Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 416 A very reasonable inference

Looking at Aiwass who suddenly became serious, Emma just clasped her hands apologetically: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.

"...No, it's me who is still lacking."

Aiwass was silent for a while, shaking his head slightly, and it took a while before he managed to squeeze out a word.

This a little unusual.

Scarlett Emma thought in her heart.

Seeing that Aiwass was about to agree to his words and stay here with him tonight...but he was disturbed by a crow. This surprised her.

Even without the use of supernatural powers at all...her natural charm should hold true for wild animals.

But she could clearly sense that the crow was obviously hostile to her. Emma tried to show a gentle and harmless smile to the crow, but the vague hostility became stronger.

...This feeling is like the strong jealousy of a child.

Emma was somewhat familiar with this situation.

In fact, she rarely actively uses the extraordinary skills of mind control, because her own beauty and charm alone are enough to easily distort the minds of others.

And Emma is also particularly happy to take away other people's lovers - no matter whether the other person is a man or a woman. She sees this as a beastly hunt, an aggressive transcendence.

As long as she doesn't deliberately use her charm ability, as long as her hatred and anger towards her are strong enough, she can break free by her own will.

Those little boys and girls often have this kind of violent reaction when their lovers, parents, idols, or secret admirers have their hearts and bodies taken away from them - they don't know how to deal with it, and they don't know how to get it back. Those who cherish him, therefore, can only glare with his eyes viciously.

That reaction was so cute.

Just like a little salt or bitterness can highlight the presence of sweetness. Only when people hate and hate themselves will it become more apparent how sweet the love from others is.

It's just...something shouldn't be done.

She looked at the crow carefully and found nothing strange about it for a long time, except that she thought it looked pretty.

To be able to resist its own charming aura, it should be some kind of extraordinary creature.

This can also explain why it looks so much better than a normal crow...

Emma can only be sure now that this crow is definitely not an extraordinary creature of the path of love and beyond.

——Because I did not sense the power of these two paths from the other party.

And it is even more impossible for the energy level of the path to be the same as or even higher than mine. It is impossible for such a powerful extraordinary creature to follow Aiwass as obediently as a pet.

Because of this, Emma is a little more curious about the crow's owner, Aiwass.

"If I were you, I would stop coveting Aiwass immediately."

Without warning, the crow let out a cold warning call.

Emma has quite a lot of experience in recognizing people - she can tell when she hears it, it is a voice that sounds very educated.

So she immediately ruled out the possibility that the crow was an extraordinary creature, and asked with interest: "Are you someone's eyes? Could it be... Her Majesty the Queen?"

If this crow has no self-awareness at all and is just a medium for another person to monitor Aiwass, then it can be explained without being charmed by her.

The core element of Emma's ability to enchant is related to her scent.

If you haven't had close contact with her and only seen her from a visual level through newspapers, photos, etc., you will only think that she is beautiful at best.

And people who meet this condition...

Thinking of this, Emma immediately thought of the "tough attitude" new Queen Isabel.

She is a transcendent figure in the path of beauty. And it happens to be not on Glass Island.

So is there a possibility...that this crow is a handicraft created by her?

That would explain why it looks so beautiful. Because its form is inherently false and fabricated.

Thinking like this, Emma wanted to touch the crow with great interest. The crow with ruby-like clear pupils remained motionless, looking at her coldly and silently.

But at this moment, Aiwass suddenly reached out and held Emma's hand subconsciously.

Such an obvious refusal made Emma stunned for a moment.

Within your own sphere of influence, you should obey your own requirements as much as possible and care about your own safety and needs.

Aiwass broke free now?

"...It's better not to do this."

There were obvious signs of struggle on Aiwass's face, but he finally warned: "For your safety."

"Then...thank you."

Emma chuckled lightly and held Aiwass' hand holding her arm with her backhand.

Like holding a hot water bottle, her hands returned to Aiwass' palm and whispered: "Your hands are very hot..."

She completely ignored the crow's warning.

Rather, it was precisely because of the crow's warning that Emma became really interested.

She just likes this feeling of taking other people's things. Not to mention, this is what the noble queen likes.


Aiwass, who was usually very talkative, became taciturn at this moment.

He simply replied and shut his mouth.

Emma could tell at a glance that his reason had noticed something was wrong and he was trying to focus his mind to resist his own interference.

——But how could something like that stop me?

She didn't even actually cast a spell to control Aiwass, so it wasn't really an attack. This was entirely a part of Aiwass's own heart that was leaning towards was his own body fighting against himself. This severe psychological conflict caused Aiwass's body temperature to begin to rise. As a result, his cheeks began to become abnormally crimson and his breathing gradually began to become rapid.

"You know what, Aiwass."

Emma very smoothly changed the title of "Minister Moriarty" to Aiwass: "I came to Avalon for the long-term peace between the two countries."

"……Yes, I know."

"Star Antimony and Avalon are not enemies... never have been."

She murmured softly, holding Aiwass's hand and walking towards the house step by step.

Aiwass, who was standing at the door, staggered a little, and was almost helped by her gently.

The crow stared at her and wanted to attack several times. But they were all stopped by Aiwass with a wave of his hand.

Feeling the astonishing murderous intent, disgust and hatred around her, the smile on Emma's lips became even brighter.

——You may hate me. But as the Queen of Avalon, can you really take action against me before I really infringe on Avalon's interests?

That would drag the whole of Avalon into the quagmire.

If it were Aiwass, maybe he could still make such decisive decisions - he is indeed a very good young man. So good that Emma's heart flutters.

But that's not the case with Isabel.

Although relevant information has been received, it was just a disguise before that it was Isabel. But in Emma's view, even if it was a disguise, it was enough to confirm that Isabel was inclined to "stand still" and "endure the humiliation".

——So what if you hate me? Don’t you have to endure it?

If she really takes action against Aiwass, it may still strengthen Isabel's determination.

But she really didn't do anything?

And this feeling made Emma even more pleasurable.

She took Aiwass's hand, hugged it to her chest naturally, and put it under her breasts. Countess Emma smiled sweetly and said warmly: "You also know, Aiwass... Xing Antimony has no hostility towards Avalon. We were a family a long time ago.

"The founders of Avalon in the past were the knights from the Herasl Empire. You are the pioneering knights who conquered new lands and punished the giants who killed humans... The empire is proud of you.

"And we, Star Antimony, are just one of the branches of the empire. Now the empire only needs the last piece of the puzzle to be restored to integrity. Once the empire rises again, Avalon will become our powerful ally - we will inevitably move towards The wider and more fertile conquests of the east and south.

"In the past, Star Antimony wanted to take action against Avalon. It was entirely because Avalon was stuck on an important shipping route - because of Avalon's rejection of foreigners, the merchant ships of the Goblin Chamber of Commerce had to take a detour. . This increases the cost. In addition, Avalon adopts a high tariff system for many advanced products of Star Antimony... We have no choice but to defensively increase tariffs on Avalon's original products."

Emma spoke softly, but Aiwass remained silent.

Being in such close contact with her body and constantly breathing her fragrance, I'm afraid Aiwass's brain has gradually turned into mush. Emma thought.

But it doesn't matter, she didn't tell Aiwass originally.

She was telling the story to the bird perched on Aiwass' shoulder——

It looks like there is a man and a woman living together in this house, but there are actually three people!

She thought proudly.

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