Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 300 Punishment Demon and Sunfire

"Kassim, Master! Don't do this!"

The demon residing in the giant's body sensed Cassiam's determination, and it suddenly became panicked: "If you take that step, you can't look back-"


Cassiem stared with scarlet eyes, reached into his chest, and grabbed out the slender demon wrapped in smoke and simmering in flames.

——That’s the Smoke Demon, the demon who controls concepts such as fire.

It is not a high-level demon, but a lower-level demon that Cassim made a contract with when he first became a demonologist.

Cassiem is not the type of person with talent, but the type who acquires the power of the path through a sufficiently radical will. He was already dissatisfied with his own demon...but there was nothing he could do about it.

Once he becomes the devil incarnate and breaks away from his body and becomes a devil, he can never change back. And the more this happened, the more resentful he became towards the Smoke Demon.

——If you are a high-level demon like Shadow Demon, Balrog, or Dream Demon, you won’t hold me back.

"Isn't it because you are too weak that I have to take this step?"

Cassiam's eyes were scarlet and purple, and the flames that were so light that they were almost transparent made his eyes look so enchanting.

After entering the fourth energy level, he can summon more powerful demons and even higher-level demons.

Because the last step of the devil's incarnation hatching from the body can cut off all the contracts he signed in the past. No matter how harsh the contract is, as long as it is not fulfilled, it will be a waste of money. Now he can give up the contract at any time and the Smoke Demon leaves him...but he can also choose another method at the same time.

——The giant grabbed the Smoke Demon, put it in his mouth, and chewed it hard.

Thick smoke flowed out of his mouth along with the ever-expanding firelight, and a shell of flame gradually ignited all over his body. This allowed him to slightly weaken the attack of the unknown phantom, making it easier for him to complete the transformation ritual.

The dark clouds gathered quickly like fast forward, and the storm came without warning.

A wild storm swept across the land, and it only took a few seconds for the heavy rain to start from nothing, then to pour, and finally the pouring rain washed down——

Heavy rains of this magnitude are enough to extinguish forest fires. However, it has almost no impact on the Flame-Contrary Butterfly.

She was still flying proudly in the air, with her butterfly wings spread wide.

She knew what the giant had done, but she had no intention of attacking him in the first place.

Like the demon who brought about the end of the world - under Aiwass's order, she did not care about the intense consumption of her own mana. She used her strongest ability and squandered her mana as soon as she entered the battle. Those slender and scorching lasers were like punishment from the gods, drawing traces on the ground one after another, and sweeping the lineup of demonologists into pieces.

Burning corpses, exploded rotten flesh, charred marks on corpses that were cut into two pieces... and the demons that were gradually dissipating.

They basically had no power to fight back, so they could only flee in embarrassment based on their own abilities. Once they escaped like this, their formations immediately fell into chaos. Under the heavy rain, the field of vision became further narrowed, and there were even people who bumped into each other without looking at the road, and were then cut into four pieces by the two intersecting lasers.

Basically, those spells can only slightly suppress the Paraflame Butterfly, allowing her to maneuver to reduce the frequency of attacks. But she was too flexible, and several legal spells copied through rituals were ineffective against her and were completely resisted.

The Paraflame Butterfly, which had been fed to level 38 by Aiwass using the shepherding method, was already close to the peak of the fourth energy level.

Although there is still no energy level jump, with the addition of the upper-level phantom demon, at least if the giant does not reveal the true form of the devil, it will definitely not be able to suppress her energy level. And low-level spells are already difficult to take effect on her.

And the demon incarnation wants to complete the final step of incubation, although it is very fast... but it is not instantaneous.

During the time lag when he was out of the battle, Aiwass was able to control the Flaming Butterfly and clear out those miscellaneous soldiers first.

When fighting a BOSS, it's a completely different level of difficulty whether you bring miscellaneous soldiers with you or not. In particular, these demonologists are proficient in rituals and curses. If they are given enough time, they can easily cause great trouble.

Aiwass attaches great importance to them - even more than the upper-level demon that the giant is about to transform into.

Therefore, the Flame Paradox Butterfly's attack basically never aimed at the giant, but kept shooting at those vulnerable demonologists.

And isn't that giant using those demon scholars to buy time so that he can have enough time to complete his transformation?

At this moment, a bolt of thunder suddenly fell!

