Pastor's Tantra

Ask for a day off in advance

Sad news, please send it soon, brothers!

In the past three days, I slept for less than three hours on two nights, and I could only find time to sleep during the day... I felt like I couldn't adjust my schedule, and if I tried hard to adjust, I couldn't sleep at night...

I have to check in for my flight at 6:30 tomorrow morning. I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep. Then I have to take a plane for more than five hours starting at 9:30... Although I have never flown, other friends told me that you can't code or sleep on the plane... and I get motion sickness, so I probably can't. Might get airsick...

This is the advance leave I mentioned earlier this month!

So let’s just try to get some sleep these two days... I’ll take a day off today (the 25th), and the content I’ll write in the evening and during the day will be posted at noon tomorrow (the 26th). I hope I won’t faint after landing. If I feel dizzy, I will ask for leave in advance (because some brothers told me that it is better to ask for leave early, so this time I asked for leave in the early morning!)

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