Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 399 Pretend, keep pretending

The delivery process of Aiwass's comments from being put into the suitcase to being delivered to the Privy Councilors who were meeting in the Round Table Hall did not exceed twenty minutes.

The Minister of Camelot just opened it and glanced at the reply. He took a breath and felt something buzzing in his head.

Blood pressure, blood pressure is up!

Aiwass did not use Isabel's signature, but directly signed his name.

——But in fact, there is no essential difference.

After all, this is a document submitted to Her Majesty the Queen according to the procedure, and Isabel is not currently on the Glass Island at all. According to Avalon's rules, this kind of matter would rather be postponed for a while, and it would be necessary to wait for Isabel to come back before giving a formal approval.

Aiwass is not the Minister of the Imperial Seal, so he has no right to read these documents.

And not only did he read it, he didn't even hide it at all, but he generously signed his name to give the approval on behalf of the Queen - there is no doubt that it was Queen Isabel who granted the authority of Minister of the Great Seal to Aiwass.

Theoretically speaking, ministers can indeed do this.

With the Queen's direct authorization, he can be temporarily regarded as a minister of any department.

But it wasn't until he saw this reply that Minister Camelot finally made one thing clear -

——Queen Isabel has indeed been sidelined by Minister Moriarty!

Before this, the Minister of Camelot was actually a little unsure... Isabel's behavior was so sudden and abnormal. Was it because her previous performances were all disguises, or was it because someone was teaching her to do this.

In other words...

That Minister Moriarty, is he the young queen's personal favorite, or is he the powerful official manipulating the entire Avalon behind the scenes?

Now it seems that it is probably the latter.

But how to put it...

The Minister of Camelot breathed a sigh of relief.

He also grew up watching Isabel.

It would be too hurtful to say that it was just Isabel's performance before, and her nature was such a cold and rational strong attitude... This is tantamount to telling you clearly that I have been wary of you before, and Now I finally don’t have to act anymore.

But now it is finally confirmed that this is just the command from the air like a string operator from Minister Moriarty.

But, on the other hand... the one who planned their move was not the thoughtful Her Majesty the Queen. These old guys are still very reluctant to compete with young people at a distance.

The Minister of Camelot remembered Aivas's always squinting eyes and smiling gently. It looks like a cunning fox.

He felt a chill run down his spine.

Aiwass is only eighteen years old this year...

To the ministers of Camelot, he was nothing more than a child. His grandchildren are all much older than Aiwass.

……in this case.

own position...

The Minister of Camelot thought to himself, closed the letter he had read, and put it back into his suitcase. He sat upright, listening to the chaos and noise in the Round Table Hall, squinting his eyes and remaining silent.

"Minister Moriarty, still can't you get up?"

The surrounding ministers complained dissatisfiedly: "His Majesty has already left, what excuse does he have for saying that he is not in good health?"

Then, ambiguous laughter came from the Round Table Hall.

"Maybe he's shy."

"Maybe I was frightened yesterday. It is said that the murder scene was quite cruel."

Someone said casually: "Maybe young people feel that they can't talk to us.

"Don't think so," someone else chuckled and explained in a seemingly gentle manner, "Maybe little Aiwass knew that he was just a minister without a department, so he simply stopped coming to the meeting. After all, no matter the minister, he would It’s just a false position.”

"If you put it that way, he's quite polite. He doesn't ask for things that don't belong to him."

"After all, he is an adopted son of the Moriarty family. It is normal for him to be wiser than his peers."

"Hey, I am already the head of the family. Your Majesty also needs to call you Lord Moriarty..."

Voices that seemed friendly but were actually malicious sounded from everywhere.

This is basically the atmosphere in the Round Table Hall where Her Majesty the Queen is not present.

Rather than a serious discussion of state affairs, it was more like a street chat or quarrel. If it weren't for the chief knight suppressing them, they would have fought several times every week.

Even with the suppression of the chief knight, there are always knights who have enmity in the Round Table Hall and decide to have a duel every year.


