Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 482 The Telling Game

Chapter 483 The Telling Game

In the living room of Moriarty Manor, everyone gathered around Master Nobel.

The court alchemist was able to escape smoothly... Some people were happy, while others were wary.

Just like what the previous consultant thought——

The nationality of Master Nobel seems not so friendly at this moment.

After all, he is from Star Antimony. When he left Xing Antimony, it was only because of a conflict with the top brass of the Wang Li Alchemy Association. Today, the former high-level officials have long since passed away, and the current Star Antimony King Alchemy Association also respects Master Nobel very much. He was invited to return to China many times.

After all, Avalon doesn't have much of an academic atmosphere.

It can be said that Nobel is still staying in Avalon today, partly because the little old man is still angry about what happened back then, and the more important reason is because of the several explosive companies and companies he opened in Avalon. Gunpowder companies are very profitable. Today, Nobel is already a top businessman in Avalon.

And if he leaves Avalon and returns to Star Antimony. Then his career in Avalon will inevitably be targeted.

From this point on, he actually couldn't leave. At least in terms of personal wishes, it is normal for Nobel to stay in Avalon - although the lack of academic atmosphere will make promotion difficult, it will not affect his research career much.

After all, the royal family of Avalon was very kind to him.

In the early stages of his research, Queen Sofia provided him with sufficient funds and space. Now he can even enter and leave the Palace of Silver and Tin at any time. He has built more than thirty factories and multiple research institutes in various areas of Avalon. The registration of various experiments can basically be approved after submitting the documents.

"——So it is impossible for me to betray Her Majesty the Queen."

The stranger frowned and argued: "How many alchemists are there in Star Antimony? How many alchemists are there in Avalon? 'Master Nobel' is the well-deserved number one person in Avalon, but if I return to Star What about antimony? Then I am one of countless 'excellent alchemists'. I still know how to choose..."

In fact, under this huge pressure, he was already a little scared.

Especially the white light shining in Ms. Shafiya's eyes, which frightened the stranger even more.

Even though he didn't know much about the authoritarian path, he knew that everyone in the upper ranks of the authoritarian path knew how to detect lies. He could only tell what he believed to be the truth - if he said anything against his will, it would be discovered immediately.

...but this is truly an unforeseen disaster.

The stranger felt aggrieved.

He had seen his introduction plot and knew that Nobel really had nothing to do with this matter. But he couldn't explain it clearly.

After those Star Antimony people came to Avalon, some people did come to see Nobel. He hoped to get him back to Star Antimony, and told him that Valentine VII valued his research very much. But Nobel decisively refused.

But Stranger had no idea that Ms. Shafiya actually knew about this incident—her inspector saw it yesterday and wrote a letter to report it. But now Xing Antimony's behavior is tantamount to declaring war with Avalon, and Nobel actually chased Isabel... so this matter changed instantly.

"Please say this, Master Nobel——"

Shafia's expression was serious: "'I have nothing to do with the assassination of Her Majesty the Queen. I have not revealed any secret information to the Star Antimony people, nor have I helped them in any actions.'"

So the stranger repeated Shafiya's words.

In this way, Shafiya's aura became slightly weaker.

The stranger was so frightened that he broke out in sweat.

He also had some regrets - he wouldn't have come if he had known it.

But looking at it in front of me, it seems that I have passed the test...

However, his appearance seems a little inconsistent with Master Nobel, who is said to have a strong and cold personality.

The stranger couldn't help but speak again, trying to change his image so as not to reveal his secret: "Yes, Xing Antimony is my motherland. I still have deep feelings for Xing Antimony, but..."

"-But you are as loyal to Her Majesty Queen Sofia as I am. Right."

Sherlock's cold voice came from the side, interrupting the stranger's words.

Seeing that Sherlock had regained his energy, Shafiya's eyes suddenly brightened. She paused the previous topic and turned around: "Are you okay, Sherlock?"

"Thank you for your concern, Ms. Shafiya. The bishop's treatment is quite good."

Sherlock nodded reservedly, then turned around and looked at Master Nobel carefully.

"It shouldn't be a big problem," he said, "but just in case... let me come and ask in person."

"Do you need me to follow?"

Shafiya asked friendly.

She obviously has a lot of trust in Sherlock.

After Shylock declined, he took Master Nobel back to Aiwass's bedroom.

A breeze blew from his fingertips, and invisible air waves rolled and spread - the sound-proof barrier simulated by magic unfolded instantly.

The next moment, Sherlock's eyes turned fierce.

Sherlock's leisurely and rational tone suddenly turned sinister: "Mr. Lorrey, our great genius. Your operation went very smoothly. You found Isabel so quickly... but why did you become so passive?" What? Huh? Do you like being passive?