The lightning struck Qasiem's ​​body, and his body suddenly cracked in the lightning!

What was born in the violent lightning was a new high-level demon——

He has a face as ferocious as a demon and a ferocious lion, covered in dark matte scales, with a slightly hunched strong body over two meters tall, and a pair of bat-like dark flesh wings behind him. . The legs are extremely strong, like a crocodile or a turtle.

Its right hand held a halberd shining with electric light, while its left hand held a silver metal chain with sharp barbs.

——This is the Punishment Demon!

Aiwass immediately recognized the other party's identity.

Just as the Balrog has the power of the path of devotion, the Shadow Demon is related to the shadow realm of the path of love... The Demon of Punishment is a high-level demon who has mastered the power of authority and has the mark of the great sin of "greed".

They are demons directly under the Fallen Heaven Division. They have the power of crime and punishment, and will punish sinners with thunder.

The more sinful one is, the greater the damage caused by their lightning strikes. Therefore, they have extremely strong suppression power over the devil itself.

Those who were killed by thunder in broad daylight were targeted by the Punishment Demon.

But it is not a messenger of justice, but will actively seek out sinners and blackmail them—requiring them to obey themselves and provide themselves with souls and flesh. And their appetite will become bigger and bigger. If the other party doesn't comply, they will tie the sinner's body with the barbed chains and drag them until their flesh and blood are mutilated.

Unlike upper demons who act alone, punishment demons usually maintain a group of mortal servants. They must completely obey the Punisher Demon in terms of behavior, otherwise they will be punished by chains or electric shocks - but if they are truly loyal to the Punisher Demon from the bottom of their hearts, then the Punisher Demon will eat their souls with satisfaction. Therefore, sinners targeted by the Punishment Demon must always harbor rebellion and hatred.

——This is terrible!

Aiwass's heart sank.

The Punishment Demon is a demon who is proficient in civil war. Moreover, as a beast of great sin, the Butterfly of the Flame has been branded with a great sin... It can absorb the full special attack of the Punishment Demon...

I saw the Punishment Demon throwing out the chain in his hand - it disappeared into the void as soon as it flew out, and then multiple portals condensed around the Flaming Butterfly. Those chains came out of it and instantly bound the Flame-Destroying Butterfly that could not be avoided!

The lightning formed a cocoon of seals, wrapping her directly in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, the Punishment Demon roared and issued an order in an unknown language.

The bodies of the demonologists who were either disabled or in a state of embarrassment suddenly flashed with crackling lightning, and howled under the heavy rain.

But their bodies started to move on their own—

They uniformly aimed at the house where Aiwass was and performed the final ritual spell.


Their livers, gallbladders, hearts, spines, and skins burned with purple flames. Runes representing sacrifices were slowly imprinted on their bodies. Their organs disappeared one by one, but their bodies did not die immediately.

Under the control of the Punishment Demon, they were forced to sacrifice themselves. He devoted his life to the great spell of punishing the demon.

The Punishment Demon couldn't control the Flame Butterfly for too long...and he didn't know how many trump cards the Flame Butterfly had, so he chose to directly attack the summoner of the Flame Butterfly.

——This kind of power must be the Book of Law!

The shadow demon transformed into a hound and stood in front of Aiwass seriously - it also realized that this was an impossible blow to block.

"Take me there, Aiwass!"

The Shadow Demon's voice rang in Aiwass's head urgently: "We have to attack the Punishment Demon directly!"

This is a true high-level demon, and Shadow Demon has never been good at defense. Not to mention that Aiwass's shadow affinity level is not enough, so it cannot fully invest its power into Aiwass' body.

If she gave all her power to Lily, she might be able to block the blow - but she would be in danger.

So Shadow Demon decided to strike first.

Accumulate strength and attack the enemy to save them——

"——No need."

Aiwass said softly.

He looked at the Punishment Demon seriously, and a card appeared between his fingers.

That's the spell card - Cloak of Shadows.

[Spell: Shadow Cloak (Moon)]

[Required: Dark 1]

[Instant, contactless, effective immediately]

[Effect: Knock back all surrounding targets, immediately lift the seal, freeze, burn, bind, and petrify state you are suffering from, and enter a completely invisible state, lasting for one minute (+30%). When the invisibility status granted to you by this effect is broken, a curse will be placed on all hostile targets that can see you. The effect is equivalent to the "Blinding Curse\

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