Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 175 Aleister is a woman!

If the dark room is too short, it will lose its meaning...for example, if it is shorter than eight hours, it is just like turning on the lights before going to bed.

Tommy Lloyd was imprisoned yesterday afternoon, and he must be imprisoned for at least a full round of twenty-four hours.

Then you can tell him that they have locked each other up for thirty hours. Hunger and fear will prolong the other person's somatosensory time, so that Tommy will think that he only has one day left - but in fact there is still one day and six hours.

The six hours difference is the information gap created by the Great Guardian.

By two o'clock on Thursday afternoon, the Great Guardian arrived at the Supervisory Branch in the Red Queen District on time.

But when they opened the secret room and turned on the lights, they found that no one was in the secret room.

There was only one brass ring, lying quietly on the stone bed. Shining golden light under the light.


The inspectors responsible for managing this matter suddenly looked serious, but they were not nervous - because they were sure that there were no problems with their processes. The highest level of vigilance has been maintained, and even the director personally stands guard on the only roads that must be passed. During this period of time, no supplies even came in or out, not even a box went in or out.

If someone can hide it from their eyes in this situation, it means that they are a powerful enemy that they cannot deal with.

That's naturally not their problem.

Great Guardian George picked up the ring and looked at it carefully.

It was engraved with a scarred fist, which was clenched tightly and blood dripped from the fingers.

"The wounded fist..."

The Great Guardian murmured in a low voice: "A person from Noble Red?"

It's a provocation - no doubt about it.

The Noble Red Society is mocking the Supervisory Bureau.

Being able to let people sneak in and take people away while being surrounded by supervisors... This must be a noble red spy in the supervisory bureau. Only if there is a mole among them can such a thing be possible.


Thinking of this, the Great Guardian narrowed his eyes: "Lloyd should have been killed."

If it had been robbed, there was no way no one would have seen it. Even if they can bribe the supervisors, they cannot bribe the passers-by. Lloyd had a special body shape and could not disguise himself or blend into the crowd like ordinary people... so he did not "leave", but "disappeared".

The method that can make people die until no bones are left is much simpler. And Noble Red does master similar rituals.

That would be great - for George, it would be a lot easier if Lloyd died.

"Let the lawyer review it." George ordered.

"Yes." The accompanying supervisor responded.

The Great Guardian looked around the room. His eyes quickly noticed the clean marble bed.

It is hard and cold enough, and is a standard feature in small black rooms and interrogation rooms in winter - even though the body of a powerful super being is strong enough, it will still feel uncomfortable. This kind of environment can effectively extend the somatosensory time.

However, the Great Guardian still remembered that in return for the information given yesterday afternoon, George specially asked the supervisor to prepare thin sheets for Tommy. This can make the bed look less cold - after all, lying on a whole piece of marble with your upper body naked in the middle of winter is not much warmer than lying on an ice cube.

But this is actually a trap.

Because without this sheet, Tommy might not sleep on the stone bed at all. The coldness that seeped through the linen sheets did not make people feel such clear torture immediately, but the faint discomfort that accumulated over time and gradually accumulated was just right.

So, his sheets were also destroyed?

What was left on the sheets?

"Before the Law Master comes, send someone to test the blood stains on the stone bed."

The Great Guardian ordered: "Check the corners of the room as well - Director Taiya, there should be no blood stains and no deaths in this secret room before, right?"

"Absolutely not."

The middle-aged woman wearing a monocle replied affirmatively.

Soon, the inspectors immediately took the prepared reagents and tested the entire single room.

Of course, the bed and floor were clean. No trace at all.

The middle-aged lawyer Dao En hurried over.

"Here is the Silver Crowned Dragon. Greetings to you, Great Guardian."

He was no longer as leisurely and relaxed as usual, but he respectfully crossed his staff and made a full salute to the Great Guardian.

"Mr. Dawn," the Great Guardian nodded slightly, "please trace the traces of the deceased here. In the last twenty-four hours - in this secret room."


When did someone die in a secret room?

Dawn was a little confused, but there was no doubt in her mouth: "Yes."

He put his staff on the ground - the silver-white runes condensed into a magic circle, spread on the ground and lit up.

Soon, a huge figure appeared out of thin air.

As if going back in time, the scene is in reverse order: the giant suddenly sat up, seemed to be talking to someone, and then slowly lay back down again. Considering his size, the stone bed made it difficult for him to lie down, so he could only curl up his legs.

The next part was him lying on the bed motionless.

"Less than a minute."

Without waiting for the Great Guardian to ask, Dawn answered directly: "It was less than a minute from the time he sat up until he was knocked down or knocked down again. I was at triple speed before, so I changed to half speed and started all over again. .”

As he spoke, the scene blurred for a while, and then started playing again from the beginning.


Suddenly, George and Director Taiya said in unison.

The screen paused momentarily, freezing on the invisible traces of the giant's fingers. He seemed to have written something and then covered it with his hand.

Apparently he was supposed to have written this on the sheets. But the other party noticed this and destroyed his body and the sheets as well.

Director Ataya directly took the pen and paper and placed it on the stone bed.

