Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 460 Despair is like a snake, anxiety is like sand

At first, when Isabel saw Queen Sofia, she felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

It was not a utilitarian thought that "this ceremony can be easily passed"...but she just felt that she was very lucky to have the opportunity to see her deceased grandmother again. Just like seeing an acquaintance or classmate in the newspaper, you will feel very happy about it.

And Isabel noticed that the introductory plot this time said that it was "announcing the destruction of the Kingdom of Avalon", and it happened in the near future. Then it will have some reference value... As Queen Isabel of Avalon, she must pay attention to this promotion ceremony no matter what.

Maybe, she can get some information from it to prevent the real Avalon from this future.

But soon, Isabel saw her cowardly and weak appearance.

She couldn't help but feel embarrassed and wanted to pull her off so that she could get on top of her. It was also the first time that she saw clearly how immature she was from the perspective of a bystander.

But after that, when Isabel realized that Queen Sofia was going to arrange a marriage for "herself", the smile on her face disappeared.

——I am what you can get?

Anger and resistance suddenly sprouted in Isabel's heart, and her hostility towards Queen Star Antimony and the prince was instantly full.

Isabel made up her mind at that time, even in her dream she would not continue to act like this.

But then, she saw her grandmother being poisoned by Minister Drost, she was framed and unjustly accused, she saw the contemptuous face of the vicious woman from Star Antimony, and she saw the knights in the Round Table Hall killing each other...

When Isabel woke up, she subconsciously clenched her fists and her whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Not out of fear, but out of anger.

Isabel has a good temper. She has never lost her temper since she was born. Not to mention feeling anger from the bottom of my heart, so disgusting or even hating someone.

But this time, she tasted what "anger" was for the first time.

It was a feeling like breathing fiercely into a pot of burning charcoal fire - the heart and lungs felt the burning heat, the head swelled, and there was a kind of eye-sore burning in the eyes, which made the eyes sore. I felt sour and almost shed tears.

She was not scared or sad, but her tears kept flowing as if she was being stimulated, her chest kept rising and falling, and she took in a trembling breath.

Isabel could feel that some kind of cool liquid seemed to be flowing from the back of her head to her spine. The body held by Shafiya was shaking as if it was heating up, and she was getting harder and harder as if she was turning into a fetus again. He curled up, trying his best to compress his body like a cat.

The power from the path of beauty continues to amplify her stirring emotions and inspire her inspiration. Isabel's pupils burned with green flames, and the power from the soul reverberated in the air like water waves, making the air around her blurry.

——If she had a powerful bomb at this moment, Isabel would just want to rush back to the Palace of Silver and Tin and explode it with them!

And soon she thought that she still had Avalon to protect, and Aiwass was waiting for her...

Isabel gradually returned to reason.

"...Don't be afraid, Isabel. They shouldn't be able to catch up."

At this moment, Shafiya suddenly spoke and comforted in a low voice: "There will always be a way... I will protect you."

With that said, she put Isabel in her arms on the ground, stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears accumulated in her eyes.

...So the import has ended?

Isabel was stunned and didn't speak, and realized this belatedly.

This is the largest clock tower in the Red Queen District, which is where Yanis overlooked the entire glass island when she left.

Isabel stood in exactly the same place as at that time, watching the dark clouds gradually spread outward from the Palace of Silver and Tin, and the hallucinations of fighting and cursing seemed to ring in her ears.

Isabel, who had been wronged, did not sob in grievance, nor did she become hysterical due to fear and confusion, which made Shafiya a little relieved. She just folded her arms and huddled up, standing silently and stubbornly motionless, her pupils staring blankly ahead, as if looking at some virtual image remaining in front of her eyes... Only the tears on her face flowed silently. stop.

The real and exciting emotions were so contagious that Shafiya, who witnessed all this, felt aggrieved and sad for her. She couldn't help but feel a sore nose just thinking about it.

...Little Isha is such a good child, and it’s really not easy.

But what can I do...

Shafiya sighed secretly, feeling desperate about the situation. She could only frown slightly and gently wipe the tears from Isabel's face. And soon, she realized that this might not work, so she simply hugged Isabel and let her cry in her arms.

She didn't say anything.

Because Shafiya felt that even if she said a lot now, Isabel would probably not be able to understand it.

Based on her knowledge and understanding of the little princess... Isabel's brain at this moment has probably gone blank.

Her only relative and elder, the monarch of Avalon, was poisoned by Minister Drost, whom she and her grandmother trusted, while the elder knights who were gentle and friendly to her killed each other without mercy, laughing and laughing. The banquet hall was instantly covered in blood and death. Someone even took away the name and existence of "Isabel" from her, turning her into the assassin who murdered her grandmother...

Everything happened in an instant, from the moment they drank the poison to the moment they fled the scene, the whole process took less than a minute.

