Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 358 Aiwass’ Book of Law

But Aiwass checked it carefully and found that it actually had a complete ritual. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 Search for 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

That is the Ceremony of the Ring of Endowment.

Because Merlin was next to him, Aiwass didn't dare to take a closer look. He turned the pages directly to the end of the chapter with his consciousness and found a gray mark there.

Aiwass recognized the mark. This is the pattern of the "star" in the Magic Card. It's just that it's not colored, but gray.

——Is the occupied card position a star?

Aiwass recalled what type of cards star cards usually are.

As a result, he couldn't remember it for a while. I have to recall it carefully before I can remember it.

Stars indicate universal love, purification, healing, blessings, and blessings. It is usually a water-attribute card slot, driven by water-attribute mana. The most commonly sealed ones are the path of love - monsters in the blood realm, such as blood demons, sea monsters and other phantoms... For example, the "vampire touch" that can give people the ability to suck blood, or the "vampire touch" that can continue group healing. "Song of the Siren", and "Water Regeneration" that can restore a large amount of health to yourself or your teammates in an instant.

Generally speaking, players will get instant returns in the "star card position".

——It may be that Aiwass’s level as a healer is relatively high, so the Sin Scholar who is the DPS profession in the team usually has no time to use star cards. Maybe it was burned directly. Fortunately, this card slot is useless.

Although the Book of Laws has four effects, its first effect "burning cards" is actually quite common - or in other words, players must at least brush a grimoire with an entry for burning cards to be considered a graduate. Entries that increase card effects or reduce consumption may be useful, but they are definitely not as useful as burning cards.

Therefore, Aiwass knew how to use it without any experiments after getting it.

This effect is called "burning cards" by players.

The general idea is that the number of times a card is used is exchanged for another card that is on cooldown, but only the Phantom card can be reset, not the Sin card. Because some card slots are useless in some battles, it is better to replace them with damage or enhancement. This operation is called "burning" the card.

A top-level, full-level mortal sin scholar can burn six times a day. It's equivalent to sacrificing six cards to force a burst card seven times in a row - this is Sin Scholar's confidence as a burst profession.

Without a card-burning entry, it is not worthy of becoming an explosive profession, but the battery life is definitely not as sustainable as a serious life-sustaining profession like the blood mage.

If I can't go up or down, I'm stuck and say yes.

However, there is usually a limit of three or four times for burning cards. You need a dark purple base material to have a chance to get six full entries. The Book of Laws can directly fill up Aiwass, which makes him extremely gratified - although currently he only has the Butterfly of Flames, which can only be burned once. But at least I don’t have to change equipment anymore.

Scholar of Sins is a new profession that will only appear in the future. Aiwass really doesn’t know where to go to get equipment.

In the game, for the sake of gameplay and career balance, it is indeed possible to emerge from the ruins. But in reality, the probability of finding a Grimoire of Major Sins through archeology is about the same as the villagers sharing the secrets of nuclear fusion technology with you.

As a book left by his grandfather, this book may also be related to a sacred entity... This makes it have two more sacred entries than the normal dark purple equipment.

Generally speaking, Grimoire of Deadly Sins should start with one attribute and gain hidden effects after collecting all of them.

As a result, Aiwass's book has four entries... which means he can get two additional effects.

It’s even a sacred attribute——

Do you want to change to golden equipment?

However, the next three entries are currently not unlocked. Aiwass couldn't see any concrete results. However, he guessed that there should be at least one entry that increases the effect of the card.

But even so, this casting distance is already very powerful.

Generally speaking, the increased spellcasting reach of a purple-level Grimoire of Sins is twenty meters. Therefore, Scholar of Sin is a mid-range profession.

The Book of Laws is thirty to sixty meters - sixty meters can undoubtedly be regarded as a long-range profession.

...Although Aiwass currently doesn't have any pure damage-type magic cards, being able to directly summon Flame Parallel Butterfly and Earth-bound Spirit to a distance of 60 meters is a considerable improvement.

