Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 284 The black hole deep in the swamp

Generally speaking, killing monsters should be inexperienced.

It's the same as killing small animals.

Because although monsters have powers comparable to those of extraordinary beings, they actually do not have a clear level of extraordinary beings. Their level in the game is only to the extent that "their power is equivalent to what kind of extraordinary person they are."

Although Aiwass doesn’t remember the setting of “experience” very clearly, he roughly knows that “free experience” is actually the power of the path that naturally escapes when killing and expelling opponents in fierce battles. related. Because the power of the road will naturally flow from higher places to lower places, and the system only plays the role of opening up the receiving channel.

But basically, you can only gain experience by killing extraordinary people who are stronger than yourself, or at least one level above you.

Therefore, this is also essentially a "transcendence" ritual.

This is very consistent with the setting of the player "Son of the Snake Father" - gaining power through transcendence.

Therefore, the experience given by killing extraordinary people is usually not as good as dispelling phantoms of the same level. Once the phantom is dispelled, its power will disintegrate; however, the extraordinary person may still be transformed into the undead when he dies, and if the undead are dispelled, the power of the path obtained will usually be less.

And these monsters are special creatures without consciousness or intelligence. They are inexperienced.

They are similar to some kind of phantom, but in fact they are not born in the dream world, but are native creatures of the material world.

Just like a first-level transcendent, he may not be able to defeat wild wolves; a second-level transcendent may not be able to defeat beasts such as lions and bears; even a third-level transcendent cannot fight an adult with bare hands. The duel between giant elephants is also very dangerous.

It is not until starting from the fourth energy level that extraordinary people can have sufficiently obvious individual advantages.

Monsters are a bit more special - they are indeed born with the power of the path, but they do not have enough intelligence, so they can only rely on instinct to use it.

Because of this, he cannot strengthen his power through dreams or mysterious techniques, and is still essentially a beast.

It's just that on top of the dimensions of "teeth", "muscles" and "weight", it has gained the additional power of "power of the path".

In this world, whether you can dream or not directly determines whether you have the possibility of becoming stronger - any creature that cannot dream means that it cannot connect to the dream world, and therefore cannot obtain stronger power of the road.

If the beast master was still there, the situation would be different. But now that the beast master has left his position, and the controller of the path of love is the moon god Ego, these beasts have lost the possibility of going further.

Therefore, even if the level is one level higher than theirs, monsters can still be hunted safely.

Extraordinary beings, as well as extraordinary creatures such as griffins and demons, will consciously make up for their own weaknesses. But monsters are different.

Although monsters are very strong in one direction, they are also weak in other places.

Like the collision of a mud turtle, it was roughly equivalent to a lead-core villa rushing over at a speed of about 120 miles; or equivalent to the charge of a 400-ton dump truck.

This basically takes just one hit to kill anyone except Haina on the spot.

This is undoubtedly the power that a fourth-level transcendent can exert.

But if you can directly damage its internal core - penetrate the rock shell on the back, or lay a trap on the ground to attack upward from its relatively fragile abdomen, or shoot it through the "meat" part like Sherlock , it can be killed easily.

This is what the hunters of Black Hawk do for a living. A well-trained and well-equipped hunter can even surpass two or even three energy levels to kill monsters. The materials on monsters can be sold for a lot of money - biological materials with natural path characteristics are useful in both alchemy and ritual.

Bullying these beasts is undoubtedly not an act of transcendence. Therefore, even if you skip a level challenge, you won't get any experience - but you can improve the hunter's mysterious skill level.

Aiwass is not sure whether he can gain experience from monsters because the monsters here are special, or because times have changed and he can indeed gain experience from monsters.

In order to test his thoughts, Aiwass has already started hunting——

Hunting monsters is very simple, as long as you have enough information. Mud turtles feed on skeletal animals, undead, and mud. They usually disguise themselves as swamps, half asleep with their mouths open, waiting motionless for the unconscious undead or animals to come over on their own and then fall down.

The earth elemental mana condensed into a vortex will make the surrounding swamp extremely sticky, making it difficult to escape once you fall into it.

——From this perspective, the reason Sherlock disturbed a mud turtle was because his spell was equivalent to pulling out its tongue.

There are about four or five mud turtles in a nest. They live in groups because they need each other's strength to form a large enough swamp area.

In this half-asleep state, they will not take the initiative. This is enough for Aiwass to arrange complex curse rituals on their faces, and use the curse to directly kill them in their sleep without disturbing them.

