Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 280 The Ambition of the Dwarf Clan

It can be said that Aiwass and the dwarf Maghammer got along very happily, and they soon entered the stage of becoming brothers.

Haina's father and Aiwass are both at the third level, but one of them is a blacksmith and the other is a priest. They both belong to the path of devotion and have similar personalities, so they still have some things in common.

Aiwass didn't know much about dwarves. It was also through Magnet Hammer's chat that I gradually understood why the conflict between dwarves and elves was so intense.

Elves and dwarves are both races that focus on the path of devotion and believe in many gods. That is why there is such a strong and irreconcilable racial conflict - just like Avalon and giants, the children of the moon and werewolves.

However, Si Zhu is the oldest pillar god of the path of devotion, and it is not like the path of authority and the path of love.

But even so, following the same path but following different gods at the end of that path... heretics are more hateful than pagans.

The blacksmith who devotes himself to the path belongs to the profession of Yan Tiansi, just like the Fallen Sky Division controls the demon scholars. The demon scholars whose power comes from the Fallen Heaven Division are naturally hostile to the curse wizards whose power comes from the Snake Father.

Yantiansi is the second most powerful god on the path of devotion, and rules over the realms of fire, steel, and forging. Its momentum is like fire and continues to grow stronger.

Because with the development of the times and the development of the industrial revolution, she is constantly actively devouring—or assimilating other heavenly officials and apostles on the path of devotion. The size of its field continues to expand.

Aiwass remembers that she would soon gain the power of "steam" and would continue to move toward "guns" and "machines" about four or five years later. By version 0, which is when his adoptive father becomes the BOSS, the dwarfs, who have been dormant for many years, will enter the world stage on a large scale.

Flames will spread and rise, and Yan Tiansi also has the power to transcend the path.

Precisely because Mian Tiansi, who had the power of transcendence in the past, defeated the Supreme Heaven and became the Silver Crowned Dragon... Even though Si Zhu and the elves were involved in this process, Yan Tiansi was also feared by the elves.

After all, this is what has happened before and is a proven path. nothing is impossible.

From the perspective of the older generation of elves, those Tiansi with transcendent power are very dangerous.

Because since the Beast Master "resigned" and the Supreme Heaven "resigned", the world has become a lot more peaceful.

There are no more dangerous monsters that roam the wilderness and actively attack everyone or even directly attack towns. There are no more crazy people in the world who ignore laws and morals and kill, eat and hurt people at will just to show the power of force.

Although there are still wars, the world has generally become a better place.

Now the elves just hope to maintain the status quo - unlike the Beast Lord and the Supreme Sky, the current nine pillar gods are relatively friendly. Then in a stable environment, any change is detrimental.

——The strong hostility of the elves towards the dwarves comes from this.

Because dwarves not only believe in Yan Tiansi. They all believe in six gods including Yingtiansi on the path of love, Yantiansi on the twilight path, and Huantiansi on the transcendental path... They are all Tiansi, not a single pillar god.

Judging from the words of Brother Magnetic Hammer, Aiwass noticed that the dwarves were very keen on strengthening their gods and were proud of it——

It’s quite weird and very curly.

Because in this world, faith will not bring power. Whether they are apostles, celestial beings or pillar gods... these high-level phantoms do not need believers.

If they respond to rituals or grant power, it is because they are interested in it and are willing to help mortals. Because of this, faith is essentially personal freedom... so the elves worship the Nine Pillars at the same time.

Because everyone naturally has their own tendencies, preferences and needs, and the Nine Pillars are equal.

There is no one path that is more powerful or more sacred - if you advocate this concept, it will only cause meaningless wars among believers, and they act completely spontaneously without any recognition and approval from the boss above. help.

It's like a fan out of control.

If the Supreme Heaven were still there, the situation would be different. He itself includes the concepts of "ruling because of strength" and "doing whatever he wants because he is the strongest", so the giants eat all other races, including elves.

—But dwarves are different from all other races.

“The purpose of our faith is to be rewarded.”

Magnetic Hammer was not ashamed, and even proudly said: "Because what we give the gods is not just respect and glory, but real power! This is much more than those with long ears!"

Dwarves have a strong sense of race.

They will consciously believe in those Tiansi or apostles who do not belong to the Nine Pillar Gods, especially those who have fewer believers or are weak in strength, and then use the whole family's efforts to achieve success in the time dimension of thousands of years or even longer. help them rise higher.

