Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 418 Charming Deadlock

After Aiwass took the elevator from the top floor of Lloyd's headquarters, he did not leave Lloyd's directly, but instead went to the seventeenth floor.

That's the level where Attorney York Hermes's office is located.

He has been dead for some time now, but the office was not transferred to Lloyd's immediately.

On the one hand, this is because more than half of Lloyd's senior executives have been imprisoned, and the remaining people dare not make any big moves; on the other hand, it is because the Inspectorate has used legal skills to seal this place. ban.

Aiwass opened the seal without hesitation, and the crow on his shoulder flew down and pecked at the door lock. So the door opened on its own and they walked right in.

The room, which had not been opened for a long time, was filled with a dusty, old atmosphere.

The surrounding furnishings are almost unchanged from the past.

It's just that most of the green plants that were well taken care of by the York lawyer are now dead. The beautiful green parrot in the birdcage had died long ago. The starved corpse did not rot and smell, but became withered and shrunken. The water tank was full of goldfish corpses, and the water became turbid.

Only the group photos hanging on the walls were no different from the past.

The high-spirited years of the York lawyer's past were frozen in photos. Even though he has been dead for many days now and his reputation is ruined. But in the photo, he still smiles so brightly and happily.


Aiwass looked up at the photos and suddenly chuckled. It seemed like he was sarcastic about something.

The crow on his shoulder disappeared silently like a shadow.

She transformed into the form of a night devil, holding on to the seat behind her desk with one hand.

The shadow-like wings behind Night Demon spread out, and the dust in the entire room was blown away by the whirlwind that rolled up for no reason. The corpses in the fish tanks and bird cages all disintegrated and dissipated. A turbid sewage flow was triggered in the fish tank.

And the faces of the people in those photos became blank after a gust of black wind blew by.

When Aiwass turned her head, she had transformed back into the crow, standing quietly in the birdcage. Only the seat she pulled out from behind the desk was slowly rotating.

"...It's mainly about being a guest, right?"

Aiwass smiled and sat calmly in the seat that Night Demon had pulled out for him.

He took a deep breath and whispered, "Bring me a candle, Vines."

The crow opened the birdcage and flew out, flying to the side cabinet.

And Aiwass sat in the original seat of York's lawyer, gently touching the deep visible bone scar on his collarbone. The severe pain made him take a breath.

His flesh and blood from the clavicle to the shoulder blade had been peeled off and eaten, and the bones could be seen with the naked eye.

Aiwass's blood had already soaked through the clothes on his upper body, his sensitive nerves were screaming, and the blood vessels on his forehead were beating fiercely due to pain. That is to say, Aiwass has reached the third level in the path of devotion... If ordinary people are severely injured like this, it is impossible to walk around as if no one is around. If they are left alone, they will only die of excessive bleeding.

But for Aiwass, the injury is no longer fatal. After just walking a few steps, the bleeding has stopped and the injury is no longer getting worse. At most, by the time you get up tomorrow, it will basically be good.

But if you want to grow back so much lost flesh and blood out of thin air, it may take a few more days.

However, Aiwass had to pick up Isabel later. Therefore, Aiwass still had to use a fire sacrificial technique to quickly recover from his injuries.

After lighting the candle held by the crow, Aiwass stretched his hand towards the candle flame and closed his eyes at the same time.

The wound on his neck was puffing out white smoke, healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the missing flesh and blood grew back - the flesh, nerves, and blood vessels were pulled away like tentacles and built together. Just like building a house, it is quickly watered and shaped, and finally fully restored.

Aiwass, on the other hand, was reviewing his actions this time in the sense of tranquility immersed in the fire.

——He was a little too exaggerated this time.

Perhaps it was because in the last promotion ceremony, Aiwass took the initiative to break away from Bayard's "enchanted" state... This made him subconsciously underestimate the value of Emma the Succubus.

Another reason is because he still has the Night Demon with him.

Although Aiwass tried his best to control the night demon not to attack the other party... but as long as Aiwass was in real danger, Vines would definitely take action to save Aiwass. And this made Aiwass relax his vigilance a little.

As a result, Aiwass was controlled after one confrontation.