As the first great guardian, he rang the bell in front of him with a straight face and an unhappy expression.

His voice spread throughout the Round Table Hall, and the knights fell silent again.

In fact, they don't know Aiwass, so naturally they don't have any grudges. I just felt that it was too easy for Aiwass to be the minister, and the two queens, Sophia and Isabel, had obviously given preferential treatment to Aiwass, so I felt a little unbalanced.

For most knights, Isabel chose Awas Moriarty, a new minister who is younger than herself, as her only "team", which is actually equivalent to admitting that she has nothing. Helpers and confidants. This is actually a very humble attitude, which means "everything is easy to talk about, I need people's support."

It was precisely because of this that they were so confused after Isabel participated in that round table meeting and showed an unusually tough attitude.

...But soon some smart people suddenly realized that almost all those who spoke out to ridicule Aiwass were ministers and knights from the Gaolou Faction.

The chocolate ministers, headed by the minister of Camelot, have always remained unusually silent.

So they all gradually became quiet.

The only ones who are still preaching loudly like clowns are the high-rise knights who are close to Lloyds - there are not many ministers among them, and most of them are honorary knights from the Arbitration Hall.

In Avalon, as long as the authoritarian path reaches the fourth level, whether you join the Arbitration Hall or stay in the Judicial Court, you will automatically become a knight. Therefore this is also the faction with the most civilians. They have no real power, they just have access to the Round Table Hall. And they are also the knights who are most easily won over by Lloyd's money offensive.

The expressions of those high-ranking and powerful ministers of the Chocolate Pie who had noble births today were all visibly ugly... It could even be said that they were frightened.

——Others don’t know, but they all know it.

Just yesterday afternoon, Minister Griffiths showed clear and obvious hostility towards Aiwass during the chocolate pie meeting. There are very few people who can become ministers who are not talented. At that time, other people also felt a sense of violation, so they were cautious and did not take up the challenge. Just watching Griffith perform.

At that time, they thought they were sent by Aiwass to fish!

But not even a day has passed... Just yesterday evening, Griffith was assassinated.

——Aiwass himself, who was originally "unwell" in the Round Table Hall, suddenly appeared in this news as an "enthusiastic passerby".

You are so fucking enthusiastic!

said the knights in their hearts.

You usually never leave the Palace of Silver and Tin - either at No. 14 Ronin Street, or at Moriarty Manor, or at the Palace of Silver and Tin, or at the Royal University of Law. Aiwass rarely went to a place like this where other ministers gathered for dinner... and he also inexplicably invited a young reporter with whom he had no previous contact to dinner.

That reporter is not even a transcendent!

There is definitely something wrong here - although they can't tell why and there is no evidence at all, the strong sense of violation makes them dare not say a word and can only remain silent.

Until the morning's regular meeting ended, these elite ministers gathered again at the home of the Camelot minister.

The Minister of Camelot just silently showed two replies to the ministers.

"Let's see, everyone."

The Minister of Camelot sighed.

The first was a reply letter written by Aiwass to him in the name of Isabel yesterday, signed with Isabel's name at the end; the second letter was Aiwass' order written by Lily and just passed to him.

After the ministers circulated it, their expressions became complicated.

On the one hand, it is because of the existence of "whistleblowers" within the Chocolate Pie, and on the other hand, it is because of the amazement and even fear of Aiwass.

"...I actually have a question."

The Minister of Education looked at the reply in his hand with a serious and solemn expression: "Is this reply from Your Majesty...really written by her herself?"

Obviously, Isabel is now completely controlled by Aiwass. Then it is possible that this letter was written by Aiwass.

"It doesn't matter."

Minister Camelot said calmly: "Even if it is written by His Majesty, Minister Moriarty will definitely have a look at it. In other words, Minister Moriarty must have known what Minister Griffith said. That is Said... When Minister Moriarty saw the body of Minister Griffith, he actually already knew his hostility towards himself and his adopted sister.

