Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 277 Picking up a ghost, family

After the Night Knights left, almost all of their bodies had been covered with a thin layer of frost. Only Aiwass's body was clean and had nothing on it.

This is because as a priest, the abundant mana pool of light and fire attributes in his body can easily dispel the coldness caused by the negative energy of dark attributes. And after leaving that weird cold wave, the little vitality he lost was replenished at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Haina used a direct force to shatter the thin frost on her body, her face remained as usual - she even looked quite happy. It feels like playing with a stress-relieving toy.

After all, she is thick-skinned and full of vitality.

What surprised Aiwass was that Lily didn't react at all. She casually took off the thin frost covering her body, and her face didn't even turn white or red from the cold.

You know, the resistance to adapting to the road is not strong. Both hunters and assassins are fragile, unable to withstand damage or control.

However, the resistance of the Path of Love is pretty good...

Only little Sherlock was now pale and trembling from the cold. Aiwass couldn't help but feel lucky that he helped Shylock perform the initiation ceremony first... Although Shylock has not yet officially transferred to a Mithraic worshiper, his vitality has been somewhat enhanced.

Otherwise, he might have just lost his patience and screamed out loud.

"But it doesn't matter even if you call me out..."

Aiwass sighed, put his hand on little Sherlock's chest, and the warm light poured into his body to dispel the chill: "The King of the Wild Hunt is not at work today. They will not kill people, they will only scare you for fun - —Of course, if you are scared out of your wits and attack them, you will be taken away by them."

Haina was stunned when she heard such a precise statement: "Does Mr. Aiwass also know about them?"

She thought people in the city didn't understand this!

"Of course, I am a priest. The wandering ghost army, the Night Knights who signed a contract with Weizhe... the intersection of Weizhe and Amber's power."

Aiwass replied: "Sent out with the sound of thunder to clean up the wandering souls in an orderly manner."

In a sense, the Night Knights are actually good for the world.

They are like vultures or hyenas, an important link in the ecological chain.

Those wandering undead - as long as they are not "transcended" by a priest performing a funeral, anyone may be transformed into a ghost or undead on a night when the power of dusk is strong.

All kinds of undead often appear in mass graves, as well as some adventurers who died in the wild, or soldiers whose bones were not collected... such as the earthbound spirit that Aiwass saw before.

These undead wandering outside can easily hurt people.

The reason why we don't usually see the undead is simple.

If it is in a city, it is due to the regular blessings and dispersions of priests; if it is in the wild or a village, it is the wild hunting in the nearby area that is harvesting.

Whenever there is a thunderstorm at night, the "King of the Wild Hunt" will lead his followers to wander under the cover of night, sweeping away all the wild undead they see. Skeletons fell apart and zombies fell to the ground, their souls taken away by the King of the Wild Hunt.

"Actually, strictly speaking, they belong to the regular army. In a sense, they can also be regarded as temporary apostles of the Pillar God...

"It's just that they are more ruthless. They sometimes kill normal people who shouldn't be killed when they see it."

It's like 360 ​​scanning the market. Aiwass added in his mind.

If a living person attacks them, or runs wildly or makes a lot of noise on the path of the Wild Hunt, they can easily be attacked, killed, and taken away.

"...Those who are dead but still have their souls are stripped of the fourth realm, those who are dead but have their souls are stripped of the sixth realm, and those who are dead but whose souls are not alive are stripped of the eighth realm. These night marchers who join the Wild Hunt march The knights are just ghosts, but they are additionally blessed by Weizhe, which frees them from this bondage. Let them have wisdom and thinking ability after death without bones.

"Similarly, they also accepted Weizhe's treaty. They could not attack or enter any room with the light on and the door closed, nor could they enter any area near a church where a bishop was stationed. They could not attack the sick, pregnant women and disabled people. .

"These Wild Hunt legions almost only pass through the wilderness on rainy nights. If it doesn't rain or thunder and the King of the Wild Hunt is not around, then they just come out to have fun. After all, they can only appear at night, and once they stop will start to dissipate, so they can't stop moving.

"If you are attacked by the undead at night in the wild, it is best to pray that a night knight will see you and come to save you... Even though the King of the Wild Hunt is not here, if he sees the undead when passing by, he will take them away. "

Aiwass explained to Sherlock and Lily.

Children in the village will be warned by their parents not to go out on thunderstorm nights. This is the reason.

However, Yingjia Village is obviously their refresh point, so they can run into them every night as soon as it gets dark...

"...There is such a thing."

Sherlock frowned: "I have heard before that some people disappear silently when traveling on stormy nights. Then their bodies appear far away. So this is the origin of this legend..."

"It means that is the end point of the Wild Hunt march. Their souls should have been taken away by the King of the Wild Hunt when they met."

Aiwass shrugged: "The priests are generally responsible for expelling the undead in the city, so Sherlock, you must have never seen this. The churches in the city are basically all covered... In a slightly larger city, there will be more a church.