Even if it were not the timid Isabel, but someone else... when seeing this series of silky combos happening like dominoes, making people unable to react at all, my brain would probably freeze for a moment.

She must stay here to protect Isabel.

Such thoughts came to Shafiya's mind.

Now that the queen has passed away and the fake Isabel has appeared, I am afraid that the royal power will also fall into the hands of the Star Antimony people. Then Avalon is very dangerous... The Iris people can't believe it at all. The living environment of the Everfrost Empire is too harsh, and it is impossible to cooperate with the cunning and dangerous goblins. Therefore, they have only one way left, and that is to defect to the Theocracy. Elf.

Although the Theocracy is still in a state of turmoil, they have no choice.

Isabel must be escorted to the Theocracy.

She can definitely do this easily - even though she is a lawyer and does not know how to ride. But as long as she finds a pure-blooded griffon, she can ride the griffon and take Isabel with her to escape safely.

Strictly speaking, with the distance of the griffin, the griffin alone could take Isabel directly to the Theocracy. But Shafiya would definitely be worried about that.

Isabel never left the Glass Island, or even the Red and White Queen. As the only princess of the Avalon royal family, she has never lived on her own. She is so shy just to communicate with the Avalon people, and her Elvish language is not fluent enough to communicate normally. If she were sent directly to the Theocracy, which was still in chaos, she would probably lose herself...or maybe be abducted by goblins.

Not to mention, if Xing Antimony dares to take such a bold move, their army may already be on the way. If Isabel was allowed to leave on her own, it would be tantamount to murder.

If Shafiya follows the whole process, Isabel's safety problem can be solved.

...But if this is the case, Queen Sophia’s body cannot be snatched.

If the body dies for too long, the blood of the corpse will deteriorate. Once the blood begins to decay, it loses the possibility of being used as a ritual material - and the "Shadow of Avalon" ritual only has the last step to complete.

Prince Albert is suspected to have passed away, and currently only John and Isabelle are left in the Du Lac family. And together they were only in their early twenties, so no one could be sacrificed to activate the ritual.

She must resurrect Lancelot.

Otherwise, Isabel alone would not be able to take Avalon back from that group of people. The Star Antimonians even prepared a stand-in that was exactly the same as Isabel... Who knows if it was a trick of the necromancers and alchemists, maybe she also had the blood of Du Lac!

Anyway, Isabel is also a transcendent of the Path of Beauty, so she couldn't activate the Scepter of Avalon in the first place.

Regardless of whether she is real or fake, the many privileges of the Lord of Avalon cannot be exercised. And those traitors who betrayed Avalon and turned against their colleagues will definitely never look back - they will die anyway if they turn around, so they might as well stand here until they die.

Agnes has left Avalon, Meg, the pillar of the kingdom, has passed away, and the great justice Arius has also aged.

Just between her and George, nothing could be done.

There are even descendants of the founders among the traitors, and maybe their guardian elves also participated in this coup... After all, the order given to them by the Pope was only to maintain the apostolic family lineage, but it did not say that they must side with Du Lac. side.

If you just save Isabel, you won't be able to get Avalon back later. That is also a failure... Maybe Isabel will need to use her own life to complete the ritual in the future. The rescue at this moment seems to be equivalent to no rescue.

Therefore, if you want to take back Avalon from those hateful Star Antimony people, you must get Sophia's blood as soon as possible.

The Star Antimony people must not know the existence of the "Shadow of Avalon" ritual, so they will not attach too much importance to Sophia's body.

As long as he can secretly access the corpse...

...But in that case, Isabel can't just leave it here.

Although the traitors did not have the "Eye of Avalon" in their hands, it was impossible to directly target Isabel. Not to mention, there was a possibility that she would not be able to come back alive... If Isabel was not sent to the Theocracy, she would always be in danger. It's not just the Star Antimonians who want to kill her, but the survivors of the entire Round Table Hall.

——In other words, all of Avalon.

As long as Isabel is dead, the identity of the fake will be completely confirmed. Until then, she will be the one and only Du Lac, Queen of Avalon. It becomes reasonable for the knights to be loyal to her and obey her orders... and the entire Avalon is in the hands of the Star Antimony.

"Ah, what should I do..."

Shafiya felt an unusual headache and grabbed her hair hard, pulling and tearing it.

She was so anxious that her scalp was about to explode.

The dual pressure of saving Avalon and preserving the Du Lac family rested entirely on her alone.

And she has just given birth to a child a few months ago... Her own daughter is still waiting for her at home!

She can't speak yet, and she's still drinking milk.

No delay allowed. No exposure allowed. No room for failure. No room for death.

Shafiya took a sudden breath and hugged Isabel tighter, as if she wanted to draw some peace of mind and courage from the princess.

——But she only felt waves of hair blooming in front of her eyes.

Despair is like a snake, anxiety is like sand.

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