Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 296 Haina’s future (third update)

The old pastor who witnessed his grandfather's death more than ten years ago has passed away long ago.

His son even looks to be in his forties or fifties - as a priest who has mastered the method of sacrificing fire, his appearance shows that his true age must be higher than younger. Maybe he stayed in Eagle Point Village for a long time.

But Mr. Pastor failed to bring much useful information to Aiwass.

Because it hasn't been too long since he accepted his father's position, and he hasn't been exposed to many things yet. He may not know as much as Aivas does today.

The only information he could give was probably the village's tradition about burials.

"There is no cemetery in our village."

While distributing cakes to Aiwass and Lily, the priest replied softly: "All the corpses will be thrown into the swamp, and there will no longer be a unified worship.

"Because remembering and worshiping are both behaviors on the twilight path, and we are just a group of nameless people who have sold their souls - we are not expected during our lifetime, and we will not be remembered after our death. People without names will not have any tombstone."

"Then why do those children have names?"

Aiwass asked a question that had puzzled him for a long time.

The priest just smiled: "We are all nameless souls trapped here, shadows forgotten by the sand clock... But they are different. They are all healthy children."

"...Why on earth did you sell your souls?"

Aiwass asked: "Why does Amber charge such a price?"

For ordinary phantoms, human souls may be a scarce resource. In order to obtain souls, demons can even sign contracts and be driven by others.

But to Pillar God, that doesn't matter at all. After a person dies, his soul will flow to the nine different rivers. It is as natural a resource as the air that humans breathe. No one will pay any price to breathe that mediocre air.

Unless the "air" itself has some special meaning.

——The strangest thing about Aiwass is, why did Amber agree to this kind of deal?

Judging from the twilight power that has filled the village to this day, this deal has not been completely concluded even now. Amber is still providing a steady stream of power, even enough to affect everyone's sense of time here.

But the priest just shook his head.

He held his finger up in front of his mouth. no answer.

Or maybe he can't answer.

So Aiwass could only change the topic and asked insinuatingly: "What about Haina, do you know anything about her?"

Finally, Mr. Pastor said: "Among the batch of newborns in our village, Haina is the most special one. There is no one else."

Indeed, Aiwass thought.

In your village full of the power of dusk, and with both her biological father and adoptive father being adaptable to the path of devotion, she was finally able to achieve half authority and half transcendence...

Neither dedication nor dusk.

"I thought she was going to be a priest, or a blacksmith."

Aiwass lowered his shoulders helplessly, picked up a piece of snack and put it into his mouth without hesitation, and replied incoherently: "But she doesn't seem to have the adaptability to devote herself to the path."

"Yes, because of this, Haina received authoritarian education when she was a child. This also comes from Jacob's suggestion - he told Haina's mother that little Haina has the adaptability to be authoritarian. .

"It was also after that that Haina's mother began to deliberately cultivate Haina's authoritarian heart. It can be said that Mr. Jacobs is indispensable for her to become a supervisor."

The pastor sighed: "And now, Mr. Jacob's grandson has become her friend and was invited to come here... This is probably fate. Destiny is the blood of dusk, and everything in the future has been destined by amber. Engraved in the amber tree. Everything is connected."

"Authoritarian education..."

Aiwass was a little confused.

But he paused and suddenly remembered——

That was the content of their conversation when he and Haina met for the second time and were pushed to the Pelican Bar by Haina.

"-Yes, my family is poor. But my parents have told me since I was a child that I must be an upright person. Follow the law, be loyal to the queen, and be honest to my teachers. Although I have no money, I have never done anything. A petty theft mistake."

"——I will not ask others to be the same as me, because not everyone agrees with authoritarianism. But I will restrain my own behavior as much as possible. It is not that I am forced by others, but I am happy to do so.

"——Today, I am dedicated to obeying my commander and executing every order he gives within the rules; but if one day, I will be higher than him, then he will also obey me in the same way."

Haina's childish but confident voice sounded from Aiwass's heart.

He took a deep breath and gradually came to his senses.

"...Why didn't I realize it at the time?"

This is the most standard authoritarian education.

The adaptability of the extraordinary person's path is not fixed after birth, but will continue to change. Just like Yannis, Meg before, and Ligeia now.

Family education is the simplest way to change the adaptability of the road. Although it is not useful for everyone, and it cannot be taken too far... For example, Isabel is really not suitable for the path of authoritarianism, but if you want to switch to the path of love through education, it is still no problem; in the same way, Yuri Ya is the path of balance, but she is also suited to wisdom and transcendence.

With proper guidance, it is often easy to lead children to the designated path when they are still young.

It is somewhat difficult to switch from the twilight path to the authoritarian path.

But it is okay to go beyond the path.

Moreover, the Transcendent Path is an illegal path in Avalon. If Haina had a strong adaptability to the Transcendent Path when she was born, and her parents decided from the very beginning to let her leave Eagle Point Village, they would have to Convert the adaptability of the transcendent path into the authoritarian path through various means...

