Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 46 The man behind the scenes

At this moment, the ceremony is less than an hour away from ending.

Twenty minutes to be exact.

Even if Aiwass could control the Hook Demon and let the Hook Demon lead him, it would be too late.

Not to mention how scary it was to ride in a carriage with this thing, even if he could find a way to ride in a carriage, he would still be too late.

The time allowed for this ritual was four hours, and little Aiwass was already cursed upon entering.

According to the "ideal situation" calculated by the pillar god who created the dream, Aiwass should take Lulu directly out of the cathedral and go directly to Lawyers Square. The middle journey is half an hour.

Upon arrival, the Hook Demon appears for the first time. After cooperating with Sherlock to repel it, they still have more than three hours left to gather their partners, follow the Hook Demon to find the murderer, and defeat him. All that is needed is Shylock's wisdom.

This shows that his location is not that easy to find. It may take reasoning from the path of wisdom to find it.

But Aiwass felt that his brain was pretty good, and he should be able to find it if the Hook Demon was there to lead the way.

Aiwass's only miscalculation was that this enemy was a bit stubborn.

After the curser tried to attack the bone sculpture once, he still refused to give up. Also send the Hook Demon to try again.

But instead of defeating him this time, the Hook Demon was injured instead. This shows that the "Bone Sculpture" is indeed a very powerful transcendent, and he should be the force responsible for their team. This directly led to the time being almost over when Aiwass was attacked.

This was supposed to be a good thing. This means that he only needs to dodge to run out of time and win.

However, what Aiwass wanted was to fight back.

Even if you can't know the mastermind behind it, you still have to at least see with your own eyes what this curse master looks like.

...Then, now we can only place our hope on "possibility".

He had another chance to meet the curse master in less than twenty minutes.

Not teleportation. Because Aiwass did not have the means to curse the curser in turn.

——But a counter-summoning.

After the Hook Demon completes its mission, it will be recalled by the Curse Master. Just like it was recalled before after the failed attack on Lulu.

Suddenly appearing in front of the curse master, this can certainly be regarded as a kind of "teleportation".

Just let Aiwass integrate his soul into the Hook Demon like Jack the Ripper.

This ceremony specifically emphasized that you do not necessarily need to survive on your own.

Then, he could do an experiment now.

An experiment that would definitely not be a loss even if it failed... an experiment that could not be carried out in reality.

——How powerful can the "pastoral technique" of using one's entire life as a voluntary sacrifice be?

Without using any auxiliary materials and not being very strong, can highly efficient self-sacrifice be enough to strengthen the Hook Demon through Jack the Ripper's serial killing ritual?


"Eat in silence, my Lamb."

Looking at the Hook Demon with wide eyes staring at him, Aiwass whispered, holding the paper knife tightly: "I am the Holy Communion, this is mercy."

He now has no essential oil that can be infused with mana, and his hand is not a pure silver ceremonial knife, but a paper knife.

It's like a meal is missing some spice. Decoration is also missing.

But as long as the food is delicious enough and in large quantities, its original taste is enough to impress.

What's more, those who enjoy the delicious meal are not the proud superior demons, but just the despicable hook demons born from the embryonic souls shattered by the hooks.

It was a little devil that broke away from the hatred of being destined to die, and became a little devil with hatred and anger in order to rebel against the will of "not being born".

There is nothing arrogant about it.

"Eat the blood from my neck, drink it like sweet wine—"

Aiwass chanted loudly, opening himself like a zipper.

——From left to right, he firmly slit his own throat with a paper knife.

What he cut was the artery above the collarbone.

Aiwass's consciousness immediately became blurred, and his vision became dim.

But the brain seemed to become clearer, as if the flow of time had slowed down.

He clearly felt that his life was rapidly draining away. But it's not that life is pulled away from the flesh and bones and sinks into the void... but that the entire soul, together with the fiery magic power, flows out along with the blood on the neck and condenses into crystals.


"...He should have committed suicide."

