Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 413 Succubus Emma

Whether it's Avalon, Star Antimony or Iris, they actually often don't arrest spies immediately after finding them. Instead, they will follow the clues, trying to find more evidence, and even control the information sent back by the other party.

And when their spies overseas are caught, they will immediately arrest some of the spies who have been under surveillance for a long time and exchange hostages with the other party.

Spies are obliged to keep the secret as much as possible during interrogation, and the agencies behind the spies are also obliged to redeem the captured spies alive.

Normally this exchange is one for one, but if an important spy is caught, one can be asked for one for two or even one for three.

But Sherlock kept Watson, not because of his personal relationship with Dr. Watson.

But because of another very important thing that the Queen also knows.

That is, Dr. Watson is a Zionist in Narcissus Territory. The relationship between Narcissus Principality and Avalon is pretty good, and the Restoration faction on their side is a force that Avalon supports. This is why Iris will use "Operation Stop the Bleeding" on Avalon.

In other words, Dr. Watson's son Andre is actually a double agent.

Dr. Watson sent Andre to the "secret room" because of his connections. He was immediately dispatched to Avalon, which was also planned by his father, Dr. that he could more conveniently send information to the Narcissus Principality from Avalon without being discovered by the people in the "Secret Room" so easily.

But in recent years, the political atmosphere at Xing Antimony has gradually become tense. Some time ago, alchemists and demonologists had a direct fight, and even committed murder in the street. The superior who would have looked out for Andre has now been driven out of the backroom in a political struggle.

In this case, sending Andre back to Star Antimony would be tantamount to killing him - because he now has a high probability of failing a lie detector.

Although Detective Watson was confident, he actually failed Avalon's test at all.

Andre always thought that he had his father's "magic" on him to protect him from being discovered.

But there is no such thing. In other words, that spell is called "favor" and "interest".

Because Watson's intelligence-gathering actions were too obvious and unscrupulous, the Inspectorate had already locked onto him.

The information sent back by Detective Watson will be intercepted by the Inspector General, and it will be sent out only after confirming that there is no problem.

Every time a spy channel is activated, it increases the risk of exposure and costs huge amounts of money. Therefore, unless it is particularly important information, the amount of information sent back at one time cannot be too much.

Therefore, in the "secret room", spies will be trained to analyze what they see and hear, try to analyze the atmosphere of major events from some data and details, and then summarize possible speculations and send them back.

Because there are many spies sent out at the same time, there is no need to worry about hearing one thing or another - multiple speculations from multiple angles collected at the same time can often lock in a deeper picture of the incident.

Among all the spies from the "secret room", Detective Watson often gives the most outrageous conclusions.

However, the Inspectorate will also deliberately match his bizarre deductions like second-rate mystery novels, and find ways to turn the false information compiled by Watson into true information.


It can be said that it was thanks to the efforts of the Avalonians that Detective Watson was not recalled by Star Antimony due to too much junk and erroneous information being sent back, and he was still able to use resources from Star Antimony.

When Sherlock was investigating "Professor Moriarty" and "Lloyd's", he found out through Watson's channels.

Because the relationship between them was pretty good, Sherlock got this information out without much effort.

If he investigated through normal channels, Sherlock would find absolutely nothing.

As Professor Moriarty, I am afraid that when Sherlock first tries to investigate, "Sherlock is investigating his own matter" will be sent to Moriarty Manor.

This kind of "collaborator" who is half black and half white and can't be called a friend, but can still talk to him for a few words, is the source of Sherlock's information.

The so-called clever woman can't make a meal without rice... If you don't get enough information, even an excellent detective will have a hard time deducing the truth of the incident.

...However, Watson was able to find Eagle Point Village.

Sherlock found that he still underestimated him.

"One more thing, Detective Watson."

Little Sherlock took his new cane and poked him unceremoniously - Watson's survival now basically depends on his care. In a sense, it is not an exaggeration for the other party to call him a foster father. Therefore Sherlock was completely rude to him.

"...Please tell me."

Although Watson didn't quite understand why the dwarf was so confident, he was keenly aware of Sherlock's attitude and confidence. Therefore, he had a very low attitude towards the child's appearance as a "newsboy with a stick".

