Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 351 Good brothers, let’s die together

Maybe it was just a short while, or maybe it was a long time.

Perhaps he was seriously injured, or perhaps there was some other problem... The Punishment Demon felt as if his sense of time had been deprived of him. It was completely unable to tell the passage of time - even though it was just lying on the ground, it felt as if it was a dream.

——I will probably die here.

This thought roughly appeared in the Punishment Demon's mind.

And in addition, I might become a ritual material used by that guy or Aleister. Just like I once made other human beings into materials...

This is also a cycle. Circulation is an act of transcendence, like an ouroboros devouring itself.

But even so, it doesn't want to commit suicide.

If he kills himself, it means self-denial - a demon cannot do such a thing. This is a kind of denial of the Fallen God, and it is also a kind of cowardice.

——What's more, after "Cassim" completely transforms into a punishment demon, he will no longer be affected by death in the material world.

Even if you die, you will just lose your strength and return to the dream world to sleep. At most, it would turn into a phantom demon egg and re-parasitize a child. When he grows up and is gradually assimilated into a demon by the brand of his sin, he will eventually be hatched again.

Even if it doesn't work once, do it twice, and if it doesn't work twice, do it three times. All mortals will eventually die, but phantoms can live forever...

The Punishment Demon comforted himself in his heart.

at this time.

In the night sky, a group of bats flew over.

They gathered in front of the Punishment Demon again and transformed into the appearance of Aiwass.

His slightly narrowed pupils were scarlet, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. There was undisguised contempt and sarcasm on his face, completely different from the gentle and firm look he had seen when they met before.

Seeing this scene, the Punishment Demon suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Child of the Moon?"

At that moment, its mind suddenly buzzed.

It instantly understood why His Highness the Prince's curse just now was ineffective on Aiwass...

Because I don’t know when, Aiwass has become a pure child of the moon!

——Since Aiwass is not human at all, then the previous positioning is naturally invalid!

"Good evening, Mr. Qasim."

Aiwass said leisurely.

He looked around, then focused on the werewolf.

Seeing this, the gray wolf shrank back two steps, its front legs trembling uncontrollably.

But Aiwass just smiled, squatted down and hooked his hand at her.

With just one glance, he recognized the other person's identity.

Although I don't know how she did it...but there is no doubt that it is Lily.

Although Lily didn't mention this to Aiwass at first, but now that Lily is willing to reveal her identity to him... Aiwass naturally won't ask any more questions.

The gray wolf was stunned for a moment, then wagging its tail and rushed over. She rubbed Aiwass' hand affectionately, and kept pushing her head under Aiwass' palm, sniffing his scent greedily. fragrant and sweet.

Initially, it was easy to tell from a distance, but once she got close enough, Lily's mind was immediately overwhelmed by the aroma of Aiwass's flesh and blood. Like a hungry person entering a steaming bakery, her eyes became a little straight.

I really want to take a bite...

But no. Absolutely not.

If she showed her wildness, her aggression and her danger... she would no longer be able to stay with Aiwass. She is no longer the person Aiwass can trust forever.

When she turned into a werewolf before, Lily subconsciously chose to hide it. But she soon regretted the incident.

When Lily was very young, she lied to her mother because she was particularly envious of a classmate's hairband with a ruby ​​​​encrusted in it. She said the school wanted money and wanted to buy the hair tie herself.

She may be a genius at lying. Even though it was the first time she lied in her life, and even though no one had ever taught her how to act, she defrauded the money very naturally and smoothly. Her mother had no doubts either.

That was not a small sum of money - Lily only realized it when she wanted to buy a piece of bread after getting the money. She realized how much bread this money would buy, and then how many days it would suffice to survive.

At that time, Lily suddenly felt fear.

This money must never really be spent, she thought.

But hiding it is just as painful. She was worried about losing the money, worried about it being discovered by her mother, and worried about being seen by her classmates. At the same time, she had to maintain calm. As if nothing happened.

It wasn't until half a year passed that the school really started asking for money. So Lily breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't wait to use the money to fill the hole and settle the account. This matter is finally over.

