Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 318 Not a good friend of Aiwass

Chapter 310 Not a good friend of Aiwass

The outskirts of Bagpipe Town. ▲𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒 Search for 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑚Read▲

The giant prince Wolfram stood alone in the open grassland, the winter grass had become dry.

Wolfram's face did not have the anger and frenzy common among giants, but was extremely calm.

His rational and indifferent voice sounded leisurely: "I paid a price you can't imagine to escape from George. Now we have no way out... I hope the information you brought is true."

He consumed all the remaining demonologists who fanatically followed him as materials, so that he could set up a trap to trap the Great Guardian George, and at the same time, he directly crossed the entire Avalon and teleported from a diagonal position. come over.

It can even be said that the core elite of Noble Red has become extinct.

And the reason for everything was because Kasim sent a piece of information, and Wolfram immediately sent it over without hesitation and at great cost.

"You are not the only one who paid the price, my respected prince."

A voice that seemed blurry in the rolling thunder but could not hide the malice and greed in it sounded: "Those humans are just slaves, toys, walking ritual materials and food reserves. What kind of heavy price can it be considered?"

"As long as we get the Book of Law, we can easily recruit stronger and more humans than this - I need your help, my respected prince."

As he spoke, a dark cloud appeared in front of the giant prince. The devil, who was as ferocious as a demon, covered in jet-black scales, with black bat wings behind him, and thick crocodile feet, walked out of the void in a burst of crackling lightning.

His right hand dragged the halberd shining with electric light, bursting into flames on the dry white grass and igniting a scorch mark. And the silver chain with sharp barbs was wrapped around his left arm covered with scales.

Completely different from Qasiem’s irritable but cautious character.

With the power of the devil's incarnation, he degenerated into a punishment demon and did not hide his self-confidence and greed - or in other words, he was trying his best to hide it.

Originally, he was going to find the "Book of Law" and give it to Prince Wolfram, but now the person who gets the book has become "us". Maybe after I get it, the personal pronoun will be changed to "I" again. He now feels like he can do such a thing.

But Prince Wolfram didn't care at all about the changes in his subordinate, the only pure-blooded member of the association.

In other words, he already knew the other party's true character. It was only because of Qasiem’s blood that he was willing to work with him and share power.

Unlike Cassiem's ​​disgusting attitude of groveling and hiding his desires before, Prince Wolfram's relationship with the Punishment Demon was more relaxed and natural: "What? You never believed in the existence of the Book of Law before. Now, Do you finally believe it?"

"That is indeed an incredibly powerful force."

The Punishment Demon also admitted his failure without hesitation: "I came a little late, and Jacob's grandson got it... As a result, at the third level, he was able to compete with me head-on, and even had an advantage for a time. Forcing me to become a Punishment Demon to survive. This was still when I brought a group of demonologists, and even after I became a Punishment Demon, he could still pose a threat to me.

"I can tell that his fighting style is immature. It's more like a 'test' than a fight... like the kind of person who suddenly gets power and then finds someone to test what this power can do. young people."

He knew this all too well.

There are many people like this in Noble Red.

"But if he only has this level, you won't be able to ask for my help. You will want to take the Book of Laws for yourself."

Prince Wolfram said: "Because you have also just become a punishment demon and are not familiar with your new power. If it was just a little bit close, you would definitely lie dormant and wait until you recover from your injuries and become familiar with your power before you attack again.

"So you must have encountered something else - tell me, I have already come over."

"——I encountered the Wild Hunt. As long as I enter the battle, it will be a storm. Passing by the area where the Wild Hunt is frequent, it is easy to provoke the King of the Wild Hunt."

The Punishment Demon replied: "You are lucky if you can escape safely."


Wolfram was a little more interested: "What level is the King of the Wild Hunt?"

"At least the fifth energy level, maybe the sixth energy level."

The Punishment Demon simply shared the information: "I retreated as soon as we fought - in order to maintain my condition.

"But we don't have to be afraid even if it's the sixth level. Even if we can't defeat the Wild Hunt, it's still no problem to hold it off, and the other person can take away the Book of Law.

"The Wild Hunt will not chase the living. How about we just leave once we have the items and divide the loot in a safe place...?"

"Then who's going to attract the King of the Wild Hunt?"

Prince Wolfram asked rhetorically.