"And now he's asking to investigate this matter for himself - I urge you to dissociate yourself from this matter as much as possible. Minister Moriarty is by no means the kind of incompetent person who only quarrels with us in the Round Table Room; That prince's more ruthless character."

What he is referring to here is Prince Lloyd two hundred years ago.

"Isn't this your problem?"

Someone asked the Minister of Camelot angrily.

After all, they are a very small association, with only a dozen people, all of whom are elites, and their number is less than one-fifth of the Gaolou Sect. They both undoubtedly see each other as partners. And in such a small group, there is a leaker - this will naturally make others feel betrayed.

If Old Camelot does not handle it well, it will undoubtedly affect his status within this small group.

But Camelot just sneered without fear: "So what? This undoubtedly shows our loyalty to His Majesty and Avalon.

"If we hadn't noticed something was wrong and reported it at the first time, then if this matter had been discovered first, do you know what we would have faced?"

What he was referring to was the demonic circle in the basement of Minister Griffith.

The words of Minister Camelot tied the non-existent "reporter" to himself - and now no one dares to admit that he is the whistleblower, and no one dares to admit that he is not the whistleblower. By.

The former means betrayal of the alliance, and the latter means betrayal of the queen.

After realizing the Camelot minister's two-pronged strategy, the man's expression also changed, and he immediately realized why the Camelot minister dared to directly admit his leak.

The old Camelot was also very calm and said straightforwardly: "I advise everyone - I mean, those who have not written before should also admit their mistakes to His Majesty. You are all old people, so I can only say what I need to say. No more to say."

"It's just," the Minister of Law sighed faintly, "Should we admit our mistakes to His Majesty, or to Minister Moriarty?"

"——Be careful, Mr. Carter."

The Minister of Defense glanced slightly at the youngest minister here except the dead Griffith, and reminded: "Mr. Griffith, he disappeared after saying these words."

He replaced "Qing" with "Mr." without leaving a trace. Qing is the honorific title given to knights in Avalon, which is equivalent to the knight of Star Antimony. Only the knights who enter the Round Table Hall can be called "lords".

The Minister of Justice also immediately stopped talking.

He was indeed afraid of Aiwass who was unreasonable and flipped the table.

What’s even more frightening is that Aiwass’s work is watertight——

Everyone knew he did it, but he didn't leave any trace.

Is this method really something that an eighteen-year-old student with no father or mother and all his elders in the family can think of and do on his own?

"It doesn't matter who the letter ended up in. It matters whether we took such an attitude. After all, Mr. Griffiths was assassinated after consulting with us; and Awas Murray Artie has a very clear alibi - even if he unexpectedly arrived at a restaurant he had never been to and invited a reporter he had never met to dinner, the arbitration court could confirm that he and Mr. Griffith were killed. The case has nothing to do with it.”

The Minister of Defense remained calm and calm, as if he had a part in writing the letter to report the matter: "In this case, the matter becomes-why is Griffith of the Tandem Star Antimony so close to us? So, Even if it's just in case... Lord Camelot and I urge you to bow your head and admit your mistake.

"The first time I didn't write a letter, I could say that I didn't react. But if I don't write a letter now... then it's a matter of attitude."

The Minister of Law's expression changed, and he looked around and found that everyone basically made such a gesture.

Everyone's expressions became very relaxed, with smiles on their eyebrows.

——It seemed that they were all die-hard loyalists who wrote to Isabel immediately, and he was the only one who did not write.

But the Minister of Justice can be sure that some of these colleagues are pretending. Even if they realized something was wrong with Griffith, it was impossible for everyone to immediately choose to write a letter and report it.

Install, then install.

But he couldn't help it. Who made him jump out first?

"Indeed, that's what you said."

Minister Carter lowered his head and sighed, and couldn't help complaining: "Are all those who came from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs traitors? How many have been arrested? I remember that the Sea Secretary also came from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They really went there one by one... Those who live in Xingzhi are related to the people of Xingzhi, and those who have never been to Xingzhi are also related to the people of Xingzhi..."