That's why she received such a strict authoritarian education.

Together with this, Aiwass thought of the stories his grandfather Jacob told Haina when she was a child...

——The carnivores headed by the red giant bear and the golden lion rule the world. Herbivores such as the white horse and the green deer fight with wits and courage, and finally defeat the giant bear and become the new king. After the golden lion swallowed the black mole, the mole dug it out of its belly.

The story of "King on a White Horse" is a metaphor for Arthur's deeds of defeating the High Heaven and becoming the Silver Crowned Dragon. This story itself is full of traces of "transcendence", and just recording it has a hint of rebellion.

Haina had heard many stories about Jacob, but she remembered this one very deeply.

This shows that Xiao Haina’s first path adaptability is to transcend the path!

So, Haina's biological father...does he also have the adaptability to transcend the path?

If this is the case, maybe Haina's impulse for the road was actually inherited from her father!

Maybe, his disappearance is closely related to Jacob or Noble Red...

What he and Haina have in common is that they can both leave Eagle Cape Village for a long time.

If his departure was not an act of a "scumbag" but a pioneering act that only he could do...

Does that mean that only a strong enough "transcendence" power can break through the stagnation and seal of the dusk power in the blood and lead a normal life in the outside world?

Avas immediately understood why he had not seen Haina in the original game.

——Because Haina will only stay as a trainee supervisor for half a year.

After she graduates, she will return to Eagle Point Village as she is now.

From then on, she would never return to the Glass Island - because she could never go back.

She will either awaken to the adaptability of the Twilight Path or her own transcendent nature. No matter what the possibility is, her temperament will change drastically and she no longer likes the work of the Supervision Bureau.

So, are there any similar BOSS or forces in the game?

——It really does.

And this time it's not BOSS.

In the version, there is a separatist demon rebel army "Hyena Gang" in Avalon, resisting the colonial rule of the Kingdom of Star Antimony.

They were a group of demonized former supervisors who swept around with a large group of undead hounds, attacking mines, bridges and railways controlled by the Star Antimony people, robbing caravans, and assassinating those "new" people who had taken refuge with the Star Antimony people. noble". Turn the people you killed into undead again.

Avalon, controlled by the Star Antimonians, lost control of the Griffin Brigade and the Eye of Avalon, which made it difficult for them to control local intelligence as accurately as Avalon does today. The Hyena Gang hides in the most desolate places, and the people of Avalon help hide their traces. Therefore, although they have been attacked repeatedly, they cannot be completely eradicated.

The leader of the Hyena Gang is a tall and straight beauty, "nameless".

She was high-spirited, and her speech and behavior were full of confidence, but she had a lot of scars on her body - not scars caused by lack of timely treatment after the battle. Scars, as reminders of wounds, are themselves powerful symbols of dusk.

"Nameless"'s hair was tied into a high ponytail reaching her waist, and she had hazy yellow pupils. The clothes on his body were in tatters, with two arms and one leg exposed, and he had a bright and handsome smile. She has the power of the three paths of Authority, Transcendence, and Dusk at the same time, and is very popular among players and the people of Avalon.

They are considered half friendly units.

Because the Hyena Gang has "camp favorability" that can be earned, the Hyena set purchased in the camp store is the most advanced set commonly used by Demon and Necromancer players.

It was not until the founding of Camelot that Wuming was the vanguard to attack the Shadow Sky Division, but died in a direct attack by the Shadow Sky Division. The Hyena Gang eventually fell apart, and some of the remaining familiar NPCs became Camelot's police guard.

...Looking back now, this should be Haina from another world line.

It’s not my fault that Aiwass didn’t recognize it—the name, hairstyle, eye color, temperament, and occupation are all different. Apart from the figure, there is nothing the can I recognize him!

And Haina may have a low self-esteem because she is always stared at because of her good figure. She usually holds her breasts somewhat. There is basically nothing the same as that generous, sassy, ​​and aggressive older sister——

Aiwass shook his head to dispel the random thoughts that he was aware of.

About her father... she has to talk to Haina first.

With this thought in mind, he said goodbye to Mr. Pastor.

When Aiwass went out, he found that it was already dusk outside.

As soon as he went out, his expression suddenly changed——

——How about we go back first?

But at this moment, Aiwass suddenly stopped.

Because the pastor is responsible for receiving people from other villages, his house is near the head of the village and very close to the trail into the village.

But now, Aiwass heard the excited and rude shouts of a group of people from the end of the village.

He frowned slightly, pulled Lily back half a step and hid in the pastor's house.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

Then a group of people wearing red robes rushed in——

Today is an update of 8,000 words! (Put your chest out)

Sudden hard work, writing from the time I got up to now——

Let’s update as usual tomorrow (so tired that I stick out my tongue)

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