Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 198 Giant Prince Wolfram

When Aiwass saw his wheelchair being grabbed by Philip the griffon, he thought Mr. Philip was going to fly a kite next.

——I am that kite.

You have to try hard to hold on to the wheelchair so as not to be thrown off.

Whether it is a priest or a demonologist, they are both professions that have a low level of improvement in physical fitness. Fortunately, Aiwass's own physical fitness is pretty good, and he probably won't fall down midway and become a bomb dropped by a bomber...

After flying, Aiwass realized... Mr. Philip was more stable than he thought.

Aiwass felt no air resistance at all during the sprint phase. It wasn't until the gryphon quickly arrived near its destination and began to slowly slow down that Aiwass began to feel the pressure. Even so, Philip was distracted from keeping Aiwass steady.

Looking down from above, Aiwass immediately knew where the accident was.

I saw not even a single passer-by within about two streets of the Red Queen District Supervisory Office.

People subconsciously chose to take a detour, leaving an empty circle. Similarly, precisely because no one approached them, no one noticed the mysterious men in red robes whose movements were mysterious and whose clothing looked disturbing.

"It's an exorcism ceremony."

The Great Guardian narrowed his eyes slightly: "They drove away everyone who might see them, and sneaked over in this way."

Driving away everyone who might see you - this can undoubtedly be regarded as a kind of stealth.

At least it's gentler than killing everyone who sees you.

"Send Aiwass and Lily down, Philip."

The Great Guardian ordered: "Put it somewhere far away first, and then come and help me. Wait until I clear out the people inside, and then let them come over for treatment."

"no problem.

His gryphon partner said solemnly.

"We can fight too."

Aiwass interjected: "Ordinary demonologists can't defeat us."


The Great Guardian didn't say any nonsense like "Are you sure?" "You'd better stop doing this" or "How many people can you deal with?"

Since Aiwass said he could do it, he directly chose to give Aiwass his trust: "Then put them at the back door - you two, remember to enter the Supervision Bureau through the back door and control the situation before giving it to others. treat."

He was no slouch.

After giving the order, he jumped directly from the back of the griffin with his arms spread wide.

His arms were spread out like a cross or a falcon pouncing on food.

At this moment, the shorter giant just gave the order.

The sky suddenly darkened.

As the more violent hurricane rolled up, the people in red robes staggered.

A bolt of thunder suddenly fell——

Immediately afterwards, the black and white storm rapidly expanded towards the surroundings from the landing point.

In just an instant, half of the demonologists gathered together were cut in half or beheaded.

The Great Guardian slowly stopped spinning, the two knives in his hands shook slightly, and two traces of blood scattered on the ground.

He looked at the leading giant, his pupils narrowed.

George's brows and the hands holding the two swords frowned slightly: " you are the leader of the Noble Red?"

"Long time no see, George. How are you doing?"

The giant leader ignored those red-robed scholars who died tragically.

He just turned around and stared at the Great Guardian with his eyes as calm as a lake: "I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have become the Great Guardian. I was surprised... I thought you were dead.

"It's been over ten years, Wolfram."

The great guardian looked at the giant with complicated eyes: "Time is running out, so I won't reminisce about the past.

"...Tell me, how did you get in?"

If a fifth-level transcendent sneaks into the glass island, he will definitely be noticed by the Great Justice. Afterwards, the Great Guardian will control the Eye of Avalon to track it, and after determining the target, hand it over to Meg, the strongest person in Avalon, to make contact. This is the normal process.

The composition of this barrier is very simple, but just because it is simple enough, it cannot be circumvented.

According to the laws of Avalon, all fifth-level extraordinary beings are not allowed to enter the Glass Island. If you must enter, you must report it and get approval - if you enter without approval, you will violate the law and be noticed by the great justice.

Although the Great Guardian doesn't know the opponent's level, he should be at the fifth level.

——After all, Wolfram was already a fourth-level berserker four hundred years ago. However, after power turned into authority, his profession dropped by half a level and he became a "bound one".

But because of this, the giant, who was originally crazy and prone to losing his mind, instead relied on the "bound one" to suppress his spirit and gained reason.

"you guess?"

Wolfram smiled: "Anyway, it's the technology you humans gave me."

"Star Antimony Man?" the Great Guardian asked.

"I didn't say anything."

said the giant.

"Let's talk about it."

The Great Guardian narrowed his eyes and said in a calm tone: "Just think of it as repaying you for the humiliation you brought me."

When he first met Wolfram, the silent giant was still locked in a secret chamber.

The Grand Guardian was still young then. He is not yet thirty years old, and he has not inherited the position of Great Guardian. Just as a retired air cavalryman, he took over the position of Inspector General. Along with another secret duty - guarding "Prince Wolfram".

At that time, more than three hundred huge silver nails with legal clauses written on them were driven into Wolfram's body, and the largest ones penetrated his spine. The reason why he can survive is simple... because Wolfram is one of the very few giants who choose to surrender after being defeated, and his status is not low and he holds many secrets.

He is a direct descendant of the Giant King.

In human terms, he is a prince - even though he is the youngest prince.

As a pure-blood giant, of course he is also a cannibal. In addition to humans, elves, dwarves, and lizardmen also eat it. He also ate a giant dragon, and Wolfram's favorite recipe was an elf girl under fifty years old.

Lancelot wanted to publicly execute him, but Merlin thought he was still useful, so he was kept. Later, Wolfram used the treasures of the Giant Dynasty in exchange for his promise not to be tortured to extract a confession. And he would spit out some useful information almost every year, and because he was usually honest, he was sealed and imprisoned for more than four hundred years.

The lifespan of giants is similar to that of elves, which is only five or six hundred years.

After more than four hundred years of imprisonment, Wolfram has grown from a boy to an old man.

——It was only three years since the Great Guardian took over as Inspector General that Wolfram escaped from prison within his jurisdiction.

He somehow lifted the seal and punched himself out. After chasing after him, Wolfram suddenly disappeared.

This is the biggest mistake George has made since he was born until now.

Although strictly speaking, this matter should have nothing to do with him... but it is still his responsibility. The most important prisoner was let go, and he even lost track of the other party.

If Her Majesty had not forgiven him, I am afraid there would be no Great Guardian George today.

I'm afraid he is already fourteen or fifteen years old now.

Now that he saw Wolfram again, the Great Guardian felt that his blood, which had been calm for many years, was boiling again.

The shame, shame, and anger of the past flooded into his heart again - only then did George realize that he had not forgotten the incident as he thought.

He charged towards Wolfram without hesitation.

But Wolfram just looked at him with a smile, his eyes full of pity.

The great guardian was full of vigilance and mustered up his energy——

——But the next moment, he rushed past Wolfram and staggered.

It was as if the other person was just a phantom, and I passed through him.

……How can it be?

Didn't he just throw Director Taiya back?

The Great Guardian reached out and touched the Eye of Avalon on his chest without leaving any trace.

He quickly glanced at the position next to him and froze in place.

——Where are those two giants beside him?

Only those in red robes.

But the two giants were like air, not here at all.

Seeing the confused and hesitant posture of the Great Guardian, the smile on Wolfram's lips became more obvious.

"That's a mirage."

At this moment, Aiwass's voice sounded.

He slowly moved over in his wheelchair and said to the Great Guardian: "Don't worry about them - just deal with the others."

Upon hearing Aiwass's voice, Wolfram's smile immediately disappeared, and his expression suddenly became cold.

He looked at Aiwass carefully and suddenly showed a sarcastic smile.

"Who do I think...

"It turns out he is the old man's grandson."

Chapter 2 is written after eating!

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