Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 320 You were kidnapped by us

Aiwass was carried by Bayard and sent to private room No. 1.

Miss Bayard is quite tall - Aiwass made a simple visual inspection and found that her height was even close to 1.8 meters. And even so, she even wore high heels.

She wears sharp metal half-rimmed glasses and has long black hair that reaches her waist. The green eyes were like a noble and arrogant she-wolf, hiding a sense of aggressive indifference.

She easily hugged No. 14's thin and light body. Because of his youth and malnutrition, No. 14's body was as thin as a shadow. Even before Aiwass became a transcendent, he could easily lift her up with only one hand, and as Yue Not to mention the son of Bayard.

And Aiwass curled up in her arms, showing his weakness and harmlessness.

She gently grabbed Miss Bayard's collar with one hand, while the other hand curled up helplessly on her belly. Bayard's towering chest suppressed it, and there was an extremely obvious sense of movement and oppression as he walked.

Aiwass closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep. But her eyelashes were trembling slightly, and her breathing that was suppressed to silence showed her nervousness.

This is called "pretending to be asleep."

At the same time, Aiwass was chatting with Shadow Demon in his heart:

"If I remember correctly... one of the conditions for the birth of Shadow Demon includes a frustrated person who falls from a height, right?"

She teased Shadow Demon in her mind: "Are you Miss Bayard?"

As a result, after she thought these words in her heart, there was a long silence on the other side.

"No way, am I right?"

Aiwass was a little stunned.

At this time, Shadow Demon responded in an extremely serious and low voice:

"I'm never her. She's never me."

"--Feel sorry."

Aiwass was keenly aware that Shadow Demon seemed to be in a bad mood, so he immediately apologized and comforted him.

But another thought came to his mind: "Could it be that... you are No. 14?"

"...What are you guessing, my lovely little master?"

Shadow Demon was a little helpless: "How could I be so weak?"

"So you are Bayard's friend?"

"Stop guessing, my master. Close your eyes and rest well."

Shadow Demon sighed, but his tone became gentler.

——This is completely different from its usual arrogant and arrogant tone. Instead, it seems a bit weak.

"You're quite cute today." Aiwass responded in his heart.


Shadow Demon sneered and said nothing.

So the more it prevented Aiwass from guessing, the more interested Aiwass became.

But no matter what Aiwass said after that, Shadow Demon stopped replying.

The distance from the lobby to the suite is not that far.

Aiwass was quickly sent to the bed - unlike the gentleness along the way, she was almost thrown directly onto the bed. Fortunately, the bed was soft enough that she could continue to pretend to sleep with her eyes closed. Or pretending to be dead.

As soon as she lay down, she could hear voices coming from the next room. Bayard also obviously heard the sound, so she stood by the wall nervously and listened for a while.

Perhaps for the sake of fun, or perhaps for the sensational atmosphere, the soundproofing effect of the suites here is not good. Rather, it is even somewhat amplified - just lying on the bed, you can clearly hear the sound next door through some kind of resonance. It's like pressing a paper cup phone against the wall.

Considering that the entire Arc Moon Manor has been reinforced by preservationists, this design is obviously intentional.

This is the way of love. Just highlight one that you can play well...the better you are at it, the easier it is to get promoted.

From this perspective, this strange design can be regarded as a reasonable design to enhance road resonance.

But what surprised Aiwass and Bayard was that the voice next door was not chatting during the intermission of a special game - it seemed like they were actually discussing something serious...

And Aiwass clearly heard words such as "gargoyle", "self-discipline action" and "anti-purification".

This made her hold her breath slightly, wanting to hear more clearly.

But at this moment, Miss Bayard suddenly pulled off a row of buttons on her chest.

She threw her buttons inlaid with fine black pearls to the corners of the room while chanting in a low voice:

"The Forger of Buttons, the Lord of Minions, the Mother of Secrets, give me the silent cage in which cats and pigs are imprisoned."

——Is this a ceremony? !

Aiwass was stunned for a moment.

He really knew this ritual—his ritual teacher had told him about it before.

"Button" has the meaning of minions, and the Mother of Secrets refers to Shadow Sky, the ruler of the Shadow Realm. Cats and pigs are metaphors in rituals...cats refer to women who are drunk or stunned and lose the ability to resist, while pigs are tied up sacrifices or kidnapped people.

Through this ritual, the "secret technique" can be used. This is an application of the silence technique. It does not dissolve the internal sounds, but prevents the communication of sounds inside and outside the barrier.

Is Miss Bayard actually a ritualist?

As the ceremony was established, a misty gray barrier enveloped the room.

It's not particularly obvious... It's probably like a person smoking for half an hour in a room of about 20 square meters. As soon as he opened the door, he could feel that the room seemed a little foggy. But it's not so strong that it feels like "like a fairyland".

At that time, the sound next door was completely isolated.

Bayard slapped Aiwass hard on the butt.



Aiwass no longer pretended to be asleep, but just got up holding his buttocks and grinning.

She opened her eyes and looked at Bayard, showing a soft but calm look: "What do you want to do?"

"You do know this ritual."

Bayard crossed his arms and said calmly: "What did you do to me just now?"

She was still uneasy about the frenzy she had fallen into.

An ordinary Moon Child wouldn't care about that kind of thing at all. He would simply think that this was a treasure he had picked up - but Bayard was an exception.

She is quite confident in her solid rationality.

That was the excellent self she developed by overcoming various difficulties during her human period. Be able to face all kinds of temptations, be happy but not depraved, enjoy but not indulge, and maintain your own humanity.

