Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 439 Go ahead and kill her (Third update, 1070

Chapter 439 Go ahead and kill her (Third update, 10,700 words! Please vote for me!)

Aiwass did nothing else.

Whether it is reporting to Bishop Mathers that he is safe, or looking for the Great Guardian who may still be using the "Eye of Avalon" to search for traces of Isabel, or looking for traces of Countess Emma who disappeared out of thin air, or It was to ask Isabel what happened...

As for what went crazy last night, Aiwass didn't care at all at this moment.

After Aivas returned to the Palace of Silver and Tin, the first thing he did was to find Ligeia, briefly explain what had just happened, and hand over Isabel in the form of "Yulia" Got her.

"Don't worry, kid! As long as I'm watching, nothing can go wrong."

Ligeia also narrowed her eyes slightly and said simply: "Just do whatever you want to do!

"If you need help, come back to me anytime!"

The implication is that there is no need to worry about Emma's identity.

Kill her.

It doesn't matter even if we directly declare war on Star Antimony.

If a war starts, she will be at the forefront.

This world-class strongman with an age close to three digits and a free and easy woman who has devoted her life to the cause of peace was really angered by the despicable actions of the Star Antimony people.

But she did not put forward the opinion of "let Aiwass protect Isabel while she killed Emma herself".

That would certainly have a higher success rate - Emma would never be able to defeat Ligeia anyway.

Even though they are both at the fifth energy level, there are differences between the fifth energy levels.

The gap between the fifth energy level and the fifth energy level is even larger than the gap between the fourth energy level and the first energy level.

If her "father" comes, maybe Ligeia will be a little wary. But to deal with Emma, ​​Ligeia didn't even need to ask for a scepter or a crown. The Dragon Blood Command Spell alone was enough to kill the opponent.

However, Ligeia knew that Aiwass would not agree.

Although Aiwass didn't look angry - his skin didn't turn red with excitement, his face didn't become ferocious with hatred. His body relaxed and his hands dropped naturally. The neat clothes are not messy at all, and even the bow tie is tied well.

His voice was calm and gentle, and his eyes were clear and bright.

It looked more like he was going to give a speech on stage, or solemnly singing a tribute to the candlestick in the chapel.

However, Ligeia knew very clearly that Aiwass was going to kill someone.

This elegant man was completely irritated. Ligeia had never felt such clear and calm killing intent in Aiwass.

Not trying to murder someone. It's more like completing a certain task of your own.

Just like a storm coming and a flood rising. He wants to kill the other party, it is as irresistible as a natural disaster, it is natural.

Although Ligeia had no children, she was married. She has lived for many years and usually just pretends to be confused, but she is not really confused.

She understands men.

At this point, she would not intervene as an elder and act out of wisdom. She will only give Aiwass the greatest respect and support.

Aiwass nodded, then headed to his bedroom seriously, taking all the equipment he didn't bring with him.

Fortunately, I made preparations in advance last night. Aiwass thought.

In this way, even if you want to kill people, there will be no delay.

He picked up another ceremonial knife and tied it with a rope as a necklace, and hung it directly on his chest. From a distance, it looks like a shining cross.


After Aiwass left, Ligeia looked at "Yuliya" and asked in a low voice: "Why don't you go back without changing?"

——Were you so scared that you forgot before?

This is the unspoken subtext hidden at the end of her language.

But Isabel just shook her head.

“If Aiwass goes to kill Emma, ​​it will inevitably lead to war.

"But if war comes, Avalon will never be the one declared war - we have nothing to defend, let alone argue. We are the angrier side.

"If there must be a war between Avalon and Star Antimony, it must be initiated by me. Then it will never be Aiwass who kills Emma, ​​but Emma trying to do something to me."

Although this is indeed the case, Isabel has been safely rescued by Aiwass.

"Not many people know what happened before. I turned into Yulia and was attacked, which then triggered a war. This may bring trouble and criticism to Yulia."

Isabel said calmly: "And those things before were too tortuous and complicated, which was not conducive to people's dissemination and understanding. The audience is hungry for some simpler stories that can arouse their emotions and make people without culture understand. Can understand.

“So I need to do another play. And I’m going to be the actor — and because of that, I don’t [take off my makeup].

"I think Aiwass should have guessed it. That's why he handed me over to you."

She is sane and thinking clearly.

She felt that her brain had never been so clear as it was now...

This is the first time Isabel has tried to use her own will to achieve some strategy that can be called a "conspiracy".

Even if its purpose is so simple and its means so clumsy...

But this is at least the first script Isabel has written out of her own will.

Isabel asked Ligeia seriously: "Can you protect me? Even under Emma's attacks, sneak attacks and manipulations, can you protect me?"

The dragon girl, who was shorter than Isabel, just smiled broadly.

She said without hesitation and understatement: "Of course..."

When Ligeia said this, she suddenly laughed: "Ah, it seems you don't have to go to the venue.

"—They're here. What a proactive move."

Ligeia frowned slightly, but her childish face looked majestic.

"Come on, let's go out and take a look."

she whispered.

At this moment, Aiwass hadn't even left the Palace of Silver and Tin - he was just walking in the Round Table Hall when the roar of the storm came from outside.

The situation outside the Palace of Silver and Tin is changing. Feeling the hostility, the griffins on the Griffin Bridge took off one after another, trying to intercept.

