Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 431 Family Reunion

After Aiwass returned to the Palace of Silver and Tin, he immediately asked Lily to call Hermes Manor and invite the Minister of Palace Mycroft Hermes.

After Aiwass and the transformed Isabel finished mounting the painting, the palace minister, who was as cheerful as a fat seal, shook his body and hurried over.

Although he had to work overtime urgently two years ago, Mycroft showed no resentment at all and seemed to be in a good mood.

After he used the "preservation technique" to preserve the painting, Aiwass curiously asked him what good thing had happened to make him so happy.

After hearing this, Aiwass was shocked: "What, Sherlock went home?"

He is even in the state of a smaller child now... and he just went home like this?

Sherlock's relationship with his family is not good, and Aiwass has long known this.

He lived alone outside for a long time, and before moving to Bishop Mathers' home, he even suffered from chronic malnutrition due to irregular work, rest and eating habits. If Edward hadn't kept a close eye on him and often rushed over to take a look in the morning to bring breakfast, Sherlock might have been hungry and had an accident before he knew it.

It’s not because I have no money, but because I’m too lazy to eat when I’m busy. But when he has free time, he will go for a good meal, but such a hungry and full meal is even worse for the body.

Overall, it was because no one took care of him. According to Avalon's authoritarian customs, ordinary people cannot hire servants. Only those whose income and status reached a certain level and had a family could hire a very limited number of housekeepers and maids.

The Hermes family has a quota, and Sherlock also has a personal maid who grew up with him. But when he left home, not only did he not take his maid with him, he didn't even take a penny from the house.

All his income is either consulting fees for helping the Supervision Bureau solve cases, or small remuneration for helping people solve some private cases. And Sherlock has no habit of saving money. He spends whatever money he has. But he lived peacefully and comfortably.

When Sherlock faked his death before, he didn't even choose to go home. Instead, he went to Bishop Mathers' house to stay temporarily. In Sherlock's family, only his brother Mycroft knew that Sherlock was alive. When Shylock was "resurrected" later, he just sent a letter home to show that he was still alive.

It was Bishop Mathers who urged him to go back and take a look, so Sherlock went back and took a look around. After proving that he was indeed alive, he left immediately - without even staying overnight or having a dinner.

But does Sherlock have any grudge against his family?

...That doesn't seem to be the case.

At Sherlock's "funeral", his mother became very haggard because of Sherlock's accident. She burst into tears, her sadness undeniable. Sherlock's father, Arthur, was also in a very depressed mood and was obviously very concerned about his child.

In fact, Aiwass has always been curious about how Sherlock broke up with his family. But whenever he asked, Sherlock either kept silent or changed the subject. It's not easy for Aiwass to break the casserole and ask the truth, as it can easily hurt feelings.

Hearing Aiwass' question, Mycroft just laughed awkwardly from the side.

Until Isabel and Ligeia came over curiously and asked in person.

Mycroft had already guessed that Ligeia was Meg. Therefore, the loyal chamberlain gave Ligeia a meaningful look before finally giving an honest explanation.

As a result, after listening to it, Aiwass couldn't hold himself any longer.

Also unable to hold back was Ligeia next to her.

——Because Sherlock had a falling out with his family in the first place, Meg had to bear one-third of the blame.

That was when Sherlock was about to graduate...actually a few years ago.

At that time, Meg took a fancy to Sherlock and wanted to take him as her apprentice.

Shylock is quite talented in the authoritarian path, very young, and loyal enough to the queen. He is very smart, has leadership and calmness, has no obsession or preference for the opposite sex, and is an upright person with no desire for power.

This is an extremely perfect template for the authoritarian path.

Because he is young enough, he will not want to chase the dusk and become lazy and conservative; because he lacks obsession with power, he will not pursue transcendence and intend to rebel; he has no obsession with the beautiful opposite sex, so he will not easily fall into love. On the way, he was seduced by foreign spies.

This seals the three most trouble-prone deviations on the path of authoritarianism.

At the same time, his clever mind can make him a qualified leader; his loyalty to the queen can also make him assist the future monarch.

It can be said that there is nothing wrong with Meg's vision.

And by that time, Meg's lifespan was almost over. She must find a successor.

She wanted to train Shylock with all her strength, let him enter the Inspectorate, then be promoted to the Arbitration Hall, and eventually inherit her position to become the next generation of great arbiter.

But at that time, Shylock had the urge to pursue the path of wisdom.

When he was in school, he felt unprecedented fulfillment, excitement and satisfaction from reasoning and solving puzzles, and finally realized what he really wanted to do.

The fact that Meg is approaching the end of her lifespan is a top secret that only the top brass of the pro-Queen faction knows and is kept strictly confidential. Sherlock's father, Arthur, knew about this and felt very honored that Sherlock could be recognized and become the future Grand Arbiter.

In addition, Meg has a very high status in Avalon, but has rarely made a request for more than ten years. Naturally, Arthur was even more interested and chased Sherlock to ask him to agree with Meg's opinion.

At that time, Sherlock was also a bit rebellious - he had no interest in power at all, he just wanted to pursue the truth. Just like Aiwass was obsessed by the urge to transcend the path, Shylock also became stubborn because of his powerful talent for the path of wisdom.

"Sherlock was very naughty when he was a child, but his family was more open-minded. Both his mother and father were mild-mannered."

Mycroft said helplessly: "So the family has always allowed him to have various interests and hobbies... But that time was a big event, so his father became very tough. And because the matter was confidential, he had no choice but to do so. Tell Sherlock clearly the meaning behind this matter.

"At that time, Sherlock was in high spirits. He was studying like crazy in the school library about the path of wisdom, and he was very excited to discuss it with me."

