Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 165 Tommy Lloyd

Chapter 165 Tommy Lloyd

Lloyd's Quarter, Lloyd's Building, top floor offices.

Half past eight in the morning.

Tommy Lloyd had just sat down when he immediately received an intercom call.

"Yes, I'm Lloyd."

The strong man, who was over two and a half meters tall and taller than many male elves, said in a deep voice.

He was waiting for good news.

Elves are usually thin in build, but Lord Lloyd's body is packed with solid muscles. He was so huge and his fingers were just as big. So much so that he couldn't use a human rotary phone at all.

The phone he used was a model customized by the phone company. Just like the black suit he wore and the furniture, tables and chairs he used in daily life... He could only use his fingers to pinch the food that ordinary people could hold with their hands.

Any product developed for humans would cause many discomforts to President Lloyd when using it. Only genuine elven artifacts could even remotely satisfy his needs.

But no matter how inconvenient his daily life is, it is only a small problem after all.

What really concerned him was the racial discrimination he received on a daily basis.

In other words - to express anger.

Avalon is, after all, the realm of humans and elves.

Here, not to mention the ignorant and uncivilized trolls and lizardmen living in deserts and swamps, even goblins and dwarves will be expelled. Not to mention a hybrid giant like him.

After the Avalonians won that year, almost all the giants in the giant kingdom were killed - a move that did not meet any resistance at the time. Because all giants are warriors, and every giant has eaten people. It was a hatred that had been passed down for countless generations, but it just broke out at that time.

But what really makes Tommy feel puzzled and angry is that those who can leave behind the blood of giants are all hybrid giants who once supported Avalon... In other words, these hybrid giants are not the blood of giants, but the hybrid giants. Bloodline, they should not be discriminated against.

He even once wanted to leave Avalon and go to the far north.

It is said that there are still remnants of the giants - a heresy that existed when the giant kingdom still existed.

They are giants in the path of wisdom.

The giant is different from the trolls on the southern plantations. The giant has a brain and is easy to use, just like Tommy today. Pure-blood giants have higher IQs than humans, but are blinded by never-ending rage and choose not to use them.

Those giant philosophers who had embarked on the path of wisdom went to the far north, relying on the cold outside to suppress the furious instincts in their bodies.

They gave up eating humans and instead chose to eat fish, seabirds and seals. They became smaller in size, thick white hair grew outside their dark red burning skin, and their tempers became gentler. Day and night he was immersed in profound philosophical thoughts, and even an apostle of a great philosopher emerged.

Tommy also wanted to go there, at least it was quiet there.

And the giants living in cold areas will also accept the half-giants who come to seek refuge. The only problem was that Tommy didn't know if he could calm down.

When he gets old, he may move there to take care of himself. He sometimes thought so.

But before that, he still wanted to give it a try while he was young enough.

After the path of power became the path of authority, the remaining path impulses in the giants who did not turn to the path of wisdom naturally became the path of authority.

Some giants used their ambition to resist this impulse, reverse it, and move toward the path of transcendence—these are those at the top of the Noble Red Order. They took another path completely, parting ways with those giants who were still addicted to the pulse of blood.

But even if Tommy accepted the "Sons of the Snake" ritual and was given the ability to transcend the path... he would not have the talent to transcend the path after all. He has always had a heart of authority, which is the instinct flowing in the blood of giants.

For him, transcendence is just a tool and authority is the goal.

Tommy could not restrain the desire for power that was always boiling in his heart... Because of this, even though he was also a hybrid giant, his status in the Noble Red Society was not high.

——Even his compatriots looked down upon him.

They are able to completely resist the "false call" of the authoritarian path in their bloodline and choose another path. But Tommy couldn't do it.

He actually wanted to do it too.

That's why he gradually gave up managing Lloyd's. By gradually moving yourself away from the center of power, you can gradually adapt yourself to the purest desire for transcendence. Just like the practice done by those monks - through the practice of the path of wisdom, one can get rid of his desire for authority.

But he obviously failed.

Tommy couldn't help but let out a sweet sigh as he now sat down in his seat again. It's like drinking very strong wine, and the fragrant and fragrant breath fills the brain.

He is an anomaly after all.

Whether in humans or among giants; whether in Lloyd's or Noble Red.

But so what?

Those giants looked down on him, so how could he look down on them?

No culture and no brains. Giant's plan to restore the country - have you regained the country?

