Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 216 Just the right good news

Aiwass is not the kind of person who likes to procrastinate.

So he took Lily directly, followed Mycroft to the Barrel Club in a wheelchair.

It's not far from the bishop's house, and there's no need to even find a carriage. It's less than two streets away.

"Don't you need to go back and ask for leave?"

On the way, Mycroft, wearing a black top hat, asked casually.

"Final exams next week, most classes are now over."

Aiwass shook his head: "There are only three classes left this week... There are no classes today, so I came directly to Sherlock."

"That's right. Are you confident about taking the exam?"

"Then it's definitely no problem."

Aiwass chuckled, confident.

He originally didn't miss many courses. With Haina and Isabel helping him with tutoring, and the tutor writing out book borrowing notes for him, Aiwass quickly kept up with the progress. He even has enough energy left to start preparing for next year's courses.

Maybe it's a bit of a stretch to get full marks like Haina did, but if it's just good or above in all subjects, there won't be any problem if he doesn't even review.

"The lowest subject can also get a five-petal flower." Aiwass thought for a while and gave a clear expected goal.

The examination at Wangli Law University does not have a clear score. Instead, professors give different seals after comprehensively reading the examination content.

The seal representing passing is a three-petal flower, followed by a crying face representing "poor" and an angry face representing "very poor".

As long as you get the flower, it means you have passed the class and there is no need to take a make-up exam or retake it.

Four petals are normal, five petals are beyond expectations, six petals are excellent, and seven petals are flawless. Haina was included in the talent list because she graduated from Seven-petal Flower in all subjects. Generally speaking, more than 60% of students get three-petal flowers or four-petal flowers. The number of students who fail is as rare as the number of five-petal exams, and the total number of students with five-petal exams and above who can get at least one grade in each subject is less than 5%.

If Aiwass can get the minimum five-petal flower in all subjects and start with the other six-petal flowers... it means that he is at least the top twenty students in this department. Maybe even get to the top five level.

"It's amazing."

Mycroft praised: "It seems that you have only been enrolled for one month. It only takes one month to fully master the knowledge of a semester, and you can even get close to the top grades... If you enroll normally, next year you guys will The first-level chief must be you."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter."

Aiwass looked up at Mycroft and smiled: "Even if I can take first place, I will control the points and give them to them."

"……Oh why?"

"Because I don't need it."

Aiwass shrugged: "I am the heir of the Moriarty family, and I still don't care about the ministers... Basically, I have reached the end of my career before I graduate."

"This shows that Her Majesty the Queen knows people well."

Mycroft lowered his head and flattered: "You don't need to pass an exam to identify real talents at a glance."

He does know how to talk. In just one sentence, he praised both the Queen and Aiwass. And it doesn't seem deliberate - because it is indeed true.

"...You do know how to praise others, Lord Mycroft." Aiwass chuckled.

"This is a fact." Mycroft said calmly.

indeed so.

The current Lord Chamberlain is quite good at praising others with facts, which makes it difficult for Aiwass to even be humble. Because everything he said was true, not even an exaggeration. If you are too humble at this time, it will appear hypocritical and you will have to accept his praise head-on.

Mycroft is completely different from his brother Sherlock in this regard.

If Sherlock heard what Aiwass said, he would definitely come over and argue with him. He is such a person, he will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't raise his voice.

"Thanks to Her Majesty the Queen trusting me enough, I don't need to rely on external achievements to prove my own excellence. In this case - for Avalon - I think I should help the kingdom find more Talent.

"Just like Senior Sister Haina can change her own destiny through the position of chief. Maybe there are children at our level who also need to change their destiny? No, it should be said... everyone hopes to change their destiny and go to the In the gentler warm wind, I walked to the grassland where the sun was brighter and the world was more open."

Aiwass said gently: "I can't compete with these children for opportunities. That is just the icing on the cake for me, but for them it is help in the nick of time."

"Your Excellency Aiwass still understands the Taichu language?" Mycroft was a little surprised.

"Don't you understand?"

Aiwass turned back and said with a smile: "Sherlock was also so surprised at that time.

"Yes, I understand a little bit of Taichu. In addition, I also understand some least normal communication is no problem. I also want to find a tutor to learn Ancient Horus next year."

In this world where occult classics are recorded in different languages, and the improvement of extraordinary strength mainly relies on learning, the importance of linguistics is self-evident. Not to mention that archaeological work also requires a certain level of linguistic proficiency.

Mycroft admired and seamlessly switched to Taichu language: "When I taught Sherlock Taichu language, he was very resistant. He said that this kind of writing was too difficult to pronounce, like some kind of ritual writing... and ancient Dutch. It’s kind of like Ruth.”

"It is said that Ancient Horus is quite difficult. But I don't think it's a big problem." Aiwass nodded.

"In other words, you said your Elvish language skills are quite good... right? Then I'll be relieved."


Aiwass was a little surprised: "Do you need a translator?"

More than this, the fact that Mycroft did not know Elvish surprised Aiwass even more.

"No no no..."

Mycroft smiled helplessly and switched to Elvish again: "It would be better to say the opposite. The thing is like this, if you master a certain level of Elvish, then I think you will be able to learn in Elvish next year. Much more convenient.

"I originally wanted to remind you that if your Elvish listening and speaking skills are still lacking, then this holiday is a good time for tutoring."

"...further study?"

Aiwass also switched to Elvish, but he was a little stiffer and his tongue was not as flexible as Mycroft: "What further training?"

"You don't know about this yet? Oh, maybe I overstepped... I originally thought Professor Bard had already told you."

Mycroft said with a smile: "At the end of April next year, the Theocracy will give Avalon nine places, three of which are for current students, and the remaining six are for outstanding and outstanding bishops. The Long Ears plan Teach you some more difficult magic.

"Since it is through official channels, it is designated to graduates of Wangli University of Law. If nothing else happens, you should occupy one of them."

...that thing about advanced magic?

This was the first time Aiwass heard the news.

In his impression, the Theocracy had clearly recruited nine bishops... Why did it change the personnel list this time and specifically recruit three current students?

It’s impossible to change the plan just for yourself, right?

Aiwass shook his head. How can this be.

Don't think too highly of yourself - although he is already well-known in Avalon, he is still far from it to the Eternal Theocracy.

That is a country of immortality. For them, Queen Sofia's accession to the throne was just "a matter of time ago." Aiwass became famous only in the past month.

Although it may not be polite to say this, elves are somewhat Martian.

They will regard things that were popular 20 or 30 years ago in the human kingdom as things that are currently popular... Even Yanis will often regard some of the rules she accepted and heard when she met the girl Sophia as still valid today. thing.

And these things have actually been changed by Sophia for decades.

Based on this level of information lag, how could they possibly know Aiwass?

However, Aiwass was very happy to be able to directly learn advanced magic.

He originally wanted to ask Ligeia. But he always felt that after helping Ligeia, he immediately asked the other party to help him discuss with the Theocracy, which was a bit of a repayment of a favor.

Mycroft's news couldn't have come at a better time. Let Aiwass no longer have to worry.

"Thank you so much."

Aiwass thanked.

"It's okay," Mycroft said with a smile, "I am the first to announce the good news.

"After you see these relics, you can give me less trouble... I will be satisfied."

As they spoke, they had arrived at the Barrel Club.

Mycroft held out his hand, motioning for Aiwass and Lily to be quiet. Aiwass nodded seriously.

Even though Mycroft himself is the founder, he must respect the rules he set.

Chapter 2 Around two o’clock meow~

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