When the death knell rang, Sherlock said solemnly.

Lulu nodded sadly.

In the abandoned warehouse, the lifeless corpse of "Julio" fell backwards.

But his blood did not soak into the surrounding ground. Instead, it sprayed out high like a fountain in a gesture that defied common sense in physics.

It wasn't even a liquid, but rubies one after another. Flying into the air, they solidified into red pearls.

Like a puppy or kitten eager to eat, the Iron Hook Demon made a squeaking sound. The anger and ferocity on his face completely disappeared, leaving only the purest greed and obsession.

The crystal blood beads flew towards it one after another and landed on it.

The Iron Hook Demon ate greedily.

The frost marks on its body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its body gradually expanded. From the size of a hound to the size of a human teenager, then to the size of an adult.

The blood-moist redness on its body gradually faded. The white and smooth skin was exposed, with only scarlet lines like sutures remaining. Even some muscles have grown on the four arms, and the four rusty iron hooks stained with blood have disappeared.

Its face was ferocious and ugly, and its facial features were completely misaligned on its huge head. The four arms pointed in different directions.

The six limbs are completely different in size, thickness, and even joints and directions. It lies low on the ground, like a fragmented human being painted by an abstract writer.

Its ignorant but hateful eyes became a little clearer, revealing some incomplete humanity.

And that anger and hatred also settled into more solid grief and hatred.

The blood was quickly licked up by it.

And it whimpered, squatting on the ground, lying on Aiwass's body, and continued to lick the bloody mouth on the neck of Aiwass's body.

It licked and licked, then suddenly looked up to the sky and roared. It roared like a wild wolf looking at the moon

Then it seemed to make up its mind and began to eat Aiwass's body.

When Aiwass gradually woke up from the chaos, he saw that his body had disappeared on a scarlet ground.

And his perspective at this moment has become that of the Hook Demon.

——In other words, it is the evolved "Deformed Limb Demon".

It is a demon born from the soul of a person who was born with deformed limbs and died of persecution. He has a deep hatred for almost the entire group of "normal people".

This is already a high-level demon.

This is an elite with a level above level 40. Less than ten levels behind Shadow Demon.

While losing the ability to teleport around the cursed person, he has a nearly immortal vitality, strong strength and speed, and the ability to temporarily reshape his six deformed limbs according to his own wishes.

and an equally low level of intelligence.

Aiwass felt very clearly the seemingly endless vitality coming from his body, the surging sea-like power, and his three strongly pumping hearts.

He now has confidence that even if "he" is cut into pieces by a chainsaw or crushed repeatedly by boulders, he will never die easily.

However, the ecstasy, joy, sadness, hatred... from the "Deformed Limb Demon" are also being transmitted continuously, proving that it has not been snatched to death by Aiwass. Instead, he voluntarily became his partner...

…and “the bearer.”

Carrying Aiwass's soul like a turtle until he found a chance to be reborn.

"It turns out that after using the shepherding method to completely feed yourself to the devil, will you temporarily become one with the devil?"

He lowered his body and made a vague and moist low sound from his two mouths: "The 'nutrition' is enough to allow lower-level demons to directly evolve into higher-level demons..."

No wonder demons follow “shepherds.” For demons who are beyond the path, this is indeed an irresistible temptation.

According to the normal evolutionary route, it would probably take several years to evolve from a hook demon to a deformed limb demon according to the extreme training method of Jack the Ripper.

Aiwass originally thought that it would be enough to grow through ten rituals, but he never expected that he had far underestimated the value of the shepherding technique and the "voluntary sacrifice".

It's not that Shadow Demon is greedy.

But he does smell good...

The head was completely misaligned and even had three eyes, with the three eyes looking in different directions. Adapting to this unique and fresh perspective, and slowly becoming familiar with his instinct to use his "abnormal limb".

After a while, he finally heard his "master"'s somewhat urgent call.

"...William? William? That's great, we've made contact... If everything goes well, come back soon, good boy! Be careful not to shout too loud or reveal your existence-"

The ferocious demon lying on the ground showed a terrifying and terrifying smile.


