Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 253 Sherlock’s Heart Knot

The Palace of Silver and Tin is quite far from the port. If Aiwass and the others decide to go see the excitement, they will probably have to borrow a griffin to get there. But it's very close to the Inspectorate.

So Aiwass was not in a hurry.

In his spare time, Aiwass could even take a bath and style his hair.

Although the room where Aiwass stayed temporarily was a guest room, it was also a room used by the late royal family before - there were quite a few such vacant rooms in the Palace of Silver and Tin. There is a corner in the room where you can take a bath, you just need to pull up a screen and it will be fine.

After changing into his bathrobe, Aiwass sat in front of the mirror. Lily was helping Aiwass take care of his hair behind him.

Isabel was sitting on the sofa, looking here from a distance.

Aiwass looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but frown slightly: "How about cutting it off."

It’s not a matter of not looking good.

Aiwass actually cares about his own image.

It's not just about "looking good" or "not looking good" - to put it bluntly, Aiwass's appearance can definitely be beaten. After all, he inherited the good looks of his father, the commoner priest who could make a noble lady from Iris run away and chase him. And Aiwass's mature and cold temperament also mixed with his mother's soft facial features that gave people a sense of tenderness.

Aiwass's emphasis on his own image mainly comes from "purposefulness". That is, what kind of feeling his appearance can give people.

His own temperament is as warm as the sun or a fireplace. Although it is a warm color, it does not look explosive and tough, but rather static - like a teacher with a good temper. This is a feeling that tends to be neutral.

Aiwass also deliberately took care of his image before.

In order not to make himself too sharp and aggressive, he had a fluffy and slightly curly hairstyle. But now that his hair had grown longer, they straightened on their own.

Now that they are still shawl hair, they already look a bit feminine. Aiwass tried to clasp his hands and fingers, lower his head and close his eyes as if praying - but it no longer gave people the same dazzling feeling as before. Just like the blazing sun, it gradually begins to deflect towards the moon.

It's still fine so far. But if it were longer, reaching the back or even the waist... I'm afraid Aiwass would give people a sinister feeling. Having a temperament that is too gentle will give people a sense of disobedience and may easily arouse others' vigilance.

After hearing this, Lily just calmly helped Aiwass comb his hair.

She picked up two strands of hair and braided it skillfully. Let it fall to one of Aiwass's temples.

"Doesn't it look good, Master?"

Lily asked back: "I know what you are worried about...but I feel that at least for now there will be no problem."

"It's okay for now."

Aiwass thought for a while and felt okay: "How about changing your hairstyle?"

Isabel also ran over and took a closer look: "I think it's pretty good-looking. How about this, Aiwass? I want to see your hair grow longer... just for a change?"

Her warm breath gently blew on Aiwass's temples, making his hair sway slightly.

"so be it."

Aiwass replied helplessly.

It's rare for Her Royal Highness to take the initiative to ask for what she wants - for her autistic character, I'm afraid this requires a lot of courage.

If she refused, she might shatter the courage she had cultivated so hard.

Anyway, I no longer care about the ministers, and there is basically no chance of promotion. You don’t need to care too much about what others think of you.

Aiwass explained to himself in his mind.

Now that Isabel finally has the courage to express her ideas clearly, Aiwass is quite happy. All joking aside, he has a joy in raising children.

This shows that she has gradually come out of the depression in the past and has gradually returned to a normal person... and this was cultivated by Aiwass.

This promotion ceremony can be said to be very effective in increasing her confidence - although it is a test, it is also a lesson. Probably because Sherlock didn't get any growth.

But this is normal, because his own desire for promotion is not strong enough. Naturally, it would not touch upon the real test in the ceremony.

But he was finally promoted, which was a good thing.

——In Aiwas' view, this actually shows that Sherlock actually has a heart problem.

Although he embarked on the path of wisdom, deep down he still hesitated about his choice. He was probably thinking, "Even if he fails this time, he can still use the authoritarian path to help him get promoted," so he gave up.

The essence of this idea is actually that he hopes that someone will deny his path to wisdom. Or conversely, he hopes that his path will be recognized and supported by others.

This may be because Aiwass became a minister without charge.

Because Sherlock is a very proud and confident man. But he is still too young after all, and has the unique anxiety of young people.

He has always admired his older brother Mycroft. And now, his best friend Aiwass has also become a minister, the same level as his brother... Isabel is basically determined to become the next generation of Queen of Avalon. Including Edward as the Inspector General...

All the friends and people close to Sherlock have become real "big shots".

And only he himself is still a "consultant to the Supervision Bureau."

This will make him feel a little confused.

Aiwass actually quite understands him.

Because Aiwass once knew such a friend.

It's like an outstanding college student who graduated from a top prestigious school and resolutely chose a career that he loved but had nothing to do with his major and didn't have much future - such as an idol or an anchor, or a screenwriter for a game company. .

Then relying on his excellent talents and full enthusiasm, he became a very outstanding and famous person in this industry.

But one day, I suddenly heard that my former classmates, roommates, and good brothers had either become Yangtze River Scholars, National People’s Congress Representatives, Associate Professors, Chairman, or General manager... At that time, he will always feel confused about the path he has chosen.

This is human nature.

——Is it you who is wrong? Are the things I gave up the right ones?

Sherlock is in this stage now.

Because his talent for the authoritarian path is quite good, he was even offered to be a disciple by Master Meg - if he grows up step by step, he will be able to reach the fifth level without any accident. At that time, as Meg's disciple, he will become the new Grand Arbiter and Deputy Director of the Arbitration Hall.

And he actively rejected that future.

Because Shylock really has no interest in the authoritarian path.

——If Aiwass understands it from this perspective, then Sherlock’s psychology will be very clear.

He was proud and held his head high. He didn't want to give up, but he felt confused. So he wanted to give up on himself and chose to hand over the initiative for promotion to pave the way for Aiwass and the others - in essence, he was actually longing for real failure.

At this time, a proper failure can "wake up" him. Let him resume the path of authoritarianism that he had put aside. In that case, his wisdom path may become a "part-time job" or "personal hobby" that will most likely not affect his promotion on the authoritarian path.

But Aiwass wouldn't allow that.

Because that’s not really a “wake-up call.”

——Rather than looking for a reason to give up. Rather he was looking for motivation to persevere. It was like riding alone in a storm...even if he was wet by the rain and even if he couldn't see the way ahead, he didn't want to stop.

A person who really wants to give up will not be so proud and stubborn. In order to protect themselves, they will find reasons for failure in advance.

This time Aiwass helped him get promoted, but it didn't solve the problem. Sherlock still hesitated.

I hope this trip can untie his knot. Aiwass sighed inwardly.

Your Highness the Princess has begun to grow up, but it’s not okay for you, a senior, to regress...

Aiwass came back to his senses, touched a thin strand of hair on his left ear that had been braided by Lily, and smiled helplessly - you might as well just tie a side ponytail for me.

After bathing, Aiwass put on his formal attire as a minister for the first time, put on his top hat and followed Isabel out.

——Aiwass was not in a wheelchair this time.

Just like Isabel and Sherlock - he has to gradually give up those things that make him feel convenient.

I may be lacking in something because I rely too much on wheelchairs and shapes.

What am I missing...confidence?

Slowly following behind the bouncing and excited Isabel, Aiwass lowered his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought.

He has always believed that he is a fully grown person.

But now it seems... is this really the case?

Before this incident, Sherlock thought he was perfect.

Or maybe, I simply haven’t reached the moment of change and awakening...

Following Aiwass, Lily looked at Aiwass and smiled slightly with relief.

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