Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 379 Aleister’s Oath

"I can swear this, Your Excellency the Great Guardian."

Aleister said slowly but extremely seriously: "Although I can't raise my hand, I can swear by the name of the Crowned Lord - even though I don't believe in the Silver Crowned Dragon, he will punish everything fairly. .I take responsibility for what I say next and confirm that they are true.

"I don't have any ill will towards Avalon at the national level. I just hope it can get better. Or at least be able to rise from the ashes - at this point, I believe the position of the crown master is consistent with mine. I only hope that those who are rotten Knights and corrupt ministers are quite hostile. Those rotten people who are called knights but have no chivalry spirit at all. I would rather destroy them all and leave hope and opportunities to brand-new young people.

"I hope that the people of Avalon can be prosperous and safe. I don't want any war to happen, nor do I want any disaster to happen. If there is a war between Avalon and Star Antimony one day, I will definitely stand on Avalon's side; if one day there is a war between Avalon and Star Antimony, When a worldwide disaster occurs, I will do my best to resolve the crisis so that the greatest number of people can survive.

"I respect Her Majesty the Queen very much and have a deep affection for her. It can be said that I even regard her as my female elder. And after she leaves, I will protect Princess Isabel well and support her to become the future Isabel. Queen.

"I am not a demon, but a demonologist. But I have never used any 'human' material other than myself, and I will continue to do so in the future.

"I have very high expectations for Aiwass Moriarty. I love him as much as I love myself, but I will never meet him or have a deeper connection with him. I will do my best to Able to protect his safety and property, as well as protect everyone he cares about.

"Yes, I can take responsibility for what I said above. The crown master will identify and certify my sincerity."

The candlelight did not waver in the slightest. It even became brighter.

That is the recognition from the Crown Master.

Hearing Aleister's oath, the Great Guardian couldn't help but open his eyes wide and hold his breath.

What a kind of selfless, selfless and devoted love this is!

At that moment, he even had some incomprehension. So much so that he developed some kind of jealousy towards the lucky boy like Aiwass - even with his good temper, he would find this unbelievable.

What kind of charm does Aiwas have to be able to charm Miss Crawley like this...

——This is already the level of mind control!

He even hesitated, not knowing how to write.

George didn't know if Isabel saw today's meeting minutes after she came to the throne in the future, whether it would bring some unexplained trouble...

"...Can I ask?"

The Great Guardian was a little ashamed, but also really curious. After all, he had just said that was the last question, but now he went back on his word: "What exactly are your expectations for Aiwass?"

"Do I have to say it?"

Aleister was unusually hesitant.

"No, this is just my personal curiosity."

As the Great Guardian spoke, he took out the hollow silver lid and extinguished the silver candle that looked like an alcohol lamp or a perfume bottle. This proves his sincerity.

Looking at the extinguished candle, Aleister was silent for a long time. Just before the Great Guardian was about to apologize and end the inquiry, a bright smile suddenly appeared on her face.

George couldn't even describe the beauty of that smile—

It is mixed with confidence, relief, pride, trance, sadness, determination... It is so complex, like a colorful cocktail. Just by looking at it, you can feel the breathtaking beauty, which is even hard to taste.

The words Aleister said next made the Great Guardian shiver.

“I think he’s going to be one of the new Nine Pillars.”

She said firmly.

——At that moment, George felt that sweat was pouring from his back!

"That's too much to say, Miss Crawley!"

He was so frightened that his heart was beating hard and the arteries in his neck were jumping. His hand holding the pen was soaked with sweat for a moment, and even his buttocks couldn't help but lift up a little from the chair.

Nine Pillars!

What does that mean?

The position of Pillar God can only be obtained by the leader of the Nine Paths.

A great being who masters one of the nine laws of the world...

And becoming a nine-pillar god also means another thing - that is, squeezing another pillar god down.

As we all know, Aiwass is a minister of devotion. Although he still inherited his grandfather's talent for transcending the path, he obviously had no talent for it.

And who is at the top of the road of devotion?

He is the main god of the elves, the core belief of the Church of the Nine Pillars, the source of power for all priests, and the god pointed to by many rituals such as weddings and funerals!

When Aleister said this, he meant "Aiwass will kill all the elves, bulldoze the church, make all priests unemployed, and overthrow all the traditions of the world"!

Damn it, this girl is really a blockbuster without even making a fuss.

It’s so annoying!

"It's just a joke."

Aleister chuckled and said, "Isn't your fire extinguished? I'll try to lie."