It is indeed a bit dangerous for a turret-type phantom like the Butterfly of Flame to stand with Aiwass. It's easy to cause the opponent's range spells to be directed at both of them - and the most useful thing is to drop the Earthbound Spirit from the air.

The Earthbound Spirit originally had a casting distance of about fifteen meters. Now an additional 60 meters have been added, which means it is more than 70 meters.

The control skills that could only be released close to the body suddenly became so far away... Aiwass had already imagined various uses in his mind.

"Is this book the equipment you are looking for?"

Sherlock looked at it and frowned: "But it doesn't look like there's anything special about it."

He did not hear the previous voice of the divine entity, nor did he see Aiwass's vision. In his opinion, it was a purple gem that floated over and turned into a book in front of Aiwass.

For the sake of politeness, he did not go out of his way to read the contents of Aiwass's book. But he just glanced at it with his peripheral vision, and he could roughly judge that it was some knowledge about rituals.

...Is it a ritual grimoire?

But it doesn't seem to have the "ritual space" of an ordinary ritual grimoire.

Sherlock remembered that the ritual grimoire used by the ritual master was a portable space. They can hide some ritual materials, so there is no need to put the materials outside when performing rituals, thus achieving a certain sense of "casting without materials".

So it's the contract grimoire used by demonologists?

Small contract grimoires can store some familiars, while larger ones can carry your own contracted demons with you. But it doesn't look like much.

...Is it a grimoire used by curse masters?

Sherlock really didn't know what kind of magic book the curser used.

"This is my exclusive weapon."

Aiwass closed the book with a smile and said happily: "Don't worry about this. It's very useful anyway."

——If nothing else, the cards have to be collected in the card book to be interesting!

He raised his right hand, and three tarot cards modified by Aiwass - together with a solid red card as deep as red crystal and engraved with butterfly marks, appeared from Aiwass's fingers.

The "Death" belongs to [Earthbound Spirit], the "Moon" belongs to [Shadow Blade], and the "Wheel of Fortune" belongs to [Thunder Halberd].

As well as [Criminal Sin: The Butterfly of Rebellion] which has both the terms "Sun" and "The Hanged Man".

There are five card slots in total.

As for the Shadow Cloak, Aiwass directly planned to keep it alone. It is mainly used to relieve control of Aiwass and Little Butterfly, and it is not necessary to increase the casting distance.

On the contrary, the Shadow Blade, which was already useless, immediately gained tactical significance after increasing the casting distance.

As soon as they appeared, they seemed to be attracted.

They turned into streams of light and submerged into the Book of Dharma.

The count of [Aiwass's Book of Law] immediately increased to (5/21). The number of times the card can be burned has also changed from 0 to 1 with the entry of Flame Butterfly, providing Aiwass with the ability to burn cards once a day.

Immediately afterwards, the white breath was injected into the stars on the cover again, turning into some kind of thin liquid. It's not much, only about a quarter of the star. As Aiwass shakes the book of law, the white liquid of amethyst can still shake slightly.

——This is liquid non-attributed mana!

But at this moment, Aiwass paused slightly.

Because right after, some more knowledge came into his mind.

That is the relevant knowledge of five ritual spells——

Aiwass opened the book of law and turned to the chapter corresponding to "The God of Death".

It was discovered that the second half of the "Resurrection of the Dead" ritual originally written in it had been completed.

——That’s how it works!

Aiwass eyes suddenly lit up.

I’ll give you more than twenty ritual spells, right? That’s okay, Grandpa! light and spacious!

He looked at "5/7" that unlocked the second entry, and his heart was about to move.

He is a little curious now. If the first entry is card burning... what will the remaining three be?

Aiwass already has five cards. He should be able to collect seven soon.

If everything goes well, I'll probably get it together before going to the Theocracy!

update completed!

Let me give you a warning. Tomorrow’s update may be a little later or a little earlier. I guess Mao will have to take a look at the finals first! But I won’t ask for leave!

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