Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 219 Palace Ritualist Ibn

Now, Mycroft has solved the troubles he may encounter, Lily has received the inheritance of equipment and a new profession, and Aiwass has also received clues to continue the investigation and stronger helpers...

And with this letter, he can be convicted in diplomatic situations and gain more benefits for Avalon.

It can be said to be a happy ending for everyone.

The only pity is that the old bone carving man doesn't have a penny of stolen money. Aiwass had told Mycroft before when he was on the road that if there were gold coins, jewelry, or works of art, they would share it equally - whoever saw it would have a share.

This is also why Aiwass wants to get closer to Mycroft.

But in the end, Mycroft just smiled, waved his hand, and said with absolute certainty, "There won't be such a thing."

as expected. Not to mention the stolen money, not even a dirty bag was left behind.

This is probably the artist's high integrity and paranoia...

——Aiwass was actually a little skeptical. Mycroft might have roughly guessed what was inside before opening the safe.

He definitely didn't know what it was specifically, because just like Sherlock, he lacked too much information. But even so, he still guessed... it must be something very troublesome.

——As long as you have touched that thing, whether you choose to hide it privately, destroy it, or hand it over, it may make you look less clean once it is discovered.

Although the authoritarian path can detect lies, if lie detection is that effective, then there is no way that Minister Drost will betray Avalon.

That's why he came here specifically to find Aiwass to help deal with this troublesome thing.

As a transcendent of the twilight path, Mycroft likes silence very much, even approaching stillness. He is very afraid of trouble.

In order not to cause trouble for himself, he will use his wisdom to resolve things before they happen.

Because of this, although Sherlock has always firmly believed that Mycroft is much smarter than him... Mycroft is not as famous as his brother Sherlock. Because he seems to deal with trivial matters and has never had the experience or results to deal with major events or crises.

Sherlock has been helping the Inspectorate solve some complex cases since he was very young, and he even has a close relationship with the Inspectorate. He became famous very early and became a famous detective in Avalon. Even Star Antimony and Iris have his admirers, and they occasionally write to him, recording some complicated cases in detail and asking Sherlock to help with reasoning and solutions.

But before Sherlock mentioned Mycroft to Aiwass, even Aiwass, who "roughly knows the future", didn't recognize him. His only advantage is that he never makes mistakes in his work, but there is nothing particularly eye-catching about him. No one hates him, and no one likes him. He has no enemies and no friends.

Even Isabel, Meg and others don't think Mycroft is very smart, and they still come to Sherlock to solve problems...

Perhaps only Her Majesty the Queen, who has a keen eye for people, can reluctantly judge that this man with a low sense of existence is a rare talent.

Now, as a minister without charge, Aiwass has begun to think about Avalon—for the sake of Isabel, who will succeed to the throne in the future. Since he knows that Mycroft is a very rare smart person, he must be reused.

——The position of Lord Chamberlain is indeed important, but it is still a bit of a waste for Mycroft.

The position of trade minister that Drost just vacated may be more suitable for him.

Aiwass temporarily recorded his name and returned to the Palace of Silver and Tin with Lily.

There is nothing we can do.

Sherlock's "parents" have come to pay Sherlock's rent in person. It would not be good for Aiwass to drive Sherlock home to live again. After all, Sherlock didn't like living in his own home, and Mrs. Mina did take good care of him.

Originally, Aiwass could return to Moriarty's mansion - Iris' assassins were also wiped out, and Minister Drost, the rebel, was also eliminated by Aiwass.

At present, the only enemies of Aiwass are the giants at the top of Noble Red. And the entire Noble Red is being chased away by the air cavalry. Aiwass can finally be considered clean for a while in Avalon.

However, Yulia seems to be very happy living in the Palace of Silver and Tin.

On the one hand, it is because she is learning alchemy from Master Nobel and is making rapid progress - she has already mastered the synthesis of various bombs without completing the first advancement ceremony; on the other hand, it is her relationship with Isabel They also gradually became closer.

Aiwass didn't even need to ask, he knew that they were probably close to each other through his own efforts... As we all know, among a few good friends, whoever is not present will become the topic of conversation.