The Punishment Demon chuckled and said: "Of course, everyone depends on their ability. But if you are worried, I can go in first."

His dark golden vertical pupils were full of malice.

It's not that he doesn't know the identity of the King of the Wild Hunt, nor does he know the opponent's energy level - the elf Heleqin. His name is also famous among the giants. Without him, those ingredients might have been ruled by giants until now. His death kicked off the war against the Titans.

Rather, it was because the Punishment Demon knew Heleqin...

That's why he knew that no matter what order they entered Eagle Point Village, Heleqin would definitely stare at Prince Wolfram!

Herchin's deep-seated hatred of giants would invalidate the rule that "the Wild Hunt will not hunt down the living."

The sixth-level King of the Wild Hunt would most likely kill Prince Wolfram if he pursued him to death.

——His former master was, after all, a fifth-level "great wizard".

As an advanced profession of Curse Mage, he is really too dangerous... It is easy to kill others with a curse, and that evil Jacob is at this level.

Now that the other party knows that he has become a punishment demon, he may use various countermeasures and rituals against demons to target him... He may even set a trap to capture him, which is really too dangerous.

And he himself did not dare to directly confront the world's strongest person at the sixth level. If the opponent is a demon, he can still fight...but if it's a wild hunt, he might as well forget it.

Calling His Highness the Prince here can be said to accomplish multiple things with one stone.

On the one hand, he can entangle the King of the Wild Hunt so that his plan to obtain the Book of Law can proceed smoothly without being interrupted; on the other hand, the King of the Wild Hunt can also kill his former boss with a high probability. Let yourself become truly free.

In order to jointly fight against the King of Wild Hunt, obtaining the Book of Laws, this plan can also prevent His Highness from being cursed to death in advance. After all, the Punishment Demon didn't know how many curse materials he had in his hands, and whether they would still be useful after he became the Punishment Demon - he didn't dare to bet.

——All in all, I won three times!

Punishment Demon thought.

On the other side, the glass island, the palace of silver and tin.

Queen Sofia, who was lying on the bed, was chatting with Ligeia, who was sitting on her bed. She suddenly paused, as if she heard something.

Then she smiled bitterly.

"What's wrong, Sophia?"

Ligeia raised her eyebrows, rubbed Sophia's arm with her dragon horn, and said loudly: "Someone made you unhappy? Do you want me to beat him up?"

"It was the report submitted by George."

Queen Sofia said slowly: "He said that all the core members of the Noble Red, except for the two giant leaders Wolfram and Cassiam, have surrendered."

"Isn't this a good thing?"

Ligeia was a little confused.

"Indeed, it would have been better if George hadn't immediately sent a copy of this news to the Supervisory Bureau and the Round Table Hall."

The queen sighed: "You two are the same... upright and strong, but you don't understand people's hearts. Avalon does need a big victory to boost morale... but we need a clear one now, but not as good as Star Antimony." Strong enemies to increase cohesion."

During this period, the actions on Xing Antimony's side were very intense.

After the Star Antimony people failed to rescue Drost and Avalon killed a group of Star Antimony spies... Star Antimony also immediately killed the same number of Avalon spies.

This is a very dangerous signal. On the one hand, it means that many spies lurking in Star Antimony in Avalon have actually exposed themselves, or that Star Antimony has a very advanced ability to find spies. The information they send back may not be useful or true, and the remaining ambush Spies may not be safe.

On the other hand, this also means that Xing Antimony's desire for war is very strong-not only did they kill a group of inspectors sent by Avalon, but they also reversed right and wrong from newspapers.

They described Avalon's actions as "the strong xenophobia of the Avalonians, which led them to kill planetary travelers and merchants and take away their property", and described the assassinated Avalon spies as As "a gang member who was mistakenly killed due to a fight with a street gang."

Sophia believes that this is the Star Antimony people building momentum for the upcoming war. Correspondingly, Avalon was not ready to face this war.

This caused Edward, who was still in Iris, to be recalled urgently. But even so, the fact that Aiwas is about to take office as a minister has still been fiercely opposed by the Round Table Hall - it is really unheard of for a child who has just grown up to succeed a high-ranking and powerful minister. The Round Table kept raising objections with excuses like that he was too young and didn't understand Avalon.