"Why did you come to Eagle Point Village? Why do you think Sherlock is in Eagle Point Village?"

Sherlock asked sharply.

He came to Eagle Point Village with Aiwass after he became small.

In other words, if Watson tracked him through normal channels, he should not have known that he had come to Eagle Point Village.

But he didn't know that he was Sherlock Hermes.

Sherlock must ask clearly whether he has made any omissions - or whether someone who knows about this matter has leaked the secret.

But Watson's response completely exceeded Sherlock's expectations: "I'm not following Mr. Hermes."

"Isn't it?"

"I came here after Aiwass Moriarty."

Watson replied seriously: "He came here and disappeared for a while. After he returned, he caused a lot of big troubles on Glass Island... I think this is a key."

——It was almost after Princess Isabel returned from Aiwass that she suddenly became cruel and ruthless.

If the incident of "Aiwass's return" heralded any important changes, then since he could not approach Aiwass and did not dare to approach Aiwass, he could only investigate Aiwass's past experiences sideways. It's over.

He has already passed the information that "Avalon may form an alliance with Iris and start a war with Star Antimony" back to the Mage Tower, but has not yet passed it to Star Antimony.

Because he still hesitated.

If this information is sent back, it will probably have a huge impact. So he still held the thought of "hope it won't be so" in his mind to look for evidence that would allow him to give up this conjecture.


Sherlock raised his eyebrows: "What's the big deal?"

Watson hesitated for a moment, but an inexplicable impulse and trust in the child in front of him made him put forward his conjecture without hesitation - anyway, it was just a conjecture without any evidence: "I speculate that Avalon may be in the big city." Under the influence of the powerful minister Aiwass Moriarty, he took the initiative to declare war on Star Antimony!"


Sherlock was stunned for a moment.

He felt that Watson's logic was fragmented and completely incomprehensible.

So he could only tap his knees helplessly and motioned for him to get up first: "Go back to the Glass Island first, Mr. Watson. There is nothing here. If you care about what he did here, I can help him on the way. Let me talk about it.

“Also, if you are looking for dirt on Aiwass, I’m afraid you will be disappointed.

"He did appear here - but it was a life-and-death struggle with the leader of the Noble Red. This is not a secret, and I can guarantee it is 100% true, Mr. Watson. You can record all this in your ridiculous novel."

Little Sherlock said calmly.

And the other side.

On the luxury cruise ship in the port area, a beautiful and plump woman got off the ship.

She was wearing a luxurious goose yellow dress. There are small black spots like butterflies on the skirt, but from a distance, those butterflies look like eyes.

Her skin was as white as snow and her breasts were of stunning size. It was as sweet and soft as cake.

What made her even more eye-catching was her long platinum curly hair and tender pink eyes.

As soon as she got off the boat, she was greeted by a screaming crowd.

They held up a sign with "Emma"'s name on it and rushed through a stream of people.

Someone asked in a surprised voice, "Who is Emma?", but almost got beaten up by angry fans.

But before the fight broke out, an arbiter wearing shining silver armor arrived at the scene, maintained order, and stopped the fight.

The arbitrators arrived one after another and nodded respectfully to Ms. Emma.

Emma just showed a generous smile and waved to the crowd, which attracted even stronger cheers.

Seeing the crowd crowding, cursing, and even fighting to get close to her, she narrowed her eyes slightly and showed a pleasant and charming sweet smile.

That sweet sigh filled with desire gradually filled the entire port area as she breathed.

And the knights of the Arbitration Hall, who seemed to be presiding over order, had already loomingly surrounded the entire port area. Looking at each other nervously and carefully.

——You don’t even need the intelligence from the Inspectorate or the eyes of the griffins.

When the people on the Glass Island smell the sweet, greasy, hallucinatory aroma in the air, they know enough...

The top powerhouse of the fifth level of Star Antimony, one of the leaders of the demonologists, Countess Emma, ​​and the current first secretary of the Red Prime Minister - has arrived in Avalon openly and openly.

She comes in the name of peace.

update completed!

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