Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 353 Amber Wind

The so-called people are all stars——

After Aiwass said these words unconsciously, the ground in Eagle Point Village suddenly began to shake.

The earthquake was so clear and sudden that almost everyone present did not react.


Haina blurted out: "How is it possible?"

"No, it's not an earthquake."

Lily, who was still in wolf form, kept saying: "I didn't trigger the premonition of danger."

The gift of adapting to the path is the ability to predict various natural disasters. Whether it is a tsunami or an earthquake, we can have a premonition before disaster strikes. As sensitive as a small animal.

After about three or four seconds, the shaking finally stopped.

Immediately afterwards, there was a faint yellow death energy from the distant horizon, roaring like a wave!

It was like a sandstorm, making people unable to help but cover their faces. Aiwass's hair was flowing down because of this.

Aiwass immediately felt strong discomfort as the death energy soaked his body.

It's like the feeling of weakness that lingers on the bed for a long time, and the heart beats violently if you move even a little bit - the weakness is accompanied by the deep cold that penetrates the bones and penetrates into the internal organs, making people unable to help but tremble.

A gloomy mood follows closely, making people unable to help but think about their deceased relatives and their own death.

Lily was also feeling uncomfortable at the same time.

Perhaps because the vitality of the wolf form was too weak, her reaction was even the most violent - she saw the gray wolf being washed away by the death energy, and kept staggering back, like a dog that was blown somersault in the strong wind. Almost got out of here. It felt a little better after I changed back to my original form.

Only Haina could remain calm, but she also frowned slightly because of the discomfort.

Seeing that the wave of death energy didn't seem to end anytime soon, Aiwass immediately took out the mirror and switched back to his true form.

He raised his right hand high and recited the name of the Pillar God: "I worship Si Zhu, the God whose holy number is three, the God who binds the body with sin thorns, the God who burns the body to chase away the darkness——

"Give me the light of protection!"

As Aiwass prayed, a ray of holy light bloomed from his right hand.

Pure white light spread out and formed an irregular ball in the dim wave of death, wrapping several people. After all, Aiwass did not have a religious crown. Without the assistance of a sacred weapon, the brilliance kept changing its shape and crumbling under the erosion of the dead energy.

But the feeling of being cold and shaking like a bad cold subsided. Warm power rose from the hearts of several people, driving away the dark thoughts.

"Back to you!"

Haina was the first to react and handed the holy sword in her hand to Aiwass.

Aiwass took the holy sword with his left hand and handed it to his right hand.

Sure enough, after holding the holy sword high in his right hand, the light immediately stabilized.

Not only that, it is even expanding steadily outward - just like a motorcycle riding at high speed into the rainy night, an arc-shaped protective shield opens in front of it, against the seemingly endless waves of death and violent friction caused by The brilliance even made Aiwass in front of him shine into a ball, and his whole person seemed blurred.

More than ten minutes passed like this before the rush of deathly energy gradually weakened and disappeared.

Aiwass confirmed that the radiance of the holy sword in his hand had not been hindered again, and then slowly put the sword down. The light also went out.

"This is……!"

Haina screamed in surprise.

It's no wonder she was startled.

If Aiwass and Lily weren't outgoing and outgoing, they might have screamed in surprise at this moment.

——I saw a layer of dim yellow shell coming from nowhere, covering the entire Yingjia Village.

Whether it's the earth, woods, buildings, rivers... everything here seems to have been washed and stained by the dead air, and has been covered with a thin shell.

Even the night sky became dim - not because time returned to dusk, but because the night sky was frozen.

Looking up, you can even see the twinkling stars.

They even stopped flickering, and instead turned into bunches of shimmering light seeping out like tiny slits. It was as if the sky had been broken into cracks, and light seeped out of the cracks. Under the storm, those raindrops were also stretched into thin lines, like teardrops suspended by lines, still in the dim yellow night sky.

The whole world fell into absolute stillness.

It was as if the entire Yingjia Village was wrapped in amber by the blowing wind.

Aiwass stretched out his hand to tentatively touch the rainwater suspended in mid-air. As a result, it melted directly after touching Aiwass and turned into an ordinary drop of rainwater.



"Punch the ground."

Aiwass ordered.

Hearing this, Haina didn't ask why, she just cautiously confirmed: "What strength?"

"As long as it can make a hole."

Aiwass replied.

So Haina did not hesitate and punched the ground.


Haina immediately let out a cry of pain, bent over and covered her phalanges.

Aiwass approached directly, held Haina's right hand with one hand, and projected his consciousness into it to confirm the injury. Under that relentless blow, her finger bones were slightly cracked but not broken.

If it were normal, this punch would be enough to break the earth, and she would not be injured at all.

Aiwass first touched her chest with his shining right hand and used lighting to instantly smooth out her injuries.

He frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy about this sudden vision: "The earth is frozen."

After Haina was cured, she touched her finger bones and looked in the direction from which the deathly energy came: "It seems to be coming from the swamp."

"There's no rush yet."

In the past, too much mana was consumed to create cards, but now in order to resist the invasion of death, part of the mana was burned. Aiwass's mana has completely bottomed out. Fortunately, he is not in combat mode now, and he can still activate the prayer technique to return to mana.

"You guys wait for me for a moment, I'll pray first."

Aiwass took out the red candle from Sherlock's ritual bag.

The giant prince's profession is a great wizard, and he is most likely not dead yet. After all, he is the Gou Mingren who has lived in the game until the current version... Even his demonology mentor in Star Antimony has joined the book, and he is not dead yet.

This is why Aiwass didn't rush over to grab experience when he saw that the King of the Wild Hunt was about to defeat the Giant Prince.

Because according to Aiwass's understanding of this old turtle, he definitely didn't die this time.

The great wizard has a series of escape methods such as substitutes, suspended animation, resurrection, and reincarnation. According to Aiwass's memory, the leader of the Noble Red died three times in total, and the third time he was reincarnated into the body of a black kid. This is also his last form.

With the caution of this old turtle, he would probably set his resurrection point far enough away. In other words, it was impossible for the other party to return to the scene immediately - that's why Aiwass dared to leave Sherlock, who lacked fighting ability, alone in that place to touch the body.

Because the giant prince must not know that the king of the Wild Hunt here is Heleqin.

There was a high probability that he didn't know the information that even Aiwass didn't know before. And if he knew, he would definitely not come here so boldly.

This was the rebel leader who was executed on a large scale for the first time by giants. On the blacklist of the giants, he was probably a sinner who could compete with Arthur and Lancelot. Without even thinking about it, I knew that it must have a blood feud with the giant... In other words, there was a high probability that he would not be prepared for "he will definitely die this time", so he must have something good in him.

First of all, there must be some equipment. There is a high probability that Aiwass can use the Conjurer Mage series of equipment. And even if those human materials are removed, there should be some other rare ritual materials on him.

——Even if he is not allowed to "run away" and come back to pick up the body, he still has to let Sherlock clean it for him!

But the current situation makes Aiwass a little confused.

They've done almost nothing here and suddenly there's an earthquake? And something as big as this happened...

Could it be that the giant prince's "resurrection" ability conflicts with the power of amber here?

It's impossible that he sealed the Punishment Demon and triggered some special mechanism, right?

But to be conservative, Aiwass cautiously decided to fill up his mana first before going over to take a look.

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