Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 486 Armed Gargoyle

Chapter 487 Armed Gargoyle

As soon as the stranger opened his eyes, he saw such an impactful scene that he couldn't help but feel weak in his legs.

"...ah, ah..."

His throat rattled and made meaningless sounds.

The pupils constricted and the vision turned black. The stranger fell directly to the ground - not just knocked down by the "flying kick", but because his mind went blank and he was a little dizzy, and his legs went weak and he fell down.

Strangers are not afraid of corpses, let alone dead people.

As a fourth-level disaster splicer, although he has not graduated from school, he has already taken over and pieced together many corpses. Even when he couldn't speak clearly, he had already learned the art of sewing corpses from his sister and father. To him, human corpses can only be called materials, no different from clay and building blocks.

He has a friend who comes from a family of watchmakers. The guy grew up playing with pocket watches, and the Stranger grew up playing with corpses, and it was the same to him.

——However, this was the first time for the stranger to see a living person turned into a corpse.

The extraordinary dynamic vision allows him to see everything. There was still a look of fear and consternation on the old man's face, and his whole body was twisted and broken under the fire and pressure. His body, crushed by the pressure, was like a tomato stuffed with a firecracker. Countless spurts of blood were like countless needles, falling on him as if they were nailed into the bone marrow.

The stranger couldn't even tell whether it was because the blood had penetrating power and impact under the high pressure, or whether the pain he felt was just an illusion.

He himself didn't know what he was afraid of, but he knew that standing in the middle of the street must be very dangerous.

So even though his legs began to feel weak, he couldn't stand up at all. However, his educated brain still urged his body to almost crawl away from the blown corpse.

He had just crawled two steps before he realized that he didn't have the box. So he crawled back again, stood up hunched over the box, and staggered to hide in a nearby residence.

As soon as he knocked on the door, the door opened directly. The other party pulled him in without asking.

That was an old woman.

"Master Nobel!"

She exclaimed, "Are you okay?!"

"...haha, ha...ha...cough cough cough..."

The stranger waved his hands and shook his head, but could not speak.

He was breathing heavily, gasping for air like he was having an asthma attack.

But there was no fresh air rushing into his throat.

——Only the smell of earth, blood and smoke.

They made Stranger's throat feel dry and he couldn't help but want to cough. He coughed until tears came out of the corners of his eyes, like a non-smoker taking a long puff of lit tobacco.

It took him a while before he finally calmed down a bit. He asked in a hoarse voice: "What... happened?"

He was surprised that his voice had become so hoarse, as if it was breaking just by speaking.

The stranger subconsciously touched his throat, but it was wet and sticky within reach. His experience immediately told him that this was the touch of warm human blood.

He looked at his fingers in confusion and found that they were dripping with blood.

The stranger felt that his eyes seemed a little blurry and he couldn't open them. So he subconsciously reached out and wiped his face randomly twice. When he let go, his hands were already covered with blood.

"He was beaten in by a star antimony man with a pig's asshole!"

The old woman screamed with a shrill voice and a hoarse voice like a witch: "There are dead people everywhere, please don't go out!"

...Star Antimony Man?

Stranger gradually sorted out some of the current situation.

Although I don’t know why, I suddenly appeared here as soon as I closed my eyes and opened them again. It's like I've lost my memory for a while...

But looking at the surrounding walls with a rather rural atmosphere, this should be the countryside of Avalon.

Did I escape here alone?

Immediately, another unsolvable doubt arose in the stranger's mind.

——How could Xing Antimony’s army attack a village without an army garrison? Why would alchemy bombs be used directly to attack civilians?

This makes absolutely no sense!

The military manual says that this kind of behavior is not allowed!

Who is directing? !

Anger and confusion rose in his heart, and Stranger clenched his fists subconsciously.


As soon as he spoke, the words got stuck in his throat.

——What would he say?

Comfort the other person that everything will be fine? But the bomb just fell in front of him, and his body and hands were still covered in blood.

Explain to the Star Antimony people that this is abnormal? However, the familiar villagers in the past were shattered into pieces before their eyes.

That they'll all be fine?

...But now I can only exert the third level of combat effectiveness, and I can't even exert the full power of Master Nobel.

Even if he could perform it - what could he do?

But Stranger felt that it was impossible not to say something. The words were stuck in his chest, and he would go crazy if he didn't say them out.

He looked around in fear and confusion, clenching and unclenching his fists. He didn't know what he was going to do or where he was.

But at this moment, the old woman suddenly pulled him down.

Even an alchemist who doesn't strengthen his body very much has a much stronger physique than the old man. However, the stranger was so panicked that he didn't resist at all, so he was pulled to the ground.

The next moment, Stranger held his breath and his mind went blank.

Because something very familiar to him appeared——

It has a ferocious horned face, a skinny body like a monkey, and wings like a bat.

Fluorescent green runes shone above their heads, and their bodies were covered with a metal shell like an iron cage. Inside was flesh and blood that had become cold and dry due to high-speed flight.

It looks like a person's skin has been peeled off and a metal coat is tied around the outside.

Their arms are machine guns bound by iron hoops, and two cloak-like bullet chains are wrapped around their backs.

When they spotted them, they swooped down with a squealing sound like a monkey.

In the dark night, the muzzle of the gun sprayed flames. The old woman's body was torn apart in an instant, like a scarecrow.

"Mom! Damn it...I'll fuck you, damn monster!"

A roaring middle-aged man rushed out of the house.

He held a shotgun in his right hand and pulled the trigger suddenly at the gargoyle.

-But these bullets have no use against them.

The bullet that could hunt a bear only cracked the stone statue with a gap the size of a baby's fist. There was no lag in the gargoyles' movements. They didn't even stop the trigger, just like watering the flowers in the garden, they turned the muzzle at will, and the barrage sprayed out directly tore the man into pieces.

...This is exactly the operational details set by Moke.

Gargoyles have very low intelligence, so they are unable to master complex weapon operation skills, and the use of firearms is naturally not one of them.

But if it's just a command like "pull the trigger", it can be done.

Aiming is too difficult for them. If the enemy is detected and fires again, the bullet will not be fired due to delayed reaction. So after six versions of testing, Moke chose the new idea of ​​"not letting go of the trigger".

As long as the Gargoyles enter combat and there are no targets in front of them that need protection, they will not release their triggers. Even if the muzzle is turned, the shooting state will continue. The barrage splashed out can easily weave into a large net, tearing apart anyone who wants to escape, and these firepower are fatal to unarmored units.

...and tear apart anyone who tries to escape.

Stranger's mind flashed to the scene where he proudly explained his new ideas, and his excited voice still rang in his ears.

The severe nausea made his abdomen cramp.

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