He savored the feeling of being possessed by charm.

……how to say.

Just like an innocent little boy in love for the first time, he jumps high and wants to fulfill all the wishes of the person he likes. You can feel joy just by looking at each other, and you will be fascinated by the moment when your body touches and feels the temperature. When the other party felt troubled, Aiwass subconsciously switched his thinking stance to "thinking about the other party."

Even when the Night Demon tried to attack the opponent several times, he stopped the Night Demon because he was worried about the opponent's safety. He could hear Vines yelling anxiously in his heart, but he just comforted the other person without caring - even explaining that everything was normal.

"Is this the effect of love elixir..."

Aiwass murmured in a low voice, a little scared: "The path of love... is really scary."

Fortunately, Vignes' attack briefly awakened him.

The pain at that moment made Aiwass wake up for a moment.

Although Emma soon wanted to charm Aiwass again, by then Aiwass had gradually realized what had happened. After that, he assigned Vignes a task. When he fell into this state of "not listening" again, he attacked himself again and began to eat his own flesh and blood.

Later, when Emma held Aiwass' hand, Aiwass immediately felt his heart softening.

——He was even trying to relieve himself of the task he had just assigned.

He continued to resist the temptation with his willpower, and in Emma's soft whisper, Aiwass's consciousness gradually fell into the abyss again.

Perhaps because of the constant physical contact with Emma this time, the mental control this time was even deeper than before.

Even if Vignes attacked Aiwass again, he would not be able to wake up immediately like before.

So Vines directly followed the task assigned by Aiwass before and began to attack Aiwass ferociously and eat his flesh.

During this period of time, Aiwass, who frequently activated the shepherding technique every day, had almost developed a habit. The charmed state only made Aiwass not want to be an enemy of Emma and wanted to obey her orders and requirements...but it did not distort other behavioral logic and habits of Aiwass.

After Vignes expressed her hunger, Aiwass instinctively tried to feed her. Just like a nursing mother who subconsciously wants to breastfeed when she hears her child crying.

——The moment Aiwass entered the state of "compassion and sacrifice" of pastoral care, the charm was suddenly lifted.

Part of the reason is because the shepherding method has covered Emma's charming aura; and part of the reason is because Emma has been controlled by Aiwass in turn.

As a blood-sucking moon child and an incarnation of the devil, she cannot resist the charm of Aiwass' pastoral method. From this perspective, Aiwass even charmed her in turn - just like the technique used to tame the shadow demon at that time.

In other words, even if the devil in Emma has not yet broken out, she has actually been judged as a devil by the pastoral law. Pastoral care is effective against all phantom demons, but is especially effective against demons who have transcended the path.

In other words, it was precisely because her demon soul and Moonchild's body both longed for Aiwass's flesh and blood that the extremely strong appetite in her body had overwhelmed the succubus's original sinful mark of lust.

Interrupting control with control... This may also be regarded as a kind of control offset.

Although Aiwass did not complete her pastoral care, the moment Emma revealed her desire for Aiwass's flesh and blood, she had already become Aiwass's "child".

Just like the imprint of Emma still remains in Aiwass's spirit - now when he closes his eyes and thinks of Emma, ​​the pink pupils in his mind will flash, and he still can't kill Emma. hand. And as long as Emma couldn't completely forget her abnormally swollen appetite when she looked at Aiwass, she wouldn't be able to charm Aiwass wholeheartedly.

In this "deadlock" state, the person who has the initiative to break the deadlock is Aiwass.

Because he can actively enter the state of pastoral care at any time to paralyze Emma's natural ability as a succubus.

Although that also means that Aiwass is also controlled by himself and loses life quickly... but he still has Venes to protect him.

——Even so, Aiwass was extremely afraid of Emma.

Although she is just a succubus... she is far from the first in terms of power and danger.

But she is the first BOSS who is hostile to Aiwass but does not know the other party's information after awakening the memory of his past life, and she is also the only person who can really kill Aiwass.


Aiwass's expression froze slightly.

He suddenly realized something was wrong.

...from yesterday to today.

Isn't everything that I have experienced a bit too coincidental?

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