"I heard that you became someone else's blood slave during the last promotion ceremony - are you so passive that you have some evil addiction, so you have to learn how to serve others? What, you want me to pull out your soul and give you a new one? A girl’s body?”


When the stranger heard this familiar voice, he immediately realized the identity of the person in front of him.

His whole body shrank: "I'm sorry, I just..."

"——What are you going to do if I don't come out just now?"

"Sherlock" interrupted the Stranger again.

He narrowed his eyes and spoke sternly: "Honorary Lord Albert Lorey. Answer my words. What do you want to do with the last two sentences you added?"

"...I just feel that I was too weak before. It doesn't fit Master Nobel's character. If everyone reacts after they calm down, they might notice something is wrong. So I want to twist my image back a bit..."

"——It's superfluous."

The consultant interrupted him again with an idiom from the beginning.

He snorted coldly and sneered: "It's like saying something wrong to the opposite sex and trying to make up for it stupidly. However, the more you want to explain at this time, the more irritating it becomes.

"Our great genius really lacks experience in interacting with people."

"……is teacher."

The stranger opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to defend himself.

But thinking of what the consultant had just said, he swallowed back the explanation that came to his lips and nodded honestly to admit his mistake.


The consultant was very satisfied with Moke's performance.

His attitude towards the younger son of the Lorre family is very complicated.

On the one hand, he has uncontrollable jealousy towards his talented student... He feels that Stranger has a chance to reach the fifth level before he is thirty, and even has a chance to touch the legendary sixth level.

But on the other hand, he does care about Stranger very much. The consultant wanted to protect him from the bottom of his heart and guide him seriously... because he really didn't want this qualification to disappear or go astray.

At the same time, he was filled with jealousy and fear in his heart, and hoped that the stranger would always respect him.

"Listen up, great genius," the consultant said seriously, "The Bishop Mathers you met is probably the 'Fox'."


"Because in this world, the relationship between Aiwass and Isabel is not that good. Their relationship has never been announced. They can't even be considered friends, at most they can only be said to be collaborators."

The consultant replied without hesitation: "Only those who are promoted from the outside like us would think that Aiwass and Isabel are lovers. That is the image they have always shown."

"I see... So, do you want to cooperate with him?"

The stranger nodded and said suddenly: "He is a priest - we need a priest, right?"

"You don't need to...have you brought any medicine?"

"Bring it."

"Then you don't need to. The magic potion you brought is enough for treatment. There will probably be no undead souls that need to be dispersed by the priest in this ceremony. If you bring him, it may increase the probability of our exposure."

At this point, the consultant reminded: "Also, let me tell you some information. We will remember it separately and write it down as soon as we leave the promotion ceremony. After that, I will find a way to find 'Olive'. We may soon Separately. If you see Aurora, remember to give her this information."

Giving the same piece of information to multiple people for memory... This is to minimize the impact of memory blur.

The stranger understood the advisor's intention and nodded.

Although the details of these promotion rituals created by the Pillar God will change due to special variables, the details outside of the variables are the same as the real world. It is essentially a special, one-time simulated environment.

Because of this, no matter whether the script of the promotion ceremony is in the past or the future, it can provide some effective reference - it is not necessarily 100% correct. But this information is definitely not available to them through normal channels.

"First of all, the relationship between Aiwass and Isabel is actually very tense. They may indeed be lovers, but they are closer to a power couple in nature, because both of them have strong personalities, which makes it difficult for them to get along, and at the same time Our chance.

"Queen Isabel is indeed good at performing, and she is tough-minded and extremely aggressive. And Aiwass can defect to us. If something happens to Star Antimony, we can try to move the ziggurat to Avalon.

"Also, the Avalon royal family masters a ritual called the 'Shadow of Avalon'. This is why Queen Sofia has always remained silent about the curse, because that is the necessary condition for the ritual to be activated. This ritual can resurrect under special conditions Lancelot I of the sixth level, we need to investigate this ritual. The following are the known conditions of the ritual..."

The consultant carefully forwarded all the information he collected to the stranger.

"Aiwass and Queen Isabel are not in the same group. If the ziggurat is in danger, go directly to Aiwass. We must seriously investigate the Shadow of Avalon ritual..."

The stranger was also listening quietly, his lips moving silently, and he read quickly in a low voice to strengthen the key points he summarized.

The Stranger has his own unique skills in remembering the dream world intelligence - this is how he passed back the experience of Valentine I during his last promotion ceremony. In this regard, he is more skilled than his teacher and advisor.

There are too many intelligence details to remember, so I can only summarize the key points. Remember the key points first, then the details.

And compared to just going through it in your mind or seeing it with your eyes, your memory will be clearer if you "tell it yourself".

——Okay, these three most important things have been remembered!

The stranger was determined.

At least these most important pieces of information, Mo Ke is sure that he will never forget!

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