Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 256 Aiwas' daughter sells horse bones

Isabel, who was standing behind Aiwass, patted Aiwass's shoulder lightly, leaned into Aiwass' ear and said, "Mr. King seems to really not know... He is so pitiful.

You really called him a king.

Do you know that you are Her Royal Highness the Princess?

Aiwass raised his eyebrows but did not express his inner complaints.

He just moved closer to Isabel's ear, also lowering his voice and biting her ear: "What, you want to forgive him?"

"He still has a daughter to raise...I feel like that's the truth. He really regrets it and doesn't know what Minister Drost does."

Isabel felt pity. But she also retains her rationality.

So she bit back again: "Help me, Aiwass... How can I save him without endangering Avalon's interests?"

"As you wish, my lord."

Aiwass raised the corners of his mouth slightly and whispered sideways: "Leave it to me."

——Since Aiwass said so, it must be true.

Isabel suddenly felt certain, stood up and took two steps back to be level with Lily. He signaled that he would no longer interfere in this matter.

And Aiwass turned around and looked at the king with squinted eyes. Just a look brought him huge pressure.

It is a good thing that Her Royal Highness wishes to be a kind Queen.

As Aiwass, whose social relationships are basically bound to Avalon, he certainly hopes that the future queen and his immediate boss will be a kind and tolerant good person. Aiwass will not deny this good growth trend.

If Avalon really needs some less benevolent measures, a little bit of ruthlessness, a thick face and a dark heart...then he's still here.

Just hope that there won't be any familiar developments such as "Aiwass, I am the queen" or "Isabel, you will regret it"...

It's actually very simple to fulfill Isabel's needs.

——Because Mr. "King" doesn't know one thing, that is, Avalon is actually short of talents.

Botanist is a rather rare profession. It is rare even in Star Antimony.

At least neither King's Law School nor Milton University has the legacy of this profession. Because changing jobs in this profession is actually more difficult than that of an alchemist - the balance that an alchemist upholds is more about "conservation of matter" and "everything has its principles".

The balance that botanists should follow includes the balance between man and nature.

This is much more difficult to understand than alchemy.

Under the influence of Master Nobel, alchemy developed in Avalon for almost twenty years. But even if we try our best to catch up, we are still far away from Star Antimony.

On the one hand, this is because Avalon has not yet formed a sufficient talent pool, and currently basically relies on the older generation of alchemists - and these old alchemists are basically not Avalonians.

On the other hand, it is because the development of the path of balance and the path of beauty requires a social atmosphere. Our research actually promotes and competes with each other. Although this will inevitably lead to industry involution and a large waste of talent, the overall development speed will not be low.

——So since Star Antimony is overflowing with talent, why not Avalon hurry up and pick up some!

The people you don’t want over there, we want here!

Although the "King" himself only regards botanists as a subsidiary profession of alchemists... After all, botanists cannot make a lot of money or become famous. Unlike alchemists, they have several complete inheritance and promotion routes, and even There is also a serious lack of combat effectiveness.

But from a national level, botanists who are good at cultivating different plants, inducing directional mutations in plants, and quickly spawning various rare plants are much more useful than low-level alchemists of the same level. The alchemist must be of a high level to be useful, but the botanist is useful even at the first level.

Only a first-level botanist can reduce the crops that mature in eight or nine months to less than three months in a few acres of land by squeezing the fertility of the land, and ensure the quality of the crops; and low-level botanists can also Deal with pests and diseases and continuously optimize crop seeds.

This is why the wheat and corn grains from Star Antimony can continue to be exported to Avalon in large quantities.

Because the imported grain from Star Antimony is of such high quality and low price that it has seriously squeezed the income of farmers in Avalon - even if the 30% protective tariff is included, it is actually still lower than the price of grain in Avalon. Thirty percent.

Avalon is not like Star Antimony, which has an aristocratic class with individual land holdings.

All the land in Avalon is owned by the crown and is used by farmers paying rent. The price of these grains made it impossible to pay rent and sell at a high price, which instead led to a financial crisis in the kingdom. Eventually, Avalon's farmland was gradually converted into pasture.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer wanted to introduce the Corn Acts.

That is to say, by forcibly setting food prices, imports are absolutely prohibited when the price of food falls below the prescribed price.

He hopes to use this method to forcibly guarantee the price of grain circulating in the market. This means that the price of food on the market will more than triple, and the prices of all agricultural products will also rise. And the number of workers in factories will be significantly reduced.

Queen Sophia, who was still very young at the time, thought for a long time and believed that this would bring intense conflict and instability to Avalon. So she ultimately failed to pass the Corn Bills.

If no one hoards food or drives up prices, it can at least double the price of food. This is enough to starve someone to death. And it’s not sure if anything else will happen by then.

As a result, Avalon eventually became dependent on star antimony crops. As the name of "Muwan County" suggests, the number of farmers in Avalon is not as good as herdsmen, and even less than fishermen. The remaining farmers are basically growing high-value cash crops. There are only a few arable lands that are fully invested by the royal family, and some war grains are grown at a loss, which are of lower quality than the grains sold by the Star Antimony people.