Halfway through, he recalled that the Minister of Education also came from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - before becoming the Minister of Education, he was the Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was transferred by the Queen to this field in which he had no experience at all.

So Carter nodded and apologized: "Oh, sorry, I didn't say you. It was just an exaggerated expression."

The Minister of Education was not angry at all, but just smiled bitterly: "It's not too exaggerated."

"There are really so many traitors in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who favor the Star Antimony people?"

The Minister of Camelot was a little curious.

"Oh, that's not true..."

The Minister of Education thought for a moment and then cautiously added: "I mean, not entirely. At least some of them are biased towards iris."

"It's a small thing to stand on the side of the Iris people, but it's a big deal to stand on the side of the Star Antimony."

The Minister of Defense complained casually: "After all, Iris and we can be regarded as allies now."

"What?" Camelot keenly captured the details, "Do you have any explanation?"

The Minister of Defense hesitated for a moment, but soon sighed: "Forget it, you will know it soon anyway.

"Remember, the Iris people ceded a lot of interests to us before, right?"

"Yes," everyone looked at each other and looked around. The Minister of Camelot asked cautiously, "Do you have any explanation?"

"The people of Iris have asked us to send a griffin force to station in Provence."

replied the Minister of Defense.

Provence - that is the border city next to the Kingdom of Star Antimony.

After hearing this, several of them became nervous.

The Minister of Camelot confirmed: "Station? In what name?"

"Anything will do. Queen Sofia's proposal is a friendly visit - Provence is currently hosting the 'New Year's Knight Celebration'. Just go there in this name."

The Minister of Defense paused and explained: "After I pass, I won't come back for the time being."

"What does the Irises want?"

Carter frowned: "You want us to defend the city for them? The Griffin Legion is not good at defense - isn't this really a trap to entrap our Griffin Legion?"

"No," Camelot pondered for a while and said with narrowed eyes, "I don't think so..."

He was keenly aware that the Iris Kingdom must be trying to do something.

Their overtures to Avalon and their active cession of interests can only be explained under one circumstance.

That is, they plan to go to war with Star Antimony.

In order to avoid being attacked from both front and back, it is necessary to make friends with Avalon in advance.

Camelot asked: "Does Your Majesty know about this?"

"...Her Majesty Sophia knows," the Minister of Defense replied, "and the Great Guardian also knows."

"Your Majesty Isabel should also know."

Old Camelot reached out and knocked on the table, and replied slowly: "You should write a letter to the Palace of Silver and Tin now to inform His Majesty of this matter."

"But now..."

Her Majesty Isabel is not here at all, and only Minister Moriarty is in the palace——

The Minister of Defense reacted as soon as the words came out of his mouth.

Just to let Minister Moriarty know.

…Will what happened with Lloyd happen again in the modern era?

The Minister of Defense took a deep look at Old Camelot and nodded slightly: "I understand. I will write a letter to the Palace of Silver and Tin now."

And the other side.

Aiwass had already brought Lily to Griffith Manor, which had been banned by the Arbitration Hall.

Although he was searching for evidence, he was not accompanied by anyone from the Inspection Bureau or the Inspection Council - the Grand Arbiter Ligeia followed him personally.

"Hey kid," Ligeia said curiously, "what are you looking for?"

Aiwass raised the corners of his mouth slightly and replied honestly: "Of course it's a good thing."

"Let me remind you first, the Arbitration Hall, the Supervisory Authority, and the Supervisory Bureau have gone back and forth three times here. Are you sure you can still find something good?"

"I am sure."

Aiwass said slowly: "Some things can only be discovered if the right person appears nearby."

If it really exists here.

Aiwass added in his mind.

At this moment, the beholder has also returned to Star Antimony.

"It's confirmed, Master..."

It vibrated the air and answered with absolute certainty: "The true identity of 'Aleister' is Dame Vignes Emile Zola Bayard."

Today is a two-in-one chapter~

I’m still suffering from a cold... I’m dizzy and I’m writing slowly. I just finished writing now, so it’s a bit slow. I’m sorry.

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