Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 156: This is how the mechanism eats everything

The team leader was sweating.

Moriarty's words are almost like a devil... He clearly knows that I am carrying the Blade Demon, so why is he so calm and composed!

Is he a demonologist or a demon disguised as a human? ?

Moreover, how did he know that I came with the Blade Demon?

"——Is there a mole?"

The team leader suddenly reacted.

Since Aiwass Moriarty is a demonologist, the mission he received was wrong from the beginning - maybe this person is from Lloyd's, but he hid it well and didn't know it. Something!

So, this matter was just a factional fight from the beginning.

And he is the cannon fodder sent here!

"Wait a minute, I have something to say..."

He already understood it in his heart, but it was too late.


Aiwass's cold voice came: "You cannot surrender."

The next moment, a bullet struck.

The team leader felt the crisis the moment before the trigger was pulled - he tried his best to avoid it but could not completely avoid it.

In other words, it was precisely because Aiwass did not aim at his head that he could barely avoid it.

But even so, after the leader's right shoulder was shot, it seemed as if it was cut by an invisible shadow blade. A ball of blood burst out from his right arm and flew out directly.

There was a strong sense of corrosion from the wound.

For the first time in his life, he felt such pain. His mind went blank for a moment, and he couldn't remember any spells or curses. He couldn't help but fell to the ground and howled. The screams spread far under the night.

At that moment, an idea came to the leader's mind.

When I poured acid on someone's head before, the other person seemed to scream like this...

Is this what it feels like...

"Hurry up, don't waste time. Otherwise I'll kill you now."

Aiwass's cold voice sounded again: "Where is your Blade Demon?"

At this moment, the fire butterfly that had slowly flown towards them also approached the leader.

The leader raised his head and looked at the slowly flying fire butterfly with fearful eyes.

"——Blade Demon! Save me!"

He shouted subconsciously.

The moment he received the order, the Blade Demon floating behind him in a spiritual form suddenly appeared.

The Blade Demon looks like half a knight wearing armor, covering his head and chest. It's just that the armor on his body is pure black and has many ferocious sharp corners.

The Blade Demon does not have a lower body - it is suspended in mid-air. Black smoke steamed from the bottom of the skirt, and electric light shone faintly like dark clouds.

Even under the blade demon's helmet, there are no eyes visible. There were only two groups of red lights shining from where the eyes should be. It wore gloves and held a thick two-handed sword.

It moved forward silently like the wind, and struck hard at the flame butterfly with high temperature attributes.

This time it intercepted it with a close attack, and the flame butterfly was directly detonated by it, suddenly erupting into a high-speed rotating flame storm, wrapping the Blade Demon in it——

When the flames dissipated, the Blade Demon's armor and blade were visibly red. The fire storm that lasted for about three or four seconds clearly consumed part of the Blade Demon's strength. The most obvious thing is that the black smoke steaming under it has become much smaller.

However, the Blade Demon did take the attack and did not let it affect his master.

Immediately afterwards, the Blade Demon's whole body was wrapped in steaming heat - like a bull turned into a red-hot iron, he turned his head and rushed towards Aiwass standing at the door!

Visible thunder and lightning gathered on the sword blade, and the flowing electric light made the iron sword shine with a dazzling brilliance at night.

——This is [Lightning Strike]!

A general skill that can only be learned after holding at least two levels of lightning affinity - not limited to swordsmanship, but includes all professions that use metal weapons to attack.

Although common, it is easy to use.

As long as the distance is close to a certain level, the electric light emitted from the blade may cause the opponent's body to temporarily become stiff, paralyzed, and twitched.

What followed was an unavoidable and unstoppable decapitation blow!

The blade demon charges extremely fast. Even if Aiwass was not in a wheelchair, it would still be difficult to avoid with his own speed.

But at this moment, a gray thread was wrapped around his waist.

He just jumped back slightly, and the thread wrapped in the power of the shadow quickly pulled Aiwass back into the shadow.

At this moment, the fire butterfly that had been staying on Aiwass's fingertips suddenly burst out into a ball of flames, forcing the Blade Demon back half a step.

It was the Butterfly of Disobedience that turned into a flame butterfly and was hidden.