-You better be kidding.

The Great Guardian said in his heart.

Although the fire of truth has been extinguished, George's spiritual intuition as the Great Guardian told him that this girl was probably telling the truth.

At that moment, George was even glad that he had extinguished the fire of reality.

Because of this, he was able to comfort himself that he felt wrong. Otherwise, if he looked down and saw that this was the truth, he might not know what to say.

"I won't write this down," the Great Guardian said earnestly to the girl, who looked to be at least ten years younger than him. "I'm not your parent, nor your teacher. It's not my turn. Come revise your worldview...but don't say these things to others, not even to anyone.

"Any Pillar God, even the most low-key Amber God with the fewest believers, has a large number of believers and followers. Not because of any benefits this belief can bring, but because they themselves are on the path. Pioneers, pioneers of the path they practice. They are the spiritual incarnations of countless extraordinary people walking on this path, and are their idols and worshipers.

"Insulting a Pillar God is to a large extent equivalent to insulting all the extraordinary beings who walk on this path. Because they are 'all the way'.

"Never tell anyone...not only will you be in trouble, but even Aiwass will be in trouble!"

"I also have faith."

Aleister defended, "Of course I do."

"...Then which pillar god do you believe in?"

"I believe in the stag god who holds candles. The god whose sacred number is three, the god who binds the body with sin thorns, and the god who burns the body to chase away darkness."

Aleister bowed his head respectfully and devoutly and said, even reciting His holy numbers and holy names - this meant that Si Zhu had a chance to hear what she said.

——Then you dare to say that!

The Great Guardian gasped.

Although Si Zhu has a good temper, you can't jump like this...

...Or do you think the Pillar God that Aiwass can replace is the Snake Father?

That’s even more outrageous!

"...Anyway, it's good that we can become friends."

The Great Guardian forcibly ended this increasingly outrageous topic: "Miss Ligeia will return your clothes to you soon. You can leave in two days - or can you leave now? Aiwass Aren't you hungry? Have you prepared food for him? "

Although after hearing the oath Aleister made before, he was generally relieved.

But as a father, he still had to worry about it.

After all, Miss Crawley didn't look like she had a child.

From the appearance of this eldest lady, it seems that she is usually taken care of by servants. The great nobles in Star Antimony are much more extravagant than those in Avalon. It is said that an earl has hundreds or even thousands of servants... She has never taken care of anyone, and may be so careless that she forgets to give Aiwass Maybe preparing food.

"Don't worry, he won't be hungry."

Aleister said leisurely: "Maybe he can still catch up with Her Majesty the Queen's funeral."

——If I am not hungry, he will not be hungry.

——If you release me earlier, he can come out.

"Okay. That's the end of the interrogation."

The Great Guardian hastily signed his name, recognized the legality of the interrogation record in his own name, and decided to end the interrogation.

Otherwise, he felt that he was about to have a nightmare - as soon as he closed his eyes at night, he could see the Theocracy coming, and the leader was the Eternal Pope.

That would be much scarier than the Star Antimony people coming to fight...

"Unfortunately, perhaps due to the pressure of public opinion, we cannot keep you as a civil servant regardless of the ministry, or continue to carry out various secret operations as a royal agent. But I think that we will become friends, or at least not in terms of positions. Enemy. Therefore, we will not take the initiative to repatriate you. You will continue to have the right to move freely in the land of Avalon - until you actually break the law and are arrested by the Inspectorate."

The Great Guardian said so.

He even deliberately reserved a trick - to be arrested by the "Inspection Commission" instead of the "Inspection Bureau". This means that her crime will not be officially interfered with until it is at least investigated by agents of the Inspectorate.

This is enough to prove the special power of the oath Aleister swore.

"Okay, Miss Crawley. It's time for me to interrogate the other one...and hope he comes up with something good."

Halfway through his words, something suddenly occurred to him: "Oh yes, I have a heartfelt request——"

Speaking of this, George was a little embarrassed. Apparently as upright as he was, he rarely made such requests.

But he hesitated for a moment and then said: "My son admires you very much. Can you meet him?"


Aleister raised an eyebrow.

"Why not."

She smiled softly.

update completed!

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Also, at 8 o'clock tonight, the operation officer will live broadcast the cos Yulia lottery draw on bilibili. This is the fan activity in the book review area this month, and the one who will give away peripherals! Can Can’s account is [One can has no food]. It’s eight o’clock tonight~

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