Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 209 The molting ceremony begins

Isabel was lying very close to the side.

Rather than lying on Aiwass's lap, it would be better to say that the corner of the back of his head was resting on the side of Aiwass's thighs.

It's like putting the back of your head against the head of the bed, just a little short of falling off. And the neck will be uncomfortable.

It's not that she is shy or feels that men and women are different - it's just that she is worried that she will hit Aiwass, or her head will be too heavy and press on Aiwass' legs - after all, in her perception, Aiwass still wants to She was in a wheelchair, so she was embarrassed to lie down too hard.

Instead, she was using her neck to exert strength, trying to maintain a somewhat awkward but barely balanced posture.

"Doesn't your neck feel uncomfortable like this?"

Aiwass spoke softly, his voice like a whisper ringing in his ears.

He stretched out his hand, padded the back of Isabel's head, held her shoulder with the other hand, and ordered softly: "Lean up a little bit. Yes, a little higher..."

He didn't let go until Isabel was completely able to lie on his lap.

But Isabel subconsciously pushed harder.

She strained her neck and shoulders to keep her head from appearing too heavy.


Aiwass sighed helplessly: "Relax."

He stretched out his hand to hold Isabel's chin, and held her head with the other hand - at this moment, if he squeezed the princess hard with both hands, she would probably die. Such close physical contact made Isabel subconsciously want to scream, but she immediately controlled her reaction, which made her blush immediately.

But Aiwass just shook her head slightly and said softly: "Relax, relax a little more...just like sleeping, relax your body, don't use force with your hands...don't shake...this way you resist my light." , I can’t treat you well..."

Aiwass comforted her for a while, but Isabel still didn't completely relax. But at least she was actually lying on Aiwass' lap.

She didn't dare to open her eyes now, because Isabel could feel Aiwass's soft and warm breath blowing on her face. It took all her strength to just breathe deeply and stay calm.

"good very good……"

Aiwass said softly.

For some reason, Isabel felt that Aiwass' voice... was like taming a pet. And just having such an association made her heart beat extremely violently. Even just lying on Aiwass' lap, she could hear her heartbeat and feel her blood vessels jumping.

And then, she felt a warm palm placed on her forehead.

A wave of heat surged out of her palms and poured into her brain.

It's like getting a head massage, or immersing your head in hot water to wash your hair... but it's warmer and more comfortable than both combined. There was a feeling of invisible heat soaking into her flesh and skull. She couldn't help but moan softly, and her body relaxed in an instant.

Headache, dizziness, dry eyes...many uncomfortable symptoms are like fresh stains washed away by hot water, disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Isabel could clearly feel another wave of heat starting from her neck and moving downwards flexibly. This made her subconsciously tighten her legs and take a breath.

The heat flow first poured into the heart, then the lungs, stomach... Every organ in the body was traveled throughout. Normally, Isabel might have been shy and stopped immediately, but the steady stream of heat from her forehead made her feel drowsy, making her hope that the treatment at this time could continue.

Immediately afterwards, she felt the small stream of heat getting bigger in her heart. An even stronger heat flow spreads through the limbs and bones along with the pumping of the heart.

But soon, she felt a chill on her forehead.

——It was not a chill, but Aiwass taking his hand away.

When she opened her eyes, she felt that her vision was clear and her consciousness was extremely clear. Her headache, dry eyes and other symptoms had completely disappeared. It was simply more comfortable than having a good night's sleep. The brain that had just been soaked by the heat now became cooler.

It's like taking a hot bath and feeling cool afterwards.

"Don't you usually go to the bishop to treat you?"

Looking down at Isabel, who opened her eyes and had a strange look on her face, Aiwass was a little confused.

Isabel has a lot of little problems and doesn't look like a royal.

——Logically speaking, shouldn’t the royal family urgently summon the bishop for treatment if there is a minor problem or even a slight discomfort?

Many knight families are like this...for example, the Moriarty family is like this. Every time Yulia felt unwell, her adoptive father or eldest brother would look for someone to see her. Aiwass was still young at that time and didn't know what he should do, so he could only watch from the side worriedly.

But things are different now.

He truly has the ability to help others and heal their pain - he doesn't need to go to others, he can do it better than them.

But Isabel just showed a naive smile and did not answer directly.

Aiwass didn't ask for an answer, he just asked casually.

"You have a cold, a bad heart, and a bad stomach... Have you lost your appetite recently? Your nutrition is actually a bit poor... Your menstrual period is also a bit disordered, and I have taken care of it for you. But these are just symptoms that have just appeared. Small problem, remember to eat more.”

As a temporary doctor, Aiwass still warned seriously: "Also, your neck may not be in good condition. But I also used lighting to help you cure it. This is a problem of bowing your head too much. You must remember to Look up. Using too much illumination may overdraw your health, so you still have to replenish your nutrition yourself."