The moon child's instincts cannot affect her.

——Because of this, when her rationality was broken for the first time, when exceptions appeared in her cognition... she felt strong uneasiness.

This was her first time in a private room, so she didn't know it was designed like this. Fortunately, she had also been a ritualist when she was human, so she inherited part of her professional rank. At least such a simple ritual can still be used normally.

This kid... is really too tempting.

It was so tempting that she even bit her own tongue on the road just now, using the pain to regain her rationality and calmness.

——Because she suspected that this was a trap carefully laid for herself by those enemies.

Maybe it's a piece of meat to tempt you to fall, or maybe it's to add a weakness to yourself. It's also possible that her blood was a chronic poison, or laced with an addictive mixture.

Countless possibilities swirled in her mind.

These are unprecedented times of chaos.

The alchemists fought fiercely with the artists, but at the same time they also began to quickly seize various resources. By the time demonologists and necromancers realized it, they had become marginalized.

At this time, the powerful Sons of the Moon settled in the imperial capital.

That is a life that is immortal in the true sense - even if it is killed, it can be reborn again. It can only be sealed or assimilated. The most terrifying thing about them is their ability to control other people's minds and desires at will. They don't even know if their thoughts are their own thoughts, or if they are illusions caused by being hinted or charmed.

These children of the Moon entered into collaborations with alchemists and artists.

They generously bestowed their friendship and invited famous alchemists and great artists to their decadent banquets. In the end, those high-ranking big shots either became their own people or became food.

And in this case, they have no choice.

The power of the Children of the Moon expanded like a snowball, and even Bayard himself was once run over by this crazy expanding snowball.

——But now, she is already a part of the Moon Child.

But even so, she still didn't want to fall completely. Maybe it was the reserve in her heart, or maybe it was a faint uneasiness... This made her rarely communicate with other Children of the Moon after she calmly took over and appeased the group that was in chaos due to her "long disappearance".

Until she met "No. 14".

She was like a piece of honey, attracting his attention.

When she looked at No. 14, she seemed to see her past self - the one who was not required by her parents to perform arduous ritual practices and was still ignorant and naive.

At that time, she was not a conjurer or a witch. She is not the head of the consortium, nor is she an orphan yet.

Just an ordinary noble lady...a fragile human being.

...And looking at her, an increasingly intense and irrepressible evil desire was born in Bayard's heart.

She wanted to make the other person dirty - she wanted to attack her and tear her apart, just like tearing her own past apart. The path of love does not give birth to evil thoughts out of thin air, so this must be the manifestation of an idea in your heart. Bayard wanted to accurately capture the thought that made him lose his cool, so he continuously clicked the number 14 to accompany him.

But just today, I still lost control.

There was only one thing missing - if he accidentally sucked her to death, he would become a true child of the moon.

——A bloodthirsty monster, a fallen monster.

Bayard's thoughts were spinning in his mind, he looked at the girl on the bed and thought seriously.

Considering this point, No. 14 himself may not know anything. After all, the plot required her own life, and she clearly wished she could take her with him.

...Maybe she is just a stepping stone? A key to letting yourself waver and become less determined? After all, a strong fortress always has weaknesses, and they may just want to create a weakness.

Or maybe the owner of Huyue Manor was showing favor to him, so he chose a girl that suited his preferences.

Yeah...they still owe me some money. They borrowed money from me to build Arc Moon Manor last year, and now they still have a debt of more than 300,000 gold coins that has not been paid off. It's only 300,000 yuan, so it shouldn't hurt me... Is it because the cash flow is not working well, so do you want to postpone it for a while?

At this moment, No. 14 suddenly unbuttoned his clothes.

Bayard frowned and directly held down her hand, kneeling between her legs: "What are you doing, No. 14?"

"You unbuttoned yourself...I just want to be like you..."

No. 14 said aggrievedly, and his tone made Bayard feel soft, as if he had said something wrong.


"—No! You clearly know this is part of the ritual—"

Bayard suddenly reacted.

She was immediately a little embarrassed - but because of the suspicion, murderous intention and ferocity in her heart, she felt that the desire in her heart was also being pried.

never mind.

If you can't bear it anymore, don't bear it anymore.

Her other hand strangled Aiwass's neck, and raised her thumb to make Aiwass, who was pressed on the bed, raise his head: "What exactly do you want to do and what you want, just say it - and then pay the price." Bar."

Her pupils were gradually filled with vermilion light, and her tiger teeth began to become sharper.

But Aiwass just looked at her intently without saying a word.

But at this moment, a third person's sigh suddenly came from the room.

"She wanted to force me to come out and make me speak clearly."

Bayard suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Her body disintegrated into many bats in an instant, but she was too close to Aiwass - she lay directly on Aiwass with her whole body, which put her in completely zero-distance contact with Aiwass.

At this distance, no bat can escape the prison of shadow.

Countless thin shadow threads pierced out from the shadow under Aiwass, shuttled back and forth in the room, penetrated and nailed each bat in the air.

Aiwass' crimson face showed a satisfied smile, and she lay casually on the bed.

The shadow in the gap between the body and the bed spread like liquid, and spread on the bed like a snake.

Like a girl lying on the grass looking at the stars, or just wanting a hug - she opened her hands upward, grasping something in the distance.

"You were kidnapped by us, Miss Bayard."

No. 14 smiled sweetly.

The update is complete, it’s a little slow because it’s a big chapter close to 4,000!

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