However, in the storm stirred up by Philip, he forcibly took the Great Guardian and a somewhat strange demonic being, tore up the storm net, and broke into the Palace of Silver and Tin without any scruples!

Aiwass stopped on the glass steps and looked up.

When Philip was far away, he raised his voice and warned: "George and I may be controlled, Aiwass... But even so, I must stand with George, I'm sorry..."

Then, it was suddenly whipped.

Then he let out a low gurgling sound, and suddenly lost his consciousness and ability to speak.

"I know, it's not your fault."

Aiwass said calmly: "That's all Emma...a true fifth-level succubus, the Great Guardian will definitely not be able to handle it."

He raised his left hand slightly. As the blue magic circle was reflected, the Book of Laws floated above his palm and appeared out of thin air.

He looked at the demon hugging George.

Just by making eye contact, Aiwass felt his soul trembled by the astonishing beauty.

Her skin was as red as drunkenness, and she had a pair of bat-like wings on her back. She has long silver-white curly hair that reaches her thighs. A pair of small and delicate horns, like a scorpion and a lion-like tail.

There was no hair on her body, only a long, silver-white snake wrapped around her body. Like underwear, like ropes, and like shackles, they block those insignificant parts, but only the key parts are exposed.

The bottom of her pupils is pink, while the pupils are matte black. Scarlet thorns hang down from both wrists, looking like chains or whips. That was a demon who was at least three times more beautiful than Emma, ​​and his appearance was completely different from hers.

The controller of the brand of "lust" and the beloved concubine of Fallen Sky Division. A high-level phantom demon on the same level as Night Demon and Punishment Demon.

——The real "succubus".

As soon as she appeared, she looked at Aiwass with extremely sincere eyes.

The Great Guardian's upper body was naked, and there were several pink whip marks on his back that were as clear as scars, and the pink light flickered with his breathing. His pupils completely lost their luster, and he stood motionless in front of the succubus like a puppet, looking at Aiwass expressionlessly.

It's completely different from the gentle "charm" and "suggestion" before.

If you are struck by this whip, you will offer your complete loyalty.

Aiwass stood on the glass steps and sighed: "I didn't expect you would dare to go directly to the Palace of Silver and Tin."

"Why wouldn't I dare? I'm not her."

The succubus smiled coquettishly and made a soft voice that was completely different from Emma's: "Emma doesn't dare, what does it have to do with me?

"She serves her 'father', and I only serve to please myself——"

Aiwass understood.

The implication of the succubus is that it doesn't matter if a war breaks out right now.

She is not a child of the moon, nor a starling, nor does she have a deep relationship with her parent, a child of the moon.

Rather, the succubus harbors a kind of hatred towards Hong Xiang - the hatred that has been sealed in Emma's body by him for a long time and has never been able to be truly hatched.

If Emma is not killed, she will never come out.

She was eager to cause trouble for Xing Antimony in order to take revenge on the "red phase" who sealed her away and kept Emma in a stable state.

"You don't have a demon in your life yet, do you?"

The succubus looked at Aiwass eagerly, holding her chest with one hand and a bright smile on her face: "How about you accept me...?

"After all, I was awakened by your master, the one I love. You are my father, my benefactor, my lover..."

The succubus's eyes were full of tears and full of emotion, but it was too full and seemed a bit artificial.

She stretched out her hand towards Aiwass like she was singing an opera: "When I woke up, I remembered who woke me up. I went through a lot of hard work and finally got her to let me out... I I just came to find you.

"I can swear to the Fallen Sky Division that I am here to make a contract with long as you are willing to give me the sacred blood..."

The succubus's voice became gentle: "I will never be your enemy..."

Even just the sound is enough to captivate the mind.

But Aiwass just remained silent.

He just stretched out his right hand and grasped the ceremonial knife in front of him. Blood seeped from his fingers.

His eyes became compassionate, and the book of Dharma held in his left hand began to automatically turn the pages quickly.

"That's it," Aiwass said softly, "I understand."

"Then what do you mean-"

"——As I said before, I want to give you a tarot card."

Aiwass said calmly: "Although the subject seems to have been changed, the promise is still valid.

"It's just... I want to sincerely confess to the Master Zhu first. Because I'm afraid I will disrupt his ceremony."

After Aiwass finished speaking, the crow on his shoulder suddenly opened its eyes, its blood-red jewel-like pupils looking at the succubus with strong murderous intent and malice.

It shattered instantly, countless black phantom-like feathers scattered, and the sun that had just passed noon was suddenly replaced by a bloody night.

The cloud of chaos and fear gradually spread from the entire glass island.

I don't know when the clear water turned into blood. A fine rain of blood fell from the sky.

The Night Demon stood in front of Aiwass like a broken doll.

"I have remembered this grudge for a long time."

Vines made an ethereal but malicious voice: "Whether you are her or not...just pay off the debt for her."

The succubus was suddenly startled: "Night Demon?"

Countess Emma doesn't know "Raven", but the succubus definitely knows her superior demon kind.

But soon, the succubus's expression suddenly changed: "Sixth level? How is it possible -"

"Be careful, Vines. Don't kill George and Philip."

Aiwass interrupted the succubus: "Do it...kill her."

update completed! Thanks to the Silver Alliance for the reward, I will give you more~

A total of more than 10,000 words of updates!

I will enter the card tomorrow and ask for tickets~ (trembling sound)

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