[Kill the fourth level monster and gain 26 free experience points]

[Kill the fourth level monster and gain 26 free experience points]

[Kill the fourth level monster and gain 26 free experience points]

Do you really have experience?

Aiwass raised his eyebrows.

Can experience be given to monsters that have not entered the battle?

Generally speaking, if a transcendent is killed before entering the battle, he will not provide experience to Aiwass. For example, the York lawyer who was assassinated by Aiwass, or President Tommy.

But these monsters not only provide experience, but the experience they provide is exactly the same. This is not quite right... Even if they are extraordinary people of the same energy level or even the same level, the experience given to them is random within a range.

——Only summoning creatures will give fixed experience.

This is a bit interesting.

Aiwass tentatively used the purifying fire to disperse several passing headless skeletons. The result is that no experience is gained.

While they were in the swamp, the fog began to grow heavier around them. It's unclear how much time has passed, but the white mist has completely obscured the surrounding environment, and some undead that only appear at night have begun to appear in the swamp.

For example, Night Knight.

After carefully confirming that there were no other knights around, Aiwass quietly summoned the flame butterfly and used the purifying fire to easily disperse a lone night knight.

[Expel the Night Knight and gain 64 free experience]

This experience is normal. That shouldn't be a problem here.

It wasn't until Aiwass killed a third-level "swamp ghost" that he finally discovered the anomaly——

[Expel the ghosts in the swamp and gain 84 free experience]

Swamp ghosts are the undead souls of those killed by the swamp. Their bloated bodies are filled with poisonous sludge, and they can spit out disgusting and rancid mud like vomiting.

This is a very ordinary undead and does not have much fighting power. But the experience it gives is much higher than that of the Night Knight, a warrior of the same level...

"You said there's something wrong with the swamp?"

Sherlock frowned: "Isn't it because there's that... mud turtle inside? You've already cleaned it out, haven't you?"

After seeing Aiwass kill all the mud turtles, Sherlock already wanted to leave. Because it is really unpleasant to move in the swamp, not to mention the white mist around it that makes you blinding and nauseating.

But Aiwass still dragged him and asked him to accompany him to kill three times in and three out. Killed all the undead that could be seen several times.

Now hearing Aiwass's words, Sherlock just felt outrageous: "Do you still want to chase him into the swamp and kill him? Are you killing him with red eyes?"

"This is called BUG recurrence."

Aiwass said confidently: "The reappearance means that we have caught the problem. Can you grab another elemental creature from the swamp to see? If we have killed all the mud turtles, you shouldn't You’ll feel resistance again, right?”

"Okay, okay..."

Sherlock couldn't resist Aiwass, so he could only respond helplessly: "Hurry up and leave as soon as possible. I already feel like there is a layer of something on my face..."

He stretched out his hand again, pointed his fingers at the largest swamp, closed his eyes and prepared to summon the mud eagle again.

But Sherlock's expression soon changed. His hand bounced away as if he had been electrocuted, and a bolt of earth-yellow lightning crackled on Sherlock's right arm, causing his whole body to tremble violently.

——Spellcasting failed.

But in an instant, the surrounding fog dissipated.

I saw that the swamps suddenly started to move - like a flushing toilet, flowing suddenly towards the depression in the middle. The white mist around them was sucked in as well.

At that moment, the air became fresher, and the vision seemed to suddenly light up. Sherlock breathed in the fresh air and even felt a little moved.

Soon, these swamps "ebbed" completely.

All that was left was a huge black circular hole in the middle.

The hole was about ten meters in diameter and the edges were very smooth. Even the intersection between the ground and the hole is a sharp right angle.

The hole is lower than the terrain where Aiwass and the others are located, and is surrounded by a smooth plane that slopes downward like a funnel.

Lily asked Aiwass for advice: "Shall I go and take a look?"

She has "lies" that can pull her body, so she is not afraid of losing her footing and falling in.

"No, let's leave."

Aiwass cautiously rejected Lily's words: "This is not the place we should come now."

Because he already recognized what it was...

They first guessed that Yingjia Village was a fairy forest, so it could not be seen from the outside. Later, they discovered that it was a mystery formed by some special dusk power, which disrupted the time sequence of Yingjia Village.

——But now, the possibility of the first guess has changed again.

Because this kind of funnel-shaped black hole that suddenly appears in the depths of swamps, lakes, and snow is called the Fairy Hole—it is the portal to the Fairy Kingdom!

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