At that time, there was light in his eyes. Mycroft said softly with some nostalgia.

"Sherlock felt very angry and even unbelievable about his father's interference - as if he had been betrayed by his family. But I actually know that this is essentially a misunderstanding caused by confidential matters that cannot be told to his family... After all, if Sherlock Locke really doesn’t agree, and my father can’t tie him up.”

Mycroft said helplessly: "But after that, Ms. Meg never recruited any apprentices again. No matter what kind of geniuses there were in the school, she always looked down upon them - and you will not be interested in what happens next. Just know it.”

"...the 'Supreme Glory' plan?"

Ligeia murmured, sighing a little: "So that's what happened..."

She glanced at Aiwass and Isabel, who were a little confused, and then explained to them in detail.

This plan actually refers to Meg being promoted to the sixth level in advance.

Meg actually has quite a while to live.

If all kinds of life-extending rituals and props are used, one can survive for at least twenty years.

Of course, there won't be much combat power left at the end. But it can at least serve as a clear flag and serve as a deterrent.

Although it will become weaker and weaker due to continued aging... But as long as there is a suitable successor, she actually does not have to worry too much about Avalon's future. But if she can't find a suitable successor, she must prepare for promotion while her body is still strong and her mental state is still good. The longer you wait, the less likely your promotion will be.

"To be honest... in fact, no one feels that the 'Supreme Glory' plan is very executable. And my father did not know the existence of the 'Shadow of Avalon' plan at the time, so my father thought that Sherlock's willfulness was a big mistake. Wrong - angered and disappointed Ms. Meg.

"So he was furious and accused Sherlock very strongly. He also issued a death order, asking him to apologize to Ms. Meg and change his mind..."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," Ligeia couldn't stand it any longer and revealed her identity directly, "You should know that I used to be Meg, right, little fat guy? Let me state in advance... I emphasize, I was really not angry at the time.

"I was looking for a successor for many years before I found Sherlock. If he wasn't willing, I felt that it would be difficult to find a successor of the same level if it continued, so I just concentrated on taking care of my mind and body. Prepare to execute another plan.”

"Yes," Mycroft smiled helplessly, "I also feel that you are probably not angry. But anyway... this is because Sherlock did not accept your invitation.

"Sherlock felt that his father was unreasonable, and he almost had a furious quarrel with him. Then he moved out directly and prepared to pursue his ideal. I never told him the truth about this matter. I was waiting for you...' to appear. 'After that, I explained the truth to him."

Obviously, this top smart person in Avalon realized that Ligeia was Meg the first time she appeared.

After Mycroft realized that Sherlock's mistake was over, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and told him the truth. Because by that time, the fundamental conflict between Sherlock and his father Arthur had disappeared.

Mycroft also really loves Sherlock, so he protects him so carefully. Not only to protect his safety, but also to protect his spirit and mind.

...It turns out that Sherlock was partially responsible for the disintegration of Avalon.

Aiwass couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

History is really a complex system that is intertwined. Seems to have something to do with everyone.

Aiwass finally understood why Sherlock was in such a low mood and looked so confused during the previous promotion ceremony like Inception, like a cat soaked in the rain or a homeless abandoned person. dog.

He also wanted to sacrifice himself to send Aiwass and Isabel to promotion.

A lawyer who has repeatedly wanted to give up his promotion on the path of wisdom and wait for the next promotion to switch to the path of authority.

Aiwass had a feeling at the time - like after a fight with his girlfriend, he knew he was wrong but still insisted that he was right. But while speaking hard, he regretted it at the same time. He wanted to make major sacrifices and changes as if nothing had happened, to show that he had admitted his mistake.

It was Aiwass who coaxed him for a long time and gave him a new career, which cheered up Sherlock's spirit.

At that time, Aiwass vaguely felt that Sherlock was eager to fail. But he didn't know the reason behind it.

Now Aiwass finally understands - now Sherlock looks back and finally understands the mistakes he made when he was young.

He didn't know how to make up for the mistakes he made, and Sherlock's pride made him unable to let go. He just wanted to find another way to make up for it, but he didn't want to... nor dared to go back and apologize.

In fact, by this time, Sherlock had already realized his mistake. There's just one step missing.

If he can make sacrifices for Aiwass and Isabel during the promotion ceremony, it can be used as a step to show that his detective career is just a personal hobby, and now he still has to return to the path of a lawyer.

But Sherlock didn't really give up on detectives. He just used it as a sacrifice to fill the guilt of his naive and willful nearly causing a huge disaster.

It's like pinching your own hands when you have a headache, or listening to some bitter love songs when you're falling in love.

Use pain to relieve pain. Use damage to numb damage.

"I don't know who talked him through it," Aiwass couldn't help but say, "I really have to thank him."


Mycroft said with a smile: "And Sherlock still looks like a child now... so cute. Both father and mother seem to be more than ten years younger. I haven't seen such a happy scene at home for a long time. , it has been many years... many, many years, and there has not been such a reunion year.

"If Your Majesty has nothing else to do, I will go back to celebrate the New Year."

He said with ease, almost showing off.

For Sherlock's change and for the happiness of the family.

Even Aiwass and Isabel couldn't help but put on cheerful smiles.

"Okay, let's go back."

Isabel smiled and said: "Take my blessing - say hello to Sherlock and Arthur for me."

Looking at the bright and generous smile of the young queen, Mycroft glanced at Aiwass thoughtfully, and then nodded happily:


Seven thousand five hundred words of update! Please vote at the end of the month and the beginning of the month~

Wait until tomorrow and it will be January 1st both in the book and in reality! Cats are geniuses! Such exquisite axis alignment! Please cheer for me, cheer for me!

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