Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 488 I don’t know pain

Chapter 489 I don’t know pain

Isabel's eyelashes trembled slightly.

She hummed softly and slowly woke up from the slight shaking.

...what just happened?

The memory of the last second still remains when talking to Aiwass.

Then she vaguely felt the whole world vibrate and wrinkle. It was like a sudden shaking earthquake shattering everything, or like a fragile and thin cardboard box being washed away by a flood. She vaguely heard the terrible roar of the hurricane, as if she was on the battlefield, listening to the earth-shattering roar.

She shuddered and felt great fear. It was as if the house she lived in was about to be destroyed by a tornado. The sense of crisis made her feel like she was about to wake up the next moment, but she heard another sigh.

A voice as dry and hoarse as sand grinding the throat sounded: "Go on to sleep."

So she fell into deep sleep again.

When I woke up again, those remaining things were like a dream, hazy and elusive.

...but she was already in a dream.

Can the person in the dream still dream?

Isabel fell into a brief confusion.

"Your Highness Isabel."

It seemed that I heard a sound, Shafiya's voice came from outside the house.

So Isabel immediately woke up and her expression returned to calm.

She tried to lift the quilt and get up. Only then did he finally realize that it was not him who felt dizzy, but the "house" itself that was shaking.

——This is a boat.

Although she had never been on a boat, she still instinctively realized what it was.

Why was he with Aiwass just a moment ago, and then on the ship the next moment?

...Is it a memory that I lost for a while?

An idea came to Isabel's mind, and she raised her head and looked at Shafiya with somewhat melancholy eyes.

"Did you have trouble sleeping, Your Highness?"

Shafiya said softly: "Would you like to go outside and enjoy the sea breeze?"

"I just...thought of Aiwass."

Isabel shook her head slightly, crying.

This is of course also a performance.

—— Compared to waking up, I felt drowsy from sleep, so I felt "confused" and "confused".

Feeling suddenly melancholy and sad at night seems relatively reasonable. Not to mention, now Isabel can barely be regarded as a subjugated princess, so it is normal for her to be unable to sleep and think wildly.

Sure enough, Shafiya had no suspicion that anything was wrong with Isabel.

She comforted: "There will be nothing wrong with Aiwass. Isn't Sherlock with him?"

"But, after being away for so long..."

Isabel's voice was full of emotion, and tears suddenly appeared in the corners of her eyes: "I want to see him! I want to—"

Seeing that this princess, who was usually very autistic, now showed such strong emotions and rarely became willful, Shafiya just smiled bitterly, but felt a touch of joy in her heart.

This was the first time she had seen Isabel have such clear likes and dislikes.

Before this, Isabel never made her attitude clear. Ask her if she's okay, and she'll just nod lightly and won't comment much. No matter what is given, he will accept it, and no matter what he is fed, he will eat it.

She never said no, but she never looked happy.

Meg has a strong and free-spirited personality, and is naturally optimistic. She has never cared much about children's emotional problems and cannot understand them at all; George does not understand the thoughts of girls at all. To him, princesses and princes are both There is no difference.

But as a half-elf, Shafiya can empathize with Isabel. I feel sorry for this most vulnerable little princess.

As a half-elf, Shafiya Morgan's bloodline is quite pure.

Generally, the blood of half-elves is one-half, one-quarter or even less...but her blood is at least 80%. Because almost every generation of her ancestors would choose elves as their partners.

They worshiped their ancestor Morgan so much that they didn't even change their surname.

According to the tradition of Avalon, after their ancestors became apostles, their descendants often changed their surnames. Through this ceremony, it is used to express that one has no intention of holding on to the glory of the ancestors and will survive on one's own strength in the future, and will never cause trouble to the ancestors or ask for help from the ancestors when encountering trouble - like the star antimony The idea of ​​"always remembering and inheriting the glory of our ancestors" is completely opposite.

The Morgan family is an exception.

Or maybe it's because she didn't become a knight of the Silver Crown Dragon, but became a fairy on the path of love and chose to follow Ying Tiansi. Her descendants did not keep the surname - they inherited the name Morgan generously. Trying to use this method to purify the bloodline and restore the long lifespan and powerful talents of the elves.

In this case, Shafiya has received a very strict education since she was a child. Not only must he learn the language of Avalon, he must also learn the language, common sense and understanding of the Theocracy, as if he were not a human but a pure-blooded elf born in Avalon.

The elders in the family live long lives, and even my great-grandfather is still alive and well. They have high expectations for Shafiya... because she has a beautiful face, elegant temperament, and very obvious elven features. She also knows all the elven etiquette, and her accent is the same as that of the elves in the Theocracy.

Even the elves of the Theocracy couldn't tell whether she was a human or not. If she gave birth to an offspring with an elf again, she would be considered an elf.

Shafiya was once like a doll, obeying her family's education and her family's orders.

Delicate, cold and silent - silent, like a caged bird.

This is somewhat similar to Isabelle, but different. She is not like Isabel, suppressed by the shadow of death and thus blocking her soul. It was because she had seen everything clearly at a young age and knew that there was no possibility of her resisting, so she might as well just accept the reality.

If you don't resist, you won't feel the pain.

If you obey orders from the bottom of your heart, there will be no unhappiness; if you are dissatisfied and try your best to change the the time everything is settled, you will have missed the original vision. Just like the toys you wanted when you were a child, you no longer like them when you grow up. Is there any point in waiting until you make money to buy toys later?

Apparently, no.

So Shafiya chose another path.

"I don't like that anymore," she told herself. If you can't change reality, then change yourself.

She kept repeating this, constantly rewriting her mind. Because of this, she reached the fourth level at a young age and came into contact with the fifth level of the authoritarian path... and thus stood beside Queen Sophia, who had just ascended the throne.

“Domestic animals were not domesticated because they were stupid, but because they were so smart.”

The young queen's seemingly unintentional words deeply hurt her heart.

——In the end, she chose rebellion.

She married an ordinary human being.

That was his subordinate, an arbitrator in his thirties.

The other party did not have any special talents, nor did he have the apostolic blood of the founding family. Not even the elf that I yearn for. Just because the other person loves him from the bottom of his heart and wholeheartedly - not because he loves the name "Morgan", let alone the blood of elves, but because he only loves himself.

"——From now on, I will no longer be Morgan!"

After fending off an assassin invited by her family for her husband for the third time, Shafiya angrily severed ties with the Morgan family.

Now, she looked at Isabel. It's like looking at your past self.

The depressed, silent, painless Isabel is just like Shafiya in her childhood;

And now Isabel is fully awakened and has her own will, likes and dislikes...

It's like Shafiya who has learned her fate and rebelled against the fate of her bloodline.

The former queen taught her this experience.

And now she wants to return it to her granddaughter.

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