Pastor's Tantra

Take a day off when you are traveling far away!

I only wrote 700 words last night, and there are none today (sad)

Get ready for a business trip to Shanghai! I have to meet four waves of people in total, so it’s pretty busy... I’ll be home around the 14th!

My home is quite far from the high-speed rail station. I have to get up at 8 o'clock for the 11 o'clock train. The main reason is that I don't know if there will be traffic during the National Day holiday...

Don’t panic, I will write tomorrow’s update when I get to the hotel in the evening. There will be an update at noon tomorrow, and there will be two updates!

Just adjust your work schedule and update rhythm. During this period, both updates should be at 12 o'clock. This is good news!

——Travel Prayer, start! (Picks up a small schoolbag)

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