Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 346: Brother, your curse doesn’t work very well (Third

Chapter 346: Brother, your curse doesn’t work very well (Third update)

At this moment.

The giant prince Wolfram is performing a curse ceremony in the open space of a nearby village.

Some human corpses were scattered everywhere.

They were completely skinned while still alive. Now the fronts of these skins are covered with Aiwass's name, and the backs are filled with various crimes and causes of death.

These skins are roughly sewn together and overlapped to form a drum skin. Inside the drum are the hearts of the deceased.

And the giant prince Wolfram closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground. There was no trace of hair on his body.

His hands were beating the human skin drum rhythmically, emitting an ominous rhythm.

"This is not a curse. This is an oracle."

He made a deep voice: "I advise the King of Crime and Punishment that this person is guilty and deserves to be punished. I pray to the oracle with the blood of the Punishment Demon to make a fair judgment."

There were eight flayed dead and nine hearts.

This is not Amber's sacred number "9", but "8+1".

Because the ninth person only took his heart, and his body was directly eaten by the giant prince, ensuring complete destruction in the material world. This is to differentiate it from 9.

——When the sacred number is eight, it indicates the snake father.

Because 8 is endless, a cycle, and at the same time it is only a little bit worse than the extreme number - because if perfection is achieved, there is no need for transcendence and progress, which is the basis of transcendence.

But the eight corpses have nine hearts, which means "one more than eight" hearts. This symbolizes the fallen Tiansi who once rebelled against the Snake Father. This curse ritual indicates that he will be regarded as a great being greater than the snake father, so as to borrow the power of the curse and thereby curse other transcendents.

"You are Aiwass, you are human. You are Aiwass Moriarty, grandson of Jacob Alexander, son of Julio Alexander, and adopted son of James Moriarty. You used to be a The sinner is now a transcendent and will be a demon in the future.

"The moon waxes and wanes, and people live and die. Crime cannot be surpassed, and depravity cannot be surpassed——

"I declare with my soul to the King of Sin and Punishment that you have used your own people as ritual materials. This is an unpardonable sin. If this is true, the oracle will cut off half of your soul; if not, please The oracle leaves you..."

Wolfram slapped the drum head, and the drum beat like thunder.

He was chanting rhythmically in a low voice: "I declare with my soul to the King of Sin and Punishment that you have used the coercive power of the contract on the devil to make him obey. This is a grave sin. If this is true, the oracle will Take half of your heart; if not, ask the oracle to keep you..."

The sky and the earth are filled with dark winds and dark clouds - a storm is coming.

Punishment Demon, who was watching the ceremony, suddenly had his eyes lit up.

He clearly saw a piece of black feather slowly falling from the sky.

This meant that the Fallen Heaven Secretary had heard Wolfram's prayer and had already set his sights.

The curse has taken effect!

——He is truly a magician.

The Punishment Demon felt frightened and happy at the same time.

This is long overdue!

That weird butterfly-shaped phantom is somewhat scary...

It had withstood the attack of that butterfly before, and now it was quite afraid of that guy.

The Punishment Demon knows very well that if you are not careful, you will be killed by it.

Being able to kill him before the battle is definitely better than fighting desperately...

There are three levels of this curse: "Using fellow racers as ritual materials", "Using the coercive power of the contract on demons to make them obey", and "Killing ordinary people with extraordinary power", which respectively correspond to "cutting off half of the soul" and "taking away half of the soul." Heart" and "eliminating half of the power" will not be returned until the next full moon night.

And if none of them are successfully taken away, then the Fallen Sky Division will punish the curser in turn. Randomly choose the same punishment among three types.

To the average demonologist, the First Deadly Sin alone is extremely deadly.

The severe pain of having one's soul cut into pieces is enough to make one lose the ability to resist - the next major sin will take away half of the heart, causing fatal injuries. The third major sin is to add to the head, but it is almost certain to hit.

This curse is so powerful that it is nearly irresistible.

——Because it is impossible for any demonologist not to have committed these three major sins!

Without the use of human materials, half of the Demonologist's abilities cannot be used; without the use of contracts, the other half cannot be used.

How is it possible to restrain the devil without using a contract? Now that he is a demon himself, the Punishment Demon knows very well that demons are full of malice towards demonologists - if anyone dares to try to summon and contract it, it will definitely cause some trouble for the opponent.

But the next moment.

Wolfram suddenly let out a muffled groan.

The drum in front of him suddenly shattered, and bone fragments flew out and were nailed to his body. But these were just minor injuries - his face turned green, he suddenly covered his chest, fell to his knees, and vomited out a mouthful of internal organ fragments. The whole person's aura immediately became visibly depressed.

——Wait, what’s going on?

The Punishment Demon was shocked: "The curse failed?"

"...It was successful, but it backfired."

Wolfram gritted his teeth: "How could there be such a monster... Yes, it must be that bastard Jacob. He warned his grandson of the great wizard's methods in advance..."

"Are you okay?!"

The Punishment Demon was a little nervous.

It’s not that the Giant Prince is worried about his body, but that he still needs the other party to lure away the King of the Wild Hunt…

Wolfram's eyes, which were always calm and indifferent, were filled with anger for the first time at this moment: "Fortunately, the Fallen Sky Secretary is pitiful, but half of his heart is missing, so it's not a big problem... Fortunately, I also have a fourth in the path of authority. The power of the energy level, just missing half of the heart is not enough to die. But I can't use rituals to restore such a curse injury, so I can only leave it like this...

"You go to that village first, and I will try other curses. I must torture him severely——"


The Punishment Demon was a little worried and reminded: "Try again. If it doesn't work, come here quickly. The time is almost up."

"I'll try again. This time without any side effects from the curse."

Wolfram is very stubborn.

On the other side, Aiwass felt the pressure on his body gradually dissipate, raised his head and said, "It seems the curse is over."

"What did he curse you with?"

Haina was a little nervous: "I have seen the curse master's methods, they are simply weird and unpredictable..."

"……I do not know either."

Aiwass was also a little confused and didn't understand what happened: "But I do feel that the curse is over. Maybe he failed."

"He is not good at his studies. In other words, let's just pretend that he is not good at his studies."

Sherlock replied simply: "But we'd better not gamble - do you have any means of circumventing the curse?"

"——It really does."

Aiwass suddenly had an idea and stretched out his hand to Sherlock: "Bring the mirror."

Holding the makeup mirror provided by Sherlock, Aiwass sneered.

Perfect camouflage, undetectable by any spell, right.

That is to say, it is impossible for the giant to use the spell directed at "Aiwass Moriarty" to point at Aiwass. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to detecting him.

Then let you know what "the target has been lost" means -

update completed! It's time for Cat to have lunch, he's so hungry...

The extra update event has ended successfully, and the second update will be back tomorrow! It's time to take a rest~

Thanks to the leaders of Super Powerful Jet Combat Cat, Song of Black Mass, and Czh555 Feeding, thank you! Mr. Key! Just reached glory level three! Leaders, please remember to leave a message with Operation Officer Can Can to get the leader’s peripheral gift box, which seems to have been released years ago!

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