At this time, the following form was released and the true body was manifested——

The red and black butterfly wings ignited with flames, and the scarlet pupils of the black-haired girl suddenly opened.

She let out a childish scream accompanied by intense hostility.

A ball of light like lava condensed from in front of her mouth - in just a moment, a crimson flame beam as thick as an adult male's forearm was inspired from it.

The Blade Demon has a very strong desire to attack.

It withstood this attack, but also wanted to slash at the Flame-Contrary Butterfly!

Electric light flashed - the thunder and lightning emitted from the tip fell on the flame-ridden butterfly, turning into an electric snake and wrapping around her body. But it didn't cause any paralysis effect on the Flame-Contrary Butterfly.

Immediately afterwards, a sword slashed hard!

But instead of blood coming out, sparks burst out.

This attack was very effective, and the body of Paraflame Butterfly was almost severed. It shows that she does lack the ability to resist physical means.

However, the Blade Demon failed to kill him with one hit.

The first attack failed, and the Blade Demon lost its last chance.

The power of the light cannon emitted by the Paraflame Butterfly far exceeds the imagination of the Blade Demon - the flames envelop the hot wind, whistling and continuously repelling it, and finally penetrate it directly!

With the Flame-Contrary Butterfly as the center, the surrounding grass dried up and burned at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The flames that penetrated the Blade Demon fell to the ground and began to burn.

This is the most common and most inconspicuous mechanism of the Flame-Contrary Butterfly, [Guiding the Flame Flow]. Name a player at random and continue to direct the flame ray, igniting the path of the ray.

This is a very typical guide firewall mechanism and cannot kill people at all. It can only play a role in dividing the battlefield.

However, although the Blade Demon does not lack intelligence like the Malformed Limb Demon and the Iron Hook Demon, it obviously does not know how to deal with it. It's like a novice player who doesn't understand the mechanics at all, standing still and eating a full round of rays without moving.

With just one blow, the armor on Blade Demon's body was already in tatters.

The Flame-Contrary Butterfly spun around in the air, like an elegant dance, then slowly landed on the ground and closed its wings. It looked like he was resting or preparing for something.

The Blade Demon, who had been severely injured, did not pause at all.

It did not hesitate and charged towards the Flame-Contrary Butterfly again!

But when its sharp blade fell on the Flame-Contrary Butterfly, the butterfly wings suddenly opened and launched a counterattack!

As the Paraflame Butterfly rotated rapidly, the heavy roaring flames knocked the Blade Demon away!

Aiwass also recognizes this mechanism.

This is the level 50 melee counterattack state of the Paraflame Butterfly - after entering this state, the Paraflame Butterfly will be attacked by long-range attacks or water-based attacks to knock out the flames on the four butterfly wings.

If the Paraflame Butterfly is knocked down by a melee attack before this, it will end its rest state early and immediately launch a full-screen counterattack!

This is a mechanism that can destroy the team if not handled properly.

I saw the Flame-Contrary Butterfly spreading its wings and flying into the sky again.

There are eyes one after another on the butterfly wings, and there are three eyes on each butterfly wing.

Twelve eyes swept across the ground, attacking the Blade Demon and the leader repeatedly like sharp claws.

The Blade Demon survived twelve beam sweeps, but the leader was killed when he was hit by the beam for the second time.

Facing the blade demon that was about to dissipate, the Butterfly of Flames was still angry.

She turned into a blazing meteor and flew towards the Blade Demon.

But the blade demon, which was so damaged that only half a helmet and a right hand were left, still refused to escape.

It is like a warrior raising his sword in the face of the charge of a heavily armored knight. Concentrating his energy, white brilliance continued to accumulate on the blade.

At the right time, it fired an extremely bright sword——

But the bright sword light was instantly engulfed in flames and had no effect. The black knight's helmet clattered to the ground and then dissipated.

Aiwass, who received Blade Demon's experience tips and walked to the door again, couldn't help but let out an exclamation when he saw this scene.

"Can this be full? Brother Blade Demon?"

update completed!

They say I won’t ask for leave today, so don’t panic…

I am super, let me tell you, when I was woken up by the earthquake yesterday, my first reaction was "Why is my body twitching, am I going to die?", and then I was confused for about seven or eight seconds before I realized that it was not the case. I'm shaking, it's the bed that's shaking...

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