Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 475 Karl the Fire Demon

The moment the ceremony began, Aiwass felt as if his throat was blocked by something.

He was completely speechless and could hardly even make a sound.

It was like having a dream in which I lost my ability to speak.

If you use all your strength to resist the effects of the ritual circle, you will only end up being out of breath if you try to struggle to speak.

Obviously, Aiwass was not the only one who was restrained. Except for Sherlock, who was already in a coma, the other three people who were awake also fell silent instantly.

...Group silence?

Aiwass knew that with so many teammates guarding him... General Karl, who was alone, probably didn't need to worry about himself.

So before General Karl arrived, Aiwass walked to the window, raised his head, focused on the ceremony above, and carefully studied and analyzed its effects.

The ritual arranged by the fifth-level transcendent is obviously unstoppable to oneself who has not transcended the path level. But you can see if there is any part that can be used.

I saw the vermilion runes forming three concentric disks in the sky - three-fold incantation written in the script of the Herasl Empire mixed with the elven script.

From the outer ring to the inner ring, it rotates clockwise, counterclockwise, and clockwise at slow, extremely fast, and fast speeds.

The bloody runes were spinning like millstones, making an increasingly loud buzzing sound like a machine starting up.

A rough analysis of those words can be translated as:

“We worship the Eternal God, the God of one number of saints, the God of resurrection after death, the God of ignorance for a long time/We worship the God of Blood, the God of eternal feasts, the God of endless thirst/We respectfully pray Lingpo Tiansi, the Tiansi of remembrance, the Tiansi of inscription.”

“He who lives long and longs for death must be the king of kings.”

"Bound: Those who have existed for more than 119 years are prohibited from leaving here; Chaos: Those whose flames are higher here than others; Inscription: Silent."

- This is not any existing ritual.

It was General Leo Carl, the incarnation of the fifth-level demon, who had specially set a trap for Shafiya in order to catch her!

This range ritual usually has no identification friend or foe function. In other words, any ritual that incorporates identification of friend or foe will be much weaker because it is not absolute enough.

The more absolute the requirements of the ritual, the stronger the binding force. Just like the terms of the contract.

Therefore, the best way is to add a condition that can just cover the other party and try not to affect your own results.

This ceremony is to pray for strength from Hengwo, Xuetiansi, and Lingpo so that people with a life span of more than 119 years cannot escape from this place.

Whether it is General Karl or the strong man on the Dusk Path, they are just ordinary humans. Even Queen Star Antimony is the same - although she is an immortal child of the moon, she is not too old. Even counting her lifespan as a human, she was only a little over a hundred years old.

As a mixed elf, Shafiya is just over one hundred and twenty years old this year. Therefore this restriction will only apply to her. In other words, this number is a line specially drawn for her based on intelligence.

Once the line is reached, the ritual has the strongest suppressive force on her.

At the same time, this ritual circle also increases the half-level priority of the "Fire" category ability - it cannot penetrate the higher level of protection, but it can always overwhelm the opponent at the same level. Shafiya does not have fire spells. She is best at counter and restraint spells.

As a result, she couldn't benefit from the benefit of this ritual at all, but was silenced instead.

When everyone is silenced, the lawyer who relies on language components to launch attacks also suffers the greatest loss - at least much greater than the demon incarnation.

——Escape, flame penetration, and group silence are prohibited.

If there was only Shafiya here, this would be a killer trap.

In the timeline of the game's storyline, this may be the cause of Shafiya's death - she could send Isabel out, but could not escort her to the Theocracy. Those gryphon knights didn't dare to chase her... so it was just that she had just allowed Her Royal Highness the Princess to escape safely, and then she turned back and fell into the trap.

But in this world line, the situation will obviously not develop like this.

After General Karl issued the threat, he did not appear immediately.

About ten seconds passed before an abnormal heat suddenly came from the Queen's palace.

The surrounding space gradually became hot and distorted, and the plants in the room gradually emitted white smoke and withered rapidly.

Next came the papers.

They emitted green smoke one after another, turned black, curled up, and turned into ashes.

Then came the gauze, which opened black holes in the middle. Like a spider web, it was burned away by the flames that instantly ignited.

Then came the wooden structure of the floor and bed, with scorched black spots floating on them.

The sunlight in the sky became more glaring and blazing, and the increasingly powerful heat caused the air to steam and twist. The water surface of the entire glass island exposed to the outdoors turned scorching yellow, churning with khaki vortices, gradually evaporating and drying up, the green plants withered and turned yellow, and an increasingly strong sulfur smell began to appear in the air.

Shafiya took a deep breath and tightened her grip on the staff.

——For Her Majesty the Queen!

--For Avalon! !

She chanted silently in her heart, and a silvery white light ignited from her eyes. A silvery-white ring emerged from the depths of her original dark blue pupils, and her long pale golden curly hair moved without wind.

The people who became confused due to the abnormal phenomenon became calm again.

Silver-white rings appeared in the depths of their pupils, and a clear instruction appeared in their minds:

Stay away from the house of silver and tin!

The silver triangle on each street lamp exudes a sacred silver-white glow in the daytime, reflecting the brilliance of authority. They are like triangles, making crisp sounds in an orderly manner, like signal towers one after another, constantly spreading Shafiya's will.

If you look down at Avalon from above at this time, you can see a circle of khaki drought traces starting from the Hall of Silver and Tin and gradually spreading outward.

The Palace of Silver and Tin itself is on the island in the middle of the lake, and the deep blue lake that is as clear and transparent as a gem has turned into an earthy yellow. The crowds of people poured out like ants before the rain, separated into thin black lines in an orderly manner, and left outwards.

Neither Shafiya nor General Karl used any spells.

This is an abnormal phenomenon naturally induced by fifth-level extraordinary beings when they resonate with the power of the path.

The next moment, a piece of the wall reinforced by the preservation technique suddenly bulged and changed color. This wall, which could withstand a full blow from a fourth-level transcendent and was stronger than steel, now curled up like steel that had been scorched and bent.

Then, it finally shattered completely!

Countless flames roared in, surging like a tsunami.

- Carl was very cautious and did not try to enter through the front door. Instead, the entire palace was completely surrounded by scorching flames!

His golden pupils were burning, and the clothes on his upper body were completely ignited by the flames.

His right fist was clenched, and his abnormally swollen arms were huge. Even thick to the point of being somewhat disharmonious. The raised blood vessels on the forearm and back of the hand were shining with the purple light belonging to the transcendent path.

On the old body, there are withered, wrinkled skin and clearly visible muscles. There were scars all over his body, and those scars were like wounds caused by being penetrated by a hot sword.

At this moment, all of Old Karl's wounds were like passages, open like doors.

Golden-red flames flowed out of it like body fluids, flowing like liquids and crawling on the walls like living creatures. From those wounds, deep red, ember-like fire could still be seen.

——That was the power of the flame demon that was continuously drawn out of his body.

If fully released, the power of his self-destruction would be enough to destroy the entire glass island.

Even without awakening as a demon... just by borrowing power from the demon in his body, he can still be called an absolute strong man.

But when Karl broke the wall and stepped into the room, the cruel smile on his face suddenly stopped, and his whole person was stunned for a moment.

...Why are there so many people?

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