like a butterfly's cocoon, and the nutrients inside have been almost drained."

But in this case, Yulia's life can burst out with such bright fire...

Aiwass truly admired his sister.

Now Yulia was freed from the dangerous shackles that had entangled her fate and intended to kill her. Her soul, which is also talented in balance, wisdom, dedication, and transcendence, will also burst out with her own brilliance.

She can be an alchemist or a mage. Because Yulia still has some flames left by the Flame Butterfly in her body, this will make her flames inherently brighter than others.

And when the Paraflame Butterfly is fully developed and out of its infancy... Aiwass can also inject its power into Yulia's body.

The pastoral law will not cause Aiwass to permanently weaken his power, but he must choose his limited pastoral quota carefully.

Just like Lily is perfect for Shadow Demon's power.

The one who is most suitable for the power of the Paraflame Butterfly is undoubtedly Yulia.

"By the way...Where's Dade, brother?"

Yulia suddenly thought of her strange stuffed bear. She felt a little uncomfortable without her puppets.

Dud is a character in the popular children's comic "Chief Brown" in Avalon.

It is white, with a round face like a bear, but has big ears hanging down like a jackrabbit. Its face has a series of large crosses that run through the entire face like sutures, and its two eyes are small crosses. It looks like it's stuck.

In that comic, he was an idiot-like villain. Aiwass also read the comic with Yulia.

It is set up as an immortal monster like Jason, who will chase the protagonist with a butcher knife - the protagonist is a brown bear named "Brown", who is an inspector general. But Dade is so weak that he burps immediately every time they meet. So much so that he became a funny character.

But for some reason, Yulia liked it very much. Aiwass had asked her before, but Yulia always avoided answering.

Now Aiwass asked this question again, and Yulia finally gave the answer.

"...There is no special reason. If you insist on saying it, it is a kind of superstition."

Yulia touched a strand of hair hanging low on her forehead with some embarrassment.

"I just think... I am very similar to it, both are white. The eyes are red, and the body is in tatters."

The girl whispered: "I hope I can have strong vitality like it, and I can't kill it."

——That's just the girl's extremely simple desire to live.

This is Yulia's extremely strong desire to survive that she has never shown in front of Aiwass and other family members.

Last month, more than 200,000 words were updated! ! This is the month in which the number of VIP words has been updated the most in nearly ten years of Mao Code Words!

The cat has also grown up (sigh)

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