Of course, as long as Sophia presses ahead, their objections will have no effect.

However, correspondingly, it is difficult to force them to cede their own interests. When Minister Drost died, they did not eat the cake he left, but directly cooperated to enter a state of full war preparations - war requires money. Yes, the same goes for preparing for war.

In other words, they did not really want to oppose Aiwass's succession as minister. I just want to find some trouble to gain some political space for myself.

Now there are no other heirs in the royal family - Isabel has no authoritarian path, and she can't visibly suppress them. Therefore, when the queen's health deteriorated, they began to have their own thoughts.

After all, they still don't want to fight the Star Antimony people.

Because the rule of the Star Antimony Kingdom relies heavily on the traditions of the Herasl Empire they inherited. Outside the radiating circle of imperial culture, their influence was not great. In the end, jurisdiction could only be exercised by the local governor.

The Principality of Narcissus is a good example - except for Duke Narcissus being killed, almost no one of the top mages has been replaced.

In other words, even if they lose, it won't affect them in any way. But if you keep fighting, it's not necessarily who will die.

"This Avalon really sucks."

After listening to Sophia's explanation, Ligeia sneered: "Is this the country of knights? It's really funny."

"It's all my fault...I'm too old."

Sophia sighed: "If I can be younger, these problems can be solved; or if the Shadow of Avalon ritual can succeed, the ancestors can also protect Avalon."

"I think that if Lancelot I is really resurrected, the first ones he will kill are the old knights in the Round Table Hall."

Ligeia shook her head.

She knew why Sophia insisted on making Aiwass the Minister of Indifference.

Essentially, they wanted the relatively trustworthy Aiwass to be the regent. Support Avalon during the transition period between kings and kings.

If they don't take action, it's not easy for Ligeia to take action - and those of them with big names are not easy to take action, because it will bring strong uneasiness and chaos to the civilians.

The strongest group of people in the country suddenly began to use cruel methods to eliminate dissidents on a large scale... Everyone knows what this means.

This means confusion.

The vacancies in power and interests created by killing those people will cause certain areas to suddenly stop, triggering a series of unknown and unpredictable consequences. It may also cause the remaining people to fight for these cakes, and the person who is finally promoted again may not be more reliable than the previous one.

In the same way, if Aiwass is given the title of regent, it will easily lead to taboos.

But "regardless of ministers" is different. They are all of the same level, and it is normal for them to attack each other, especially if they are within their own scope of authority... As long as the Queen pretends not to hear, Aiwass can be allowed to attack others. If they are in a hurry, the Queen can sideline; if they are not in a hurry, they can let Aiwass gradually seize their power.

Ligeia lacks a long-term perspective on this matter, and listening to anyone's opinions may lead to her being exploited.

So she didn't trust anyone and only obeyed the queen's orders.

Although Queen Sofia enforced many policies when she was young...but as she got older, her administrative style tended to be conservative. Her previous plans were basically based on the Shadow of Avalon. As a result, the ritual was now invalid and Avalon immediately had no way out.

But now the Star Antimony people are eager to try, and any wound may attract their bite.

——In fact, if you are serious, these problems are not unsolvable.

But Extraordinaries on the Authoritarian Path tend to be conservative and stable, and the higher the level, the more so. Even the Silver Crowned Dragon is the same. This is a mode of thinking determined by the characteristics of the road.

"In the beginning, the Round Table Hall was clearly established to imitate the Knights of the Round Table who advocated 'equality' and 'unity'. The founding family is also the descendant of the heroes who sacrificed themselves for Avalon..."

Sophia sighed: "Why has it become like this now..."

At this point, I can only trust Aiwass.

She also knew that putting such a burden on a young man... was very despicable.

But she didn't have a choice, and neither did Avalon.

"I think you are worrying too much. He should be very happy and kill."

Ligeia complained: "That boy is not a good person."

An update of nearly 8,000 words! Send it!

This chapter was actually written at 8:40 in the morning. I had insomnia again last night. I felt that the breath coming out of my nose was hot and blocked one nostril. I was so thirsty and my voice was hoarse that I couldn't sleep at all. So I got up at 4 o'clock in the middle of the night and wrote more than 7,000 words... What a pity about my schedule. It's about to collapse again, woo woo hoo...

I will correct the typos when I wake up, probably in the afternoon!

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