Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 375 Fox Words

Captain Camus was shocked when he heard Aiwass's words. ▲𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒 Search for 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑚Read▲

He is not stupid either.

After getting the key information from Aiwass, it only takes a moment of enlightenment to figure everything out.

"So that's what it is-"

He felt remorse at first, and then realized something: "No wonder, I didn't meet anyone when I went home that day... I felt quite guilty when I left, for fear of being seen and questioned. Now that I think about it, I should He wanted me to send the documents home, so he took everyone away!"

"You have your share of responsibility, Captain Camus."

Aiwass glanced at him and replied calmly: "Although you were set up, you took the things yourself. No one induced you in this regard, and you have not been influenced by extraordinary powers - or He said that the reason why you were framed was because your bad habit was known to others."

"...Yes, I know. I'm very sorry, it's's me who is too undisciplined."

Camus had a look of regret on his face.

At least at this moment, he was sincerely regretting his actions.


Camus was a little hesitant and worried.

"But what?" Aiwass asked.

"The source of the information..."

Camus hesitated and said: "You may not know...Information obtained through divination, rituals, prophecies, etc. cannot be used as evidence in court. Just like the information obtained during the promotion ceremony in the dream world, it cannot be verified. Same.

"Because these things may be artificially modified, and they are not absolutely accurate. The facts can also be distorted through editing and other means... Therefore, even if you have found out that this matter was done by the Lord of the Admiralty, if we don't have concrete evidence, If you find that letter..."

...Then there is no way to prove that the Lord of the Admiralty sent someone to steal the letter.

"If you can't find the letter, it's as if it's lost. Is there anything wrong with that? I think it's fair."

Aiwass had a serious expression and a cold attitude: "The rest is not my job, Captain. I am only responsible for confirming the scene and checking for intelligence. I have already made it clear who has the letter - you want me to do it for you Have you done everything?"

"Of course not, of course not..."

Captain Camus apologized profusely.

But when he heard that the letter was in the hands of his immediate boss's immediate boss, he only felt distressed and at a loss.

After all, he is just a captain.

And what he wants to do now is to impeach the admiral who framed him without any evidence, and even when the only evidence may be destroyed at any time...

This made him feel a heavy pressure that was almost desperate.

He hesitated for a while, and then gave a respectful naval salute to Aiwass: "Thank you very much, Minister Moriarty. No matter how this matter ends up..."

"-No matter what happens in the end?"

Aiwass interrupted his somewhat dejected words.

His voice became a little louder, his eyes sharp and his words sharp: "Captain Camus, are you still a soldier loyal to Her Majesty the Queen? Are you willing to accept frame-ups from others like this? Are you willing to be controlled by conspirators? The sharp blade in your hand that stabs His Majesty's back?

"——All you have to do is win, soldier! You have no room to retreat!"

"Yes, minister!"

Captain Camus subconsciously raised his chest and raised his head, and responded loudly.

"Then are you willing to sacrifice for His Majesty?"

Aiwass asked sharply.

"My pleasure, Minister!"

Captain Camus responded without hesitation.

"Are you willing to fight to the end for justice and justice in the world?"

"My duty, Minister!"

"And finally, Captain..."

Aiwass said, paused slightly.

His right hand held a thick book. Then he raised his left hand and showed the back of his left hand to Captain Camus.

A silver-white scale gradually emerged.

Camus suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Although he was not a master of the authoritarian path, he immediately guessed what it was.

Approval from the Silver Crowned Dragon!

There is no way anyone would dare to forge such a certificate!

At this moment, Aiwass was exuding warm holy light, illuminating the entire room easily. Camus even felt that the fatigue and stiff muscles all over his body were healed.

"——Are you willing, under the watchful eye of the crowned lord, to join me in attacking the sinners who broke the oath?"

Aiwass's voice was majestic and solemn.

That is the characteristic given to Aiwass by the Silver Crown Dragon, "Silver Scales". This allows Aivas to gain first-level priority when attacking any defaulter.

Captain Camus knelt down on one knee without hesitation, bowing his head. He said with the highest courtesy and utmost respect: "I am willing to fight until death——"

Aiwass looked down at Captain Camus, who was ten years older than him, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He reached out his left hand and gently touched Captain Camus' hair to express his approval.

"I will not grant you anything. Because that will be the power of His Majesty in the future..."

Aiwass lowered his head slightly and said slowly: "But if you can fight bravely to the end under the watch of the Crown Lord... I will say a few nice words for you in front of Isabel.

"You know. If these traitors are eliminated, many 'minister' positions will be vacant..."

