Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 322 Bayard became confused

As a child of the moon, Miss Bayard stared at Shadow Demon for a long time, and her eyes wandered to Aiwass from time to time.

"……never mind."

Finally, Bayard sighed.

It's like giving up something, and looking away from something. While feeling regretful, the whole person also relaxed.

"Is there anything you need me to do?"

Bayard stopped looking at No. 14 and said coldly: "Go ahead."

She tidied her hair, which had become a little messy, and picked up her glasses from the floor and put them on herself.

Just as Shadow Demon said about Aiwass before - even though he is the son of the moon on the path of love, Bayard has extremely strong reason and humanity.

That is not conjecture, nor is it just blind confidence in the personality shaped by one's past experiences.

It was because Shadow Demon had already encountered her in another history.

——The Shadow Demon at that time may have also seen "No. 14". They may have had a fierce battle, or they may have finally reached a reconciliation, or they may even have briefly become friends or comrades-in-arms. That's why Shadow Demon knows her so well.

But in the end, the shadow demon ate her and regained the appearance that had belonged to him but was taken away by death.

Hundreds of years passed in an instant, and the Shadow Demon had put down his hatred. She has completely transcended her past and let go of—or has settled—the resentment she felt when she became a demon.

If Bayard, as the Son of the Moon, represents the "past", then Shadow Demon, who has given up everything, is the "future".

Using time as a twin mirror, the two looked at each other out of reach.

This is a miracle that can only happen in the dream world.

Faced with Bayard's inquiry, Shadow Demon just chuckled, and his whole body collapsed and dissolved, turning into a black snake.

She followed Aiwass's fingers and wound them around, getting in through the cuffs and out from the collar.

Shadow Demon gently circled Aiwass's neck - like a collar, like a noose. She stood tall on Aiwass's shoulders and looked at Bayard with scarlet snake eyes.

"Then I have to ask my master. After all, I am just his shadow."

Shadow Demon replied.

But Aiwass just raised his head and asked: "Let me ask a question first... What is the approximate energy level of the Moon Sons who are responsible for guarding the manor?"

"You want to take action?"

Bayard is so smart. Aiwass just said a word, and she immediately guessed what they wanted to do.

But she wasn't alarmed or surprised. She did not stop the two of them, but seriously thought about the seemingly unreasonable demand: "Even if the person you want to kill is in Huyue Manor, I strongly do not recommend doing it now.

"It's not just because they are very strong - there are double digits of fifth-level people in Huyue Manor now, probably more than in the palace. And only half of them are children of the moon, and the rest are invited by them The guests... the entire empire's upper echelons are having fun in a corner of this manor. They may even be right next door now."

Bayard crossed his arms and said sarcastically: "Some people are blood slaves, and some are children of the moon... This is also part of the service, and there are also people who can see each other. Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be people who come here to talk about business. People. In short, once someone discovers that something happened here, things will immediately become troublesome.

"My personal suggestion is to wait until midnight. It's just dark now, humans can't stay here for long, they may have their own things to do tomorrow. Most of them will leave before ten o'clock, and the remaining ones will also They would almost leave at one or two o'clock in the morning. When the crazy banquet was completely over at four or five in the morning and you went to have supper after get off work, almost all the Children of the Moon who came to play would also leave. At that time, the remaining people would basically leave. They are all people from Huyue Manor.

"At that time, there will probably be only one or two fifth-level people left in the manor, or even none at most. The rest will be newborns below the fourth level... No matter who you want to attack, as long as I Go and occupy the ritual room used to call for help and sound the alarm, and there won't be any noise."

She glanced at Shadow Demon: "As for the remaining should be able to solve it yourself, right?"

"Then I'll trouble you."

Aiwass showed a cute smile.

Bayard just sneered.

Now that she calmed down and looked back, she didn't know why she had lost her composure just now... Sure enough, there was something wrong with this little girl who could contract the Shadow Demon at the first level. But now it seems that she is just a little girl after all: "Let me remind you first, no matter who you plan to attack, it's best to just stop it.

"The Shadow Demon is not invincible, not to mention that you can't use the full power of the Shadow Demon. It will be very difficult for you to encounter a fifth level. I can't always protect you...unless you are willing to follow I'm leaving."

Confused, she finally added this sentence.

Aiwass stretched out his hand and slowly played with the black snake, his gesture seemed to have a mysterious charm.

She raised her head and smiled sweetly. He showed a fox-like sly smile.

"——Then what if I want to kill everyone here, big sister?"


"If I wanted to kill everyone here, would you help me?"

Aiwass repeated.

"...Including those blood slaves?"

