Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 477 The Disaster of the Fire Demon

The stranger raised his head and looked at all this in shock.

——The steaming gray-black smoke was seen billowing up, containing deep red and golden flames.

Not far in front of him, the Palace of Silver and Tin started from the center, spewing a large amount of dust and smoke inward, and the entire building gradually shattered and collapsed.

Buildings strengthened by preservationists also have no resistance. The whole building seemed to be chewed and devoured by some kind of monster, making a sour crunching sound. As the ground shook, they curled and collapsed one by one.

The strange monocle that the stranger wore on his face, like a microscope, automatically rotated and retracted, giving him a whole new perspective:

I could see heat spreading throughout the building, like lumps of soil clinging tightly to the roots of plants. And not far away, a huge human figure that was so hot that even strangers dared not look directly at it, gradually stood up.

It is slowly absorbing the entire palace of silver and tin, growing larger and larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Earth and stone are used as bones, and fire is used as flesh.

A lava giant shaped by molten metal and rock, it continues to get bigger and bigger from the surrounding "materials" in the inwardly contracting flames.

——That is the Balrog!

Stranger is actually very familiar with the two star antimony powerhouses who appeared on the screen during the introduction stage of the plot. These are all his acquaintances.

One of them is his mentor in the Ziggurat; the other is his senior, Lieutenant General Leo Carr, who has a fairly good relationship with him. Not long ago, I entered the same advancement ceremony with him and caused him to break his leg.

Although Stranger is not a demonologist, because of his strong curiosity, he once asked why Lieutenant General Carl had "another soul" in his body.

Lieutenant General Karl had no taboos about this, but directly told the stranger the truth:

When these demon scholars are promoted to demon incarnations, a demon seed begins to appear in their bodies.

They are all extremely powerful high-level demons, providing powerful assistance that normal demonologists cannot obtain through summons and contracts. Just by extracting power from their bodies, you can obtain supernatural power equivalent to the fourth level of energy affinity.

When the demonic incarnation first reaches the fourth energy level, these demons are still in an inert state. If it is killed at this time, the demon in the body will usually only release twisted power.

But once they reach the fifth energy level, these demons will be activated... just like an egg that originally only had a yolk, turning into a mature embryo that is about to hatch into a chick, with hair and meat already beginning to grow inside.

The incarnation of the devil must limit the activity of the devil in the body through rituals or curses, otherwise it may lose control accidentally.

If they are about to die, these fifth-level powerhouses will also walk directly into the ritual circle that restrains demons. In this way, when they die and the demons break out of their bodies, these demons can be directly sealed or expelled. You can even be contracted by your own students and become a powerful helper to them.

And if they are accidentally killed, the out-of-control demon will teach the murderer a lesson - although the sealed demon has a great hatred for the host itself, it does not mean that they will be grateful for the one who released them. enemy.

These first-generation demons possess all the memories, knowledge, and emotions of their hosts from birth to death. Rather than being a demon, it is better to say that he is another demonic personality born after receiving the brand of mortal sin.

Although they are actually two souls from the original body, their personalities are somewhat similar.

General Karl also told Stranger that the correct promotion route for demonologists is to once again defeat the strong with the weak and completely devour the demonic personality in the body when reaching the sixth level.

When two personalities merge into one, it is equivalent to two selves overlapping each other. Only in this way can we truly control this power and become a true "devil incarnate".

And obviously, this Balrog is a "less than perfect" product. It was proof of General Carr's death.

When General Karl was killed and the Balrog broke out of his body, the enemy who killed him must have been devoured by the out-of-control fire.

But after it defeats its enemy, Star Antimony will become its new and only enemy——

Because it was the inheritance of Xing Antimony that taught General Karl how to suppress himself, how to restrain himself, and how to continuously extract power from his body. Trapped for so many years, its hatred for Star Antimony is greater than anything else...

But perhaps because of this, I can be temporarily safe now, because it has no intention of destroying Avalon. Stranger thought.

After all, the role he plays now is that of a court alchemist in Avalon. This actually made his situation safer.

If there is anyone whom the Balrog wants to attack the most at this moment... then it can only be his mentor.

——That is, Mr. Bruzwick, codenamed "Advisor". He is the old man in black robe.