Of course, it was not Isabel who asked Yulia about Aiwass. It should be the other way around.

Because Yulia has been in a weak state before, her understanding of Aiwass may not be as good as the well-informed Isabel - Yannis likes to talk to her about gossip when she has nothing to do, and the camera wizard can only say this in this regard. It's amazingly efficient.

At Yulia's invitation, Aiwass simply lived in the Palace of Silver and Tin. There will definitely be no problem in the exam, and there will be nothing to do at home... And if he lives in the Palace of Silver and Tin, Aiwass can also learn some ritual experience from the palace ritualist.

The old ritual master's name is "Iben", and he is a curse master from the ancient kingdom of Parthia.

His energy level is not high, only the third energy level, but he has mastered many rare and mysterious skills. And although he is a person who transcends the path, he is an old man with a quite gentle personality.

He would embark on the path of transcendence in order to help the poor people in his hometown. He was expelled because he offended a local wealthy man - or in the words of the ancient Parthian people, he should be called a "good lord".

The true monarch of the ancient Anxi kingdom, almost no one knows his face, and he almost never shows up.

In that unnatural desert that was supposed to be a fertile plain in the middle of the continent, the cities were widely separated. The manager of each city is called a "good lord". Some cities have only one, and some cities have multiple. These good lords are the actual rulers of the ancient Parthian kingdom.

A good master can raise and sell slaves. Only slaves sold by good owners are legal slaves, and other slaves are illegal.

The reason why they are called "good masters" is because they are the only ones who have the right to use water sources. They were able to summon abundant water sources out of thin air in the desert, and their cities were built around these water sources.

If the good Lord dies, then the water source will dry up.

The Parthians believed that they were able to survive because the good Lords gave them their own water. Therefore, the rule of the Good Lord is very strong-daring to resist the Good Lord is tantamount to eliminating everyone's right to live.

Once a city is destroyed, people living in other cities will become "untouchables." If they do not pay for their freedom, the original free people will also be marked as slaves.

And these good owners who monopolized slave resources not only had their own armies, but also had countless wealth. The cities conquered each other, basically forming a separatist trend in a substantial sense.

This Ibn embarked on the road of transcendence in order to help people resist the good Lord and save those slaves.

But they think too simply. They were betrayed by the people they rescued, and almost all of them were arrested and imprisoned. And Iben was one of the few who escaped.

He fled to the Black Hawk Principality, which was not yet destroyed at the time, but he felt it was not enough. So Ibn continued westward, intending to cross Avalon to the Theocracy. As long as he reaches the Eternal Theocracy, which is always neutral, he can survive.

As a result, while traveling to the territory of Avalon, I met a group of local spell mages.

"They call themselves the 'Scaleless Hands', which means 'people without armor'. They are a folk transcendent organization established to resist the hanging king Tudor III... When I saw them, it was like seeing the people of that year. Me. I can’t bear it, so I plan to stay and help them.”

Iben sighed and said softly: "And their ending is indeed similar to mine.

"In the end, I was betrayed by a traitor and sent to prison. But the little queen who had just succeeded at that time heard that I was from the ancient Parthian country and came to see me in prison in person. After chatting with me all night, she decided to pardon me... Then The then young Her Majesty the Queen decided to open the way to Avalon for the first time. But because there was no law to follow, she could only help me apply for a position as a palace ritualist.

"She said that I could also leave secretly and go to the Theocracy. She would not come to hunt me down, but she just didn't want me to die in prison. But if possible, she still hoped that I could stay.

"I realized that I, who was originally incompetent and powerless, could actually change the destiny of a country... I was very honored, so I accepted Her Majesty the Queen's invitation and stayed."

Hearing Iben's words, Aiwass was surprised.

...scaleless hands?

He couldn't help but ask: "Then do you know a person... He is also a member of the Scaleless Hand, named Jacob Alexander."

“He was one of the founders of Hands Without Scales and a friend of mine.”

Iben replied with some nostalgia: "I don't know where he ended up..."

When he said this, he suddenly let out a light sigh and raised his eyes to look at Aiwass seriously.

"...You seem to look a lot like him."

update completed!

The second group of readers is open, meow ~ there are also 2,000 people ~

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