Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 326 Bayard’s Childhood

Bayard pulled Aiwass and walked on the streets of the Herasl Empire at night.

Aiwass looked at these imperial-era buildings with admiration.

From Aiwass's perspective, these buildings in the Empire period are all close to the Gothic style. What they have in common is that they are tall enough, have sharp verticals, and have a large number of pointed ribbed vaults.

These buildings are of different heights and widths. They do not have any formal specifications. They are not like Glass Island where the entire city is the same color. The building heights and sizes are almost the same. The architecture here gives people a strong sense of freedom and art.

The exterior walls of almost all buildings have a large number of reliefs and hollows, as well as a large amount of stained glass - you must know that Avalon, which is rich in glass, will not even be able to cover all ordinary glass windows in rural areas two hundred years later. Now in the Herasl Empire, if you look around, you can see that all the buildings on the streets are decorated with a large number of stained glass... and these glasses are almost all different and gorgeous paintings.

And in those large blank areas, you can see a lot of artistic graffiti. The entire street was paved with stone slabs, and a passing carriage had a gorgeous, jade-like shell.

Aiwass glanced at it and felt that it seemed to be a whale bone. But it’s hard to say, it could be some other kind of bone.

The clothes worn by the people on the street are gorgeous and complicated, with little of the rustic feel of rural Avalon.

This vibrant city has a sense of opulence and art.

The end of the Herasl Empire... This was a truly peak period in human history. Although its internal conflicts are extremely sharp and full of factions. But the final cause of the empire's disintegration did not come from the people at the bottom, but from the power struggle at the top.

The empire of Herasl prospered as much as it fell.

It is the first, and possibly the last, large-scale empire in human history where nine avenues run parallel and all professions are equal and non-discriminatory. Even professions such as Necromancer, Demonologist, Blood Mage, Trickster, and Assassin can still become important figures in the upper echelons of the empire. All extraordinary abilities can be fully taught and applied, which gives the empire productivity ahead of its time.

There is actually a public lighting facility similar to a street lamp on the street, but it is not powered by electricity, but seems to be burned by some kind of oil. But such street lights filled the entire street, the light was bright and stable, and almost no place was dim.

The secret order worshiping Sister Sasha can open openly on the street, and not far away is the Academy of the Dead - the ziggurat that stretches across the sky is haunted by ghosts visible to the naked eye. The Necromancer apprentices wearing dead leaf robes had just finished their evening classes and were wandering hungry on the streets looking for food.

The assassin, wearing leather armor and a hood covering his face, entered the street tavern arm-in-arm with the knight in armor. The alchemist with bottles hanging on his waist and the mage with blue eyes shining and solemn expression were discussing something on the street corner.

A demon scholar in purple robes, surrounded by demons of different styles. In this way, they freely released their demons and followed them around - Aiwass even saw a punishment demon passing by, and it looked back at Aiwass and the shadow demon at her feet, and looked at Aiwass. Wentz cast a warning glance.

A vampire with scarlet eyes is holding the wall with one hand, chatting with a girl he meets; there is also a witch riding a broomstick and galloping through the sky. There is also a painter holding up his drawing board on the street corner, looking at the night scene on the block and the people on the street.

Only the moon in the sky remains unchanged. It shines quietly on the earth as it did hundreds of years later.

Bayard held Aiwass's hand and passed slowly through the noisy crowd.

She dragged Aiwass to a tavern, skillfully ordered two glasses of ale and three bowls of broth, and sat in a booth.

From here you can maintain appropriate privacy while still being able to see what people are doing outside.

The tavern was neither loud nor vulgar.

People can be seen dancing on the performance stage in the middle - it is not a professional dance group, but citizens dancing led by a professional dancer. There is also a team playing musical instruments below, which also does not look very professional. But from time to time, cheerful laughter broke out.

There are several tables next to the performance stage where people are playing chess. It was a chess game similar to chess, except that the chess pieces were made very large - they were not even held by hand, but semi-automatically. People pat the chess pieces and then pat the grid, and the chess pieces will fly to the corresponding positions on their own.

There are masked fortune tellers in other compartments. They brought crystal balls, pendulums and cards and whispered something with people in the corner.

You can also see young children selling lottery tickets - it sounds like a kind of horse racing ticket. But the more Aiwass heard, the more wrong he became. He felt that those "horses" seemed to be referring to something...for example, a certain prince.

"That's people betting on who the next emperor will be."

Bayard noticed Aiwass's gaze and said casually: "This is the traditional entertainment of the citizens."

"What, are you surprised?"

While waiting for the broth, Bayard whispered to Aiwass.


Aiwass nodded slightly.

Of course she was surprised.

Rather, it was surprising in every sense of the word.

Whether it was Bayard dragging her into an ordinary citizen's tavern, or the nightlife and games played by people during the Empire, the joyful scene of the nine avenues on the street, or how dare citizens Directly treating the succession of the throne as gambling to "buy horses"...

The prosperity and joy here even made Aiwass think that the depravity and cruelty in Arc Moon Manor was an illusion.

Moreover, if Aiwass remembers correctly, the dreams constructed by the promotion ceremony usually only include a few people. Just like Aiwass's first promotion ceremony, there were only a few living people on the street, almost as sparse as passers-by on the streets in the later stages of Conan.

This is not to reduce the workload of Pillar God...the most important thing is to provide these promoted people with clear investigation clues.

After all, if you ask them one by one, you may not be able to ask a few people before they are targeted because of their suspicious behavior. And that would also make the ritual heavily biased towards luck - whoever contacts the important characters first will get more information than others. Therefore, unnecessary people are usually removed from promotion ceremonies.

——But there were too many passers-by at this ceremony.

There were many guests at Huyue Manor before. At that time, Aiwass was still thinking that with so many people able to interact, the clues might not have to be investigated until next month.

But now she was shocked when she came out.

The streets are full of people!

If Aiwass hadn't clearly remembered that this was a promotion ceremony, she would have even thought that she had truly returned to this era.

Although this ritual was built by amber, Aiwass remembered that the last ritual built by amber was not that complicated.

This must be the requirement of the twin mirror...

"This is the pub I often came to when I was a kid. It was just a coincidence at first. When it rained, I had to go out to play because of my willfulness. As a result, I got separated from the servant and went here to take shelter from the rain. The boss saw that I was shivering from the cold. I was shivering, so I was given a bowl of broth to warm myself up; the landlady found me a towel to dry my hair.

"I thought at the time, this was the best broth I had ever tasted."

Bayard looked at Aiwass who fell silent, and she smiled to herself.

"This is not a personal feeling... I really think the broth here is very good. The boss lady will stew beef bones and chicken racks together. And I was thin when I was a child, so the boss lady would put a few extra pieces of meat for me.

"My father has been teaching me ritual spells since I was a child, and my mother is teaching me how to be a charming witch. When I am tired of studying, I will run out here to drink broth and listen to the bards playing the piano. There are Occasionally, some clowns would come on stage to tell jokes or perform some witty plays that were not suitable for children, and whenever that happened, the boss would scold him, "There are still children."

"It wasn't until I became an adult that I took over the family business. I felt very lonely at that time, and sometimes I wanted to have a drink alone... Then I would come here too."

Bayard said, holding his face with one hand and looking at Aiwass with a beautiful smile: "I brought you to share my childhood, little cutie... At the same time, I also brought 'her' here. have a look.

"I haven't been back for a long time... If you were me, you would probably want to come here to have a look. I thought about it, if I were you, I would also want to come here and have a bowl of soup.

"I feel it. You seem lonely."

Hearing this, Aiwass was startled.

And Shadow Demon sighed softly in Aiwass's heart.

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