Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 324 The twin mirror is a bit cruel

Director Cornelius walked in front and led Aiwass and Bayard to the end of the secret passage.

——In fact, as the supervisor, he personally took Miss Bayard through the secret passage, which can be regarded as a sign of sincerity.

Even though we are all children of the moon and have a close cooperative relationship, Huyue Manor may continue to borrow money from Miss Bayard in the future. But stuffing people into this dark corner where no one knows and where no one can ask for help... sounds too dangerous.

No matter what traps, rituals, seals or ambushes there are along the way, they may all be fatal. Moreover, the space here is so narrow that there is no room to even hide in a fight.

"Is there only one secret passage?"

Feeling Aiwass's fingertips gently scratching the palm of her hand, Miss Bayard felt something and asked: "The passage here is so narrow... What if someone happens to come from outside while we are walking?" manage?"

"You don't have to worry about this. We will expand it later."

Director Cornelis shrugged: "Building too many secret passages is not necessarily a good thing. We cannot supervise so many entrances and exits at the same time, which will only make the manor less safe. No more, no less, one is enough - Anyway, not many people usually use this place. If there are too many people and it gets blocked, it will turn into a bat, don’t you think?"


Miss Bayard nodded in response.

She scratched Aiwass's palm with her sharp nails, indicating that she had confirmed that there was only one secret passage.

"And if you get out from here..."

Director Cornelius reached out and pressed the runes on the wall.

As he moved, three overlapping rings of white, yellow, and black gradually appeared. The place where the two intersected was filled with blood-like red. In the middle is the rune on the wall, which means "secret".

"Wind, earth, and darkness can open this secret door by injecting three mana powers in the same proportion. It requires a total of three units of mana to be injected at the same time... This can also be regarded as a simple identity authentication."

Cornelis smiled: "But as long as you are the Son of the Moon, you should be able to open it. If you want to return to the banquet, you can also go back through here. The other end also uses rune energy to open the door."

Children of the Moon are a race and an extraordinary profession.

As the darling of Eternity, this profession has a mana pool with three attributes at the same time - wind representing change, earth representing tombs, and darkness representing curse. This is also the basis of the Moon Child's omnipotent and changeable abilities.

Whether it is turning into a bat, changing appearance, or controlling others through "charm", it is all driven by the magic power of the wind attribute; and the soil from the hometown can strengthen the power of the children of the moon, and they will transform after death. Falling into ashes and then reborn from the ashes is also a way of rebirth like the undead; as for the dark attribute, it is related to their curse and corrosion abilities.


Aiwass's pupils shrank slightly.

She reacted suddenly.

...Fortunately, I didn’t believe this ghost mission prompt, Aiwass thought.

She knew that there could be no serious "cooperative tasks" in the new moon ceremony.

If they enter the secret passage, they will find that they cannot open the door at all.

Although there must be people with these three attributes of mana among them, those are three people.

It is absolutely impossible for three untrained people to inject exactly the same amount of mana "at the same time". Not to mention that they have very little mana and very few opportunities for trial and error.

If you want to forcefully crack this secret door, you have to use blood.

Infuse the blood with mana, then mix it together in proportions and apply it to the runes... which will also open the door.

But the problem is that most of them have just been sucked blood by the time they get here. If mana and blood are given, it is not impossible to even faint directly - they do not have magic storage media such as flame essence on hand, and pure blood cannot contain much mana, so a large amount of blood is needed.

So they must be unwilling.

But it's different if the person dies - no matter how much mana is left while the person is alive, after the person dies, the mana pool itself will be precipitated into the blood and internal organs. Anything over ten points will enter the internal organs, brain and bone marrow, and up to ten points can remain in the blood.

No. 14 has at most three points of dark attribute mana in her body, so after she is killed, one third of her remaining blood contains one unit of dark attribute mana. The same goes for others.

Find people with dark, wind, and earth attributes, kill them, mix their blood and pour it on the runes, and you can get three points of mana injected at the same time, one to one: one.

In other words, even if they reach cooperation. Then when you get to the door, you may not know how to open it. There is a high probability that only mages on the path of wisdom or extraordinary people on the path of love can understand this rune.

Then they have to kill two or three people to open the door - if there is a wise mage as a sacrifice, they can kill one less person, after all, he alone can provide the magic power of both wind and earth attributes.

And if they regret it and go back the way they came, they will find that the other side is also closed.

——You still need to kill people to open the door.

If there are less than three people here, then they can't even open the door and can only be trapped here quietly waiting for time to pass. And this long time of more than ten hours... is enough for some of them to regret it, or to wait for new people who are deceived into the secret passage by the mission, and then break the balance.

"The mission given by Twin Mirror is so cruel..."

Aiwass had some palpitations.

Fortunately, she didn't take any chances and gave up on the possibility of "loving each other" from the very beginning.

The last new moon ceremony was obviously not that naked... Of course, it might have been too naked, which made Aiwass think it was fair. In short, killing everyone is victory. It is a very knight.

But this time, she finally felt what a "bloody ritual" was.

Lies, deceit, betrayal...

——Unlike the full moon ceremony, the new moon ceremony symbolizes the deviation and confrontation of the nine paths.

Sure enough, we still have to treat each other as enemies...

Her mentality has changed slightly.

Just as Aiwass was thinking this, the three red eyes were filled at the same time.

The sealed door finally appeared - a door of light suddenly appeared at the end of what was originally a dead end.

This is not a long-distance portal, but a door that the preservationist uses soul as the material and hides with the concept of "grave". When Aiwass passed by, he felt a strong sense of coldness... just like walking through a graveyard at night wearing single clothes.

Through this door, they did not reach any dark cave or maze of caves.

Instead, he entered a dark room with heavy curtains covering all the windows.

This building is made of wood, and there is a faint aroma of essential oil in the air. It is obvious that some ceremony has just been held.

"here it is……"

Bayard felt that this place seemed familiar.

"This is Teresa's convent."

Director Cornelius had his hands behind his back, his back straight and his expression calm.

He introduced seriously: "The secret order dedicated to Sister Sasha. You must have been here too - when you first become a child of the moon, you are usually brought here to spend the initial irrational period."

"Theresa's Abbey..."

Aiwass also murmured, his eyes shining brightly.

"So it's here..."

"Are you also interested in Sister Sasha?"

Bayard was a little surprised.

It's rare to see a human being interested in Sister Sasha.

Aiwass nodded vigorously: "Yes, I am very interested!"

——Because this is a fixed place to drop equipment.

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