And she felt a similar fear when she turned into a werewolf but did not tell Aiwass immediately.

She kept looking for a suitable excuse and a suitable occasion to mention this matter. But Aiwass was always too busy after that, and she never found that opportunity.

——Strictly speaking, the current opportunities are not the best.

But maybe it was because of what Shadow Demon did before Aiwass set off... that suddenly gave her a sense of crisis.

It was some kind of fear of being "abandoned again."

So Lily finally couldn't bear it anymore and chose to expose everything at this not the best time. What made her happy was that Aiwass recognized her at a glance, but at the same time he was not afraid of her, nor did he ask about her concealing the truth. But even so, she still felt uneasy.

This strong uneasiness has been shaped into a cage that restrains instinct.

——That is "adaptation".

People always have the instinct of laziness, just like beasts also have the instinct of gluttony. But the power of adaptation comes to reverse this instinct...and that's all for better survival and better "adaptation." That comes not from hope, but from fear.

Watching the scarlet in the werewolf's pupils gradually fade away, the corners of Aiwass's mouth raised slightly.

"Good boy."

Aiwass patted the gray wolf's head gently and spoke gently.

At that moment, Lily finally felt with incomparable certainty that Aiwass in the form of Moon Child and human Aiwass were indeed the same person. That sense of arrogance and aggression that seems to follow one's will is just another side of Aiwass that he usually cannot show.

And Aiwass was also very happy.

It wasn't like he couldn't give Lily a bite.

Even if Lily is thirsty enough or too hungry, he can even take the initiative to feed her - at that time, he chose [Flesh and Blood Sacrifice], wasn't it just to be able to more conveniently feed these children who were waiting to be fed?

But Lily can suppress the bloodthirsty instinct of the werewolf with her own reason, rationality or anything else... This will naturally make Aiwass happier. After all, Aiwass possesses the purple-level path characteristic of [Flesh and Blood Dedication]. He is already easier to seduce vampires and werewolves to eat than others, and even Miss Bayard in the dream cannot completely control herself.

——But Lily, who had become a werewolf not long ago, did it.

This is something worthy of praise. Feed her a few mouthfuls when it's over.

Aiwass thought so and stood up.

He looked at the Punishment Demon and took out the ritual materials from his satchel.

That was the material bag that Sherlock had been carrying before, and now it was lent to Aiwass by Sherlock.

Seeing this scene, the Punishment Demon finally couldn't help but said: "It's useless even if you defeat me. The leader of the Noble Red Society came in with me. That is the only royal bloodline of the giant - Wolfla Mu!

"He is a great wizard of the fifth level. Just like your grandfather and our former leader Jacob, he has all kinds of mysterious methods. He is not that easy to die... and he also has a bound person. He has a professional level and received the education of Star Antimony Rose Cross! Even in Star Antimony, he has many fifth-level friends and mentors——"

——On the surface, this is the backstage where the Punishment Demon is showing off himself.

But it was actually helping Aiwass provide information on Wolfram.

But this was not based on kindness toward Aiwass, but on fear of Wolfram.

Wolfram is not a nice guy. He is vicious and experienced. The method of punishing his subordinates is cruel and decisive, making the Punisher Demon always fearful. Even now that it has become an immortal demon, it is still afraid of Wolfram.

When it realized that Aiwass had been prepared and that this was a trap... the Punishment Demon clearly realized what it had done. Compared with death in the material world, being resented by a great wizard who likes to hide in the material world and knows everything about himself will make it feel more uneasy.

If Aiwass can be lured to target Wolfram, then even if he dies once, it won't be a big problem.

He can die, but Wolfram must die with him!

So thinking of this, the Punishment Demon continued to increase his efforts and shouted to avenge Wolfram: "His purpose is to seize the [Book of Law] in your hand! He will definitely kill you and avenge me! "

"Okay, stop screaming. He will die faster than least for this first life, he will die much faster than you."

Aiwass sneered and shook out the tarot cards.

"——What do you think I did with Sherlock just now?"

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