Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 470 Drost is very relieved

Although Drost had already known that "Aleister Crowley" was the eldest lady of an Earl's family...or maybe an old lady of the Earl's family.

But when he came back, he was still amazed by the nobility and beauty of "Miss Crawley".

She has fair skin and is even taller than Drost. Her long straight hair has a moist feeling, as dark as night and as smooth as a waterfall.

She was sitting with her legs together where Aiwass Moriarty had just been, resting her chin on her hands and closing her eyes.

Miss Crowley was currently wearing a low-cut black and red dress that would only be worn by Star Antimony nobles when attending dinner parties. A black crystal cross with silver decoration hung on her chest. Even though the black stockings on her legs are quite thick, and her legs wearing black boots still look slender and strong.

Droste also vaguely saw two lines of words written vertically in silver alchemical font on the front of her stockings... but Droste could not understand the specific meaning and could only regard it as some kind of decoration.

That kind of overbearing nobility is shocking.

It was as if she was the queen of Avalon, and he was a courtier meeting the queen.

"...Miss Crawley."

Minister Drost respectfully knelt down on one knee and performed a knight's salute, but because he had become a fat ball, it actually looked a bit funny.

——Even in the past few years, he has never been so respectful to Queen Sofia.

"Oh, you're back?"

Miss Crawley opened her eyes slightly. A pleasant and playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Her pupils were a disturbing scarlet, glowing dangerously red.

At that moment, Droste knew... why she looked so young, but gave people the impression of being mature and dangerous.

——She is not only an amber craftsman, but also a noble child of the moon! Even as "Crowley", she is also one of the heirs of the demon family.

Black phase, red phase, demon family. The three come together into one.

It is simply a concentrated expression of Star Antimony’s power!

Droste was secretly frightened, and had a clear idea: This could never be Aiwass Moriarty's disguise.

So he suppressed the thoughts that had just emerged in his mind.

——When he went up to look for something before, he always felt that something was not right...but he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.

It's like I overlooked a very important detail. But for a moment, Minister Drost couldn't remember what he had forgotten...but he had a faint, subtle suspicion in his heart: Could he be Aiwass, just bluffing?

After all, Aiwass did not show any real extraordinary power, he only showed intelligence that was significantly ahead of his own. And things like intelligence can also be handed over to others.

Then he had an idea that he shouldn't have: Could these things be actually the information that Sherlock had investigated, and Aiwass was just using this information to act. And then found some way to bypass the detection of True Fire?

There is no evidence for Droste's speculation.

In other words, he simply refused to give up... and was trying to find a reason not to give Diomedes to "Aiwass".

But when he came back and actually saw "Aiwass" who had become Miss Crawley, Drost felt that his previous guesses were so blank, vain and ridiculous.

...This person has no scruples about changing back to his original form, what else is there to say?

Being able to quietly replace the other person's identity without worrying about revealing the secret, I'm afraid the real Aiwass Moriarty is already dead. In other words, today's "Bishop Moriarty" has been Miss Crawley for some time.

Since she can replace Aiwass, she can also replace herself.

Considering this, how many other people in Avalon have they replaced?

Drost couldn't stop shuddering just thinking about it.

It was the fear that one's existence and one's entire life so far could be easily stolen without anyone noticing.

Droste is very familiar with Professor Moriarty. That's a very smart and dangerous guy.

He often appears and disappears, and has friendships with some strange guys. In normal times, in addition to being a university professor, a well-known scholar, a wealthy businessman, and a great philanthropist, he is also the "criminal consultant" of Lloyd's of London.

Lloyd's, which is between the merchant alliance and the underground gang, has never completely angered the House of Silver and Tin precisely because of Professor Moriarty's guidance.

That is not just a sponsorship for the knights - if they are simply rich, they will only be endlessly blackmailed by the knights.

It is precisely because they have always stayed above the bottom line, maintaining their apparent innocence, and at the same time bringing new order to Lloyd's District...that it is difficult for the Inspectorate to intervene in the scope of influence of Lloyd's. Because they can't afford to lose the Lloyd's District, which is bound to spiral out of control.

As a slum area of ​​the royal capital, it is also the main labor force area, plus the port area. The relations in Lloyd's District are intertwined, and many issues affect the whole body. The Supervisory Bureau is also a responsibility system, and the person in charge must be responsible for his own decision-making, so no one dares to touch the labor union issues.