He imitated the old Hook Demon and responded with meaningless sounds like a baby crying or a puppy whimpering.

The curse master on the opposite side obviously didn't expect it.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop shouting. I'm going to pull you back now, don't move around..."

He launched the anti-summoning spell without warning.

The surrounding space seemed to be misaligned and cracked. It's like the feeling of weightlessness and overweight on an elevator, except that the "direction source" of that feeling is behind you.

It was as if he was suddenly "pulled backward" by a huge force, and was dragged far behind.

What suddenly appeared in front of Aiwas was a middle-aged man in his fifties with a brown face and large gemstone rings on all ten fingers.

He looks slightly fat, with a round belly and a slightly stooped back. His black curly hair was slightly oily, and his small eyes were dark and focused, with not much white to be seen. If it weren't for the fact that he was dressed too richly, his face would only remind people of an honest countryman. And even if the things he wears look expensive, he has just become a wealthy country gentry.

"William, you did a great job..."

The Curse Master habitually wanted to appease the Hook Demon.

But when he saw clearly the twisted demon that appeared from the ritual formation and lay low on the ground like a spider, his expression suddenly froze.

Fear froze his face, and he couldn't move at all. Let him become like a dumb stone statue.

This is……

——Deformed limb demon? !

How could the race of demons suddenly change? !

In other words, it really William?

Or maybe there were other demonologists who seized and modified William's contract, allowing the deformed limb demon he controlled to be transported along with the anti-summoning ritual——

But he didn't have time to think about it.

Aiwass controlled the Malformed Limb Demon and pulled out a twisted and dislocated malformed limb from his body at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The "right hand" that originally looked normal was suddenly elongated rapidly - it became only two centimeters in thickness, but grew into a sharp claw that was more than two meters long.

The ferocious skeletal claws grabbed his face, pushed him to the wall, and slowly lifted him up.

"Who are you……"

The deformed limb demon made an indistinct sound. It was like a voice coming from a nightmare.

Can talk...?

The Curse Master, whose face was frozen with fear, looked like he was about to cry at this moment.

He tried his best to hold the "right hand" of the deformed limb demon with both hands, so that his throat would not be ripped out directly due to his own weight.

To be able to make the Deformed Limb Demon speak such clear words...

...Have you met your senior?

"Say your name..."

The malformed limb demon asked again.

Its outstretched abnormal limbs slowly exerted force, trying to crush the curser's head like steel pliers.

Under the severe pain, the curser couldn't help but scream:

"——Aziz! Aziz bin Abdul——save me...Senior, spare me!"

But the malformed limb demon didn't let go.

Instead, he increased his intensity, feeling the gradually deformed and creaking skull "in his hands".

"Who do you work for..." The Deformed Limb Demon changed his tone and asked in a sharp voice.

"—Moriarty! It's Professor James Moriarty!"

The curse master named Aziz screamed and abandoned his employer without hesitation: "It has nothing to do with me, I just collect money to do things - spare me, senior, sir, please, no I...spare me! Help—help—"


The deformed limb stretched out by the deformed limb demon easily crushed the curser's head to pieces.

It's as easy as crushing a tomato.

——Even if everything in the ceremony was false, Aiwass had no intention of sparing him.

"It's just a little interest, Aziz. I hope you're not dead."

The deformed limb demon made an unclear voice: "I remember you...

"I'll find you."

Having successfully obtained such important information, Aiwass felt that perhaps he should be happy.

He confirmed the upper limit of the "Pastoral Law" without any cost, and finished everything he wanted to do before the ceremony ended... He should relax and celebrate.

But at this moment he was a little unhappy.

What put Aiwass in a bad mood was that he heard another name from Curse Master Aziz that he didn't really want to hear...but he had expected.

——James Moriarty.

Old rules, please get up and correct the typo~

I wrote these more than 6,000 words until eight o'clock (sad)

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