The purpose is to get better returns and clearer preferences.

The smart king will leave them one day, and their powerful force and technology will be overtaken by other countries. Even if it rules many territories, sooner or later it will be divided internally; even if it has a glorious history, it may be gradually forgotten by future unscrupulous descendants.

In the long dimension of time, everything may turn into nothingness. All inheritances may not be passed down.

"But only gods are immortal."

The dwarf solemnly raised his fist and saluted the void.

Although faith does not make gods stronger. But there are always ways to help them.

For example, some extremely complex and spectacular spectacle-level rituals are held in the material world, or certain concepts are allowed to flourish or die to strengthen or weaken this concept.

This is of no use to the Nine Pillar Gods, but it is still useful to Tiansi and the apostles.

And all high-level phantoms are wise.

Even if dwarves lick dogs to some extent, they will still react after being licked for thousands of years - at least they will definitely not be able to adapt after being away from them.

Some were repayments of gratitude, some were deeply moved, and some were fair trades... But in short, the dwarf really licked them. The gods they revered now obviously favored the dwarves. The dwarves are waiting for one of them to be promoted to the pillar god.

——Dad, I don’t want to work hard to become the first generation of rich people, otherwise you can work hard and make me become the second generation of rich people.

...Well, that's an idea.

In order to maintain the purity of its position, there are not many temples of the Nine Pillar Gods in the Yongshuang Empire - even if there are, they are all "specialist temples". It was the kind of utilitarian temple dedicated to a single god for a certain purpose.

Because it’s too utilitarian, it’s more of a part-time job than a belief... and it’s a part-time job based on belief. It is the kind of family-owned company that "employees are proud of".

Aiwass also finally understood why the elves regarded the dwarves as an "evil race". Because of the transcendent characteristics of these Tiansi, the stronger they become, the more anxious the elves become; while the dwarves are still firmly and persistently helping their bosses grow - the purpose is self-evident.

Other races will seek the protection of some Celestial Beings to some extent, but certainly not as dwarves do so brilliantly and utilitarianally - they are not simply worshiping these Celestial Beings, but "investing" in these Celestial Beings.

They were not meant to be Avalonians, but to be gryphons.

Not the people of the Pillar God, but the beloved son of the Pillar God.

...And according to Aiwass's peek into the future, the dwarves' plan was really successful.

In the current version, many elves will even turn around and leave immediately when they see dwarves on the road.

Therefore, if there are many dwarves in an area, there is a high probability that there will not be any elves to travel and spend money. Also because the elves are rich, many dwarves are racially discriminated against in disguise.

And when this hatred chained back, many dwarves also disliked the elves.

Although this state of mutual dislike cannot be called hatred, and there is no inter-racial war, but there is already a state of regional discrimination between them.

Although there are also blacksmiths among the elves, the elves are not prohibited from borrowing Tiansi's power at all. It is just a requirement that the nine-pillar god must be given priority to maintain the first place of respect.

In the eyes of the dwarves, who have not yet made a fortune, this is the belief of the elves who are so arrogant and look down on their race - but in fact, the dwarves also recognize the power and nobility of the elves from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, these elves who are on the same path as the dwarves will be considered by the dwarves as "rare normal people among elves" and "good elves who have no airs and can communicate". At the same time, those human blacksmiths whose skills were inherited by the elven blacksmiths will also become "one of their own" in the eyes of the dwarves.

"That's why you raised Haina and Jack..."

Aiwass suddenly realized: "That's why you will teach Jack your skills - and you don't want Haina to go to the royal capital?"

"Not really, brother."

Qi Hui touched his beard and replied sincerely: "It is true that I have no wife or children. She saved my life, and I have an obligation to help her.

"But I really don't want Haina to go to the royal capital - even if she doesn't inherit the adaptability of her father's dedication to the path, can't she be an ordinary person? Or I also have a career in the dusk path here... It's rare The power of the Dusk Path here is so strong.”

The dwarf said angrily.

Aiwass asked casually: "Speaking of which, what is Haina's mother's name?"

The dwarf looked at him doubtfully.

"Isn't that Haina's mother?"


Aiwass was stunned for a moment.

Then the dwarf responded and explained: "Many villagers in this village have no names...except for the children born in these years."

"no name?"

Aiwass was completely surprised this time.

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