When Aiwass said this, his voice became extremely soft, like a charming fox: "Many, many."

It was as if a string was touched in Camus's heart.

Aiwass's words were both encouragement and threats; they shocked and shocked him, but they also made him passionate and excited at the same time.

——If he didn't care about his career at all, he wouldn't be able to seek Edward's side.

And as a hunter who is adapted to the path, according to Avalon's rules... it is impossible for him to enter the Round Table Hall.

Even though these paths have become legal, they are still subject to discrimination. Because almost all the knights in the Round Table Hall are on the authoritarian path, not to mention the adaptive path, or even the balanced path. The consecrated path also exists as a non-staff member of the "spiritual councillors".

Why doesn't he like working in the office?

One of the important reasons is that the bodies of "hunters" are far less strong than those of knights and cannot hold up the armor at all!

Even a second-level supervisor can run around wearing armor every day. But for a third-level hunter, if he puts on his armor and sits upright all day long, he will have back pain when he comes back. The hunter is even considered good. If he were an assassin, he wouldn't be able to wear such heavy armor, let alone fight in armor.

But to say that this is a rule, all official supernatural beings must wear armor while working... But the legal masters who are also on the authoritarian path do not need to wear armor at all.

——Although there is no legal discrimination, discrimination still exists in details. Just like formal jobs in Glass Island, you must have a place to live in Glass Island to find one. This also leaves those outsiders to work in the Lloyd District, where housing prices are the lowest.

And Aiwass's promise at this moment couldn't help but make Camus feel thirsty in his throat.

That was a position where he would have no chance of looking up under normal circumstances.

"...For Your Majesty."

Camus said vaguely, without specifying which His Majesty it was: "I will smear my liver and brain to pieces."

When he said this, he was not very passionate or sonorous. It can even be said to be a whisper...

However, this light sentence is extremely heavy.

Because there is sincerity in it.

"Good boy."

Aiwass patted his head, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and whispered solemnly: "The Crown Master is watching you."

The behavior of the Lord Admiralty undoubtedly involved betrayal of the royal family.

In other words, they were just a little too hasty.

They swear allegiance to the Crown, but primarily to the Queen.

At Sophia's funeral, Mycroft, as Lord Chamberlain, needs to break his white cane to represent that he has "ended his lifelong allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen." Other ministers must also destroy their tokens of power given by Queen Sophia at the funeral.

The oath of loyalty will not take effect again until they re-swear allegiance and are given tokens again by Isabel.

If Her Majesty were dead, this would not be a breach of contract until they renewed their allegiance to Isabel.

But now Sophia is not dead yet.

——It can only be said that this timing is too clever, and they really can't help it. If the time of their attack was postponed until after the funeral, then the "Silver Scale" would not light up at all.

The two key reasons why they dared to break the oath openly were that "Meg was suspected to be dead" and "Isabel did not have the adaptability to be authoritarian." Therefore no one can use the power of authority to directly initiate arbitration against them.

No one paid much attention to the young girl named Ligeia.

Although she is said to have a close blood relationship with Meg, and she is the favored one of the Silver Crowned Dragon - but even so, how strong can she be?

Even the authoritative path transcendent of the fourth energy level cannot sense her path level! On the contrary, a transcendent person who transcends the path can sense her third level of transcending the path professional level.

——Is it possible that on the premise that she has the third-level Transcendent Path profession, she can also have the fourth-level Authoritative Path level? If she was really so powerful, why did she never use any of her powers or even appear in front of others after taking over the position of Grand Arbiter?

Therefore, even though they were in trouble for a while, they were not too panicked.

After all, Her Majesty cannot climb out of her hospital bed, put on her crown, and raise her scepter to punish them. If the Queen wants to summon them, they can just find an excuse not to go there - anyway, punishment must be carried out face to face, can the Queen still leave the palace of silver and tin and run to their home to punish them?

——The big deal is hide and seek.

If you use it up, you will die.

Aiwass didn't even need to investigate to know that this was what they must have thought. Because compared to Meg's time, their plots now became much more casual and no longer so hidden.

Obviously, they are not really afraid of Queen Sofia. After all, Queen Sophia has never really used her disciplinary powers - but they are afraid of Meg because Meg really knows how to kill.

The corners of Aiwass' mouth raised slightly, revealing a fox-like smile.

Next, he will be "kidnapped by Aleister and taken to the residence of the Lord Admiral" as planned.

And Ligeia will "rescue" him.

Now, let them reminisce.

Meg hasn't left yet—

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