Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 464 Droste’s Past

"Mr. Diomedes!"

When the serious elf with the Chinese character's face heard Aiwass's voice, he thought for a moment that he was hallucinating.

After he turned around, he reluctantly confirmed that it was Aiwass walking towards him.

"My Lord Bishop, what are you—"

Diomedes felt a little angry for a moment.

——I have obviously told you, "Don't go out, don't go out, don't go out"! Why did you have to go out openly and directly find yourself!

This is already a hint to Moriarty and his son, telling them that "Charles Drost plans to silence Aiwass" and warning Aiwass not to give him excuses during this period... No, that is no longer a hint.

That has been made clear!

They obviously agreed very well!

If something has to come to you, why don't you let that old Oswald come to you?

He was not familiar with Aiwass and would pass the message to them, partly because he couldn't stand Minister Drost, and partly because of his long-standing friendship with Oswald.

The two of them were papal guards who graduated from the same class, and were best friends who had known each other since childhood. They had also been stationed in a foreign country together for four hundred years.

Among this group of papal guards serving as guardian elves, they were the only two who knew each other before they were transferred.

If one of them was a female elf, I would probably have grandchildren by now.

Diomedes can basically confirm that as long as Aiwass stays at home, even if the Star Antimony completely controls Avalon, Drost will probably not dare to take action against him.

Charles was Diomedes's caregiver since childhood, and he was familiar with his character.

Today he is a coward. He has endured the inertia and will not take action as long as he is unsure.

——Completely opposite to Charles back then.

Diomedes thought.

When Diomedes went to Avalon on the orders of the Pope to protect the bloodline of Dagonite, he was still a thin and timid boy. When Charles was born, he was not as old as he is now.

Charles was at his most likable when he was a teenager.

At that time, he was optimistic, cheerful and sociable. His facial features are deep, upright, and his speech is clear and powerful. He always has a smile on his face, and he will never be decadent even if he suffers setbacks.

At most, he will be depressed for a while, and then he will smile and cheer himself up again.

During that time, Diomedes was always a little melancholy.

Because by then, his partner in Avalon died.

When the other party was still a student, he had already met Diomedes, who was still a handsome uncle. When the other party aged and died, Diomedes only looked a little older.

His will has been depressed for a long time, and every day when he has nothing to do, he will silently look through the photos from the past.

Those years were the fastest years for him to age.

It was by looking at the young Charles who always cheered him up after failure that Diomedes gradually recovered.

So Diomedes once had a good impression of Charles.

As a boy, Charles was a heartthrob.

He tied his long flaxen curly hair into a ponytail. He can play cricket and football, and has also developed a skill in riding and plans to enter polo. His academic performance was also good, and he became a second-level lawyer in his sophomore year. Coupled with the background of the founding family and his cheerful and passionate personality, he had many girlfriends in college, and at the fastest time, he could even have three girlfriends a week.

Although he was a lawyer, Charles was always keen on working out. He gets up at five o'clock every day and goes for morning exercises. Although he is considered a playboy, he does not drink or stay up late. His hobbies are sports, food and women, which can bring him pleasure.

When he inherited the position of head of the family, he was only thirty-eight years old. At that time, he had reached the fourth level and had become the Minister of Trade. He was known as one of the extraordinary people most promising to reach the fifth level. He has also been married for many years, and his wife gave him three children. The oldest one is almost an adult.

But from then on...for some reason, he suddenly started drinking. Then came the drinking.

Long before he became minister, when he was a special legal adviser to the Ministry of Trade, his daily morning exercise habit had disappeared. As for the ball games he once loved, he has never been exposed to those things since he graduated.

The young man who was full of energy and passion in Diomedes' eyes slowly disappeared at some point.

He even began sending Diomedes to do some of his dirty work—assassinations, thefts, surveillance. Diomedes didn't know if other guardian elves had done similar things, but it was his duty to obey the family master's orders and protect him. Just a few words of advice when I have nothing to do...

At first, Charles would listen to Diomedes' advice politely and respectfully; later, as he gradually realized his power, he stopped accepting all advice, but still remained decent. Later, he began to quarrel with himself, but he would still pay attention to Diomedes' words and reluctantly correct his behavior.

——Until the day Diomedes ran into Charles insulting his daughter, Thalia Drost.

He was completely disappointed with Charles.

Diomedes never discussed these things with Charles after that.

And Charles also noticed this - so he no longer called "Mr. Diomedes" but called him by his first name; he no longer asked for his advice, but directly ordered him to do something.

The once innocent and passionate boy gradually became cunning and sinister. The professional levels of his authoritarian path no longer moved, and his once strong and energetic body was now covered in fat. Charles, who had full faith in law and justice when he graduated, eventually committed many crimes such as hiring a murderer, accepting bribes, smuggling, rape, etc. under the ravages of time...

——Now that things have happened, Charles has even become a traitor and regicide.

You know, it was Queen Sophia who sent him to the position of Minister of Trade back then!

The man known as "Minister Drost" is completely different from the past.

Everything has changed for him. The only two things that remained unchanged were the cheerful smile that always hung on his face and the burning desire in his heart.

——Therefore, Diomedes will deliberately do something that is not what Drost ordered.

For example, the illegitimate daughter that Droste might want to murder was handed over to Oswald for protection in advance; for example, when Droste forgot to ask him to destroy evidence, he never took the initiative to remind him.

These are all the foreshadowings he carefully left behind, one after another.


Maybe they will never be used, maybe Drost himself will suddenly remember... But there is a slight possibility that they can destroy Charles Drost, liberate Diomedes, and give him freedom and a new life. owner.

