Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 211 Old Death and New Life

As the ceremony progresses, the surrounding air becomes psychedelic.

The vague aroma can make people's hearts beat faster and their faces turn red.

Everything around me becomes more colorful and delicate. The colors, light and shadow, taste and smell all become so dazzling.

It's like the real world that is usually boring has suddenly turned into a beautiful picture; it's also like that under the influence of an alchemical mixture that can produce hallucinations, the whole world has been seen as a more fantastical dream.

Walls spread out walls, colors spread out colors.

And the intersections of countless illusions gathered in mid-air and turned into an extremely gorgeous butterfly.

He seems to be here and yet he seems not to be there. It seemed like it was just an illusion, but everyone present could see this illusion. At the same time, it is still changing - the patterns on the butterfly wings continue to collapse and reorganize, and each time they are reorganized, the entire world around them changes.

【Your request——】

Die Tiansi's voice came.

It was a girl's voice that sounded beautiful and light.

"Offer the blood of Ouroboros——"

Meg said seriously: "I pray for the privilege of performing the sacred ritual of 'shedding' on my own!"


Die Tiansi agreed.

[I give you the right to ‘shed your skin and be reborn’——]

The next moment, the illusion of butterflies shattered in the air. It turned into countless pink scales and resembled countless wings.

The purple liquid on the ground evaporated and dissipated... The entire space was purple at the bottom and pink at the top, and it was like a dream for a while.

When all the purple smoke evaporated and dissipated, Meg was already enveloped in the pupa shell. Two things like blood vessels are connected to the infinity symbol. One draws out the silver-white illusory liquid, and the other draws out the orange-red liquid. They are constantly rotating at high speed and merging with each other in the ritual groove.

The severe pain of body disintegration made Meg unable to help screaming.

The scream was so thrilling that Lily and Isabel, who were watching the ceremony, couldn't help but squeeze each other's palms.

Aiwass stood in front of the ceremony circle with a serious expression, carefully watching every step of the ceremony.

He wasn't actually too panicked... Despite Meg's screams, the hardest part was over. As long as you can hold on, don't be so painful that you end the ceremony early or have it interrupted by others.

The painful wailing lasted for a full twenty minutes, and the two-color liquid in the groove completely mixed and turned into a brand new viscous liquid. It becomes like mercury, and like that silver-white nail polish with glitter and light powder.

They are then reinjected into another pupal case.

——That is the egg of promotion built by the power of Huan Tiansi. It slowly absorbs the silver-white liquid until the purple shell completely turns into silver-white. Then it became quiet.


Isabel waited for a long time before asking in a low voice.

Aiwass breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and shook his head slightly: "Not yet...but it has basically been successful."

——Meg managed to hold on as expected.

The increase in willpower brought by bathing in the dragon's blood prevented her from even crying. Just shouting loudly completed the most painful first transformation.

This basically counts as a successful job transfer.

Shedding skin is the authority of Die Tiansi, but he does not want to "shed skin endlessly".

Rather, like an insect turning into a butterfly, it completely changes its body, race and appearance through the molting ceremony.

When the insect is in the pupal stage, most of the internal organs will melt into pupal fluid and become a pot of soup. Except for those "components for adults" that are present at birth but cannot be used. The shedding ritual comes from this phenomenon.

But for Die Tiansi, all he does is collect rewards and then help others complete their transformation.

In other words, it’s pay-per-view. And it will become more and more expensive, because Dietiansi doesn't like capricious people.

The Ascension Warlock uses the "Shedding Ceremony" as a tool to achieve the goal of continuous evolution - the power of this profession comes from the self-devouring and eternally circulating Ouroboros, which is Huantiansi.

In order to allow mortals to shed their skin infinitely, Huan Tiansi had to pay a price and handed it over to Die Tiansi, who directly helped Meg "buy out" the molting ceremony. If you call Die Tiansi over to help with the molting in the future, you won't need to pay extra.

Because the concept of abandoning the past, self-devouring, and infinite evolution itself fits Huantian Si. This will not only please him, but also means that there will be a chance to become his apostle in the future - as long as Meg's "Ascension Warlock" level is higher than If her profession is on the authoritative path, then her soul belongs to Huan Tiansi instead of the Silver Crown Dragon.

And this is considered an upfront investment.

If Die Tiansi is dead, then Huan Tiansi only needs to preside over the transformation ceremony. At that time, Huan Tiansi can complete the job transfer in batches - anyway, the power of molting is not his thing, because he is dead and there is no new Tiansi. The unsovereign authority of control.

But now he needs to pay an extra payment - Aiwass doesn't know if he likes Meg and thinks this deal is meaningful. This is how ritual failure can occur.

Fortunately, He finally agreed to the deal.