"There are too many villages, and the church doesn't have that many bishops to send out, but they can at least help complete the funeral and let the dead rest in peace. As for the undead... we can only ask the nearby Wild Hunt to help clean up.

"The average villager may not encounter a wild hunt for several years or more than ten years... After all, there are not many idiots who would rush out of their homes on a stormy night.

"Anyway, there is the simplest way to survive - when you see the Wild Hunt, just lie down on the ground with your head in your hands, and you will be fine. If you are standing, it will be bad if you accidentally frighten your legs and bump into someone. ”

"Then how did you know?"

Sherlock asked, "You haven't left the glass island either, have you?"

Aiwass smiled: "I am a priest, my great detective.

"The scale of these wild hunts will eventually become larger and larger... When the scale of wild hunts in an area is too high, bishops will be sent regularly to hold large-scale intercession ceremonies during the day to bury the nearby souls and weaken them. The scale of the Wild Hunt. This is the truth behind the so-called 'Festival'.

"After all, these night knights are essentially ghosts who cannot be freed. Only by being purified can they be freed from endless wandering and work."

Of course, if the body can be found, even the lowest-level deacon can achieve salvation.

But the problem is, who knows where these knights joined this legion from!

Their bodies could be anywhere. It might even have been weathered or eaten by wild animals on the roadside.

If their bodies cannot be found, they can only mobilize the crowd and arrange multiple blessing areas in this area - placing the items blessed by the bishop in specific places, such as on windows.

When the Wild Hunt Legion passes by and touches these blessed items, a white flame will ignite and be dispersed.

Because they are not evil spirits, they can be easily dispelled.

In the game, it has divine vulnerability and dispelling vulnerability. If it is dispelled by a priest, it can cause four times the damage of a regular dispersal. Law mages or supervisors can also use light attribute skills to cause effective damage.

And these undead will not change their traveling route for any reason - this means that if you run fast enough, you can retreat to the side of the road immediately after knocking down a few undead. Only those knights with long-range attack capabilities will launch symbolic attacks.

It turns out that Heleqin is here...

Aiwass was a little moved.

——If he remembered correctly, Sir Helechin was an Elf knight and a well-known hero.

At that time, the island was still the territory of the giants, and Arthur's Knights of the Round Table were far from being established. Even Arthur is still just Mian Tiansi and has not come to the world...

At that time, Heleqin was the first leader to stand up and unite humans and elves to fight against the giants - he was not a noble, not even a human. But because of his bravery, he was knighted by the Herasl Empire.

Of course, the end result is failure.

There were no bones left of him and his men - those who died in battle were fine, but their bodies were cooked and eaten; while those who were captured alive experienced inhuman torture. The place of execution left behind a sound of mourning that lasted for hundreds of years.

...Now it seems that Yingjia Village should be the unknown execution place back then.

Although he failed, as the first rebel, his actions were of special significance - because of this, Weizhe chose him as the King of the Wild Hunt.

The war aura carried by Heleqin is a very powerful range gain.

The "original battle song" with the same effect is an explosive spell that can only be mastered by those at the sixth level of the Path of Beauty.

Not to mention his own fighting ability.

As an undead blessed by amber, Heleqin has a strong earth attribute - somewhat counterintuitively, the main attribute of undead in this world is usually earth rather than darkness.

Because the attributes of earth include the attributes of solidification, stagnation, silence, and sealing, they are closely related to amber. Only evil spirits that hate the living or have killed living people will have dark attributes.

Aiwass happened to be missing an earth-attributed phantom.

If you miss Heleqin...then you can only go to the Iris to catch a phantom-level Moon Child. And even the seventh-level Moon Son is definitely not as strong as Heleqin. He is not the strongest King of the Wild Hunt, but he is certainly the best King of the Wild Hunt in Halo.

——I picked up a ghost, my family!

He wants to go home with me!

...The only problem is that Aiwass can't capture him now.

If Aiwass forced himself over to take a look, it might be the development of Heleqin's "picking up someone, a house ghost".

I don't know what his true level is, but during the level 60 version, he could be considered as a high-level phantom that overflowed and was balanced to level 60, which means it is at least higher than level 60.

Now his level has been balanced to level 50, which is the sixth level - the same level as the Eternal Pope.

Aiwass is unbeatable. Even if Ligeia is shaken, she can't beat her.

If he could bring the Pope over, it would be no problem with restraint. After all, Heleqin's desire to attack is not strong, he is at the level of letting loose - it can be seen from the rewards he gave that Heleqin is not serious at all. Because he has always been kind to humans and elves.

But how could he bring the noble Pope to a place like this...

Aiwass shook his head repeatedly to dispel this outrageous idea.

But even if you can't catch it, it's rare to find a fixed spawn point for rare monsters... at least you have to write this place down.

From another perspective.

Since this was the place where giants executed criminals in the past...then my grandfather probably didn't choose this place randomly.

——I’m afraid there’s something else here.

update completed!

Today happens to be Haina’s birthday! Happy birthday Haina!

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