In addition, Lloyd's command of major gang organizations, the deterrence brought by their ruthless and covert methods... and their ubiquitous and omnipresent penetration, can make Lloyd's gangsters in recent decades Society has become a gray force that everyone knows.

All this comes from Moriarty's personal guidance.

Although Lloyd's had existed for two hundred years, after Prince Lloyd's death, Lloyd's began to spiral out of control. It wasn't until the young Moriarty came into contact with Lloyd's that he reintegrated it into his own resources.

In addition, on the Glass Island or even Avalon... if someone accidentally makes a big mistake or goes to a dead end, they may also be guided to contact Professor Moriarty.

The professors can always provide careful guidance, patiently and generously provide resources and strategies to perfectly solve their problems.

He himself will not take any action, he will just help the other party with an idea, or give the other party some money or write a letter of introduction. But he can always help each other solve the problem perfectly.

In a sense, Professor Moriarty's high reputation on Glass Island comes from this. The people he has helped are all over the Glass Island... most of them are not big shots, but inconspicuous little characters.

The professor never asks for loyalty promised by the other party, nor does he ask for remuneration from the other party. He does not even need the other party to promise to repay the favor in the future... he just wants a vague "friendship". It's as if helping others solve problems is what the professor wants to do.

——What’s the use? What's more, for some extremely vicious criminals, it is even more unreal.

Droste always scoffed at this.

In his opinion, "friendship" that cannot ensure the completion of the bondage is as fragile as a chain woven with straw rope.

But even so, he also felt sincere admiration for Professor Moriarty's keen observation, intelligent mind, and calm approach to life. If the other party is willing to become a detective, the young man from the Hermes family will definitely not be able to compare with him.

Because of this, when Drost unexpectedly discovered that his illegitimate daughter was working as a maid in Moriarty Manor... it felt very tricky.

If she were with someone else, Drost could just hire a killer to kill her and that would be it. But because of Professor Moriarty's intimidation, Drost was reluctant to take action.

He also had to design a trap to make her leave Moriarty Manor voluntarily before she could "disappear".

Droste also hired someone to play the role of the illegitimate daughter whose name he had forgotten, and escaped along the way, leaving traces and evidence behind. Let "her" be eventually killed by another wanted criminal to silence her, and then kill this wanted criminal as well.

In order to kill the other party, he had to kill two more people.

This was just to kill a maid at Moriarty Manor. This is Drost's fear of Professor Moriarty.

If only Professor Moriarty had disappeared too.

Sometimes Drost thinks so too.

If Professor Moriarty wasn't on the Glass Island...he would have a lot of things to do as he pleased. He will not be cautious in contacting the Star Antimony people at all.

Because he had no idea how many people Professor Moriarty had placed around him. Sometimes he even suspected that "Diomedes" had also accepted Professor Moriarty's friendship.

Now is a good opportunity.

Minister Drost thought darkly.

Even Professor Moriarty was completely unaware that his son had been quietly replaced by this woman...

——How about using Diomedes as bait and letting this fake Aiwass and Professor Moriarty fight each other.

Minister Drost, who was as fat as a ball, said flatteringly: "Miss Crowley, let's sign the contract now."

"You are quite impatient."

Aleister looked at him with a smile.

…For some reason, Drost saw a sense of déjà vu similar to Professor Moriarty’s from the woman’s smile.

It must be an illusion, he thought.

"This mandatory contract was signed under the witness of the Nine Pillars God, with the witness of the Silver Crowned Dragon, the God of the Covenant, as the wedge. The contract will come into effect when it is established.

"Party A is Charles Drost. He is the contemporary successor of the Drost family, the founding family of the Kingdom of Avalon, the trade minister recognized by Queen Sophia, and the servant of the guardian elf Diomedes.

"Party B is Aleister Crowley, who was named by Valentine VII, the third daughter recognized by Earl Crowley of the Kingdom of Star Antimony. Her identity and appearance are also known as Aiwass Moria Ti, or Countess Vignes Emile Zola Bayard..."

Amidst Miss Aleister's melodious voice, Minister Droste lay on the table and wrote furiously.

——This is a contract signed for the Silver Crown Dragon.

She can't lie about this! ?

Minister Drost felt very reassured.

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