Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 249 Three-Legged Crow

Although little Vivian, who was in charge of cooking, came back, Aiwass wisely took the birdcage and went home.

Since Teacher Meiya said that she usually cooks, Aiwass just believes it... but there is no need to argue with her about this. Otherwise, it would be rude if Meia became angry.

However, because Aiwass's own dormitory was still under repair, he took the book directly back to the Palace of Silver and Tin.

Although tantra books are very dangerous, in principle, just like firearms, daggers and other weapons, they cannot be brought into the Palace of Silver and Tin. But now Aiwass's identity is different from the past. After explaining clearly, he still brought the book in.

There are no classes this afternoon anyway, and the original Elvish language course was completed last week.

So Aiwass found some snacks to fill his stomach, and started to read the "Morning Crow Tantra" with great interest.

Maybe it's because of the birdcage, or maybe it's because it recognizes Aiwass highly enough... or maybe it's just pretending to be dead and preparing to escape. In short, when Aiwass was flipping through this book, it did not turn into a crow flying around, but kept the appearance of a book very obediently.

As Aiwass read through it intently, Lily suddenly smelled a strange smell.

It smelled like burning wood, and like something was burnt.

After looking carefully, I realized that smoke was coming from Aiwass' head.

This startled Lily. She walked closer uneasily and found out that Aiwass was fine.

He was like a smoldering torch, with a large amount of white smoke visible to the naked eye coming out of the gaps in his hair. His body was radiating heat, and Lily was already burning hot just by walking about two meters away from him.

It was like being in front of a fireplace, being roasted by the fire and unable to open my eyes.

...but on the other hand, this is quite warm.

"Is there a problem?"

Aiwass asked casually while flipping through the tantra book.


Lily was a little surprised: "Can you speak?"

"I'm more or less at the third level, and my willpower is pretty good."

Aiwass replied without raising his head: "Of course, it's possible that he hasn't seen the key plot yet. It's also possible that he will fall into a hallucination after a while."

"...Then, I will prepare some drinking water for you first. Remember to drink it if you are thirsty."

Lily poured a glass of honey water and placed it behind Aiwass.

For some reason, she felt so sleepy... Maybe it was because the advancement ceremony last night took a lot of energy from her, or maybe it was because she chatted with Isabel very late last night and basically didn't get enough sleep.

It was also possible that the steaming heat from Aiwass made her feel sleepy.

So, enveloped by the billowing heat radiating from Aiwass' body, Lily curled up into a ball and fell asleep on the small bed next to the desk.

Aiwass raised his head and looked sideways slightly. It was discovered that Lily fell asleep almost instantly - for a personal maid who basically had no peaceful sleep, Lily slept surprisingly quickly and deeply.

——According to her ability to adapt to the road, when Lily is asleep, Aiwass will just stare at her for a while, and then Lily will open her eyes and ask Aiwass what's wrong.

Perhaps it was the effect of "The Spider's Silk Tantra" that turned her into a spider on the web.

She is even so keen that she can sense other people's gazes in her sleep!

Lily could even vaguely feel who the person was looking at her, and the other person's emotions at the moment.

But now, Lily has made another advancement on the path of love. Logically speaking, her perception should be stronger... But at this moment, Lily's perception seemed to be confused, and she had no reaction at all to Aiwass's gaze.

…Is this the power of the Morning Crow Tantra?

Aiwass looked back thoughtfully and continued reading.

In the "Morning Crow Tantra", it tells the secrets related to the "Xi Tiansi" who devotes himself to the path - the secrets about the sun of this world. This book mentions the ownership of the sun and the rituals used by ancient people to worship the real sun.

——This book mentions the legend about the sun.

The Tantra of the Morning Crow holds that there are three suns in this world. The first sun fell before life was born and never rose again; the second sun was killed and shattered by sacrifices and words, turning into stars in the silent night; and the third sun emerged from a three-legged Born from the crow, it is the child of the Eternal Self and the Eternal Self.

She is usually a lonely and beautiful goddess, but occasionally she takes the form of a man during a lunar eclipse.

In an era when only the moon hung permanently high in the sky, a lunar eclipse symbolized complete darkness. And I saw my past and future selves in the mirror-like night sky. He fell in love with himself and eventually gave birth to "Chenwu".

Under Sha Shiji's persuasion, Chenwu ignited himself and turned into the third sun.

At this point the sun and moon begin to rotate. Day and night rotate like an hourglass and time begins to pass.

Since the birth of the sun, light has shone on the earth. I can no longer see the pure and flawless darkness. She could no longer see her lover, the other side of herself. Therefore, she dances in the moon's house forever sadly, never meeting the sun that her son transformed into.

He burned himself into the sun, making him Xi Tiansi. He did not enter the dream world... In other words, He also ignited himself in the dream world. Xitiansi, who was burning in two worlds at the same time, reached a balance of power, spinning forever like an hourglass.

So far, Chenwu in the material world is still sleeping in the center of the sun, and his body is still burning, emitting nearly eternal light and heat, providing a steady stream of vitality to the entire world.

And sometimes, He would occasionally dream. In the dream, He will turn into a three-legged crow and fly in the material world. Wherever He passed, the moon would not come, and the eternal sunlight would be extremely strong, eventually leading to severe drought. At this time, a warrior will shoot the three-legged crow - after it is shot down, the sun and moon in this area will rotate again.

Aiwass didn't know whether the content recorded in this book was true or false.

——But there is no doubt that what is described is the disaster caused by the arrival of a high-level phantom.

Just like the Shadow Tiansi turned Avalon into a shadow realm where plants cannot grow and mortals will turn into undead when they die, this kind of domain effect that can change the world just by being born is what the Tiansi have. authority.

...In other words, "Chenwu" will occasionally come by itself without being pulled down by the Ring of Ending Ceremony?

An unstable Tiansi...

Aiwass sighed.

When he had read two-thirds of the book, he suddenly began to have vague hallucinations before his eyes - a brief hallucination of a golden-red glowing three-legged crow flying across the sky.

It is not a real sun, but it envelopes the earth with sun-like heat and radiation.

The next moment, Aiwass saw it gradually flying towards him... getting closer...

When the sun hit Aiwass like a burning meteorite, Aiwass suddenly screamed, his skin and flesh cracked, and golden-red flames suddenly burned from his body!

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