——In Aiwass’ view, this means that the star Antimony was actually quite afraid of Avalon back then.

At that time, it was a critical period for Xing Antimony to attack the Black Eagle Principality and Narcissus Principality eastward. Especially Narcissus Principality - it is too far away from Star Antimony's homeland.

Back then, Xing Antimony didn't know how much control the newly succeeded Queen Sofia had over Avalon, nor did she know her plan to govern. That's why this strategy was used to prevent Avalon from actively launching a war against Star Antimony.

But now, it's almost time to unwind.

According to Aiwass' understanding, the government over there in Star Antimony is actually very strict with botanists - probably because they are seizing power there, alchemists are squeezing the living space of botanists.

Because botanists basically get all their income from alchemists. It can even be said that the Star Antimony official raised the price of alchemy raw materials in order to protect the income and status of botanists.

According to Aiwass's memory, this was almost the period of civil strife in Star Antimony.

The alchemists want to seize power - and from the alchemists' point of view, their strongest appeal is naturally to reduce costs.

Obviously, the work done by botanists is not complicated and does not have high technical content, but their income is much higher than that of low-level alchemists of the same level.

Low-level alchemists basically spend money like crazy - cultivating a third-level alchemist requires at least 380 gold coins in material costs. This is calculated based on the success of all alchemies, and if the talent is slightly worse, it is normal for this number to increase several times.

Everyone is also at the first level. Why can you earn dozens or hundreds of gold coins a month while I have to spend more than ten gold coins a month?

Therefore, alchemists are quite hostile to "profiteers" such as botanists. In order to win the support of the middle and lower-level alchemists, the top alchemists must seek benefits for them - and part of the benefits are naturally obtained from botanists, and the second is from the overall price increase. Take it from all walks of life.

If Aiwass guessed correctly, the "King" would be selling goods during the promotion ceremony... and he would probably be killed by the alchemists.

If Aiwass could recruit the "King" and send out a friendly signal...

Then when the internal fighting on Xing Antimony's side further intensifies, it is possible that they will accept the defection of higher-level botanists.

And the moral character of the "King" is pretty good. As long as his heart problems can be solved, this person can be used.

"If I'm not wrong," Aiwass said slowly, "it's very likely that your family has been controlled by the Star Antimony people."

Hearing this, Augustus suddenly turned pale: "Why, why...?"

"Because botanists are prohibited from going abroad. You are probably from Yeluzi, or your level was too low before, so you don't know about this."

Aiwass sighed, with a look of compassion on his face: "Xing Antimony takes a very strict look at the inheritance of botanists. If nothing else happens, you may also be assassinated by Star Antimony."

Of course, this is a lie. After all, he is only a first-level rookie botanist.

The fight on Xing Antimony's side is fierce. Even if it is for political correctness, they will not pay too much attention to botanists at this juncture. Otherwise it will only further irritate the extremely sensitive alchemists.

In other words, at the moment when the alchemists are planning to seize power, the leakage of the botanist's inheritance is already an irreversible future. For Star Antimony, who now has an increasingly strong desire for war, those alchemists who represent the most advanced technology, when they conflict with botanists, the royal family can only stand on the side of the alchemists.

This is the conflict between the country "Star Antimony" and the core group of "Alchemists of Star Antimony".

"Then, then I can still go back..."

"What are you thinking about? What do you want to tell the people over at Xing Antimony?"

Aiwass interrupted him directly and asked: "You took the initiative to export a large amount of 'alchemy raw materials' to Avalon - although plant essential oils are not classified as alchemy raw materials, you don't think the Star Antimony people don't understand We buy these things to synthesize alchemical products, right?

"I'm not afraid to tell you - the person you sell to is your Star Antimony's biggest spy in Avalon, and has been responsible for smuggling from Star Antimony. And in the past few days, he was controlled and interrogated by us And executed. And almost before your goods arrive and after the contract is signed.

"Then you personally followed the smuggling freighter to Avalon. And you met me and the future Her Majesty the Queen. But you were not punished in any way and returned to Star Antimony safe and sound - I won't say anything else. You Think about it for yourself, what do you think the Star Antimony people will think of you?

"You don't think you can go back, do you?"

The more the king listened, the paler his face grew.

He's not stupid. Just a little naive.

But to be recognized by the Tao of Balance, it is not possible to have no brains. After thinking about it for a moment, he realized that what Aiwass said was true.

However, Aiwass changed the topic at this time: "But you have to thank our kind princess.

"Because of our fate, Your Highness Isabel intends to help you. We will try to send inspectors to Star Antimony to see if we can rescue your family. We will also send people to protect you."

"...What! Thank you very much, your kind and noble princess, and Mr. Moriarty...please rescue my family——!"

Augustus was immediately overjoyed, but also a little uneasy: "Then, what can I do for you?"

"You don't have to do anything. At least for now."

Aiwass raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said words that made Augustus relieved but even more uneasy: "It's free, Mr. Augustus."

update completed!

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