If nothing else, he understands this very well. A glance at cervical spondylosis. Aiwass had this problem in his previous life... In other words, there are not many white-collar workers in the city who don't have neck problems.

Fortunately, the principle of illumination is to "dispel illness". By refining and materializing the abstract concept of illness, and dispelling it with light, it can restore the body to a healthy state.

As long as you can know what's wrong with the opponent's body, you can directly pour mana into it to heal it. Otherwise, Aiwass wouldn't be able to treat this thing.

I didn't expect that in this era without mobile phones, Isabel would have such a problem... Maybe it was because the training tasks given by Yanis were too heavy. After all, Isabel’s profession is “all-rounder”.

"I will remember."

Isabel said seriously.

"Then it's time for you to get off my lap, Isabelle."

Aiwass said with a smile.

Only then did Isabel realize that what she was lying on was Aiwass' thigh!

She stood up quickly, her long pale golden hair flying around, and even a few strands of hair hit Aiwass' face. A cloud of elegant rose fragrance spread out in front of Aiwass - that was the smell of the shampoo she used.

Aiwass was a little surprised when he smelled this smell.

Isabel actually wears such a mature fragrance...

"Come with us? Do you want to witness Ms. Meg's ceremony?"

Aiwass extended the invitation.

Although Meg was only waiting for Aiwass, he believed that if Isabel came, she would not refuse.

After all, Meg seems to have a good relationship with Isabel. In other words, according to Isabel's character, although it is difficult to find friends of her own age, her elders should have a good relationship with her.

"What ceremony?"

Although Isabel asked, she subconsciously followed Aiwas towards the door.

"The ritual of rejuvenation."

"...Eh?" Isabel was stunned for a moment.

She doesn't think Aiwass is bragging - in her opinion, Aiwass is so mysterious, knowledgeable and powerful. It is normal for him to know some rituals that the court ritualists don't know about.

But rejuvenation... isn't this too outrageous?


When she heard this, she immediately thought of her grandmother.

"Your Majesty, she..."

Isabel hesitated a little, and her pace behind Aiwass also slowed down a bit.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Aiwass guessed what she was thinking.

Aiwass directly shook his head and refused: "Your Majesty, it should not be possible. This ritual is very painful and requires strong willpower to survive. And even if it succeeds, it will no longer be the same as before - appearance, blood, voice , talents will change, how should your Majesty manage the country?"

A person who is different from the Queen in terms of age, appearance, bloodline, occupation, and path level suddenly appears and claims to be the rejuvenated Queen Sophia...

Not to mention whether anyone believes it, but this can already be used as an excuse for neighboring countries to send troops or for internal rebellion.

"Furthermore, according to Ms. Meg's character, she will definitely try this ritual first. If it succeeds, she will definitely share it with His Majesty - whether His Majesty agrees or not, she will definitely say it. So it's not her turn. Let’s talk about this.”

Aiwass analyzed carefully.

At this time, Meg's hearty laughter still came: "Well said! You understand me, little fox!"

...Why do you follow Sherlock and call me a fox?

Aiwass was a little helpless, but he didn't bother to correct it.

Just like what he and Sherlock had talked about in the dream before, Aiwass also liked foxes. "Vixen" is not entirely a derogatory term for him, but rather a compliment to him for his extraordinary charm.

Because the ceremony required his full attention, he was not in a wheelchair this time. Instead, he sent the Shadow Demon under Lily - it was obvious that the Shadow Demon could not successfully hide in front of Meg.

But he also became bolder.

Rather, it is precisely because of the existence of the Shadow Demon that it becomes much more reasonable for Aiwass to know about this ancient ritual that no one knows about.

People don’t know, but Shadow Demon may not know.

——Many people have already taken the blame for Shadow Demon before. This time, I will blame you and help me take the blame.

As expected, Meg just glanced at Lily's shadow and didn't say anything the whole time.

They soon arrived at the ceremony room.

These are the two underground floors of the Silver and Tin Palace, which can maintain absolute silence and atmospheric balance - "underground" also has a "mysterious" meaning. A place deep enough and high enough can increase the success rate of the ceremony.

"Ms. Meg, are you ready?"

Although he knew that asking was in vain, Aiwass still needed to confirm again: "If the ceremony fails, there is about a one-third chance of death... Have you written a suicide note?"

This was the first time he had presided over a ceremony of this level - and it was a big ceremony involving Meg's life safety.

It's impossible to say I'm not nervous.

"Ha," Meg said with a fearless smile, "You, a junior, don't worry about this kind of thing. I've definitely thought of everything you can think of, and I've thought of things you can't think of. I even found the time. I'll take a day off for you all.

"Hurry up - it will be bright in a little while. Don't you have to wait until the sun is about to rise? I don't want to wait another day."


Aiwass nodded and took a deep breath: "Then let's get started."

Chapter 2, updated!

Cetirizine hydrochloride saved my cat’s life, but I still have to take medicine when I’m sick!

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