Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 462 Spider’s Feet

Aiwass got up from the sofa and directly called the princess by her name: "Isabel..."

His face showed some anxiety, some surprise, and he seemed to understand something: "Is something happened over there...?"


Isabel did not answer, but with a cry that was almost sobbing, she threw herself into Aiwass's arms without hesitation and hugged him tightly.

She hugged Aiwass's waist with one hand, and hugged Aiwass's back with the other hand, grabbing Aiwass's long hair scattered on his back. Her face was directly thrust into Aiwass's arms, and she breathed in his breath greedily and deeply. The girl who was still shaking before became calmer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Aiwass raised his hand and hugged Isabel back, hugging her shoulders.

After a while, Isabel buried herself in Aiwass's arms with a dull cry and said loudly: "I don't want to marry a Star Antimony!!

"——Save me, Aiwass! Now I only have you..."

Her voice is extremely sincere, with extremely strong disgust and resistance, as well as trust and desire for the security brought by Aiwass... It can be said to be extremely shocking.

Isabel didn't even say what happened the whole time. But that's why it seems so real.

Such strong and intense emotional output is her strength.

And what she said at this time was exactly what she had wanted to say to Aiwass, or what she had said to Aiwass before.

The acting skills that were both true and false made Shafiya believe in the sincere relationship between Isabel and Awas without hesitation.

Even if James had not discovered Aiwass's identity in advance, he could only see that the two of them were indeed an underground couple who secretly developed a relationship and were unknown to anyone.

——At that moment, Shafiya felt relieved. It was confirmed that the Moriarty family was indeed a friendly force.

If Aiwass has a great chance of becoming a prince, then the Moriarty family indeed has no motive or position to betray the royal family.

Because Professor Moriarty is undoubtedly a smart man and a businessman.

Since Aiwass and Isabel are a real couple, if he hands Isabel over now, it will cause huge and irreparable losses... and even so, he will not gain the trust of his new master.

If the Round Table Hall wants to hunt down Isabel, it can only be to silence her and prove her identity as the "fake Isabel".

And Aiwass has developed a sincere relationship with Isabel. Unless Aiwass is silenced, the possibility of Aiwass' betrayal in the future must be considered.

Therefore, unless the professor cuts off Aiwass and gives up the opportunity that will definitely make Aiwass a prince...otherwise, the professor will definitely stand on their side.

Regardless of whether the professor knew and approved of this relationship in advance or not, he had no choice now.

——In just a moment, Shafiya found a breakthrough in the current situation.

At this time, the professor just looked at the two of them meaningfully, with an unabashed smile on his face.

When he saw the two people getting close, he looked at them with interest and expectation as if he had seen something interesting.

Shafiya came up and supplemented the story for Isabel in a low voice: "Minister Drost poisoned the queen, and the Star Antimony people found a substitute for Isabel in advance, preparing to replace her identity and marry Prince Star Antimony. Now the Round Table The hall has fallen into chaos... We escaped."

"……Oh my God."

Professor Moriarty exclaimed.

His tone made Shafiya think for a moment that he was being arrogant.

However, James' face soon darkened and his attitude returned to seriousness: "How many fifth energy levels does the Star Antimony bring?"

Professor Moriarty did not ask silly questions like "Is this true?" nor asked about the specific situation in the Round Table Hall. Instead, he skipped a lot of logic and directly asked the most critical question.


Shafiya said very clearly: "One of them is Leo Carl, Army Lieutenant General...the incarnation of the Balrog.

"The other one is an old man who has traveled the twilight path. He is wearing a black robe from the Academy of the Dead. He should be a dark-looking person."

"Count Karl is acquainted with the Count of Leipzig, and the Count of Leipzig is a red-faced man."

When Professor Moriarty gets serious, he becomes so reliable.

He crossed the fingers of his hands in front of him, like a spider holding its web-weaving feet against each other.

The old man analyzed the situation calmly and quickly: "A person from the red prime minister's side, plus a person from the black prime minister's side. Queen Louise is one of the 'daughters' of the red prime minister, and is at least the fourth most capable Level Moon Son. It can also be judged as a fifth level with hidden strength, and there is a high probability that it will carry a divine weapon.

"If Queen Louise is regarded as the representative of the Star Antimony royal family, then a balance is reached between the three... Do you know what this means?"

"...Are they wary of each other? Is this conspiracy the overall decision of Star Antimony?"

Shafiya was not sure and answered vaguely.

She is actually very smart. But at this moment her brain has not completely cooled down from the anxiety.

Being appointed as the Grand Inquisitor means that she is the best at handling intelligence among the fifth-level experts.

