Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 435 The Trap of the Succubus

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing Isabel suddenly opening the window and looking back, Emma asked curiously and warily.

"There is a girl selling flowers. She is so pitiful..."

Isabel turned back as if nothing had happened, frowning: "If it weren't for the Candle Priest, she might have frozen to death."

"who cares."

Emma smiled and said casually: "Just civilians."

"Civilians are also important," Isabel said seriously, "Civilians are human beings too!"

She glanced at "Yuliya" who seemed a little angry in surprise, and Emma suddenly understood.

...Should I say he is worthy of Heracross?

Even though she has never received the education of a monarch, she is born with the demeanor of a true queen.

——That Queen Isabel, I’m afraid her qualifications for becoming a king are no better than “Yulia”.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Emma hated the house and the crow... Now she still hates the crow on Aiwass's shoulder that ruined her good deeds, and the person behind it.

If it hadn't caused trouble, Aiwass would have become her favorite when they met.

Except for the moment when she used the "Eye of Suggestion" to leave a mark, Emma did not use any active extraordinary abilities throughout the whole process. This is her habit - for an extraordinary person like her who is good at mental manipulation, leaving no trace is the most important control. If traces are left that can be traced, it means there is a flaw.

Subtle guidance that leaves no trace is better than mental manipulation that leaves a trace.

Now she just relies on her own aura to control others. It doesn't change the nature and character of the other person at all, it's just equivalent to inserting yourself at the top of the other person's favorability list.

In this case, you should not be too disobedient to the other party's wishes and cause the other party to have clear hostility, otherwise the control may be temporarily broken.

She actually suspected that Aiwass also used this technique to break free from her control. It’s just that Emma still doesn’t quite understand which of her words angered Aiwass.

But that didn't matter - she wouldn't see Aiwass again anyway.

She believed that after Aiwass witnessed his own power, he would never dare to come to see her alone.

But he would never have imagined that if he brought someone to see him. That is even more self-defeating.

So Emma relaxed a little, shrugged, and followed what "Yuliya" said: "Then when we come back, you can give her some charity. Do you have money, Yulia?" "

"...No. I didn't bring any money when I went out."

Isabel paused and replied in a low voice with some embarrassment.

She regained consciousness again.

"It's okay, I'll give it to you."

Emma chuckled, opened her wallet, took out a small pile of brand-new banknotes tied with a rope from the money inside, and handed it to Isabel: "This is the white crown coin given to me by a friend. I never had a chance. Use it. Give her these one hundred white crown coins and let her do some business."

"Mom is such a good person..."

Isabel raised her head, her eyes seemed to sparkle.

Emma had a bright smile on her face, but her heart was full of devilish evil.

A young lady like Yulia must not know that a poor person like this who has nothing may be in danger if he only gets a few silver coins.

Not to mention the one hundred white crown coins.

According to Emma's understanding, the hard workers on Glass Island can only earn more than 30 white crown coins after a year of hard work.

One "white crown" is equivalent to two hundred "copper hourglasses", while a roast beef only costs eight copper coins, the cheapest cup of coffee only costs one copper coin, and a pot of tea only costs two copper coins. A fish or an egg is one red coin, which is ten copper coins. The rent for a private house that can accommodate two people is only one cent a month.

And what she rewarded was a hundred white coins.

It's not that she doesn't understand the value of money. On the contrary, she understands this very well.

To Emma, ​​these are just a few dozen dispensable antimony gold coins. That is, when you don't sleep well, you can buy two doses of Zuimeng Tincture to have a good dream.

But it is undoubtedly a huge sum of money for the poor - the girl selling flowers will definitely accept it even if she knows it is dangerous enough.

Although Emma didn't even look at the girl, she knew that the other party had no power to hold on to this wealth. Otherwise, the other party would never wear single clothes in the cold winter.

Yulia thought she had helped the other party, but this huge sum of money would undoubtedly kill the poor girl. The money may even lead to a little mayhem, with the poor and hungry killing each other.

For Countess Emma, ​​who is rich enough, this is like leaving a few pieces of meat to wild beasts and letting them bite and kill each other.

Maybe they would still stay sane normally...but Emma is already here.

When she arrives at the Glass Island, it is destined that the people on the Glass Island will become violent and lustful. Become like a beast and unleash your inner wildness.

Emma closed her eyes, raised her arms gracefully like a conductor, pinched her fingers, and waved the illusory baton intoxicatedly.

——Use Yulia’s kindness as a gun and the money that can make people happy as bullets to create misfortune and death.

Let people go crazy because of this, show their bestiality, kill each other... Nothing is sweeter than this.

And when he wants to sacrifice Yulia later, he can tell her the truth about it. The anger and regret at that time will also be delicious enough seasoning.

She even made secondary preparations.

If her behavior is seen through by Aiwass, then the trap she prepared before will come in handy...

This time, there won't be any interruption from that pesky crow.

Thinking of this, the succubus residing in Emma's body raised the corners of her mouth simultaneously with her revealed material incarnation.

The curved eyebrows and the smiling mouth - they are the same.

On the other side, Aiwass has arrived at the Candlestick Cathedral.

A very well-known band in Avalon was performing enthusiastically on stage at the moment. Therefore, not only was the Candlestick Cathedral overcrowded, there were even many people gathered outside. There were also people setting up stalls nearby to sell things or entertain themselves. Aiwass spent a lot of effort just squeezing in.

There are three rounds of praise by the candle priest, namely at sunrise, nine o'clock in the morning and noon. In between the two rounds of praise, local people will be invited to perform some performances or simply hold a banquet. The entertainment level of Avalon is slightly weaker. The Iris Candle Festival can be said to be a gathering of top artists and is extremely grand.

Aiwass quickly found out where Bishop Mathers was and rushed in to find him.

He was still in a daze when he entered.

Because the side hall where Bishop Mathers rested was the deserted chapel where he and Isabel hid in to sing during the first promotion ceremony.

"Happy New Year, Aiwass!"

When Bishop Mathers saw Aiwass, he immediately smiled and said, "What's wrong, you look so anxious? Did you lose your girlfriend?"

"Have you seen Yulia?"

Aiwass didn't respond, just asked.

"Ah, I see you."

Mathers nodded and recalled: "Two hours ago, maybe, and then she left with her friend."

...Two hours already?

Aiwass's heart sank.

"Are her friends male or female? Do you know where they went? Do you know him?"

Aiwass asked.

"Oh," Bishop Mathers smiled and waved his hand, subconsciously defending Emma, ​​"it's Countess Emma, ​​a very well-known big shot. She will definitely take good care of Yulia."

"Do you know where they went?"

Aiwass asked repeatedly.

Seeing that Aiwass had a serious expression and seemed a little angry, Mathers shook his head helplessly and could only answer honestly: "I don't know, I just took a look from a distance."

He added: "But I think Countess Emma is not a bad person, so don't worry. Yulia is also very happy, and she is obviously very familiar with her."

"...Okay, then I probably know."

Aiwass nodded and ignored Bishop Mathers's answer, which was like an artificial retard.

No matter what, let’s go to the Lloyd’s headquarters first.

Now that he had been delayed for two hours, he had to hurry up.

You have to go to the Great Guardian to borrow his griffon - a fifth-level griffon, which shouldn't be that easy to control.

Before leaving the chapel, Aiwass turned around and reminded: "I seriously suggest that you pray completely to Si Zhuquan and ask the sacred flame to purify your body and spirit."

"Oh, this kid..."

Mathers watched Aiwass leave in a hurry, and sighed helplessly: "It sounds like I am being controlled by someone's mind..."

But having said that, he still prayed to Si Zhu.

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