"Of course. I'm talking about everyone - you can wait until daybreak before taking action, but I hope that no one will be left. Oh, you can also leave one or two... but I will slowly choose by myself when the time comes."

Aiwass said with a smile, but there was a chilling blood on his innocent and lovely face, which made Bayard unable to hold his breath.

——Is she crazy?

This was the first thought in Bayard's mind.

...Or is she born evil?

But in that case...

She looked at the shadow demon who had turned into a black snake with some hesitation.

Doesn’t she think there’s a problem…?

Bayard thought to himself.

She doesn’t know what she’s going to do on the 14th, but she believes in “herself.” Shadow Demon, who has the same skills and even possesses a real soul fragment, is closer to the real Bayard than the "actor" himself. Nowadays, except for the professional level of the Path of Love, which has been improved, the resonance of other paths has been suppressed to the lowest level, and the profession of Ritualist has also regressed by two levels.

She has lost the transcendent heart that belonged to Bayard.

And "Bayard" will never do anything crazy without any reason. So there must be some reason for her.

"...Then what can I get?"

Bayard suppressed the shock in his heart and asked this dangerous and strangely charming girl in a cold voice.

In fact, she had already agreed in her heart. I just subconsciously wanted to try to see if I could get some more benefits.

By now, this has been engraved in her bones and become her instinct.

But the girl with black hair and blue eyes, who was as thin as a doll, just tilted her head and showed an innocent and harmless smile.

She moved her knees and slowly moved to the edge of the bed.

She spread her hands generously, as if she was going to give a speech or asking for a hug.

"Can you be my master?"

Her voice was very soft, like a seductive whisper: "You can have me..."

Bayard felt his heart beating fiercely again.

Her pupils turned scarlet again in an instant - the impulse from the path of love made Bayard almost lose his mind.

--Be sensible, Bayard!

Never succumb to the impulse of the road——

Bayard suddenly clenched his right hand, and his sharp nails pierced the palm of his hand. Only then did she finally wake up.

"Is it interesting for you to trick me into losing control?"

Bayard asked loudly, his voice trembling: "Are you really a human? I think you are just a succubus!"

Number 14 was clearly not like this before - it was because the Shadow Demon was watching her that she suddenly became so aggressive.

She did this on purpose to let herself lose control.

This way the shadow demon can laugh at himself!

Bayard can still fall once in a while if no one is watching.

If a child of the moon completely obeys his own desires, he will "fall". Each time they fall, they become further away from their "archetypes" and have less remaining humanity. Bayard has always been ashamed of his depravity, but sometimes he really can't help it - this is a call from the origin of the path.

But what I can see this time is not even "others", but my true self - my true "self" who is more orthodox and powerful than myself!

She is the most honorable. It is absolutely impossible to lose face in front of "yourself".

"Who knows."

Aiwass smiled and leaned over, stretched out his hands to hold Bayard's hands, and intertwined his fingers with them.

She naughtily leaned into Bayard's ear and chuckled: "It's still far from five o'clock, big sister... but it's not okay to have such long nails."

She turned to take out her right hand and took Bayard's right hand in her hands. He gently licked the blood from her palm, and then took a sip.

"——The blood of the Children of the Moon tastes no different from that of humans."

Bayard suddenly took in a breath of cold air and broke away from Aiwass's hands as if he was electrocuted.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she even saw the raised corners of the black snake's mouth and a disdainful sneer on the black snake's face.

"...What do you want to do again?"

Even Bayard's voice softened a bit: "Just say it straight, you little succubus..."

No. 14 said coquettishly: "Come with me to find where the secret passage is, my master. I have heard that there is a secret passage leading directly to the outside in Huyue Manor."

"...I do know the secret passage, but you don't need to leave through the secret passage, right? If you want to leave, I can take you away directly." Bayard frowned.

"We just go out through the secret passage first to make sure it is passable. Then we will come back and seal the secret passage."

Aiwass regained his composure again, and his tone was cold and full of malice: "When daybreak comes, we will still kill people, Miss Bayard. I don't want anyone to escape from inside."

Bayard only felt a trance.

This girl... is just telling lies. She is so young, she is a born bad woman... her mood and tone are ever-changing.

She thinks she is good at recognizing people, but she still can't figure out what No. 14 is going to do. She had completely stunned Miss Bayard.

——Which of her words was the lie? Which sentence is acting?

What is her real purpose?

...Also, when she said...that she wanted me to be her master, did she really mean it?

Even though she knew that it was most likely just a joke, Miss Bayard still couldn't help but have such thoughts in her mind.

update completed!

More updates will start on the 5th!

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