Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 290 Vivian’s Dog

Muwan County, Bagpipe Town.

Children from the Glass Island Mission School will be organized by the school to take an annual trip here.

After all, there really isn’t much to do on Glass Island—it’s a place where every inch of land is at a premium. The most scenic spot is probably the island in the lake where the Silver and Tin Palace is located.

But it is important to show these children the natural scenery outside and let them know that not all Avalon is filled with smoke-belching, rumbling factories and trains that roar on the tracks.

This will also be helpful for children’s future employment.

The priest resources inside the Glass Island are already saturated. Not to mention the newly graduated priests and deacons, even the bishops grabbed a lot of them. There are nine churches in total on the Glass Island, and each church is guarded by more than one bishop of the fourth level or above.

But in many places outside, even in a large city, there is only one bishop. Most small towns did not even have a bishop and only one priest.

If the church needs to recruit people with such coaxing and deception, there is no other way. After all, the work content of the Church of Nine Pillars of God is quite large.

The entire town has to send people to birth ceremonies, weddings, and funerals. This alone is already extremely busy...especially funerals. A real priest of the transcendent level must be present during the burial to prevent the deceased from turning into an undead. .

They also have to lead believers in prayer every day, maintain the nine-pillar statue once a week, listen to confessions and undergo psychological therapy, take care of orphans, make holy water, farm in the fields behind the church, and sanctify ritual instruments... Just a few extraordinary people will definitely be too busy, and this will definitely require the assistance of a large number of ordinary people.

On the contrary, extraordinary tasks such as treating patients who cannot be cured by doctors, exorcising undead souls, and cursing only accounted for a very small part of the day's work. I can't even catch up once in many days.

There are less than a hundred priests a year who graduate from the seminary of Wangli University of Law and receive religious titles directly... This is definitely not enough. So there were missionary schools—not universities, but a kind of secondary school.

After graduating from primary school, you can enter a missionary school, and then you will basically reach adulthood after attending a missionary school for six years.

Then you can go to the church as an intern and learn how to become a qualified pastor from the grassroots level.

Those graduates of Wangli University of Law have at least the second level of education after graduation, and some can reach the third level before graduation. They basically intern and train in churches on Glass Island. After they have advanced to the level of priests and bishops, they are directly parachuted into various regional churches to serve as administrators or bishop candidates.

After their extraordinary level is further improved, they may even have the opportunity to be transferred back to the Theocracy to receive further promotion above that of a bishop. This can be regarded as a kind of professional group, and the life plan is basically towards the bishop - if you don't become a bishop by the age of forty, you will be laughed at by your classmates.

And these students who come out of church schools are the vast majority of clergy in those churches.

Most of them cannot even become a transcendent until they are thirty years old. Being able to barely master a certain transcendent skill is the limit.

After they reach adulthood, they will be sent to various remote towns according to the needs of the church.

And when they first graduate, they are just adults. Being suddenly separated from parents and sent to a backward rural place alone can easily make people lose their mental balance.

——After all, their inability to become extraordinary means that their talent for the path of devotion is not strong. That shows that they don't really like the act of dedication...but that's not necessarily the case. Maybe they don't have the foundation and opportunity to "dedicate".

This kind of "suffering" experience is actually to forcibly stimulate their dedication qualifications.

If they realize what dedication is while helping people in poor areas, they will have a chance to become official extraordinary beings.

——But then we have to let them really go.

Therefore, in order to reduce students' resistance, church schools will regularly arrange holiday trips specifically designed to fool children.

Take your children on vacations and travel to resorts with the best natural scenery.

Let them feel the beauty of nature, and also let them realize that "leaving the glass island is not necessarily a bad thing", and even make them look forward to working in the countryside after graduation. In order to avoid widespread resistance after graduation, I would not even come.

When they really graduated and found that the goods were not right, they could no longer regret it - why is it so ordinary here in the same country?

But since we’re here anyway, why not do it for half a year? Maybe you can become a real pastor within half a year.

Even if you leave your job after half a year, a new trainee pastor will be transferred in another half year.

——How pitiful. Vivian thought.

At this moment, this little girl with silver hair and silver eyes, wearing a dark blue nun dress, happened to be laughing and playing with her classmates.

Maybe it's because she has elf ears, or maybe it's just because she has a pretty and cute appearance. A large number of people naturally gathered around her, and she would become the center of attention wherever she went.

"Then, I'm going to go shopping alone!"

Vivian put one hand behind her back and waved the other hand in front of her body. She bent down slightly and smiled sweetly: "I'll be back in a minute!"

"Be safe, Vivian!"

"We'll wait for you right here!"

Her classmates also responded enthusiastically.

Vivian hummed happily and jumped up and down as she walked.

But before she could walk far, her steps slowly slowed down. The innocence and cuteness of a little girl became calm and elegant, and the carefree and cute smile on her face gradually faded and became calm.

When she turned a corner, she saw a man with long, wet hair that was as curly as seaweed standing there silently.

He was thin and tall, and had a dark and dangerous aura about him.

——He is the kind of person who will be thought of as a poet if he holds a pen, a painter if he holds a paintbrush, and a street singer if he sings, but if he stands there doing nothing, he will be thought of as a fugitive. type.

But Vivian was not afraid at all.

She raised her head and looked at the man.

"What's up?"

She asked back: "I remember I gave you freedom."


Yeats bowed down respectfully, and his words could even be called humble: "I finally found you."

"You don't have to find me."

Vivian said coldly: "You are no longer my dog."

"I have something to report to you, my lord."

"I don't listen."

Vivian refused without hesitation.

"Related to a divine entity."

"...Forget it, I'll listen."

Vivian changed her words.

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