But at the next moment, Stranger's expression suddenly changed.

Because he heard the sound of Balrog's fists hitting the ground.

In an instant, the ground shook. Buildings shook violently, shattered, and collapsed. The knights' panic and shouts suddenly came from the building.

The magical monocle worn by the alchemist kept shrinking, curling, and focusing repeatedly, locking on the souls that were swallowed up by the flames and died one after another.

Through his strange clairvoyance eyes that could turn all non-supernatural objects into transparent, he could easily see that the flames were spreading from the giant's fists, like the roots of plants, snakes or centipedes.

They penetrated into the walls and the ground, and when the buildings shook and shattered, they suddenly emerged from the cracks and attacked the knights.

No, they don't even target just knights!

Even the ordinary people and the servants working in the palace were swallowed by the fire snakes and screamed in agony.

Even the fourth-level arbiters have little ability to resist this. Their defensive spells were easily penetrated, and their blessed metal armor melted like paper.

……How is this going? !

The stranger trembled with fright.

Fortunately, soon after he landed, he packed his things immediately because he wanted to run away. Put all the materials and medicines you need to cast your spell into a brown-red leather suitcase.

He now picked up the box and ran away. As soon as he ran to the door, a knight rushed over.

"Master Nobel, please leave quickly!"

He was very nervous and raised his sword and pointed it at a slender fire snake crawling out from the corner: "I will cut off your queen -"

"Don't break it!"

The stranger grabbed the knight's shoulders and almost screamed: "Anyway... run! Let's run together!"

At this moment, the knight hesitantly put away his sword and prepared to leave.

And a fiery snake ejected from the corner of the wall, which had been gathering momentum for a long time, was coming towards you.

Like flaming arrows, like hounds.

The sword blade that the knight subconsciously raised was easily burned out and an ever-expanding hole was made, like a newspaper burned through the middle by flames. His instinctive turn of the head saved his life - the fire snake shot directly into the ceiling, causing the ceiling to drip with molten steel.

Just in an instant, the residual heat that passed by made his helmet become hot, causing him to scream - the left side of his face was like being branded on an iron plate, making a sizzling sound. . The stranger even vaguely smelled the aroma of barbecue.

But the Cavaliers’ energy and perseverance were extraordinary.

He was not killed immediately, but he just took a few breaths and recovered.

I saw "Master Nobel" trotting all the way and fled as fast as he could. In the end, he still didn't like it, so he rushed over and picked up the stranger.

The Stranger immediately felt that his armor was getting hot - as if he had been exposed to the sun for hours at noon in the middle of summer. Even with the heat insulation provided by his robe, Stranger couldn't help but let out a scream of being burned.

Even so, he held on to his suitcase without letting go.

The two of them just screamed one after another and ran towards the outside of the Palace of Silver and Tin.

They could see it clearly - a knight on their way to escape tried to cut off a fire snake that was attacking him with his sword, but the snake pierced his chest directly.

Fire continued to spurt out from the gaps in the armor, and his screams only lasted for one voice before disappearing completely. He soon stopped struggling in pain and became quiet. But the fire spurting out from the gaps in the armor became more stable and quiet.

The metal armor turned into a semi-melted form - the stranger used "Nobel's" monocle and could clearly see the man's soul being forged into a new form by the flames.

It was like the soul was parasitized by a fire snake, or like a block of fine steel was melted and mixed with bone powder. You can still see traces of the original person, but it's obvious that he is no longer the same person as before.

Burning knights, burning servants, burning skeletons - more and more people gathered. Their clothes and weapons were burning with flames, but they still maintained their previous forms without being burned.

The flames on their bodies were all golden red, and they all held weapons made of purple flames in their hands. Where they should have been the eyeballs turned into two burning purple-black flames.

As they burn, the human parts become less and less visible to the naked eye.

First skin and hair, then flesh. Even if there is only one skeleton left, it continues to burn, turning into increasingly powerful flames. In the end, only a vague human form is left, which becomes a pure element.

On the other hand, the Balrog in the center of the Palace of Silver and Tin has now shrunk to about half its size. It still maintained the posture of touching the ground with its fists, and the entire palace of silver and tin was in its flames, gradually beginning to burn.

An "Army of Fire Demons" was created from scratch!

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