Diomedes was so secretive that he was never discovered. Drost will still leave the most important things to him, because he has become very suspicious now. Only the guardian elf can never betray him. He must protect his life as much as possible and complete his orders 100%.

Just like now - when Charles wants to silence Aiwass Moriarty, an early warning is given to the whole family.

According to Diomedes, it is impossible for Xing Antimony to give Charles much benefit.

Because Xing Antimony has serious internal divisions and controls power at the same time. And the benefits they gave to Charles - those lands and titles, were actually equivalent to asking the three parties to pay the price together.

One party proposed a plan and asked the other two parties to pay together to accumulate merit for the party who proposed the plan. This is impossible. It's impossible for them not to hold back. In the end, even if he doesn't regret it, most of the benefits will be reduced...or he will be directly assassinated to default on the debt.

This also means that Charles will not get a high status in Avalon's new government.

On the other hand, as the head of the founding family, a senior leader of Lloyd's, he has an extremely good reputation in the public eye, one of the richest businessmen in Avalon, and is also a world-class scholar with expertise in mathematics, astronomy, etc. James Moriarty, who has a monograph in various fields, will become the target of the Star Antimony people.

There is no comparison between Charles, a loser, and James.

As long as the Star Antimony takes over the authority of Avalon through the fake queen, Professor Moriarty will be reused immediately.

By then, Aiwass would be absolutely safe.

Therefore, if Charles wants to kill Aiwass, he must kill Aiwass first before the Star Antimony people control Avalon, and in the darkness when the order of Avalon completely collapses——

As the Inspector, Edward has no priority in inheritance, Julia has passed away, and Aiwass is Professor Moriarty's future successor. Charles absolutely does not have the ability to directly cause Aiwass, the sole heir of the Moriarty family, to die unknowingly. So as long as he kills Aiwass, Professor Moriarty will definitely notice him.

That means offending the other party.

Now letting Diomedes try to abduct Aiwass was his last courage. As long as Diomedes brings back old James's resolute attitude, Charles will continue to give up.

As a bishop with a bright future, Aiwass will definitely not forget this grudge and will keep it in his heart... He will become a thorn in Charles's eyes and make his master sleepless.

When Aiwass gains further power in the future, he will be able to reveal the sins of the Star Antimony people and the crimes of Charles.

In the process of reluctantly getting along with Charles, Diomedes also learned Charles's smooth acting skills and the skill of hiding his true thoughts. Although there was a look of regret on his face, Diomedes was actually quite satisfied with the result.

...But at this time, Aiwass came up on his own.

This directly disrupted Diomedes' plan.

But when he looked at Aiwass, he was about to get angry, but suddenly he was startled.

He vaguely captured some kind of information from Aiwass's eyes and expression.

"Please take me there, Mr. Diomedes."

Aiwass put his right hand on his chest and saluted, and said politely and respectfully: "Let me talk to him. Don't worry, I won't risk my life.

"I am confident enough...he will not come to kill me after listening to my words. In other words, he cannot kill me."

——He can't kill me.

Although he is a fragile priest, Aiwass's words reveal such confidence.

"What are you..."

After hearing Aiwass' words, Diomedes gradually understood something: "Want to save someone?"

Aiwass had obviously guessed that Minister Drost had murderous intentions towards him - this meant that Aiwass realized that the letter he sent to Princess Isabel had been intercepted by that guy. Because only through this channel could Minister Drost have murderous intention towards Aiwass, whom he had never been in contact with before and was not familiar with at all.

And based on this...

as expected.

What Aivas said next was completely consistent with the thought in Diomedes' mind: "Yes, I not only want to survive, but I also want to save Sherlock as well.

"I guess the missing Sherlock should also be there. Minister Drost wants me to go there so much, probably because he wants me to be a breakthrough point to pry open Sherlock's mouth.

"——In this case, if he wants to know anything, let me tell you. If you need a hostage, let me be it. I will replace Sherlock... He has long been disconnected from the Hermes family. , let Minister Drost let him go to the Theocracy. As long as he never comes back, there is no need to kill them all, right?

"Killing two people to offend two families can only be regarded as a bad idea. Now I choose to take a step back, and I will give in to him - I use Professor Moriarty's support, and the future 'Moriarty' Friendship, the information he wanted to obtain, the evidence he wanted to destroy... I traded these things for both of our lives - especially for Sherlock's life.

"Since Minister Drost usually regards himself as a businessman, let's ask him to see if this business is a good deal."

Aiwass said clearly.

Just like the words Professor Moriarty used to convince the Grand Inquisitor Shafiya. Create an atmosphere of "nothing is wrong", a friendly atmosphere that makes him relax, and then let him have the idea of ​​"what if he agrees with him" and think along Aiwass's words.

Minister Drost did not want to offend Professor Moriarty, but he also wanted to deal with the matter. Aiwass came to reconcile in person, which was the most acceptable plan to Minister Drost;

Diomedes did not want the two just and innocent young men Aiwass and Shylock to be killed, and hoped that they could serve as witnesses to remember Minister Drost's crimes.

——This is called learning now and selling now.

Although it is a little more immature than Professor Moriarty's words.

But Diomedes had been persuaded by Aiwass.

Because Diomedes can accept this result, he also thinks that Minister Drost can also accept this result...then this plan must be feasible.

So Diomedes stopped trying to dissuade him and took Aivas to the Palace of Silver and Tin.

It's not like kidnapping, but like traveling together.

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