Of course, it may also be because this is the first order, and he also feels that this kind of transaction has some meaning... so he decided to open the business with a big reward, lose money and make a profit.

The three of them waited here until the sun completely rose above the horizon. The two eggshells in front of and behind the mirror finally made a shattering sound at the same time.

First there were cracks, then suddenly they cracked——

The egg shell in front of the mirror was broken, and only some blood-stained clothes were left inside.

Immediately afterwards, the egg shell behind the mirror shattered.

The next moment, Isabel suddenly opened her eyes wide.

The rejuvenation ritual was a success!

The Meg who walked out was not even a human being——

She has two silver-white dragon horns like sheep's horns, some silver scales on her skin, and a dragon tail behind her. Her hair turned silver-white, just like the color of the Silver Crowned Dragon. Her pupils were a rather elegant dark green, and even the outline of her appearance was completely different from before.

Although she killed the green dragon in the past, she has now transformed into a white dragon similar to the Silver Crowned Dragon. Only in the color of her eyes can one see some traces of being bathed in the green dragon's blood.

——There is only one small problem.

That is, Meg looks about eight or nine years old at this moment. She even looked much smaller than Yulia.

"It seems the ceremony was successful."

Ms. Meg was not wearing any clothes, but she acted openly, without any concealment or shame.

She lowered her head and looked at her body, then walked around to the mirror and admired it for a while. Then he raised his head and looked at the three of them, grinning: "Hey, you guys have become so tall. It seems that I have returned to my childhood - what the hell. I was never so cute when I was a child."

The newborn half-dragon girl made a childish voice.

It was full of contradiction with her casual and almost overbearing tone of conversation.

Isabel rushed over, took off her coat and put it on little Meg.

She half-knelt on the ground and helped her button up. Meg just looked at her with a smile, reached out to touch her hair, and pinched her earlobe.

"Good boy, thank you."

The young girl with dragon horns said warmly.

She then turned back and looked at Aiwass: "I won't thank you enough, little fox. I will remember your great favor - you saved my life and helped me rejuvenate.

"Such a young and energetic body... Ha, if those who have taken refuge in the path of dusk know about it, they will definitely regret it for the rest of their lives."

"Don't forget... you can't be content with the status quo. Once you start to ascend, you have to continue to the next one."

"Ah, I will. Don't say such disappointing things——"

Little Meg waved her hand and said nonchalantly: "If I really fail then, you don't have to worry about me. You have helped me a lot, and I am very grateful to you."

She doesn't care at all about the "cannot stop evolving" requirement in the contract, and she doesn't hate change anyway.

If you can evolve, evolve; if you can't evolve, let it go.

After all, for her, living one more year is earned. Not to mention living with such a young and energetic body.

She stood there and thought for a while, then suddenly strode towards the door.

Isabel quickly ran over and stopped her: "Where are you going?"

"Let Sofia take a look."

Little Meg grinned and made a clear voice: "She must be so jealous."

"Go change clothes first."

Isabel said stubbornly: "You can wear my childhood clothes first——"

"Tsk." Little Meg smacked her lips.

"Also, you can't drink right now."

"——That won't work, only this won't work," little Meg suddenly became unhappy, "I want to rejuvenate myself just so that I can do whatever I want without worrying about my health."

"But, Ms. Meg..."

"Okay, [leave me alone]!"

Little Meg's majestic voice sounded, as shocking as the roar of a dragon.

Isabel's steps suddenly stopped, and her face turned pale due to the more powerful word spirit than before.

But when little Meg walked to the door, she suddenly stopped.

Aiwass walked over to comfort Isabel, then walked over with a smile: "What, Ms. Meg? Can't reach the armrest?"

Hearing this, little Meg rolled her eyes at Aiwass.

"I was just thinking... I can no longer be called 'Meg' as I am now. Even if I continue to be called Meg, no one will think that I am the Meg of the past. From this perspective, 'Meg' Ge' is socially dead."

Little Meg thought: "Old death and present life... What should my new name be?"

She thought for a while and then gave up: "Forget it, I haven't thought about this kind of thing for a long time.

"Little fox, you are still young - help me think of a name."


Aiwass was a little surprised.

"The ritual you helped me complete gave me this body. It is indeed possible to give me a name. This is completely reasonable."

Little Meg crossed her arms and nodded happily.

...But when you suddenly said that, I really can’t think of any good names.

However, resurrection from the dead, new life from the dead, desire for survival, strong willpower...

Aiwass was reminded of a short story by Edgar Allan Poe.

"How about your name is Ligeia?"

Aiwass asked.

"Then let's call her Ligeia Danai. Danai was my maiden name before marriage——"

The new student Ligeia said with a smile: "This is our first meeting, everyone.

"——From now on I will be Ligeia."

update completed!

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