Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 232 The Dancer’s Confession (Third Update)

Aiwass thought of the pile of fresh and warm white-capped bills, and the more bills in the bag.

It doesn't feel like payment. If it is a reward, it should be placed in an envelope for easy storage and portability. If you keep them scattered in your bag, not only may they be lost or damaged, but unnecessary disputes may also occur.

And it’s even more impossible to get new money—then there’s even less reason to hide it directly in a backpack. Moreover, a small town like Muwan County cannot easily come up with so much money.

Judging from the texture and material of the clothes...then the money should belong to the man who was shot in the back. That is, the current owner of Aiwass’s coat, pants, shirt, and sweater.

The coat was intact, but there was a gunshot wound from the back on the shirt and sweater. And the wound was right in the middle of the back, and there wasn't much blood. It shows that shortly after the injury, his clothes were taken off.

The couple claimed Agni was a murderer and seemed to know him - either a liar, a smuggler or a seller of counterfeit medicine. In short, they are definitely not serious people, and they recognized Agni's face at a glance.

This means Agni is either famous, or they just saw Agni's face not long ago. For strangers who need to introduce themselves, being able to be deeply impressed by a stranger's face and being able to recognize who Agni is almost instantly... means that they must have just learned about Agni.

In this case, Agni's statement that "I am a teacher and I am traveling with my daughter" is naturally unreliable.

But without seeing Daya, they relied on Agni's words and determined that Agni was followed by a "noisy little guy"... and were even willing to sell Aiwass an expensive potion to quiet her down. Come down.

——To sum up, there is only one possibility.

"Agni" is a wanted kidnapper or possibly a prison escapee, and this name should be his real name. '6''9''s''h''u''x''.''c''o''m'There was no television or radio in this era, so the couple should have seen it in the newspaper not long ago Agni's identity.

Apparently, Agni got the ransom. But Daya is still with him.

And Daya said she had a dream in which her father took off his clothes and swam in the river.

——Could it be that he was stabbed in the back by Agni while taking off his coat? Then after Agni took off his clothes, the body was thrown into the river?

And just like Aiwas forgot this memory, Daya also forgot this memory.

This would explain the money in the bag, the gunshot wounds on his clothes, Daya's dream, and the abnormalities on his body.

There was only one thing that made Aiwass a little confused.

Why is Daya still following him? Or...why hasn't he killed Daya yet?

While Merlin was chatting awkwardly with the extremely enthusiastic dancer, Aiwass stood aside with his eyes narrowed and lost in thought.

——There must be a reason why so many of them gathered here under the storm. Perhaps in reality there may be no reason and it is just pure coincidence, but since this piece of history will be extracted and modified into a ritual, it definitely has a reason and a connection.

This is just like when you see a very annoying person in a movie or TV series, you will at most think about how he will be defeated later; but if you see this kind of person in Detective Conan, then you can start to think about the murderer at this time. Who.

According to their identities, there is indeed no connection between them.

But if you think of "Agni" as a kidnapper, a murderer...or an escaped prisoner who kidnapped a little girl.

Aiwass was keenly aware of a problem hidden under his identity.

——The wanted news of "Agni" was published in the "Cow and Harbor" newspaper, and the couple saw the newspaper and recognized themselves; Merlin is playing the reporter of "Cow and Harbor" at the moment; and this old supervisor should also be pursuing Came here on my own. These people all have a reason to gather together.

Then the problem arises.

What is this dancer doing? she really a stripper?

Who is she most likely to be in this situation?

Aiwass's heart moved, and he had a vague guess.

Agni is not a good person in the first place. The same goes for that couple. Whether they are counterfeit drug dealers or smugglers, they are not good people. The true identity of this reporter is Jacob Alexander, the founder of Scaleless Hands. He likes to kill people by using curses. In a sense, he is a hired killer.

And the old inspector played by Junbai——

He came here alone... So where is his walking griffon?

Besides, griffins are not afraid of storms, even hybrid griffins. After all, the gryphon's attack methods are storm and thunder.


Is he really an overseer?

Or is he just wearing leather armor and holding an elf dagger... but is not an overseer at all?

From this perspective, it seems that none of them except Daya are good people. So who could be such a dancer with a plain face and a good figure who is active in rural areas?

Aiwass has no evidence. But he can test them one by one.

"I have something to tell this lady."

Suddenly, Aiwass said to reporters and supervisors.


The reporter asked: "Do you need me to be there?"

"No need, you can go out too."

"Ok, no problem."

The reporter responded simply, then stopped his conversation with the dancer, took the old supervisor and left.

The old supervisor seemed a little confused, but he did not resist the reporter. Instead, he followed him and left obediently.

"Sir, are you here to discuss business with me?"

The dancer was alone with the strong Agni, but still had no fear.

She just came over with a smile and gently put her right hand on Aiwass's chest: "The price is negotiable..."

Aiwass did not hold her hand, but asked: "Do you know me?"

"Are you something famous? Star of the football team?"

The dancer said with a smile, disapproving.

But Aiwass shook his head and just whispered a few words in her ear. The dancer's expression suddenly changed.

Aiwass's first words are: "Shadow is our mother, poison and medicine are our sisters."

Immediately afterwards, he said: "Master Cyrilx sends his regards to you."

Then, Aiwass asked again: "Do you know me now?"

The dancer looked at Aiwass in surprise. She hesitated for a while, then took out a lipstick from her arms: "Do you know what this is?"

——Very good, I guessed it right the first time.

Aiwass originally thought that if he guessed wrong this time, he would continue to try one by one. Anyway, when she got to the next level, she couldn't remember anything.

And this is key information that players who normally clear the level are absolutely impossible to obtain - in other words, this is at least a hidden clue.

He took the lipstick cautiously, being careful not to touch it. Seeing his gesture, the dancer breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at its dark red luster, Aiwass asked uncertainly: "Is it [love]?"

"Yes, my brother. Be careful not to touch it."

The dancer breathed a sigh of relief and put back her lipstick.

She thought for a moment and then replied: "The identity you are using now should be Agni Shiva, who was imprisoned for robbing a bank. He escaped from prison three days ago and kidnapped the banker's daughter Daya... Why do you use This identity?

"Or is there something wrong with your memory?"

"I actually suspect that there is something wrong with everyone's memory - I just had a hallucination and thought that I was really Daiya's father. I once doubted that I was still myself, until I saw you."

Aiwass said seriously: "In fact, I suspect that we are all in a dream now. If you don't recall, what have you forgotten?"

Hearing this, the dancer's expression became serious.

She frowned and thought for a while, but still couldn't remember.

She asked: "You mean, there is something wrong with this hotel?"

But Aiwass just asked: "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here..."

the dancer blurted out.

But before she finished speaking, she gradually became surprised.

"What did you originally want to say?"

"...I want to say that I came here to take shelter from the rain," the dancer frowned, "but it's unlikely..."

Aiwass directly stretched out his hand to hold down the dancer's arm, and ordered with a nonchalant attitude: "Give me a quick way to win your trust. I suspect you will forget all this at any time."

"I am a 'honey badger' and I have only been in Muwan County for two weeks. These two are enough."

The dancer still maintained basic caution: "Is this how the Scaleless Hand joined your investigation team?"

"Yes, Jacob and I are investigating the matter. But don't reveal my identity."

Aiwass nodded, with a scary smile on his scorched face: "Well, see you soon, sisters."

"See you soon, brother."

Today is the third watch~

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