She squatted beside the bed and asked Dawn to continue: "Slow down this time, Mr. Dawn. I will trace his last words."


Dawn nodded and changed the time to one-sixth speed.

Taiya quickly traced President Lloyd’s “last words”—even though they were written backwards, she could almost make out what he wanted to write.

Dawn also came over curiously: "Aleister, what does the word woman... mean?"

"This is short for Noble Red."

Taiya explained from the sidelines.

"It was the noble red Aleister who killed me. She was a woman - I think that's what he wanted to express."

The Great Guardian said in a deep voice.

Taiya turned her head and asked for instructions from the Great Guardian: "What should we do, Your Excellency Great Guardian? Launch a wanted arrest for Aleister immediately?"


Unexpectedly, the Great Guardian objected: "Block the news."

"Block news?"

"That's right. The Noble Reds can't come forward and prove that they have killed Tommy Lloyd - it's impossible for Lloyd to come forward personally and say that he was killed by Aleister, and we didn't see Lloyd He's body.

"Since no one can prove that Lloyd is dead...then Lloyd is still alive, but he was imprisoned by me in another more secret place."

The Great Guardian ordered: "I will personally ask Her Majesty the Queen for instructions on what to do next. First, let everyone in your agency who knows about this matter sign a confidentiality order - including you and Dawn."


Director Taiya responded.

She also sighed in her heart, this was really unexpected... the one who kidnapped Moriarty was actually a woman. So how should she spell her name?

And wait for the crowd to return through the secret passage, after everyone signs the confidentiality order under the supervision of the Great Guardian.

As soon as they returned to the lobby, Director Taiya saw a familiar person waiting for something at the counter.

"...Miss Lily?"

Director Ataya greeted in surprise: "Is Mr. Moriarty okay?"

The person in front of me is the person who disappeared with Aiwass - Aiwass's personal maid Lily!

Why did she come back on her own?

……Oh yes.

Tai Ya suddenly felt enlightened.

They should have escaped while Aleister was away, right?

Just as Taiya was about to speak, the confidentiality order she had just signed shut her up again.

Lily folded her hands in front of her and said softly: "The young master and I have escaped...or in other words, we seemed to have been let go. Because the eldest lady suddenly disappeared, I immediately went with the young master. We escaped back. Because we were in the Red Queen District, we went to the Moriarty Museum to rest for a while...and then I came to get the young master's wheelchair back.

"The young master said it is a prop related to the case, and it may be here. If not, I will go back to school."

"Is it there?"

The great guardian on the side asked with concern.

"Here I am."

Lily affirmed, but was a little troubled: "But it seems to be a very troublesome process..."

"No need. Taya, push Aiwass' wheelchair out and ask Miss Lily to take it back."

George said in a deep voice.

"Thank you so much-"

Lily bowed politely, but tilted her head slightly and looked a little confused: "Excuse me, are you...?"


The Great Guardian smiled and asked casually: "You say...'elder lady'? What does the eldest lady who is guarding you look like? It seems that you have no hostility towards her."

"Because she didn't hurt us."

Lily said calmly: “Not from the beginning.

"The lady who controls the shadows has long caramel-colored curly hair and is very beautiful... I can't tell you where we are staying these days, but it is in the Red Queen. I'm sorry, sir. We all signed the contract , can’t reveal too much.”

The Great Guardian can tell that this is one hundred percent true.

But this information is enough.

"That is to say, you have seen that lady's face, right?"

He confirmed, with some speculation in his mind: "She didn't pretend to be herself in front of you?"

Not many people now know that Aleister is a woman and that she has just acted.

If Lily and Aiwass are not Aleister's collaborators, they can only be people who have seen her true form.

But there was no way they were going to work with Aleister - because it wouldn't make any sense to them.

So although Lily's words alone sounded a bit bizarre...but precisely because of this bizarreness and this lack of logic, it made the Great Guardian believe it.

At this moment, everything just fell into place.


Lily nodded and said affirmatively: "But we don't know her identity..."


The Great Guardian replied directly: "Her name, or at least her code name is Aleister - I think you will be able to see the news these days soon."

He did not reveal Aleister's identity, nor did he speak ill of Lily in front of her. This is impolite.

At least the other party did not hurt them - regardless of their position, at least Aleister was not hostile to Aiwass and Lily. Then he couldn't force them to be hostile to Aleister from a righteous standpoint. This is unjust.

But...even if Aleister doesn't hurt them, Noble Red may realize that Aiwass has escaped.

They are still in danger.

So George thought about it and suddenly said: "Forget it, I'd better go with you. I can also protect you, and I can also greet Aiwass... It happens that I also have other important things to tell Aiwass. If If you are free... you can come to my house to spend the night first. After all, your dormitory has not been cleaned up to preserve the scene of the crime. But now that you are back, you can find someone to clean up the dormitory. "

George smiled politely, put his right hand on his chest and bowed his head slightly.

This tall blond man looks like the most standard knight - humble, calm, and upright.

He smiled and said softly: "By the way, let me introduce myself first. My name is George Patton. I am a friend of Professor Moriarty."


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