Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 480 A confrontation between three people

When Aiwass put Sherlock on the bed, he lowered his voice and looked back at Isabel: "He fell asleep and couldn't hear anything.

——That is the mysterious skill from the Dusk Path, the "Turtle Breath" technique.

You can adjust your various body indicators to a sleeping state while maintaining a keen insight into the outside world. It is not a profound skill that can be performed forcibly by relying on the mage's imitation ability.

Isabelle had no idea this craft existed.

But she understood what Aiwass meant—he was not asleep, he was pretending to be asleep.

So what am I going to do?

Isabel looked at Aiwass with searching eyes, and also lowered her voice: "What should I do? And... Mr. Hermes was so seriously injured, how long will it take for him to recover?"

"Four or five days at most, but I hope I can cure him today or tomorrow."

Aiwass glanced at Isabel and answered quickly.

——The possibility of letting him live until the end of the ceremony is not ruled out, but it is also possible to kill him within a day.

"However, before treatment, I still have something to say to you..."

Afterwards, Aiwass bowed respectfully to Isabel: "Her Royal Highness Princess... No, you should be called Her Majesty the Queen of Avalon now. Let's have a candid chat."

Isabel's heart moved, and her tone became colder: "What, what's the matter?"

Following Aiwass's expressions and movements, Isabel's tone instantly became tougher under Isabel's impromptu performance.

She knew what Aiwas wanted her to play.

"I'm just a little confused...or, I just suddenly had an idea."

Aiwass sat on the edge of the bed, raised his head to look at Isabel, and said softly: "Is the Star Antimony Man's conspiracy a little too smooth?"

"……What do you mean?"

"——This is Xing Antimony's plan to replace you with a doll. Assassinate Queen Sofia, and then arrange a doll princess to replace the real Princess Isabel...

"I have investigated this conspiracy with the great detective Hermes before. He reported it to Queen Sophia, and I wrote to you, but both sides were blocked. But now I am thinking, is my letter really Have you ever been stopped?”

Aiwas looked at Isabel with burning eyes: "I'm wondering, is there another possibility - that the 'tied Isabel' mentioned by Ms. Shafia is indeed the real Isabel?"

"——You mean, I am the doll?"

Isabel sneered coldly: "Why do you think so?"

"Of course, there is another possibility. That is that the 'tied Isabel' is indeed a doll, but you who have been living in the Palace of Silver and Tin may not be the original Princess. It's just that she They are low-level dolls with 'ball joints', and you are a new type of doll with better technology."

Aiwass said seriously: "After all, according to my understanding...that Princess Isabel is a weak and naive little girl who has never received education from a monarch.

"Don't you think that you acted too calmly when Avalon was undergoing great changes?"


The consultant lying on the bed thought silently.

There is a big gap between the current Isabel and the timid little girl in the imported screen - that girl looks shyer than Aurora, but the current Isabel looks even more aggressive than Her Majesty the Queen.

"...So that's the reason."

A look of boredom appeared on Isabel's face.

She glanced at Aiwass and said calmly: "I understand what you are thinking - I attended the banquet with my grandmother and was persecuted to leave. At this time, a new 'fake Isabel' appeared, so as long as I kill again When I go back, everyone will think that I am the real Isabel. No one will consider whether there are two fake Isabel acting from the beginning... You are very smart to think of this."

"So? Isabel...'Your Majesty'?"

Aiwass' eyes were firm, and his tone was calm but half-sarcastic: "Can you give me a clear answer?"

Upon hearing this, the consultant immediately pricked up his ears.


Isabel sighed, her tone revealing loneliness and self-deprecation: "Do you know the curse of the royal family, Mr. Bishop?"

"heard about it."

"Every heir gradually died, and I was the only one left in the end. But in fact, my grandmother did not understand this curse... She just didn't know whether it was done by the Star Antimony people or the Iris people.

"But she knew that there would definitely be one person left in Avalon in the end. So from the very beginning, she put her last hope in me.

"From the time I can remember, I have been playing the role of 'Isabel' in the minds of the public, always maintaining a weak behavior that is not favored by anyone. Only in this way can I survive. Obviously, the Curse Master and the Assassin ignored me …let me live until the end.”

"...So that's it."

Aiwass murmured.

Isabel sneered: "Why do you believe me so easily? Why don't you ask why there must be one person left?"

"No need," Aiwass said solemnly, "because I know the ritual."


Isabel was truly startled.

——Do you want to tell the "Advisor" about the Shadow of Avalon ritual?

Her mind was slightly unable to keep up with Aiwass's thinking, but her body caught up with the rhythm without any hesitation: "You can't be talking about Merlin..."

"The Ritual of Protecting the Country: Shadow of Avalon. The miraculous ritual developed by the great sage Merlin - it can be triggered when there is only the last person left in Du Lac of the same era. The ancestor Lancelot I of the sixth level will be Resurrect and kill all intruders within the territory.”