"——It means that the other two parties have the opportunity to benefit from this matter alone, Ms. Shafiya. But the traitors in Avalon can only be loyal to one of them, so we must still have a chance."

Professor Moriarty's face showed no expression when he spoke, but it was full of persuasion and security.

"So don't be too nervous, ma'am. The situation is not as bad as you think."

There was a kind of incitement in his words, and he suddenly jumped the topic in another direction: "Although the Moriarty family is on the edge of the system of the founding family, we are not weak. In today's Round Table Hall, almost The Moriarty family, which had sufficient financial resources despite being controlled by Lloyd's, was the only founding family that was not completely controlled or influenced by Lloyd's.

"-Do you know what this means?"

Shafia did not answer. She just shook her head and motioned for Professor Moriarty to continue.

The professor slowly said: "Although you haven't elaborated yet, I think there must have been a turmoil in the Round Table Hall. Now, those knights in the Round Table Hall who were completely loyal to the royal family have probably been killed... because They are a minority and are attacked by everyone.

"However, it is absolutely impossible for Xing Antimony to give all the traitors generous benefits - you may not know Xing Antimony's economic situation, but I can definitely say that they simply cannot afford this price.

"In other words, Star Antimony must be supporting individual ministers and senior executives of Lloyd's, and using them to set the pace and create a 'general trend' to coerce others."

"...Yes," Shafiya nodded seriously, "I think it is Minister Drost."

Although she couldn't be sure that Droste was the one who poisoned the queen, because he couldn't tell what specific method he used. But when the Queen fell to the ground, Minister Drost's reaction must be wrong. Even if he was not the executor of the poisoning, he was definitely an insider.

"Most likely, ma'am."

Professor Moriarty nodded slightly: "As far as I know, Minister Drost received four manors and a viscounty in Star Antimony."

...Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Shafiya was frightened and angry for a moment, and silver-gray flames instantly ignited in her pupils.

But before the words left her mouth, Shafiya swallowed them back.

Anyway, there is no point in questioning him at this time, it will only push the precious ally away from him.

Looking at Shafia's expression, Professor Moriarty obviously guessed what she was thinking.

He didn't explain why he didn't say anything, but said directly: "Just before Qian came, Diomedes had just left. He wanted to trick Aiwass into murdering him, but I scared him away.

"This could only have been an order from Drost - the reason being that Aiwass wrote to Isabel warning her. Apparently the letter was intercepted and fell into the hands of Minister Drost .

"You should have seen him leaving Moriarty Manor just now. If you think about it, you should also know that if he comes here at this time, he must not be discussing anything good with me, so we must not be allies. I believe you can see it, madam. Come on, what I’m telling you right now is the truth.”


Shafiya nodded guiltily: "I got excited, I'm sorry."

But Aiwass looked at his adoptive father in astonishment. The surprise in his eyes was not hidden at all: "How did you know...?"

"How do I know you wrote a letter?"

Professor Moriarty interrupted Aiwass's words directly, with a gentle and calm smile on his face: "You hang out with that boy Sherlock every day. Can I not know what you are thinking? He is my most proud student. .

"The relationship between you and Her Highness the Princess... I don't think there is much to say. Anyone with a discerning eye can naturally see it. I will definitely stand with Aiwass, so the Moriarty family will also stand with Her Highness the Princess... Or rather Her Majesty the future Queen is here. If you have any ideas, please share them with us as much as possible."

The first half is undoubtedly true.

Aiwass in this world line is not wary of his adoptive father at all, and his every move is completely under the observation and surveillance of Professor Moriarty.

The latter sentence was obviously a foreshadowing for him to help Aiwass hide his identity.

The authoritarian path is naturally resistant to lies. For Shafiya, who can tell lies based on intuition alone, she can only allow herself to misunderstand... and it is obvious that the professor is good at this.

Like Aiwass, he is proficient in the art of lying with the truth.

After being paved the way by the professor, Shafiya could only think that the love affair between Aiwass and Isabel had existed for a long time, had been exposed, and was seen by Professor Moriarty.

And since Aiwass and Isabel have long been lovers...

Shafiya hesitated for a moment.

Then she no longer hesitated and directly revealed the secret of the "Shadow of Avalon" ritual.

Although this is top secret... but as of now, the ceremony is either about to be completed or it will fail completely.

There is no point in hiding it anymore.

In order to complete the Shadow of Avalon ritual, she must get the support of Professor Moriarty, so she needs to show sincerity. There was no way she would still choose to hide the truth at this moment... That would be too stupid, just like treating Professor Moriarty as a fool.

Of course he can't be stupid.

So Shafiya chooses to treat others with sincerity.

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