The giants participating today simply do not have enough population to support the restoration of the country. With the development of the times, human technology has been able to partially ignore the talent gap between humans and giants... and the most important thing is that their god, the Supreme Heaven, is no longer in his place.

Noble Red's plan is just a castle in the air. They are just pawns used by the Star Antimony people, a group of consumables used to disrupt the situation in Avalon.

Because of this, Avalon never worried about them...because no one would leave the knight alone and use it as food for the giants.

They have no power, but they are fundamentally unable to shake the foundation of Avalon.

And the strength is not enough at all... At least any one of Avalon's few powerful men can make Noble Red extremely fearful.

What Tommy had to do was much simpler.

——He just needs to put himself on the throne.

Whether it's marrying a princess, usurping the throne, or serving as regent - it doesn't matter. Tommy didn't care about his race or his descendants. All he cares about is himself.

Now, all Tommy's plans are developing smoothly - using Lloyd's to increase his voice and influence in the Noble Red Society, relying on the power of Noble Red to integrate those human businessmen, and then using Lloyd's To influence the Round Table Hall and then become the underground emperor of the entire Avalon.

Because his plan is very effective, many smart people will be on his side.

And one day, the emperors of the underground will also come to the surface.

At that time, everyone who looks down on him will have to pay the price.

Now, he just needs to be patient and wait.


After hearing the news on the phone, Tommy was slightly shocked.

That was not the news he was waiting for.

But he wasn't panicked. After thinking for a while, he simply replied: "Ask her to come up."

He straightened his clothes and poured two cups of tea. One cup is for yourself, a large cup; and the other cup is for mankind. This requires precision for him, but he has been training for this for a long time.

Not long after, a spirited old lady walked up as fast as flying.

She has silver hair, high cheekbones, and clear wrinkles on her face. But her back was straight, her arms were full of muscles, and her eyes seemed to be shining.


As soon as she entered the door, she let out an angry roar, which frightened the half-giant's hands to tremble slightly.

But Tommy didn't dare to make any mistakes in front of her and could only laugh along with her: "Ms. Meg, what do you want from me..."

"——Don't fucking pretend!"

Meg interrupted him roughly.

She didn't use the power of Tao, but her piercing eyes were like the muzzle of a gun.

"Where did you take that Moriarty? Put him back!"

Meg ordered.

Tommy immediately thought that the attack he sent last night had been exposed. But he quickly reacted:


Didn’t he let them attack each other?

"I think you must have misunderstood. This matter has nothing to do with us at Lloyd' least I don't know about it..."

"[Tell the truth]." Meg ordered directly.

"I did not send anyone to catch him. The Noble Red Society was dissatisfied with Aiwass joining Lloyd's Society, so I sent a group of people to kill him directly."

Tommy blurted out.

As soon as he spoke, his expression suddenly turned ugly.


Meg snorted.

This old lady, who was less than half his height, frightened Tommy just by looking at her.

"What about staffing? [Say it all]."

"Four demonologists, two second level, two third level. With a whip demon, a blade demon, and two demon dogs..."

"...Blade Demon?"

Meg sneered: "You really want him to die.

"Then, [if he dies, you will die with him]."

When she finished speaking, her voice rumbled like thunder. Silver-white runes embedded themselves into the depths of Tommy's mind like hallucinations.

Tommy suddenly didn't dare to speak anymore. The intense fear made cold sweat break out down his spine.

"Listen, kid. You can't touch this person. Do you understand? I'll give you three days to put him back."

"I really didn't catch him..."

Tommy's voice almost became pleading: "You should be able to judge whether what I am telling the truth..."

"Oh, I know it's not you. But this has to do with you sending people to attack him, right? Just because you didn't kill him doesn't mean you're innocent. You didn't do this, and it's also Lloyd's who doesn't agree with you. There are other factions in it, or they are in the association. I don’t care, you are more familiar with it than me. You handle it.

"I'll give you some information - the person who captured him should be a demon with a shadow demon, maybe named Aleister. In short, you go find him and take people to kill him. Then take Aiwass with you. return.

"[If you can't do it, you'll die], do you understand? They don't dare to touch you, but I dare."

Meg's words came down again and were imprinted on Tommy's soul.

She stretched out three fingers and finally emphasized: "Three days, remember it. Don't think about running away, you can't run away."

"Yes, I know……"

The giant lowered his head humbly: "I will do my best for you..."

"Don't show your loyalty to me. Fight for your own life, boy."

After Meg said this, she turned around and left without any hesitation.

A little late, but updated!

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