"...Who told you about this ritual?" Isabel's tone was low and dangerous.

"Of course it is Her Majesty Queen Sofia, otherwise I would never dare to mention this matter to you."

Ai Huas said calmly: "I have mentioned to her many times that allowing the Curse Master to act in this way will only put Avalon into a desperate situation. Until not long ago, she told me about this ritual.

"——And I entrust you, Your Highness, to me."

Every word he said was the truth, so he seemed extremely sincere: "So when she suddenly said that she wanted to get engaged to a Star Antimony person, I immediately felt something was wrong. It was more like she was urgently asking me because she couldn't speak. Asking for help... Now it seems that Her Majesty the Queen is indeed aware of the problem.

"Since Your Highness also knows the existence of the Shadow of Avalon, you will definitely not be a puppet - I apologize for my previous guess. It was just a joke, please don't take it seriously. If you want to punish me, you should do it before anything else. I will punish you after you settle down."

--I see.

The consultant thought that it turned out that the ambiguous relationship between Aiwass and Her Majesty Isabel was born at this time.

He had always felt that if these two people were both tough, there was no reason why their relationship would become so close. And I had no idea when they started dating, but suddenly it felt like they were getting married.

Now that I think about it, I'm afraid that's just acting - their relationship is actually very tense, but when they act to outsiders they appear very harmonious and intimate.

In fact, they are just a power couple that checks each other.

That "Miss Aleister" was probably not robbing the man, but protecting Aiwass.

That’s right!

"...But from another perspective, I hope you are a doll now."

Aiwass sighed and said bluntly: "I never knew that you could be so tough hidden under your appearance...even..."

"Cold-blooded, right?" Isabel raised her eyebrows, "What are you afraid of? Why don't you dare to say it?"

"...Yes. When we came into contact before, I always thought that 'Princess Isabel' should be a weak girl who is protected by me."

"A joke. If I were so naive, I would probably be dead a long time ago. If you look carefully, you will find that I never eat with strangers - because no one can completely trust me."

The corners of Isabel's mouth raised slightly, revealing a charming but emotionless cold smile: "Why, are you disappointed now?"

She stepped forward and stretched out a finger to lift Aiwass's chin: " you just like weak little girls so much? A real queen cannot touch the devotion of the bishop. ?”

Her voice was slow and slow, like the tone used by Minister Aiwass at the Round Table Hall meeting.

She leaned close to Aiwass' ear and whispered: "Or do you want me to prove it to the bishop...isn't this warm body a doll?"

"...I don't dare."

"I think you are quite brave."

Isabel sneered: "Don't talk about that yet - heal Mr. Hermes' injuries and we are ready to leave."

After hearing this, the consultant was finally able to confirm...that the intelligence from the "secret room" was indeed correct.

During this promotion ceremony, he indeed collected very important secret information that could never be obtained through normal channels.

The real Isabel is indeed very strong, but she is particularly good at disguising. The extraordinary people on the path of beauty are like this. Although there are some who are not good at acting at all, there are also those who are exceptionally good at acting.

But at the same time, there are some problems with the intelligence——

Because they far underestimated Isabel's strength and danger!

A woman who has been disguising herself and pretending to be crazy and stupid since she was sensible. Now when she finally stops pretending and shows her fangs, what kind of crazy behavior will she do?

——The consultant even had a dangerous idea in his mind.

Could it be that Emma's loss of control came from Queen Isabel's deliberate inducement?

She just hopes that Emma will lose control and attack her, thereby defrauding the Theocracy's support!

Think about it, if Emma really wanted to kill Isabel, how could she survive?

Queen Isabel is less than twenty years old, how high can she be as a transcendent? If Emma really wants to take action against Isabel, does she have to choose a time when Ligeia is by her side as a guard?

Just thinking about it made the consultant feel chills all over.

All this is Isabel's conspiracy!

Even in this world line, Star Antimony uses a conspiracy to assassinate Queen Sofia and replace the fake princess to attack Avalon... it may fail.

——Because of the "Shadow of Avalon" ritual!

If their army really arrives at the Glass Island, I am afraid that this ritual will be triggered immediately.

At this moment, Aiwass asked nicely: "We really have to leave. The Balrog is too dangerous... But where are we going?"

"Take me to the Theocracy."

"Leave Avalon? Don't we launch the Shadow of Avalon ritual?" Aiwass asked.

"...It depends on the situation."

Isabel paused.

——Aiwass, does this mean he wants to activate the Shadow of Avalon?

There was a hint of worry in her eyes.

But her tone was strong enough: "If you really need that ceremony - you have to go to the Theocratic State to report it first. Now we are considered victims and can get support and help from Theocratic State. But if the ceremony is launched first, then Not necessarily."

The consultant was shocked - it's true!

The Avalonians are so cunning, this is indeed a trap!

Avalon must be avoided! You must never mess with this crazy woman again!

I’m afraid there will be new traps waiting for us later——

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